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Project 1

FIN 3120-003
Financial Management II
Fall 2016

Jeff Brown

Dr. Blerina Bela Zykaj

R- Zack's
Company Alpha Beta squared Beta
AFL -0.0003 0.9803 0.53 1.3
MMM 0.0002 0.9344 0.56 1.07
YHO0 0.0003 1.2010 0.25 1.49

How do Zacks numbers compare to yours? Why might they be different (i.e., what may we
have done differently than Zacks? What assumptions did we make?)?

Zacks Betas are consistently higher than the beta I calculated through excel. The AFL excel beta
I calculated was 0.9803 while Zacks beta was 1.30; MMM excel beta was 0.9344 while Zacks
beta was 1.07; Yahoos excel beta was 1.201 while Zacks was 1.49. I believe these figures are so
drastically different because of the time table. We only used 3 years worth of data (2013, 2014
& 2015) whereas when Zack calculated their data they used a larger timeline. This time
difference could have thrown off the calculations. We assumed that only 3 years of data was
necessary to calculate the beta of a firm.

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