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- abnormal detachment of Primitive Foregut in the
THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Hilum/Middle Mediastinum.
- Exchange gases between inspired air & blood. o Bronchogenic Cyst = rarely connected to
- outgrowth from the Foregut Ventral Wall. the Tracheobroncial Tree; lined by
- Trachea develops 2 Lung Buds. Ciliated Pseudostratified Columnar
o Right Lung Bud = 3 Lobar Bronchi Epithelium with Squamous metaplasia in
o Left Lung Bud = 2 Lobar Bronchi areas of Inflammation; SURGICAL
- Right Main Stem Bronchus is more vertical & RESECTION is curative.
directly in line with Trachea ! more susceptible o Esophageal Cyst
to aspirated foreign materials o Enteric Cyst
- Double Arterial Supply (Pulmonary & Bronchial
- Bronchioles = progressive Bronchial branching; - presence of a discrete Lung tissue mass without
lacks cartilage & submucosal glands. normal connection to the airway system.
- Terminal Bronchioles = further branching of - Blood supply arises from the Aorta or its
Bronchioles; < 2mm branches.
- Acinus = part of Lung distal to the Terminal o Extralobar Sequestrations = external;
Bronchiole; 7mm, spherical; composed of located in the Thorax/Mediastinum;
Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, & infants; r/t congenital anomalies
Alveolar Sacs ! Alveoli = site of gas exchange o Intralobar Sequestrations = internal;
- Pulmonary Lobule = 3-5 Terminal Bronchioles older children; r/t recurrent localized
important in distinguishing major forms of infection/bronchiectasis
- Lined by Pseudostratified, Tall, Columnar Other Developmental Defects
Ciliated Epithelial Cells (except the Vocal Cords a. Tracheal & Bronchial Anomalies (Atresia, Stenosis,
= Stratified Squamous). Tracheoesophageal Fistula)
- Mucosa has Neuroendocrine Cells secreting b. Vascular Anomalies
Serotonin, Calcitonin, & Gastrin-Releasing c. Congenital Lobar Overinflation (Emphysema)
Peptide (Bombesin). d. Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation
- Goblet Cells & Submucosal Glands @ Trachea &
Bronchi. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pores of Kohn = perforates the Alveolar Walls; -----------------------------------
permit bacterial & exudate passage between ATELECTASIS (COLLAPSE)
adjacent Alveoli. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Microscopic Components of the Alveolar Wall/Septa
Capillary Endothelium - incomplete expansion of the Lungs (Neonatal
Basement Membrane & Surrounding Interstitial Atelectasis) or collapse of previously inflated
Tissue = fused in thin portions; separated by the Lungs (Acquired Atelectasis).
Pulmonary Interstitium in thick portions. - Produces areas of airless Pulmonary Parenchyma.
Alveolar Epithelium - Reduces Oxygenation & predisposes to Infection.
o Type I Pneumocytes = flattened & plate- - Collapsed Lung Parenchyma can be re-expanded
like; 95% ! REVERSIBLE (except Contraction Atelectasis)
o Type II Pneumocytes = rounded;
synthesizes Surfactant in Osmiophilic RESORPTION (OBSTRUCTION) ATELECTASIS
Lamellar Bodies; involved in Alveolar - r/t complete airway obstruction ! resorption of
Epithelial repair via giving rise to Type I O2 trapped in dependent Alveoli without Blood
Cells. Flow impairment.
Alveolar Macrophages - Diminished Lung Volume ! Mediastinum shifts
TOWARD the Atelectatic Lung
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Caused by excessive secretions/exudates within
----------------------------------- smaller Bronchi.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPRESSION ATELECTASIS
----------------------------------- - Pleural Cavity is partially/completely filled by
Fluid Exudate, Tumor, Blood, or Air.
PULMONARY HYPOPLASIA/AGENESIS - Tension Pneumothorax = air pressure impinges
- defective development of both Lungs ! on & threatens Lung & Mediastinum function.
decreased weight, volume, & Acini - Mediastinum shifts AWAY from the affected Lung.
disproportional to body weight & gestational age.
- r/t Lung compression or impeded Lung expansion CONTRACTION ATELECTASIS
in utero (e.g. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, - local/generalized Fibrotic changes in the Lung/
Oligohydramnios). Pleura prevent full expansion.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2 Barriers of the Alveolar Capillary Membrane
----------------------------------- (Microvascular Endothelium & Alveolar
PULMONARY EDEMA Epithelium) is compromised in ARDS.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- o High levels of Endothelial Injury &
----------------------------------- Activation Markers
o Swelling, Vacuolization, Bleb Formation,
- increased Hydrostatic Pressure (Left-Sided - Increased Vascular Permeability, Alveolar
Congestive Heart Failure) Flooding, Loss of Diffusion Capacity, Surfactant
- Heavy, wet Lungs; Dependent Edema = fluid Abnormalities
accumulates @ Basal Regions of Lower Lobes - Microthrombi formation ! Ischemic Injury
(greater Hydrostatic Pressure) - Hyaline Membranes r/t inspissation of CHON-rich
- Engorged Alveolar Capillaries; Intra-Alveolar Pink Edema Fluid entrapping debris of dead Alveolar
Precipitate Epithelial Cells.
- Heart Failure Cells = Hemosiderin-Laden - 30 minutes after insult ! increased IL-8 synthesis
Macrophages by Pulmonary Macrophages; IL-1 & TNF !
- Brown Induration = Firm, Brown, Soggy Lungs r/t Endothelial Activation ! Pulmonary Microvascular
fibrosis & thickening of Alveolar Walls Sequestration & Neutrophil Activation (impt.
EDEMA CAUSED BY MICROVASCULAR INJURY o Neutrophils become stiff & less
- injury to the Alveolar Septa Capillaries. deformable ! trapped in narrow
- Hydrostatic Pressure not elevated; Edema results capillary beds ! release products
from primary injury to Vascular Endothelium or damaging the Alveolar Epithelium !
damage to Alveolar Epithelial Cells. Inflammatory Cascade
o Fluid & CHON leak @ Interstitial Spaces ! - Dysregulation of Coagulation System
Alveoli - Resolution requires Exudate resorption, removal
of Dead Cells, & replacement by new
----------------------------------------------------------------------- endothelium & alveolar epithelial cells.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Profound Dyspnea & Tachypnea ! Increasing
----------------------------------- Cyanosis & Hypoxemia, Respiratory Failure,
Diffuse Bilateral Infiltrates
ACUTE LUNG INJURY (ALI; NON-CARDIOGENIC o Hypoxemia becomes unresponsive to O2
PULMONARY EDEMA) Therapy due to Ventilation Perfusion
- abrupt onset of Hypoxemia & Diffuse Pulmonary mismatching ! R. Acidosis
Infiltrates in the absence of Cardiac Failure; - Loss of Functional Surfactant ! Lungs become
assoc. with underlying etiology (Sepsis). Stiff
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) = - Exudate & Diffuse Tissue Destruction does not
severe form; Lung injury is r/t imbalance of Pro- resolve ! Scarring
Inflammatory & Anti-Inflammatory mediators. - Lungs are divided into Infiltrated, Consolidated,
o Nuclear Factor (NF) B shifts the balance or Collapsed Areas with areas of normal
in favor of Pro-Inflammatory states. compliance & ventilation ! V/P Mismatch &
- Acute Interstitial Pneumonia (AIP; Idiopathic Hypoxemia
o widespread ALI with a rapid progressive -----------------------------------------------------------------------
cause & absence of etiologic association. -----------------------------------
o 50 years old with no sex predilection OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY (AIRWAY) DISEASES
o URTI following an illness < 3 weeks -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Inflammation-associated increase in Pulmonary -----------------------------------
Vascular Permeability & Epithelial & Endothelial
Cell Death - Chronic Non-Infectious Diffuse Pulmonary
Morphology - increased resistance to airflow r/t partial/total
- Acute Stage = Heavy, Firm, Red, & Boggy Lungs; obstruction.
congestion, interstitial & inter-alveolar Edema, - Forced Expiration = Decreased Maximal Airflow
Inflammation, Fibrin Deposition Rate
- Waxy Hyaline Membranes lining the Alveolar Walls o Measured by Forced Expiratory Volume at
- Type II Pneumocyte proliferation & Granulation 1 second
Tissue response - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Fibrotic Thickening of Alveolar Septa o Emphysema (Acinar Level damage)
- Superimposed Bronchopneumonia o Chronic Bronchitis (Bronchial Level
o r/t long-term heavy smoking
- mild chronic inflammation throughout the
airways, parenchyma, & pulmonary vasculature
o increased Macrophages, CD8+ & CD4+ T-
Lymphocytes, & Neutrophils ! activation
Age (years) 40-45 50-75 ! mediators ! Lung Damage
- Protease-Antiprotease Imbalance Hypothesis =
Dyspnea Mild/Late Severe/Early genetic deficiency of Antiprotease 1-Antitrypsin
Cough Early; Copious Late; Scanty compounded with smoking
Sputum Sputum o 1-Antitrypsin is encoded by Proteinase
Inhibitor (Pi) locus on chromosome 14,
Infections Common Occasional normally at the M Allele.
o Z Allele is associated with decreased 1-
Respiratory Repeated Terminal Antitrypsin levels.
- Postules of Sx Panacinar Emphysema sequence
Cor Pulmonale Common Rare/Terminal (HIGH PROTEASE ACTIVITY):
o Neutrophils normally sequestered in
Airway Resistance " Normal/Slightly " peripheral capillaries ! gains access to
alveolar spaces
Elastic Recoil Normal Low o Stimulus increasing WBCs or release of
Chest Prominent Vessels Hyperinflation Proteases ! Proteolytic activity
Radiograph Large Heart Small Heart increased
o Low 1-Antitrypsin serym ! Elastic Tissue
Appearance BLUE BLOATER PINK PUFFER destruction is unchecked ! Emphysema
- Effects of Cigarette Smoking in developing
EMPHYSEMA o Neutrophil & Macrophage accumulate in
- irreversible enlargement of airspaces distal to the the Alveoli r/t direct chemoattractant
Terminal Bronchioles with destruction of walls & effect of Nicotine & ROS effects
without obvious fibrosis. o Cellular Protease release ! Tissue
- Rx Fx = Heavy Cigarette Smoking, Women, African Damage
Americans o Enhanced Macrophage Elastase & Matrix
- Classified according to anatomic distribution Metalloproteinase activity
o Centriacinar (Centrilobular) Emphysema - Oxidant-Antioxidant Imbalance = ROS in smoke
Central/proximal acini are affected depletes antioxidant mechanisms ! inactivation
Distal alveoli are spared of native antiproteases ! Functional 1-
Emphysematous & normal airspaces Antitrypsin Deficiency
exist within the same acinus & - loss of alveolar wall elastic tissue ! reduced
lobule. radical traction ! respiratory bronchiolar
Lesions more common & severe in collapse during expiration ! Functional Airflow
upper lobes (Apical Segments) with Obstruction
black pigments - inflammation of Small Airways (Bronchioles
Bronchial & Bronchiolar Inflammation <2mm)
Heavy Smokers, Chronic Bronchitis o Goblet Cell Metaplasia with Mucus
o Panacinar (Panlobular) Emphysema Plugging
Uniformly enlarged Acini (Respiratory o Inflammatory Infiltration
Bronchiole to Terminal Blind Alveoli) o Bronchial Wall Thickening r/t Smooth
Common in Lower Zones & anterior Muscle Hypertrophy & Peribronchial
Lung margins (most severe at Bases) Fibrosis
1-Antitrypsin (1-AT) Deficiency - Maladaptive, Self-Perpetuating Immune Response
o Distal Acinar (Paraseptal) Emphysema o Pathogenic CD4+ TH17
Involves the Distal Acinus
Normal Proximal Acinus Morphology
Multiple, continuous, enlarged - Voluminous Lungs, generally the upper 2/3 are
airspaces (<0.5cm to >2cm) ! Cyst- severely affected.
like structures - Large Apical Blebs/Bullae
o Irregular Emphysema - Abnormally large Alveoli separated by thin Septa
aka Airspace Enlargement with with Focal Centriacinar Fibrosis
Fibrosis - Large Pores of Kohn ! Septa appears floating/
invariably associated with scarring. protruding blindly into alveolar spaces with a
Most common form Club-Shaped End
Asymptomatic & clinically
insignificant Clinical Course
- does not appear until at least 1/3 of the
Pathogenesis functioning Pulmonary Parenchyma is damaged.
- Dyspnea = 1st Sx (insidious & progressive)
- Cough & Wheezing, Weight Loss o Atypical Metaplasia & Dysplasia of
- Barrel-Chest with prolonged expiration; sits Respiratory Epithelium ! Cancerous
forward in a hunched-over position; pursed-lip Transformation
- Expiratory Airflow Limitation = key to Dx Pathogenesis
- Severe Emphysema = slight cough, severe - r/t long-standing irritation by inhaled smokers
overdistention, low diffusion capacity, normal (e.g. tobacco, dust)
blood gas values at rest ! overventilation & - Earliest Features:
remain well oxygenated ! PINK PUFFERS o Hypersecretion of Mucus in Large Airways
- Cor Pulmonale & Congestive Heart Failure = Poor (c/o Proteases)
Prognosis!! o Hypertrophy of Submucosal Glands in
- Death is due to: Trachea & Bronchi (protective
o Respiratory Acidosis & Coma metaplastic reaction)
o Right-Sided Heart Failure - Marked increase in Goblet Cells (Bronchi &
o Massive Lung Collapse r/t Pneumothorax Bronchioles) ! excessive mucus production !
- Tx = Bronchodilators, Steroids, Bullectomy, Lung airway obstruction
Volume Reduction Surgery, & Lung Transplantation - Alterations in small airways (<2-3mm) ! impt &
early manifestations
Compensatory Hyperinflation (Emphysema) - Infection = 2 role; produces acute exacerbations
- dilation of Alveoli without destruction of septal o Cigarette Smoking intergeres with Ciliary
walls in response to loss of Lung substance action, causing direct damage to airway
elsewhere (e.g. Hyperexpansion of residual Lung epithelium, & inhibits bacterial clearance
Parenchyma after surgical removal of diseased by bronchial & alveolar WBCs.
Obstructive Overinflation - Hyperemia, swelling & edema of mucous
- Lung expansion r/t trapped air (subtotal membranes with excessive mucinous/
obstruction by tumor/foreign object) mucopurulent secretions.
- Congenital Lobar Overinflation = r/t hypoplasia o Major change is HYPERPLASIA OF MUCOUS
of Bronchial Cartilage & congenital cardiac & lung GLANDS
abnormalities - Reid Index = ratio of Mucous Gland layer
- Ball-Valve action of obstructive agent ! air thickness to the thickness of the wall between
enters on inspiration but cannot leave on the epithelium & cartilage.
expiration o N = 0.4; increased in Chronic Bronchitis
- Total Bronchial obstruction with air brought by - Bronchial Epithelium = Squamous Metaplasia &
collateral ventilation Dysplasia
o Pores of Kohn - Marked narrowing of Bronchioles r/t mucus
o Canals of Lambert (Accessory plugging, inflammation, & fibrosis
Bronchioalveolar Connections) - Bronchiolitis Obliterans = obliteration of lumen

Bullous Emphysema Clinical Features

- large Subpleural Blebs/Bullae (spaces > 1cm) - Cardinal Sx = PERSISTENT COUGH with SPUTUM
- localized accentuations of Emphysema PRODUCTION
o near the Apex - Dyspnea on exertion
o r/t Old Tuberculous Scarring - BLUE BLOATERS = Hypercapnea, Hypoxemia, &
- rupture ! Pneumothorax Mild Cyanosis
- Severe = Cor Pulmonale with Cardiac Failure
Interstitial Emphysema - Death r/t impaired respiratory function r/t
- entrance of air into the CT Stroma of the Lungs, superimposed acute infxn
Mediastinum, or SC Tissue r/t Alveolar Tears
o chest wounds ASTHMA
o fractured rib puncturing the Lung - chronic airway inflammatory disorder causing
o coughing with bronchiolar obstruction ! recurrent episodes of Wheezing, Chest Tightness,
sharply increased pressures Breathlessness, & Cough
o either Night or Early Morning
CHRONIC BRONCHITIS o reversible widespread but variable
- persistent cough with sputum production at least Bronchoconstriction & Airflow Limitation
3 months in 2 consecutive years, without other - Hallmarks:
identifiable cause. o Increased Airway Responsiveness to
- Persistence may lead to: Stimuli ! Episodic Bronchoconstriction
o COPD o Bronchial Wall Inflammation
o Cor Pulmonale & Heart Failure o Increased Mucus Secretion
- Status Asthmaticus = state of unremitting attacks o Leukotrienes C4, D4, & E4 =
in long-term asthma with asymptomatic periods bronchoconstriction, increased vascular
in between. permeability, & increased mucus
Atopic Asthma o Acetylcholine = airway smooth muscle
- most common type constriction by direct muscarinic receptor
- Type 1 IgE-Mediated Hypersensitivity Reaction stimulation
- Begins in childhood & triggered by environmental o Histamine = bronchoconstriction
allergens o Prostaglandin D = bronchoconstriction &
- (+) Family History vasodilation
- skin test results in an immediate Wheal-and-Flare o Platelet-Activating Fx (PAF) = Platelet
reaction Aggregation & release of Histamine &
- Dx = Allergen Sensitization by Serum Serotonin
Radioallergosorbent Tests (RAST) ! identifies o IL-1, TNF, IL-6, Eotaxin, Neuropeptides,
specific IgE NO, Bradykinin, & Endothelins
- Airway Remodeling = structural changes in the
Non-Atopic Asthma bronchial wall r/t repeated bouts of allergen
- no evidence of allergen sensitization; (-) Skin Test exposure & immune reactions.
- r/t Respiratory Infections by Viruses o Overall Airway Wall Thickening
o hyperirritability of the Bronchial Tree o Hypertrophy & Hyperplasia of Bronchial
o inflammation lowers the threshold of the Smooth Muscle
subepithelial vagal receptors to irritants. o Epithelial Injury
o Increased Airway Vascularity
Drug-Induced Asthma o Increased Subepithelial Mucus Gland
- sensitivity to pharmacologic agents Hypertrophy/Hyperplasia
- Aspirin-Sensitive Asthma = sensitivity to small o Subepithelial Collagen Deposition !
doses of Aspirin & other NSAIDs ! asthmatic Fibrosis
attacks & urticarial - Hygiene Hypothesis = eradication of infections
o Inhibition of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism may promote allergic & other harmful immune
Cyclooxygenase Pathway without responses
affecting the Lipoxygenase route !
Bronchoconstrictor Leukotriene Genetics of Asthma
elaboration - Chromosome 5q near the Gene Cluster encoding
the Cytokines IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-9, & IL-13 & IL-14
Occupational Asthma receptor.
- c/o fumes, organic & chemical dusts, gases, & o Connection between several of the genes
other chemicals present & mechanisms of IgE regulation
- Type I Reactions, Bronchoconstrictor liberation, & o Mast Cell & Eosinophil Growth &
hypersensitivity Differentiation
o CD14 = TT Genotype is assoc. with
Pathogenesis reduced IgE levels & risk of Asthma &
- genetic predisposition to Type I Hypersensitivity Atopy ! TH2 Type of Endotoxin Level !
(Atopy) & exposure to environmental triggers more brisk IgE production ! Allergy
o development of strong TH2 Reactions - Class II HLA Alleles
against Allergens ! Cytokine secretion ! - ADAM-33 Polymorphisms accelerate proliferation
Allergic Inflammation & IgE production by of Bronchial Smooth Muscle Cells & Fibroblasts !
B Cells Bronchial Hyperreactivity & Subepithelial Fibrosis
o IL-4 = stimulates IgE production ! declining Lung Function
o IL-5 = activates local Eosinophils - 2-Adrenergic Receptor Gene & IL-4 Receptor
o IL-13 = stimulates mucus secretion & Gene
promotes IgE production by B Cells - Chitinase = cleaves Chitin (in Parasites & Fungal
- Early-Phase (Immediate Hypersensitivity) Cell Walls)
o Bronchoconstriction, increased mucus Morphology
production, & vasodilation with increased - Status Asthmaticus = overinflation with small
vascular permeability Atelectasis ! overdistention of Lungs ! death
- Late-Phase Reaction = inflammation with WBC - Occlusion of Bronchi & Bronchioles by Thick,
recruitment Tenacious Mucus Plugs
o Eosinophils, Neutrophils, T Cells - Curschmann Spirals = spiral-shaped mucus plugs
o Eotaxin = chemoattractant & activator of resulting from mucus plugging in subepithelial
Eosinophils ! Major Basic CHON of mucous gland ducts later extruded or bronchiolar
Eosinophils cause epithelial damage ! plugs.
airway constriction - Charcot-Leyden Crystals = collections of
- Mediators implicated in the asthmatic response crystalloid made up of Eosinophil
include: Lysophospholipase Binding CHON (Galectin-10)
Clinical Course - Paroxysmal Cough when rising in the morning
- Chest Tightness, Dyspnea, Wheezing, & Cough (position changes lead to drainage of Pus &
(with/without Sputum Production) secretion collections)
- Increased airflow obstruction, difficulty with - Cx = Cor Pulmonale, Brain Abscess, Amyloidosis
exhalation, & elevated eosinophil count - Tx = Antibiotics, Physical Therapy
- Eosinophils, Curschmann Spirals, & Charcot-
Leyden Crystals in Sputum (Atopic Asthma) -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- permanent dilation of Bronchi & Bronchioles r/t -----------------------------------------------------------------------
destruction of Muscle & Elastic Tissue assoc. with -----------------------------------
Chronic Necrotizing Infections.
- Congenital/Hereditary Conditions - inflammation & fibrosis of the Pulmonary CT
o Cystic Fibrosis (Peripheral & Delicate Interstitium of the Alveolar
o Intralobar Sequestration of Lung Walls)
o Immunodeficiency States - dyspnea, tachypnea, end-inspiratory crackles, &
o Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia cyanosis without wheezing or airway obstruction
o Kartagener Syndrome - reduced CO diffusing capacity, Lung Volume, &
- Post-Infectious Conditions Compliance
- Bronchial Obstruction - Chest Radiograph = Bilateral Infiltrative Lesions
- Other Conditions (RA, SLE, IBD, Post- (Small Nodules, Irregular Lines, or GROUND GLASS
Transplantation) SHADOWS) ! Infiltrative
- Cx = 2 Pulmonary Hypertension, RSHF, Cor
Etiology & Pathogenesis Pulmonale
- Obstruction & Infection ! Full-Fledged Lesions - End-Stage Lung/Honeycomb Lung = advanced
- Impaired Normal Clearing Mechanisms ! pooling form resulting from scarring & gross destruction
of secretions distal to the obstruction ! Airway
inflammation with necrosis, fibrosis, & airway Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Cystic Fibrosis = Ion Transport defect ! Non-Specific Interstitial
defective mucociliary action ! accumulation of FIBROSING Pneumonia
thick viscid secretions ! obstruction ! bacterial DISEASES
Cryptogenic Organizing
infections ! airway damage ! Bronchiolitis
- Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia = AR; poorly Associated CT Diseases
functioning cilia ! secretion retention &
recurrent infection Pneumoconiosis
- Kartagener Syndrome = Bronchiectasis, Sinusitis,
Drug Reactions
& Situs Inversus or Partial Lateralizing
Abnormality Radiation Pneumonitis
- Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis =
hypersensitivity to Aspergillus Fumigatus; high GRANULOMATOUS Sarcoidosis
IgE levels, antibodies to Aspergillus, intense DISEASES
Hypersensitivity Pneumonia
airway inflammation, & mucus plug formation
o IL-10 & Neutrophil-mediated EOSINOPHILIC DISEASE
o Periods of exacerbation & remission SMOKING-RELATED Desquamative Interstitial
DISEASES Pneumonia
Respiratory Bronchiolitis-
- usually affects the Lower Lobes bilaterally
Associated Interstitial Lung
- airway dilation (up to 4x normal) Disease
- intense acute & chronic inflammatory exudation
within the bronchial & bronchiolar walls with PULMONARY ALVEOLAR PROTEINOSIS
desquamation of lining epithelium & extensive
areas of necrotizing ulceration.
- Pseudostratification of Columnar Cells or IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS (IPF)
- aka Cryptogenic Fibrosing Alveolitis
Squamous Cell Metaplasia
- Lung Abscess formation & Fibrosis - histologic pattern = Usual Interstitial Pneumonia
- Mixed flora can be cultured (UIP)
- Repeated Cycles of Epithelial Activation/Injury by
unidentified agent.
Clinical Course
o Inflammation & induction of TH2 Type Cell
- severe persistent cough, expectoration of foul-
smelling & sometimes bloody sputum, dyspnea,
o Exuberant fibroblastic/myofibroblastic
orthopnea, & life-threatening Hemoptysis
proliferation ! FIBROBLASTIC FOCI
o TGF-1 = fibrogenic & is released from
injured Type 1 Alveolar Epithelial Cells;
favors transformation of Fibroblasts into
Myofibroblasts & deposition of Collagen & PNEUMOCONIOSES
ECMs; negatively regulates Telomerase - Non-Neoplastic Lung rxn to inhalation of mineral
activity ! Epithelial Cell Apoptosis & dusts in workplaces
Death-Repair Cycle - Includes diseases induced by organic & inorganic
o Decreased Caveolin-1 (inhibits pulmonary particulates, chemical fumes, & vapors
fibrosis by limiting TGF-1) o Specific airborne agents & air pollution

Morphology Pathogenesis
- COBBLESTONED PLEURAL SURFACE - Amount of Dust retained in the Lung & Airways
- Fibrosis (Firm, Rubbery White Areas) of the Lung o Dust concentration in the air, duration of
Parenchyma exposure, & effectiveness of clearance
o Lower lobe predominance with istribution mechanisms
in the Subpleural Regions & Interlobular o Accumulation is due to disrupted integrity
Septa of Mucociliary Apparatus
- Hallmark = PATCHY INTERSTITIAL FIBROSIS o protection by phagocytes are
- Earliest Lesion = Fibroblastic Foci overwhelmed
- Honeycomb Fibrosis = cystic spaces lined by - Size, Shape, & Buoyancy of Particles
Hyperplastic Type II Alveolar Pneumocytes/ o 1-5 m = most dangerous; reaches the
Bronchiolar Epithelium terminal small airways & air sacs
- Particle Solubility, Cytotoxicity, & Physiochemical
Clinical Course Reactivity
- insidious; gradually increasing Dyspnea on o The smaller the particles, the soluble it is
Exertion & Dry Cough in Pulmonary Fluids & reach toxic levels
- 40-70 years old rapidly ! Acute Lung Injury
- Hypoxemia, Cyanosis, Clubbing o Large particles resist dissolution & persist
- Gradual deterioration of pulmonary status in the parenchyma for years.
- Tx = LUNG TRANSPLANT ONLY - Additional Effects of other irritants
- Genetic predisposition
- better prognosis than UIP (46-55 y.o) Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (CWP)
- Cellular Pattern = mild to moderate chronic - Silica in Coal Dust ! progressive disease; Carbon
interstitial inflammation with lymphocytes & few Dust ! complicated lesions
plasma cells - Asymptomatic Anthracosis
- Fibrosing Pattern = diffuse or patchy interstitial o Most innocuous coal-induced pulmonary
fibrosing without temporal heterogeneity; no lesion
Fibroblastic Foci & Honeycombing o Inhaled Carbon ! Alveolar/Interstitial
- Dyspnea & Cough Macrophages ! Lymphatic CT
- Simple CWP with little or no Pulmonary
- synonymus with Bronchiolitis Obliterans o COAL MACULES (1-2 mm) & COAL
Organizing Pneumonia NODULES
- Cough & Dyspnea with Subpleural/Peribronchial o Upper lobes & upper zones of lower lobes
Patchy Areas of Airspace Consolidation are more heavily involved.
- Polypoid Plugs of Loose Organizing CT (Masson o Centrilobular Emphysema = occurs when
Bodies) within Alveolar Ducts, Alveoli, & there is dilation of adjacent Alveoli
Bronchioles - Complicated CWP (Progressive Massive Fibrosis/
- Self-Limiting; Tx= Oral Steroids for 6 months or PMF)
longer o Characterized by intensely blackened
multiple scars 2-10 cm consisting of dense
PULMONARY INVOLVEMENT IN CONNECTIVE TISSUE collagen & pigment with a necrotic
DISEASES center r/t local ischemia
- Rheumatoid Arthritis = 30-40%; Chronic Pleuritis - Benign disease with little decrement in Lung
with/without Effusion, Diffuse Interstitial function
Pneumonitis & Fibrosis, Intrapulmonary - 10% = increased Pulmonary Dysfunction,
Rheumatoid Nodules, or Pulmonary Hypertension Pulmonary Hypertension, & Cor Pulmonale
- Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma) = diffuse - no susceptibility to Tuberculosis or Cancer
interstitial fibrosis - increased incidence of Chronic Bronchitis &
- Lupus Erythematosus = patchy, transient, Emphysema
parenchymal infiltrates, severe Lupus
- Dermatomyositis-Polymyositis & Mixed CT
Silicosis o Potentially toxic chemicals adsorbed into
- caused by inhalation of Crystalline Silicon Dioxide asbestos fibers contribute to
(Silica) oncogenecity
- most prevalent chronic occupational disease in - Asbestos Bodies = golden brown, fusiform/
the world. beaded rods with translucent center consisting of
- Occurs in Crystalline (more fibrogenic) & Asbestos Fibers coated with an Iron-containing
Amorphous forms proteinaceous material.
o Quartz = most common (reduced o Arises when Macrophages attempt to
fibrogenic effect) phagocytize asbestos fibers
- Inhalation ! epithelial cell & macrophage o Iron is from Phagocyte Ferritin
interaction ! activation & release of mediators o Ferruginous Bodies = inorganic
- Early Stage = Tiny, palpable, discrete pale to particulates coated with Iron-CHON
blackened nodules in the Upper Zones of the Complexes
Lungs ! Hard, Collagenous Scars - Fibrosis around Respiratory Bronchioles & Alveolar
o Central softening & cavitation r/t Ducts ! enlarged airspaces ! Honeycombing &
superimposed Tuberculosis or ischemia Fibroblastic Foci
o Central zone of Caseation - Begins in the LOWER LOBES & SUBPLEURALLY
- Eggshell Calcification = thin sheets of - Pleural Plaques = most common manifestation;
calcification in Lymph Nodes well-circumscribed plaques of dense Collagen &
- Progression, expansion, & coalescence ! Massive contains Calcium.
Fibrosis ! SOB o Develops in the Anterior & Posterolateral
- Nodular Lesions consists of CONCENTRIC Parietal Pleura & Diaphragm Domes
HYALINIZED COLLAGEN - Serous Pleural Effusions (may be bloody)
- Increased susceptibility to Tuberculosis & Lung - Dyspnea = 1st manifestation; provoked by
Cancer exertion & later at rest; accompanied by Cough
- Depressed Cell-Mediated Immunity & Macrophage with Sputum production
Phagocytosis inhibition - Chest X-Ray = irregular linear densities in both
Lower Lobes
Asbestos-Related Diseases
- Asbestos is a family of Crystalline Hydrated DRUG-INDUCED LUNG DISEASES
Silicates forming fibers Bleomycin & Amiodarone Pneumonitis & Fibrosis
- Occupational exposure is linked to: Methotrexate & Nitrofurantoin Hypersensitivity
o Localized Fibrous Plaques or Diffuse Pneumonitis
Pleural Fibrosis Aspirin & -Antagonists Bronchospasm
o Pleural Effusions
o Parenchymal Interstitial Fibrosis RADIATION-INDUCED LUNG DISEASES
(Asbestosis) - Cx of therapeutic Thoracic Tumor Radiation
o Lung Carcinoma & Mesotheliomas (Lung, Esophagus, Breast, Mediastinum)
o Laryngeal & Other Extrapulmonary - Acute Radiation Pneumonitis = 10-20%; 6 months
Neoplasms, including Colon Carcinomas after fractionated irradiation; Lymphocytic
- Disease causation depends on concentration, Alveolitis or Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
shape, size, & solubility o Fever, Dyspnea out of proportion to
- Serpentine Chrysotile Chemical Form = accounts irradiated Lung Volume, Pleural Effusion,
most of asbestos & Radiologic Infiltrates
o More flexible & curled structure o Steroid Therapy resolves Sx completely
o Impacted in the Upper Respiratory - Chronic Radiation Pneumonitis (Pulmonary
passages Fibrosis) = consequence of repair of injured
o Removed by Mucociliary Elevator endothelial & epithelial cells within the radiation
o More soluble ! leached from the tissues portal.
- Amphibole Form = more pathogenic with respect o diffuse Alveolar damage (Atypia of
to induction of Mesotheliomas (malignant pleural Hyperplastic Type II Cells & Fibroblasts)
tumors) - Epithelial Cell Atypia & Foam Cells within Vessel
o Greater pathogenicity r/t aerodynamic Walls
properties & solubility -
o Straight & stiff ! align themselves in the SARCOIDOSIS
airstream ! delivered deeper into the - systemic disease of unknown cause characterized
lungs ! penetrates epithelial cells ! by NONCASEATING GRANULOMAS in tissues &
interstitium organs
- Fibrogenic (increasing doses are associated with - Chest X-Ray = (90%) Bilateral Hilar
disease incidence) Lymphadenopathy or Lung Involvement
- Oncogenic effects mediated by Reactive Free o Eyes & Skin lesions occur next in
Radicals localizing in the distal Lung close to the frequency
Mesothelial layer.
- Disease of disordered immune regulation in Clinical Course
genetically predisposed individuals exposed to - Protean clinical d/e (varying severity &
environmental agents inconstant lesion distribution)
- Immunological Factors = development of Cell- - Insidious respiratory abnormalities (SOB, cough,
Mediated Response to an unidentified antigen c/o chest pain, hemoptysis) or constitutional S/Sx
CD4+ Helper T-Cells (fever, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, night
o Intra-Alveolar & Interstitial accumulation sweats)
! CD4/CD8 T-Cell ratios 5:1 to 15:1 - Progressive chronicity or periods of activity
o Increased T-Cell derived TH1 Cytokines interspersed with remissions (sometimes
(IL-2 & IFN-) ! T-Cell expansion & permanent) that may be spontaneous or induced
Macrophage Activation by Steroid Therapy
o IL-8, TNF, & Macrophage Inflammatory
Cells & Monocytes; granuloma formation ALVEOLITIS)
- Systemic Immunological Abnormalities - spectrum of immunologically mediated,
o Anergy to common skin test antigens predominantly interstitial, Lung disorder c/o
o Polyclonal Hypergammaglobulinemia intense (prolonged) organic antigen exposure.
- Genetic Factors = HLA-A1 & HLA-B8 o Bronchoalveolar Lavage show increased
- Environmental Factors = most tenacious of all Proinflamatory Chemokine levels & T-
associations Lymphocytes
o Mycobacteria, Propionibacterium Acne, & o Specific Antibodies suggestive of Type III
Rickettsia (Immune Complex) Hypersensitivity
o No unequivocal evidence that Sarcoidosis o Complement & Immunoglobulins
is caused by an infectious agent demonstrated within Vessel Walls by
Morphology o Non-Caseating Granulomas ! Type IV (T
- Classic Well-Formed NONCASEATING GRANULOMAS Cell-Mediated) Delayed-Type
with aggregates of epithelioid cells & Langhans/ Hypersensitivity
Foreign Body-Type Giant Cells - Abnormal sensitivity or heightened reactivity to
o Later replaced by Hyaline Fibrous Scars antigen involving primarily the Alveoli.
o Central Necrosis o Inhalation of Organic Dust containing
o Schaumann Bodies = laminated antigens
concretions of Calcium & Proteins - Farmers Lung = exposure to dusts from
o Asteroid Bodies = Stellate Inclusions harvested humid, warm hay
- Lungs = common site of involvement - Pigeon Breeders Lung (Bird Fanciers Disease) =
o Coalescence of granulomas produce small CHONs from serum, excreta, or feathers of birds
nodules that are palpable or visible as 1-2 - Humidifier/Air-Conditioner Lung = thermophilic
cm, non-caseating, non-cavitated bacteria in heated water reservoirs
o Strong tendency of lesions to heal in the Morphology
Lungs ! fibrosis & hyalinization - subacute & chronic changes centered on
- Lymph Nodes (Hilar & Mediastinal Nodes) = Bronchioles
enlarged, discrete, & calcified; Tonsils involved - Interstitial Pneumonitis (Lymphocytes, Plasma
-1/3 of cases Cells, & Macrophages)
- Spleen = (3/4 involved) granulomas coalesce to - Non-Caseating Granulomas (2/3 of patients)
form small nodules - Interstitial Fibrosis, Honeycombing, &
- Liver = less likely affected than the Spleen; Obliterative Bronchiolitis
moderately enlarged with scattered Granulomas, - Intra-Alveolar Infiltrates
more in Portal Triads; Dx = Needle Biopsy
- Bone Marrow = (1/5 involved) Phalangeal Bones Clinical Features
! small circumscribed areas of Bone Resorption - recurring episodes of fever, dyspnea, cough, &
& diffuse reticulated pattern with Bony Shaft leukocytosis
widening or new bone formation in outer surfaces - diffuse & nodular infiltrates
- Skin Lesions = 1/3 to of cases; discrete - acute restrictive d/o via Pulmonary Function
subcutaneous nodules, focal slightly elevated Tests
erythematous plaques, slightly reddened & - Chronic Form = progressive respiratory failure,
scaling flat lesions resembling SLE dyspnea, & cyanosis with decreased Total Lung
- Eyes & Salivary Glands = 1/5 to ; Iritis/ Capacity & Compliance
Iridocyclitis, Corneal Opacities, Glaucoma, &
Total Vision Loss; Lacrimal Gland inflammation; PULMONARY EOSINOPHILIA
Mikulicz Syndrome - infiltration of Eosinophils recruited in part by
- Muscles = ASx; muscle weakenss, aches, elevated Alveolar levels of Eosinophil Attractants
tenderness, & fatigue (e.g. IL-5)
Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia with Respiratory Failure PULMONARY ALVEOLAR PROTEINOSIS (PAP)
- idiopathic acute illness - Chest X-Ray = Bilateral Patchy Asymmetric
- rapid onset with fever, dyspnea, & hypoxemic Pulmonary Opacifications
respiratory failure - Histology = Accumulation of acellular Surfactant
- Chest X-Ray = diffuse infiltrates in intra-alveolar & bronchiolar spaces
- Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid contains > 25% - Acquired PAP = 90%, lacks familial predisposition
Eosinophils o Caused by Anti-GM-CSF Antibody, leading
- Prompt response to Corticosteroids to functional GM-CSF Deficiency
o Autoimmune disorder
Simple Pulmonary Eosinophilia (Lffler Syndrome) - Congenital PAP = immediate-onset neonatal
- transient pulmonary lesions, eosinophilia in respiratory distress
blood, & benign clinical course; CT Scan = o ABCA3, SP-C, GM-CSF, & GM Receptor
irregular intrapulmonary densities Chain mutation
- thickened Alveolar Septa o Progressive respiratory distress shortly
- no vasculitis, fibrosis, or necrosis after birth
o Tx = LUNG TRANSPLANT (death between
Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia 3-6 months if without transplant)
- focal areas of cellular consolidation (peripheral - Secondary PAP = hematopoietic d/o,
Lung fields) malignancies, immunodeficiency d/o, lysinuric
- heavy aggregates of Lymphocytes & Eosinophils CHON intolerance, & acute silicosis & other
- High Fever, Night Sweats, & Dyspnea inhalational syndromes
- Responds to Corticosteroid Therapy - Insidious onset of respiratory difficulties, cough,
& abundant sputum with chunks of gelatinous
Secondary Eosinophilia material; febrile illnesses
- occurs in parasitic, fungal, & bacterial infections; - Progressive dyspnea, cyanosis, & respiratory
hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug allergies, & insufficiency
asthma, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, - Whole-Lung Lavage = standard of care
& vasculitis - GM-CSF Therapy = 50% effective


- Smokers Macrophages = accumulation of large - peculiar homogenous, granular precipitate within
number of macrophages with abundant cytoplasm the Alveoli ! focal-to-confluent consolidation of
containing dusty brown pigment in the airspaces large areas of Lungs with minimal inflammatory
o Finely granular Iron may be seen reactions
o May contain Lamellar Bodies composed of - marked increase in weight & size of Lung
Surfactant c/o Necrotic Type II - Alveolar Precipitate = periodic acid-Schiff (+)
Pneumocytes with Cholesterol Clefts
- Thickened alveolar septa lined with plump, - Immunohistochemical Stains = Surfactant CHONs A
cuboidal pneumocytes &C
- Interstitial Fibrosis & Emphysema may be present
- 4th-5th decade of life; M>F (2:1); Cigarette -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Smoking -----------------------------------
- Insidious onset of Dyspnea & Dry Cough DISEASES OF VASCULAR ORIGIN
associated with Clubbing of Digits; Pulmonary Fxn -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Test = mild restrictive abnormality with moderate -----------------------------------
- 100% responds to Steroid Therapy & Smoking - Blood Clots occluding Large Pulmonary Arteries
cessation are Embolic in origin.
o Usually rare
LUNG DISEASE Hypertension, Pulmonary Atherosclerosis
- pigmented intraluminal macrophages within the & Heart Failure
1st & 2nd-Order Respiratory Bronchioles; M>F (2:1) o Deep Leg Vein Thrombosis = 95%
- significant Pulmonary Sx, Abnormal Pulmonary - Rx Fx = 1/2 Hypercoagulable States, Indwelling
Fxn, & Imaging Abnormalities; 4th-5th Decades; Central Venous Lines (nidus for Right Atrial
average of 30 pack-years Thrombus)
- Patchy & Bronchiolocentric Distribution changes - Pathophysiology depends on the extent of
o Lympocytes & Histiocytes Pulmonary Arterial Blood Flow obstruction, size of
- Smokers Macrophages occluded vessel, number of emboli, overall
- Mild Peribronchiolar Fibrosis Cardiovascular status, & release of Vasoactive Fx.
- Centrilobular Emphysema (not severe) o Respiratory Compromise = due to non-
- Gradual onset of Dyspnea & Cough perfused but ventilated segments
- Smoking Cessation = Improvement o Hemodynamic Compromise = increased
resistance to pulmonary blood flow c/o
embolic obstruction
o Chronic Obstructive/Interstitial Lung
Morphology Diseases
- Large Emboli ! Main Pulmonary Artery ! Saddle o Antecedent Congenital/Acquired Heart
Embolus Disease
o sudden death r/t blood flow blockage o Recurrent Thromboemboli
through the Lungs o Connective Tissue Diseases
o Acute Cor Pulmonale = acute RSHF o Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Small Emboli ! peripheral vessels ! Hemorrhage - Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension =
o 10% = Infarction (r/t inadequate PH excluding all known cases of increased
circulation) pulmonary pressure
o raised, red-blue area (Early Stage) ! lyse - Familial Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension = AD;
in 48 hours ! paler ! red-brown r/t incomplete penetrance (10-20%)
Hemosiderine ! gray-white peripheral o Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor
zone ! contracted scar Type 2 (BMPR2) Signaling Pathway
- Lines of Zahn = diff. Pulmonary Emboli from mutations ! no inhibition of proliferation
Post-Mortem Clots & apoptosis
- Septic Infarcts = infarction modified by intense o Modifier Genes & Environmental Triggers
neutrophilic inflammatory reaction (infected
embolus) Pathogenesis
- Thromboembolism ! Fibrin ! Biochemical Injury
Clinical Course & L-R Shunts ! Increased Shear & Mechanical
- Electromechanical Dissociation = ECG with Injury ! Endothelial Cell Dysfunction
rhythm but no palpable pulses because no blood - Decreased Prostacyclin & NO & increased
is entering the pulmonary arterial circ. Endothelin ! Pulmonary Vasoconstriction,
o Survival mimics MI with severe chest Platelet Adhesion & Activation
pain, dyspnea, shock, fever, & increased - Growth Fx & Cytokines ! migration & replication
serum lactate dehydrogenase of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells & ECM
- Small Emboli = transient chest pain & cough elaboration
o Infarct = dyspnea, tachypnea, fever, - Ingestion of Crotalaria Spectabilis pant (Bush
chest pain, cough, hemoptysis Tea), Aminorex (appetite depressant),
o Fibrinous Pleuritis = Pleural Friction Rub adulterated Olive Oil, & Fenfluramine &
- Chest Radiograph = may be normal or disclose a Phentermine (Anti-Obesity Drugs)
pulmonary infarct
o 12-36 hours = Wedge-Shaped Infiltrate Morphology
- Dx = Spiral CT Angiography, V/P Scan, Pulmonary - Medial Hypertrophy of Muscular & Elastic
Angiographu, Duplex Ultrasonography Arteries, Pulmonary Artery Atheromas, & Right
- Contraction & Fibrinolysis = resolution Ventricular Hypertrophy
- Unresolved = Pulmonary Hypertension, Pulmonary - Many organizing/recanalized Thrombi = recurrent
Vascular Sclerosis, & Chronic Cor Pulmonale Pulmonary Emboli
- 30% chance of developing a 2nd Embolus - Diffuse Pulmonary Fibrosis or Severe Emphysema
& Chronic Bronchitis = Chronic Hypoxia
Prevention - Small Arterial diameter
- early ambulation in post-operative & postpartum - Plexiform Lesion = tuft of capillary formations,
patients producing a network/web spanning the lumens of
- Elastic Stockings & Graduated Compression dilated thin-walled, small arteries; r/t drugs &
Stockings (bedridden) HIV
- Anti-Coagulants with Thrombolysis - Dilated vessels & Arteritis
- Filter insertion (Umbrella) or ligation of
Inferior Vena Cava Clinical Course
- women 20-40 y.o. & young children
PULMONARY HYPERTENSION - Sx occur in advanced diseases
- occurs when Mean Pulmonary Pressure reaches o Dyspnea & Fatigue
of Systemic levels. o Chest Pain (Anginal), Severe Respiratory
o Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Distress, Cyanosis, Right Ventricular
o Pulmonary Hypertension with Left Heart Hypertrophy
Disease o Death by decompensated Cor Pulmonale
o Pulmonary Hypertension with associated - Short Course Tx = O2 Supplementation, Calcium
with Lung Diseases &/or Hypoxemia Channel Blockers, Anticoagulation, Digoxin,
o Pulmonary Hypertension due to Chronic Diuretics
Thrombotic &/or Embolic Disease - Recent Tx = Prostacyclin Analogues, Endothelial
o Miscellaneous Pulmonary Hypertension Receptor Antagonists, Inhaled NO, &
- Associated with structural cardiopulmonary Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors
conditions increasing Pulmonary Blood Flow/ - LUNG TRANSPLANT & GENE THERAPY
Pressure, Pulmonary Vascular Resistance, or Left
Heart Blood Flow Resistance:
- Hemorrhagic complication of the Lung from o Secretion accumulation
interstitial Lung d/o o Interference with Phagocytic/Bactericidal
Goodpasture Syndrome Action of Alveolar Macrophages
- Autoimmune Disease o Pulmonary Congestion & Edema
o Antibodies ! inflammatory destruction of - Innate Immunity & Humoral Immunodeficiency !
basement membrane in Renal Glomeruli increased infections with pyogenic bacteria
& Pulmonary Alveoli ! rapidly - Cell-Mediated Immune Defects ! increased
progressive GN & Necrotizing infections with intracellular microbes & microbes
Hemorrhagic Interstitial Pneumonitis with very low virulence.
- Kidney & Lung injury r/t circulating - One type of Pneumonia sometimes predisposes to
autoantibodies against non-collagenous domain of another.
Collagen IV 3 Chain. - Hematogenous spread from one organ to another
- Teens to 20s; M>F; Environmental Insults; HLA can occur
subtype assoc. o 2 Seeding of the Lungs may be difficult
- Heavy Lungs with Red-Brown Consolidation to distinguish from 1 Pneumonia
o Focal Necrotic Alveoli with Intra-Alveolar - Nosocomial Infections (Terminal Pneumonias) may
Hemorrhages occur
o Hemosiderin-Laden Macrophages
o Type II Pneumocyte Hypertrophy - Bacterial Infxn usually follows an upper
- Dx = Immunofluorescence (Igb & Complement respiratory tract Viral Infxn ! Lung Parenchyma
deposits along the basement membranes) filled with exudate ! Consolidation
- Respiratory Sx (HEMOPTYSIS) & Focal Pulmonary (Solidification)
Consolidations - Fx = Specific Etiologic Agent, Host Reaction, &
- Glomerulonephritis ! Rapidly Progressive Renal Extent of Involvement
- UREMIA = most common cause of death Streptococcus Pneumoniae (Pneumococcus)
- Tx = PLASMAPHERESIS, immunosuppression - most common cause
- Dx = neutrophils with Gram-(+), LANCET-SHAPED
Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis Diplococci
- intermittent, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage o 20% = Endogenous Flora ! False-(+)
- occurs in young children; some in adults o Blood Culture = more specific but less
- insidious onset of productive cough, hemoptysis, sensitive
anemia, & weight loss associated with diffuse
pulmonary infiltrations Haemophilus Influenzae
- no anti-basement membrane detected - pleomorphic, Gram-(-); major cause of life-
- may be due to long-term immunosuppression with threatening acute LRTIs & Meningitis in young
Prednisone &/or Azathioprine children
- ubiquitous colonizer of the Pharynx
Wegener Granulomatosis - Encapsulated Form = 5%; secretes Haemocin that
- autoimmune disease involving the upper kills Unencapsulated forms
respiratory tract & Lungs o 6 serotypes (Type a-f)
- HEMOPTYSIS = most common Sx o Type b = has polyribosephosphate
- Dx = Transbronchial Lung Biopsy capsule; most frequent cause of severe
o Necrosis & granulomatous vasculitis may invasive disease
not be present - Unencapsulated Form = 95%
- Capillaritis & Scattered, Poorly Formed - Non-Typeable Forms = produce Otitis Media,
Granulomas Sinusitis, & Bronchopneumonia
- Pili promotes adherence to the Respiratory
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Epithelium
----------------------------------- - Secretes factors that disorganizes ciliary beating
PULMONARY INFECTIONS & a protease that degrades IgA
----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Pediatric emergency with high mortality rate
----------------------------------- o Descending Laryngotracheobronchitis !
airway obstruction ! consolidation
- Pneumonia = infection of the Lung Parenchyma (lobular & patchy)
o Classified by specific etiologic agents - Suppurative Meningitis, Acute Purulent
(determines treatment) Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), Septicemia,
o Can arise in 7 distinct clinical settings Endocarditis, Pyelonephritis, Cholecystitis, &
(Pneumonia Syndromes) Suppurative Arthritis; Acute COP Exacerbation
- Local Lung defense mechanisms are interfered by
the ff. factors:
o Loss/Suppression of Cough Reflex (may
lead to Aspiration)
Moraxella Catarrhalis - Most important clinical stand-point =
- bacterial pneumonia in the elderly Identification of Causative Agent & determine
- 2nd most common cause of Acute COPD extent of disease
Exacerbation - Complications include:
- Otitis Media in children o Tissue Destruction & Necrosis ! Abscess
Staphylococus Aureus o Spread of Infection to the Pleural Cavity
- 2 Bacterial Pneumonia following Viral ! Empyema
Respiratory Illnesses o Bacteremic Dissemination to Heart
- assoc. with Cx (Empyema & Lung Abscess) Valves, Pericardium, Brain, Kidneys,
- Rx = Intravenous Drug Abusers (assoc. with Spleen, or Joints ! Metastatic Abscess,
Endocarditis) Endocarditis, Meningitis, or Suppurative
- Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Arthritis

Klebsiella Pneumoniae Clinical Course

- affects debilitated & malnourished people - abrupt onset of high fever, shaking chills, &
(Chronic Alcoholics) productive cough (mucopurulent sputum);
- THICK & GELATINOUS SPUTUM occasionally hemoptysis
- Pleuritic Pain & Pleural Friction Rub
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa - Radiopacity (Lobar Pneumonia) or Focal Opacity
- Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (Bronchopneumonia)
- Cystic Fibrosis; Septicemia = fulminant - Dx = Identification of Organism & determination
of Antibiotic Sensitivity (Keystones to appropriate
Legionella Pneumophila Tx)
- Legionnaires Disease, Pontiac Fever - Tx = Antibiotics (Afebrile with few S/Sx 48-72 hrs)
- Flourishes in artificial aquatic environments !
- Organ Transplant recipients are highly susceptible MYCOPLASMAL) PNEUMONIA
- Dx = CULTURE (Gold Standard), Legionella - Primary Atypical Pneumonia = acute febrile
antigens in urine, (+) Fluorescent Antibody Test respiratory d/e with patchy inflammatory
changes in the Lungs
Morphology o Confined to the Alveolar Septa &
- Lobar Bronchopneumonia = PATCHY LUNG Pulmonary Interstitium
CONSOLIDATION o Moderate amount of sputum, no
o Slightly elevated, dry, granular, gray-red consolidation, moderate elevation of
to yellow, & poorly delimited at their WBCs, & no alveolar exudate
margins. o M. Pneumoniae = most common cause
o Elicits a suppurative, neutrophil-rich o Fx = Extremes of Age, Malnutrition,
exudate Alcoholism, & underlying Debilitating
- Lobar Pneumonia = FIBRINOSUPPURATIVE Illnesses
CONSOLIDATION - Attachment of microorganism to URT epithelium
o 4 stages of Inflammatory Response: ! Cell Necrosis & Inflammatory Response !
Congestion = heavy, boggy, & red damage & denudation of epithelium ! inhibition
Lungs; vascular engorgement, intra- of Mucociliary Clearance ! 2 Bacterial
alveolar fluid with Neutrophils, Infections
numerous bacteria
Red Hepatization = massive Morphology
confluent exudation with - Patchy Lung (bilateral/unilateral) ! Red-Blue &
neutrophils, RBCs, & Fibrin; Red, Congested
firm, airless lobe with a liver-like - Interstitial Inflammatory Reaction localized
consistency (Hepatization) within Alveolar walls
Gray Hepatization = disintegration - Widened & edematous Alveolar Septa with
of RBCs & persistence of mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates.
fibrinosuppurative exudate ! - Intra-Alveolar Proteinaceous Material & Cellular
grayish-brown, dry surface Exudates
Resolution = enzymatic digestion of - ARDS Cx = Pink Hyaline Membranes lining the
consolidated exudate ! granular, alveolar wall.
semifluid debris ! resorbed, - Superimposed Bacterial Infxn ! Ulcerative
macrophage ingestion, Bronchitis, Bronchiolitis, & Bacterial Pneumonia
expectorated, or fibroblast
organization Clinical Course
- Severe URTIs or Chest Colds; cough may be
- Fever, Headache, Muscle Aches, & Leg Pains
- Edema & Exudation ! V/P Mismatch
Influenza Infections - occurs in debilitated patients or those who
- Influenza Virus Type A = infect humans, pigs, aspirate gastric contents while unconscious or
horses, & birds during repeated vomiting.
o Major cause of Pandemic & Epidemic o Abnormal gag & swallowing reflexes
Influenza - Necrotizing type ! fulminant clinical course !
o Antigenic Drift = mutations of death
Hemagglutinin & Neuraminidase ! virus - Cx = Lung Abscess
escape host antibodies
o Antigenic Shift = Hemagglutinin & LUNG ABSCESS
Neuraminidase replaced with animal - local suppurative process within the Lung
viruses, allowing susceptibility to new characterized by necrosis of the Lung Tissue.
influenza viruses. - 60% = Anaerobic Organisms (Bacteroides,
- Influenza Virus Type B & C = no Antigenic Drift/ Fusobacterium, & Peptococcus species)
Shift; infects children who develops antibodies introduced by:
that prevent reinfection. o Aspiration (most frequent cause;
- Interstitial Myocarditis or Reye Syndrome (after commonly on the right)
Aspirin Therapy) o Antecedent Primary Lung Infection
- Avian Influenza = primarily infects Birds. o Septic Embolism
o Antigenic Type H5N1 = lethal in humans o Neoplasia
(60%); r/t close contact with birds o Miscellaneous (Trauma, Suppuration,
- Mucosal Hyperemia & swelling with Hematogenous Seeding, etc.)
Lymphomonocytic & Plasmacytic infiltration of - Primary Crytpogenic lung Abscess = no
the submucosa & mucus secretion overproduction reasonable basis for abscess formation can be
o Plugging of Nasal Channels, Sinuses, or identified
Eustachian Tubes ! Suppurative 2
Bacterial Infection Morphology
- Laryngotracheobronchitis & Bronchiolitis = vocal - Varies from lesions of a few millimeters to large
cord swelling & mucus exudation ! cavities of 5-6 cm
superinfection, atelectasis - Superimposed saprophytic infections are prone to
flourish within the necrotic debris of the abscess
Human Metapneumovirus (MPV) cavity.
- Paramyxovirus assoc. with URTIs & LRTIs of young - Continued infxn ! large, fetid, green-black,
children, elderly, & immunocompromised multi-locular cavities with poor margin
patients. demarcation (Gangrene of Lungs)
- Dx = Transcriptase-PCR - Cardinal Histologic Change = SUPPURATIVE
- Tx = Rabivarin, Live Attenuated Vaccines DESTRUCTION OF THE LUNG PARENCHYMA WITHIN
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) - Chronic = Fibroblastic proliferation ! Fibrous
- IP = 2-10 Days; c/o Coronavirus Wall
o Human-to-human; infected secretions/
stool Clinical Course
- Dry Cough, Malaise, Myalgias, Fever, & Chills - Cough, Fever, Copious Foul-Smelling Purulent/
- Severe Respiratory Disease with SOB, Tachypnea, Sanguineous Sputum, Chest Pain, Weight Loss
Pleurisy - Clubbing of Fingers & Toes
- Dx = PCR or Antibody detection - Dx = clinical findings confirmed by Radiology
o Virus levels peak 10 days after onset of - Tx = Antimicrobial Therapy (leaves scars)
illness - Cx = extension into the Pleural Cavity,
o No measurable antibody response for up Hemorrhage, Brain Abscess/Meningitis (Septic
to 28 days Emboli), & 2 Amyloidosis (Type AA)


- pulmonary infections acquired during hospital - localized lesion in the immunocompetent patient
stay with/without regional lymph node involvement
- common with severe underlying d/e, - granulomatous inflammatory rxn c/o bacteria or
immunosuppression, prolonged antibiotic therapy, fungi
or invasive access devices & mechanical
ventilation Histoplasmosis
- Life Threatening = Enterobacteriaceae & - c/o Histoplasma Capsulatum c/o inhalation of
Pseudomonas species dust particles from soil contaminated with bird/
- Staphylococus Aureus = most common bat droppings containing small spores
o intracellular parasite of Macrophages
- self-limited & latent 1 Pulmonary involvement
! Coin Lesions
- Chronic, progressive, 2 Lung Disease localized to Causes of Pulmonary Infiltrates in Immunocompromised
the Lung Apices Hosts
o Cough, Fever, Night Sweats
- Localized lesions in Extrapulmonary Sites
(Mediastinum, Adrenals, Liver, Meninges) Common
- Widely disseminated d/e in Immunocompromised
Patients Cytomegalovirus Gram-Negative Rods
- Epitheloid Cell Granulomas ! Caseation Necrosis Pneumocystis Jiroveci Staphylococcus Aureus
Drug Reactions Aspergillus
! coalesce to produce large areas of
consolidation but may liquefy Malignancy
- TREE-BARK APPEARANCE = lesions undergoing
fibrosis & concentric calcification with Uncommon
spontaneous/drug control
- Fulminant Disseminated Histoplasmosis = focal Bacteria Cryptococcus
accumulation of mononuclear phagocytes with Aspergillus Mucor
Cryptococcus Pneumocystis Jiroveci
fungal yeasts
Malignancy Legionella Pneumophila
- Dx = culture/identification of fungus, serologic
tests, Antigen Detection in Body Fluids (formed
Blastomycosis - leading cause of mortality & morbidity in HIV-
- c/o Blastomyces Dermatitidis infected individuals.
o soil-inhabiting, dimorphic fungus - Bacterial LRTIs caused by usual pathogens are one
o Central & Southeast United States, of the most serious pulmonary d/o in HIV
Canada, Mexico, Middle East, Africa, & Infection
India o Bacterial Pneumonia are more common,
- Pulmonary Blastomycosis = abrupt illness with more severe, & associated with
productive cough, headache, chest pain, weight bacteremia
loss, fever, abdominal pain, night sweats, - Not all Pulmonary infiltrates are infectious in
anorexia, & chills etiology
o Chest X-Ray = Lobar Consolidation, o Kaposi Sarcoma
multilobar infiltrates, perihilar o Pulmonary Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
infiltrates, multiple nodules, & military o Primary Lung Cancer
infiltrates - CD4+ T-Cell Count define the risk of infection
- Disseminated Blastomycosis with specific organisms
- Primary Cutaneous Blastomycosis = c/o direct o > 200 cells/mm3 (Pneumocystis
inoculation of organisms in the skin Pneumonia)
- Suppurative Granulomas o < 50 cells/mm3 (Cytomegalovirus &
Mycobacterium Avium Complex
Coccidioidomycosis Infections)
- inhalation of spores of Coccidioides Immitis ! - results from more than one cause
Delayed Type Hypersensitivity - Dx work-up may be more extensive & expensive
- Infective Arthroconidia ! ingested by Alveolar
Macrophages ! blocked fusion of Phagosome & -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Lysosome ! resists intracellular killing -----------------------------------
- 10% = Lung Lesions, Fever, Cough, & Pleuritic PLEURA
Pains with Erythema Nodosum or Erythema -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Multiforme (San Joaquin Valley Fever Complex) -----------------------------------
- thick-walled, non-budding spherules - involvement is often a 2 complication of
- Purulent Lesions with diminished resistance & underlying diseases.
widespread dissemination o 2 Infections & Pleural Adhesions are
findings at Autopsy
PNEUMONIA IN THE IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOST - important 1 Disorders include:
- Pulmonary Infiltrate with/without signs of o Primary Intrapleural Bacterial Infections
Infection o Primary Neoplasm of Pleura
- Classified according to the etiologic agent: (Mesothelioma)
o Viral - normally, no > 15 ml of serous, relatively
o Fungal acellular, clear fluid lubricates the pleural space.
- Accumulation of pleural fluid occurs with:
o Increased Hydrostatic Pressure
(Congestive Heart Failure)
o Increased Vascular Permeability
o Decreased Osmotic Pressure (Nephrotic
o Increased Intrapleural (-) Pressure - air/gas in the Pleural Cavities
(Atelectasis) - Spontaneous Pneumothorax = complicates any
o Decreased Lymphatic Drainage pulmonary disease that ruptures an alveolus.
(Mediastinal Carcinomatosis) o May be caused by an abscess cavity
communicating directly with the Pleural
Inflammatory Pleural Effusions (Pleuritis) Space or with the Lung Interstitial Tissue
- Fibrinous Exudations reflect a later, more severe ! escape of air
exudative reaction. o Associated with Emphysema, Asthma, &
- Serous/Serofibrinous Exudate = earlier Tuberculosis
developmental phase - Traumatic Pneumothorax = r/t perforating injury
o RA, Disseminated Lupus Erythematosus, to chest wall
Uremia, Diffuse Systemic Infections, & - Spontaneous Idiopathic Pneumothorax = r/t
other Systemic Disorders & Metastatic rupture of small, peripheral, apical, subpleural
Pleural involvement; Therapeutic blebs.
Radiation o Subsides spontaneously as air is resorbed.
o Fluid exudate is resorbed with resolution o Recurrent attacks are common &
or organization of the fibrinous disabling
compartment - Tension Pneumothorax = due to lung collapse,
- Common causes are inflammatory diseases of the where the defect acts as a flap vale & permits
Lungs entrance of air during inspiration but fails to
- Empyema = purulent pleural exudate escape during expiration, acting as a pump that
o Bacterial/mycotic seeding of the Pleural creates a progressive increasing pressure !
Space via contiguous spread of organisms compression
from intrapulmonary infection or
lymphatic/hematogenous dissemination.
o Loculated, yellow-green, creamy pus with
neutrophils mixed with other WBCs.
o May accumulate in large volumes
(500-1000 ml)
o May form dense, tough fibrous adhesions
that onliterate the pleural space or
envelope the lungs ! pulmonary
expansion restriction
- True Hemorrhagic Pleuritis = sanguineous
inflammatory exudates
o Infrequent & is found in hemorrhagic
diatheses, rickettsial diseases, &
neoplastic involvement of the pleural

Non-Inflammmatory Pleural Effusions

- Hydrothorax = non-inflammatory clear/straw-
colored serous fluid collections within the Pleural
o May be unilateral/bilateral
o CARDIAC FAILURE = most common cause;
with Pulmonary Congestion & Edema
o Renal Failure, Liver Cirrhosis
- Hemothorax = escape of blood into the Pleural
o Fatal Cx of ruptured AAA or Vascular
o May occur Post-Operatively
o Readily identifiable by large clots
accompanying the fluid component of
- Chylothorax = accumulation of Chyle in the
Pleural Cavity
o Milky white fluid due to finely emulsified
o Caused by Thoracic Duct trauma or
obstruction, rupturing major Lymphatic

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