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1. Pakistani Defence Attachi (DA) office in the world and foreign DAs working in Pakistan are most
important factors who can contribute towards success of DEPO participation in any of the country. DA
office must be exploited up yo maximum. GSO.1 Coord to maint continuous contacts with DA and fol
points will be considered:-

a. Share DEPOs Exhibition Calendar with all Pakistani Defence Attachi (DA) office in the
world on six monthly basis in Jan and July of every year.

b. Contact details of All Pakistani DAs in other countries and foreign DAs in Pakistan to be
available with Exhibition Branch (Coord Dte)

c. All Foreign DAs are to be invited to DEPO at a suitable time period, within a year

2. Contacting DA office of Exhibition Country. Pakistani DA office in the country where DEPO
intends to participate in the Exhibition is to be informed about the exhibition at three months before to
provide him reasonable time for preparation and coord with all concerned. DAs are to be properly
guided for requirements of DEPO for coord if they need so. If there is a need for Dir Coord to make a
courtesy call, all nec details are to be provided to him. Fol are to be asked from DA:-

a. Arrange official Delegation Status for DEPO delegation and issuance of invitation

b. Information of Foreign Delegations visiting Exhibition and arrange their visit to Pakistan
Pavilion arranged by DEPO.

c. Arrange airport meet & greet Protocol at airport and travelling itinerary will be shared
with DA Office by DEPO

d. Manage reception/passes for Exhibition related activities i.e inauguration ceremony,

gala events.

e. Visa Facilitation to Pakistan Exhibitors

f. Instruct Customs authorities in helping of clearing of exhibits goods of Pakistan Pavilion

g. Details of discounts offered to DA for hotel booking and asst in booking

h. Commitments planned for DG DEPO if any, like Official Visits. Meeting or dinner etc

j. Any information about Pakistan Official Delegation visiting Exhibition cfm so far and
their program of work during exhibition especially time of their visit to Pakistan Pavilion
arranged by DEPO.

k. Whatsapp number of DA and his staff for easy communication from Pakistan and even
during exhibition

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