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Dept of Transport MCE 0360 Issue C July 1983 URBAN TRAFFIC CONTROL FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION TION IS INCLUDED IN A PROGRAMME OF WORK WHICH WILL TENTS OB ANIRD SCaNTCACI OAR Ta TRADE CHANGES M COPE OF COMPLIANCE WITNQUT CHANGING THE FUNDAMENTAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE DOCUMENT TCC(PLL)TGSB DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT SPECIFICATION MCE 0360¢ ‘TRAFFIC CONTROL AND (C) CROWN JULY 1983 COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION REF TCC/1144/3 MOVEMENT CONTROL SPECIFICATION URBAN TRAFFIC CONTROL - FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION 1. INTRODUCTION 2. GLOSSARY OF TERMS 3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4, SYSTEM FACILITIES 4d SIGNAL COORDINATION BY FIXED TIME PLANS SIGNAL COORDINATION BY SCOOT EQUIPMENT MONITORING AND TESTING EMERGENCY VEHICLE PRIORITY COLLECTION OF TRAFFIC DATA CONGESTION DETECTION CAR PARK INFORMATION SYSTEM DIVERSIONS SYNCHRONISATION OF GROUP TIMERS 5. EQUIPMENT CONTROLLED 6. METHOD OF OPERATION 7. SYSTEM START UP aND OPERATION DURING POWER SUPPLY FAIL 8. S¥STEM CLOCK ERENCES, ORY o 10. APPENDICES CONTROL FACILITIES AND CUTPUT INFORMATION Page 1 1, INTRODUCTION 1.1 This specification defines the functional requirements for a system to provide Urban Traffic Control (UTC) in towns and cities using digital computing techniques. 1,2. This specification covers a wide range of systems suitable for diverse applications. No attempt is therefore made to limit the size or expansion cepability. Details of the required initial capacity and future expansion capability will be specified in the Works Specification. 1.3 The primary objective of the system is to control and monitor traffic signals and equipment. Two control. strategies are referred to in this specification: i. fixed time plans with timings calculated off line, eg by TRANSYT; ii, the traffic responsive strategy - SCOOT. All systems shall be capable of control by fixed time plans and where specified in the works specification shall also be capable of implementing SCOOT. 1.4 Where specified in the Works specification the system shall be capable of providing the following additional facilities: i+ Control and monitoring of signs to enable the implementation of diversions. 44, Car park sign control. iii. Emergency vehicle priority through the provision of green wave timings on selected controllers. iv. Collection of traffic data. vs Congestion detection. 1.5 The purchaser will be expected to provide such traffic engineering information as signal controller staging and timing information, details of switched signs, counting and queueing detection equipment required. The purchaser may also provide the traffic plan timings and where appropriate SCOOT date parameters and siting information for SCOOT vehicle detecting equipment. 1.6 The system shall be capeble of operating automatically and unattended. When abnormal conditions are detected by the systea, alarms shall be raised to draw an operator's attention to the conditions and allow manual intervention, if necessary, select alternative signal plans or signing arrangements. In systems incorporating SCOOT the the degree of optimisation may be manually amended. The system shall cater for different levels of control to limit the change of certain functions. 1.7 Where the system data is stored in fixed storage devices, such as read only memories, the design of such storage shall ensure that permanent changes to data can be achieved with the minimum of disturbance to the system, and at minimum cost, when belenced against the initial capital cost of providing this capabilicy. For example, it shall be designed such that reasonably inexpensive units of storage can be exchanged. Page 2 1.8 Where functions are declared as “Where specified in the Works Specification” these will not be a requirement for Approval purposes and there is no obligation on a supplier to offer these facilities. GLOSSARY OF TERMS CONGESTION CONTROL AND MONITOR TERMINAL BIT (CONTROL) BIT (REPLY) Page 3 A traffic parameter relating to the density of traffic on a given length of road. Device by which an operator can control the system and by which the system can display information. ‘An element of data in a control message which 1s allocated a specific function, and identified by ts position in the control Message. Standard control bits are: Fl, F2, ete Force a change to, and/or hold, a selected stage DX,D1,D2, etc Simulate the operation of vehicle detectors associated with all demand dependent stages at a controller SF1,SF2, etc Switch special facility Pv Hold the vehicle stage at a controlled pedestrian crossing sL Switch off part-time signals so Override the solar switch dimming facility in a signal controller SG Synchronise group timer €S1,C82, etc Control bits for the Car park Information System cr Close car park an element of data in a reply message which is allocated a specific function and identified by its position in the reply message tandard reply bits are:~ DFL,DF2, ete ‘Indicate that one or more of the loop detectors is faulty Gi,G2, ete Indicate that a particular stage 2 signal controller is running CONTROL MODE CONTROL MESSAGE DIVERSION DOUBLE CYCLING DEFAULT VALUE Page 4 xX Indicate that a green signal 4s displayed to vehicular traffic at a signal controlled pedestrain crossing MI Message transfer bit used to indicate to the computer that the outstation trans- mission unit has received a Control Message and has transferred this message to the traffic control equipment SC1,SC2, ete Confirm that a special facility has been introduced LF Indicate the failure of one or more of the signal lamps vq Indicate the presence of a queue from a queue detector BV Indicate the presence of an Emergency Vehicle ve All bits necessary for replies from a counting detector CA,CF,CC etc Reply bits from Car Parks SR,GR1 Group timer reply bits RC Remote reconnect reply bit VS1,VS2,VS3, | SCOOT detector data vs bits The method of operation of a traffic signal controller, ie under computer control, group timer control, vehicle actuation, manual or fixed time control. A series cf control bits organised into words or characters, transmitted from the UTC control centre to the Outstation Transmission Unit, containing administrative information and control data. An alternative route which can be identified by a series of variable signs. an arrengenent where a signal installation is made to operate in synchronism with, but at half the cycle time to other signals in the same sub-arez. A value which can be used when faulty detectors prevent normal SCOOT calculations with on-line data. 10. ae 12. 13. 1a 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. DEMAND DEPENDANT STAGE FIXED TIME GREEN WAVE GROUP TIMER INTERGREEN LINK LINKED CPERATION NODE OCCUPANCY DETECTOR OPTIMISER OUTSTATION EQUIPMENT QUTSTATION TRANSMISSION UNIT Page 5 A traffic signal stage which will not appear unless a demand for the stage exists from street detectors or computer "D' bits. A mode of opération of a traffic signal controller where each stage normally runs for a predetermined constant period A special set of timings imposed on a series of signalled junctions to aid the progression of emergency vehicles. A device installed in traffic signal controllers in which is stored a fixed time plan and which incorporates an accurate clock, enabling the local synchronisation of signals. The period between the disappearance of right of way to one stage of a signal controller to the start of right of way to the following stage. A symbolic representation of a length of road terminating in a Traffic Signal Stop Line, where all traffic on the link receives the same signal. Synchronised operation. Anode is an intersection of competing traffic streams where precedence 1s determined by a variable aspect traffic control device. A loop detector which is sampled several times per second over a defined period for occupancy of the loop by a vehicle, enabling the percentage of time occupancy to be determined. 4 SCOOT program which incorporates an algorithm to calculate the optimum current value for the relevant, parameter. Equipment installed on-street to be controlled by the UIC computer. An item of equipment which interfaces the equipment to be controlled with the UTC data transmission system. 22. 23. 26. 25. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. QUEUE DETECTOR REGION REPLY MESSAGE SATURATION OCCUPANCY ScooT - SOLAR OVERIDE FACILITY (SO) SPLIT SUB-AREA TRANSYT VEHICLE DETECTOR A set of control timings for one or more items of equipment to be controlled. A loop detector arrangement which gives an output if the loop 1s occupied by a vehicle continuously for a predetermined period. A group of nodes operating on the same base Cycle Time in a SCOOT System. A series of reply bits organised into words or characters transmitted from the Outstation Transmission Unit to the UTC computer containing administrative information, confirmatory data and traffic and SCOOT data. Maximum outflow from a stopline in the SCOOT model measured in SCOOT units. A UIC Control strategy in which traffic signal timings are calculated dynamically, using data. transmitted from on-street vehicle detectors. (TRRL Report LR 1014) Override the solar switch dimming facility in a signal controller (50) The allocation of green time between the different stages at a traffic signal installation. A group of traffic signal dastallations in UTC area which normally operate under the same cycle time. A computer program which generates fixed time plans based on input traffic data. (RRL Report LR 888) Any device, usually an inductive loop, which can distinguish the Presence or absence of a vehicle. 33. Bae VEHICLE ACTUATION VARIABLE SIGN Mee YOUN Page 7 A mode of operation of a signal controller where stage changes and stage durations are controlled by vehicle detectors. A sign which can be altered (usually renotely) to present different messages. Page 8 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Compliance with Standards All equipment provided to meet the requirements of this specification shall also meet the requirements of Specification MCE 0300 “Area Traffic Control ~ General Specification”. 3.2. Type Approval 3.2.1 The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions require that no equipment covered by this specification shall be used to control traffic on public roads until it has been granted Approval in writing on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport for England, the Chief Road Engineer Scottish Development Department for Scotland or the Director of Highways Welsh Office for Wales as appropriate. 3.2.2 The procedure to be followed by a manufacturer to obtain Approval of equipment to meet this specification is set out in Department of Transport Specification MCG 0500 “Approval of Equipment for the Control of Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic on Roads other than Motorways”, and in section 3.5 of Specification MCE 0300. 342.3 UIC systems approved by the Department of Transport shall comply with this specification. System approval will normally be granted to the manufacturer after demonstration of compliance with this specification and will:~ a. state the facilities provided by the system and the capacity of these facilities; b. state the system configuration; c+ list the computer programs, with module descriptions and issue numbers. This approval will epply to systems sub-equipped in terms of facilities or capacity. 3.3. Environmental Conditions 3.3.1 Equipment for installation in an office environment without air-conditioning shall operate in accordance with this specification while meeting the environmental requirements of specification MCG 0501 Sections 3.1 and 3.2 with: a. section 3.1, initial temperature of 35°C. b. section 3.2, initial temperature of 10°C. 3.3.2 Equipment for installation in an office environment with air-conditioning shall operate in accordance with chis specification while meeting the environmental requirements of specification MCG 0501 Sections 3.1 and 3.2 with a, section 3.1, initial temperature of 30°C. b. section 3.2, initial temperature of 15°C. Page 9 3.3.3. All equipment shall meet the environmental requirements of the relevant DTp Specification. 3.3.4 ° All equipment which is provided to meet the requirements of this specification and which is to be installed on the street shall operate in accordance with this specification while meeting all the environmental requirements of MCG 501. Section 3.1 with an initial temperature of +50°C (when mounted in its case) with an initial temperature of +75°C (when not mounted in its case). Page 10 SYSTEM FACILITIES Sections 4.1 and 4.3 describe the basic facilities that shall always be provided. Sections 4.2 and 4.4 to 4.9 describe optional facilities which will be specified by the purchaser in the Works Specification. 4.1 SIGNAL CO-ORDINATION BY FIXED TIME PLANS 4.1.1 The system shall provide signal co-ordination on intersection and pedestrian signal controllers by forcing stages or by allowing locally stored demands to mature. This shall be achieved by the transmission of control data over the data transmission system. The signal controllers shall obey this control information subject to local safety and timing restraints being met. 4.1.2 The system shall be capable of storing timings for a number of fixed time plans with timings derived off line eg by TRANSYT. The maximum number of fixed time plans that the system is capable of implementing shall be demonstrated for approval purposes. Where specified in the Works Specification systems may be sub-equipped below this number. 4.1.3 The system shall be capable of updating all the necessary control information derived from the plans on each scan of the data transmission system. bale System priority: The application of fixed time plans shall be according to the source of the Tequest. These shall be applied according to the following priority table: + Green Wave (highest priority). 2. Manual. 3. System Introduced. 4, Timetable. Where a change to the system priority is required, this will be specified in the Works Specification. Requests for a plan change shall be served in order of priority. The priority of SCOOT will be the same as the Timetable in Where a request for a plan is received it shall only be serviced if the current plen was requested fron a source of lower priority. When multiple requests occur from the same priority level the systea shall impose the latest request. When the serving of a plan Tequest is complete the system shell then serve any request which holds the next highest level of priority. ALS Sub-area It shall be possible to divide the area under control into sub-areas and impose the operation of fixed time plans on individual sub-areas or over the whole area. It shall be possible for each sub-area to operate on a different plan. +3. Where specified in the Works Specification it shall be possible to impose time plans on individual items of equipment. 4s1,5.4 Tt will not be possible to allocate one item of equipment to more chan one Page 11 4.1.6 Manual Operation It shall be possible within the constraints of che priority system to implement a new plan by manual intervention via the operator interface. Such a manual request shall be implemented by the system until the manual request is superseded, or cancelled from the same source. 4+1,6,2 It shall be possible for the system to automatically cancel a manual request for a plan at a predetermined time. When a plan, which has been selected manually, is still in operation at a timetabled plan change time then an operational alarm and suitable message shall be given, irrespective of whether the new timetabled plan and the manual plan are the same or not. : 4+1.6.4 Ie shall be possible to receive requests for plan changes from a remote jocaticn, via the data transmission system (eg Green Waves). 4.1.7 System Introduced Plans It shall be possible for plans to be introduced automatically by the system eg 2 plan may be introduced automatically when a diversion is introduced. Any change fo the priority list associated with these plans shall be defined in the Works Specification. 4.1.8 Timetable Operation The application of plans will normally be by timetable. The system shall be capable of different timetable change points for each dayof the week. It shall be possible to impose a fixed time plan by timetable on any individual sub-area or a whole area. :1,8.3°° The time for the timetable shall be derived rom the systen clock specified in section 8. 4:1,8.4 When @ timetable operation is allowed after being inhibited by a higher Priority operation, the timetable operation shall be based on the current system time. 4.1.9 Operation on Plan 0 4:1.9.1 On Plan 0 the system shall continue to transmit control messages, but these Bessages shall not contain stage force control data. It snail be possible to impose Plan 0 either manually or by Timetable Operation. On Plan O reply messages will continue to be received. These reply messages shall be analysed in accordance with 4.3.1. Page 12 4.1.11 Plan Changing 4.1,11.1 When the system changes to a new plan the system shall generate immediately the new control bits required for the new plan (ie there will be a "Modified Abrupt” (plan change which is to be achieved as defined by TRRL Laboratory Report LR 879 on plan changing uethods). The maximum time from the receipt at the processor of a request for a plan change to the initial transmission of data to perform that action shall not exceed 60 seconds. The change shall be implemented such that no more than 6 seconds elapse between the time of the first and the last signal controllers being sent new control information derived from the new plan. The time of introduction of a plan on-street shall be recorded in non-volatile form. 41.12 During the running of a plan it shall be possible for the traffic signals under control in a sub-area to operate on any one of 3 different cycle times in addition to the basic cycle time. These cycle times shall be synchronised to the dasic cycle where possible. 4.1.13 Where sub-areas are operating under the same cycle time, or sub-multiples thereof, these cycle times shall be synchronised. 4.1.14 The operator shall be able to request the display of the timing date relating to any selected controller on any selected plan. 4.1.15 It shall be possible to introduce green waves on pre-selected controllers as detailed in section 4.4.1. Green Waves. Page 13 4.2 SIGNAL CO-ORDINATION BY SCOOT 4.2.1 Where called for in the Works Specification the system shall be capable of implementing the DIp traffic responsive control strategy program, SCOOT. The version of the SCOOT kernel supplied shall be the latest DTp approved version mless otherwise specified in the Works Specification. 442.2 SCOOT control will be regarded as a plan for the purpose of compliance with all sections of 4.1 except 4.1.2 and 4.1.11. The maximum number of SCOOT nodes that the system is capable of controlling shall be demonstrated for approval purposes. Where specified in the Works Specification systems may be sub-equipped below this number. 4.2.3 It shall be possible for any of the traffic signal controllers to be removed from or reinstated to SCOOT control by: a. Operator command. >. Automatically by timetable entry. When SCOOT control is removed from a controller, control shall revert to fixed time values based on fixed time plans. shall permit any combination of the following degrees of SCOOT . Split optimisation on/off. (node basis) b. Offset optimisation on/off. (node basis) 4.2.5 ‘The system shell permit the cycle time optimiser to be controlled as follows: 4 a. Cycle time optimisation on/off (region basis). b. Limit the minimum permitted cycle time (region basis). c. Limit the maximum permitted cycle time (region basis). 4. Set single/double cycling restraint (node basis). 4.2.6 The levels of optimisation in sections 4.2.4 and 4.2.5 shall be achieved by: a. Operator command. b. Automatically by timetable. 4e2a7 It shall be possible using the control and monitor terminal, to list the value of and change (at level 2) at least the following SCOOT data parameters: a. Link traffic parameters: . Journey time Saturation occupancy Maximum allowed queue Congestion importance factor Page 14 Default offset Link factor Set detector faulty Clear detector fault b. Node traffic parameters: Double/single cycling status Start and end lags - can be changed only Default stage lengths (derived from the fixed time plans) - can be listed only c. Region Parameters: Maximum allowed cycle time Minimum allowed cycle time Trend flag (Cycle time optimiser modifier) 4.2.8 All automatic and operator imposed changes to the extent of SCOOT control or the degree of SCOOT optimisation shall be recorded in non volatile form and available at the appropriate control and monitor terainal. The priority of SCOOT within the system will be the same as (Timetable) in the priority table. 4.2.9 All split default information shall be time of day dependent and shall be taken automatically fron one of up to four fixed time plans. This default information shall be automatically updated when the relevant fixed time plan is changed by timetable. 4.2.10 The SCOOT program shall automatically restart after power failure and shall use initially the relevant fixed time plan held by the system for that time of day. 4.2.11 The nodes to be run under SCOOT shall be defined by operator command or by timetable control. 4.2.12 Each optimiser shall be set to its appropriate start-up state when SCOOT is implemented (eg split optimiser to ‘permanent’, off-set optimser to ‘ON’, cycle time optimser to 'ON' for all regions). 4.3 EQUIPMENT MONITORING AND TESTING The syst shall perform a. Continuous automatic checks on system control equipment. b. Continuous analysis of reply messages received from the data transmission system. c. Automatic controller test sequences. These are defined in sections 4.3.1 to 4.3.4. 43d REPLY ANALYSIS Under all control modes, except the failure modes resulting from the complete loss of data communication between the computer system and the outstation transmission units, all reply messages shall be analysed within the computer system to detect the faults specified in sections to 43.1614. Each outstation transmission unit on the data transmission system shall be monitored for correct Message Transfer (MT) bit or absent replies. If a reply is incorrect or a reply message has not been received a count shall be incremented for the relevant outstation transmission unit. If this count exceeds 15 in any hour then 211 equipment connected to this outstation transmission unit shall operate on PLAN 0 and a system alarm and suitable message shall be given. The counter shall be reset. Ar the end of any one hour period where the count has been incremented but not reached 15 an output shall be provided containing 2 suitable message, the identity of the outstation transmission unit and the number of such faults stored within the counter. The counter shall then be reset. When equipment connected to an outstation transmission unit is operating on PLAN O for reasons stated in it shall be possible where specified in the Works Specification for it to revert to the current form of control if at the end of acy subsequen: one hour period a count of zero is recorded. I simultaneous Gl and G2 reply bits are present for 3 successive reply messages, then a system elarm and suitable message shall be given. The signal controller shall operate on Plan 0 automatically and the reply message shall continue to be monitored. Disappearance of the simultaneous GI and G2 indication for 3 successive reply messages shall cause a further system alarm to be initiated, followed by @ suitable message to indicate this disappearance. The controller shell remain on Plan 0 until the fault status has been cleared by an input from the operator. When a remote reconnect reply bit (RC) is received for 3 successive reply messages a suitable message shall be output. The controller shall operate automatically on Plan 0 and the reply message contiaue co be monitored. The disappearance of the RC bit in 3 successive replies shall cause a message to be output, all logged faults on the controller shall be cancelled and the controller to be restored to computer control. Each traffic signal controller operating under central control shall be checked continuously for compliance with the control data transmitted to it. MEE Y2OUG Page 16 If the check fails a system alarm shall be output accompanied by a simple message on the operator interface. The check shall be inhibited for the first 4 minutes following the imposition of a new plan or SCOOT control. The following checks shall be performed: i, Intersection controllers: the minimum check shall ensure that each stage demanded in each cycle is confirmed at least once and that the stages are confirmed in the same order that they are demanded. There is no requirement to test the appearance of locally demand dependent stages. ii. Pedestrian crossing controllers: (a) _ The minimum check shall ensure that the vehicle stage is confirmed at least once at the appropriare time in each cycles. (b) In addition where specified in the Works Specification a check shall be made for the absence of the Vehicle Stage Confirmation for more than 60 seconds and of the duration of the Pedestrian Stage when confirmed. The presence or absence of a stage confirmation bit for a continuous period of greater than 180 seconds shall cause a system alarm and suitable message to be output and shall cause the affected signal controller to operate on Plan 0. This check shall not be performed while a controller is on Plan 0 nor shall it be performed on any controllers identified in the site data as having only one fixed tine stage. Where a condition occurs which causes Plan 0 to be imposed on the controllers associated with an outstation transmission unit, the removal of all force bits will cause the controllers to resume the local mode of control. When Plan 0 is imposed on a controller and the local mode of control is provided by mains linking using group timers the computer shall immediately impose PLAN 0 oa the remaining controllers within the group unless otherwise specified in the Works Specification. The non-correspondence of an SC bit with the relevant transmitted SF bit in 3 successive reply messages shall cause a system alarm and suitable message to be given which identifies the equipment or facility. In the case of diversion signs this check shal be inhibited for the first 45 seconds that the SF bit is transmitted. 4.31.10 If a sign is designated in the site data as “essential” to a diversion then failure of a sign to confirm as detailed in section shall cause the system to automatically cancel the whole of the diversion for which that sign forms part and Provide a suitable output message and alarm. ‘The presence of a DF bit in 3 successive reply messages shall indicate the failure of a vehicle detector. A system alarm and cuitable message shall be initiated which shall indicate the type of equipmeat indicating the detector failure (eg signal controller, traffic counter etc). The presence of a LF bit in 3 successive reply messages shall indicate the failure of any traffic signal lamp. A system alarm shall be initiated and suitable message output on the operator interface. Page 17 4.341413 The continuous presence of the EV bit in a reply message from any traffic signal controller for a period of 4 minutes shall cause a operational alarm and suitable message to be output at the operator interfac If the MT bit is absent then the checks specified in to 4,341.13 shall be inhibired for that scan period. When an ZV bit is present in the current scan period, che checks specified in shall be inhibited for that controller. This shall also apply for a period of 4 minutes following the disappearance of an EV bit. Fault data shall be stored in a fault log in a non volatile form. An input command shall be provided such that the operator can request an output of the full list of faults messages held in the fault log at that time. When the fault conditions disappear, the fault record held in the computer shall not be automatically cancelled. Faults shall only be cancelled by the operator or by remote command. The reconnection of an outstation transmission unit or controller, or the reintroduction of a diversion shall only take place providing the control request is still in operation following an input from the operator cancelling the fault. The plan or diversion imposed shall be the one appropriate to the time this fault is cleared. Confirmation of the reconnection of the equipment shall be given on the operator interface. 443-2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLER TEST SEQUENCING A sequence, which applies all che tests described in this section to all the traffic signal controllers, shall be initiated automatically by time of day, once in every 24 hour period. Even when faults are found by the controller checking sequence no alarms shall be initiated. The time at hich this sequence starts shall be as detailed in the Works Specification. The sequence shall be organised so that it is completed in less than 5 hours. The routine implementation of traffic signal controller testing shall have the same priority as a timetable plan. If a plan request from a source of higher priority occurs during the controller testing then this plan request shall be serviced and the controller testing suspended while the higher priority plan is running. When controller testing is interrupted ir shall restart preferably from the point at which it was interrupted. It is accepted that this may mean that the tests being carried out on the controllers at the time of interruption may have to be repeated, and that if the interruption is too long then the sequence may not be completed during the period that it is allowed. It shall be possible to request the initiation of this controller testing sequence for any selected controller. It shall also be possible to terminate this operator initiated sequence. An operator initiated controller test sequence shall have the same priority as an operator selected plan. . Page 18 The sequence shall ascertain that the duration of each of the following periods is within acceptable limits:- i, Intergreen Times ii. Minimum Green Times iii. Maximum Green Times (where applicable) iv. Local control under the group timer fallback plan (where applicable). The acceptable Limits for the duration of each of these periods are defined in Table(1). During the test routine the operator interface shall output the times at which the sequence starts and finishes. During the sequence the system shall record in non volatile form messages that shall indicate the state of each controller tested. These messages shall contain the following information: a. the controller identity; the time; c+ @ healthy message, or the fault found with actual values measured whichever is appropriate; Minimum Green and Fixed Time Stage Test. The controller shall be made to cycle through one complete cycle by the transmission of the relevant 'F' bits. These shall be accompanied where appropriate by the relevant 'D' bits. The stages shall be forced to appear in the cyclic order which the controller would adopt if all stages had permanent demands. The test shall ensure that each stage appears in the correct sequence, and has the correct duration. This test shall not apply to any demand dependent stages that the computer. cannot force. Intergreen Test: This test shall be carried out in conjunction with the minimm green test. The duration between the disappearance of the previous stage confirmation bit and the appearance of the next shall be tested. In addition for controllers with. more than 2 stages an additional test shall be added to the sequence which shall test the duration of one intergreen time between stages for a change which is not in the normal cyclic order which the controller would adopt if all stages had permanent demands. If variable intergreens are present in a signal controller then the site data will specify a range. Maximum Green Test: This test applies to those controllers within the system which normally operate in a vehicle actuated mode under Plan 0 operation. The computer shall continuously transmit all relevant DX bits, and shall test that the green times which appear are of the correct duration. This test shall not apply to any stages on which the DX does not operate. Page 19 4.3.2-10 Local Control Under Group Timer: This test applies only to those controllers which operate under group timer control under Plan 0. 4, A test shall be made on the performance of each controller equipped with @ group timer, under its local control mode by withholding all F bite but transmitting D bits where appropriate in the control message to a controller. a test shall then be made on the correct appearance of each group (1e the stages related to that group) the duration of each group, and the offset against the timings held in the computer records for the fallback plan. A test shall be made that each group appears in the order required by the fallback plan. 4, A test shall be made that the duration of each group is correct. For Type 105 controllers each group corresponds to a single stage and its inter-greens. (For ‘Type 106 and Type 141 controllers, however, more than one stage may run in a group). Tne test shall ensure that each stage or stages allocated to each group appears. A bit will be provided at each controller fitted with a group timer to indicate when the group timer is in group 1. (GR bit). Where a controller has more than 1 fall~back plan, the system will only be expected to test the controller against 1 nominated plan, this being the normal off-peak night plan. If the test is performed when another plan is in operation, usually as a result of a manual request, it is accepted that fault reports my result. Controlled Pedestrian Crossing Tests: 4, Controlled pedestrian crossings shall be tested separately from the controller sequence. The correct operation of controlled pedestrian crossing equipment shall be tested over a 24 hour basis. The appearance or otherwise of the pedestrian stage shall be recognised by the disappearance of the reply bit 'GX'. The system shell test that the following occurs at least once in every 24 hours: i, The pedestrian stage operates (GX absent). When this occurs the system shall also test that the total duration of the pedestrian stage plus the inter-green times is of the correct duration and at the correct time in the cycle. ii. The pedestrian stage does not appear during at least one plan cycle. 4,3.2.11,2 At the end of che 24 hour period the eystem shall recerd in non-volatile form messages that shall indicate the state of each pedestrian crossing tested. The messages shall contain the following information: (a) the pedestrian crossing controller identity; (>) the time; (c) a healthy message, or the fault found with actual values measured whichever is appropriate. None of the tests detailed in of this specification shall be inhibited because of the presence of a detector fault bic (DF) in 2 reply message. Page 20 4.3.2413 The presence of an EV bit in the reply message from a particular controller shall cause the tests on that controller to be suspended immediately and for a period of 4 minutes following the disappearance of the EV bit. The occurrence of either of the faults specified in sections and during the conducting of the test sequence shall cause the tests on the affected controller(s) to be abandoned. Faults identified by this routine traffic signal monitoring shall not be inserted in the fault log nor shall they result in Plan 0 being imposed on the controller. Table 1 ‘TEST FIGURE Minimum Green Nominal Value # 1 sec 1 Scan Period Inter Green Nominal Value*t 1 sec 1 Scan Period Maximum Green Nominal Value #2 sec +1 Scan Period Local Plan Nominal Value + 2 sec the Scan Period * The nominal value of an Intergreen may be quoted as a range. This shall be within the limits 0-45 seconds. SYSTEM CONTROL EQUIPMENT MONITORING As frequently as the system workload allows automatic checks shall be carried out on as much of the system as possible. Where incorrect operation is detected a system alarm end suitable message shall be given. The manufacturer shall satisfy the DIp that sufficient checks have been included within the software to check system functions, and the operation of key parts of the operational program. These checks shail be monitored at least once in a period corresponding to the scan rate of the data transmission system, and shall include “watchdog timer” checks. If a check fails co produce 2 satisfactory result, where possible it shall be repeated 3 times, and if the check 1s still unsuccessful the system shall isolate ali outstation equipment (which shall fall back to local control within 6 seconds. Where possible a system alarm shall be raised and a message shall be output identifying the failure. If any main equipment cabinet is fan cooled then the failure of the cooling system shall be detected. This shall iniciate a system alarm and output an appropriate message. 4.3.4 MONITORING BY OPERATOR The operator shall be able to select any OTU for which the system shall then display in some form all control and reply data transmitted and received from that OTU. 4.4 EMERGENCY VEHICLE PRIORITY 4ebel Green Wave 4ebslel Where specified in the relevant Works Specification it shall be possible to provide "Green Waves". These will have special traffic signal timings to aid the movement of an emergency vehicle from its station. The “Green Waves” do not form part of the signal plans, nor are they restricted to a sub-area, they will be identified by a list of traffic signal controllers in the site data. It shall be possible to impose “Green Waves” on all traffic signal controllers and on a pre~defined route. The imposition of a “Green Wave” shall remove the controller from the current plan and impose the special “Green Wave” timings. The maximum time from the receipt at the processor of a request for a green wave to the initial transmission of data to implement the green wave shall not exceed 6 seconds. 4ebs1.4 The "Green Wave” shall operate for a predetermined period, the “time-out” period, which shall be preset within the range 0-7 minutes in not greater than 0.25 minute increments. If the “Green Wave” is again requested before the existing “Green Wave” has timed out the "Green Wave” shall continue to run for another complete "time-out period”. The existing cycle counter shall not be effected. The "Green Wave” timings will be such that a series of cyclic “Green Waves” occur and by resetting the “Green Wave” “time-out” period an emergency vehicle leaving after the first will be given a measure of priority without affecting the priority given to the initial vehicle. 4es1.6 It shalt be possible to impose all “Green Waves” at the same time. If a Controller is on wore than 1 "Green Wave” and both “Green Waves” are required to run at the same time as that Controller, then the first “Green Wave” shall take precedence at that Controller. When a "Green Wave” has timed out the system shall revert to the plan (or SCOOT control) which would have been running if the “Green Wave” had not been introduced. 4.4.1-8 "Green Waves” shall be initiated remotely, over the data transmission __ system. Where specified in the Works Specification these may also be initiated from designated Control and Monitor Terminals. The time at which a “Green Wave” is introduced and removed and the “Green Wave" number shall be output on non-volatile medium. 441-10 It shall be possible where called for in the Works Specification to indicate remotely, usually at the place where the “Green Waves” are initiated, that a particular "Green Wave” is operating. 44.2 Local Controller The system shall allow the operation of signal controilers which have been modified to allow for emergency vehicle priority. A reply bit (EV) shall be provided from the controller to the central computer to indicate that a priority call is being served. The reply bit shall be given from the start of the emergency vehicle call signal, and shall cease at the end of that signal. Only one bit shall be provided irrespective of the number of stages having emergency vehicle facilities. The system shall output on the operator interface and record in non volatile form the times of the start and finish of the receipt of the EV bit. The output shall also include a suitable descriptive message and the controller identity. Page 23 45 COLLECTION OF TRAFFIC DATA 4.5.1 The systen shall, where specified in the relevant Works Specification have provision for the collection of traffic data from a number of counting sites Permanently connected to the system. The operator may select from this umber, sites from which the system will record data. 4.5.2 The inductive loop counting equipment shall be as detailed in section 5.5. 4.5.3 The system shall store the traffic volumes for 15 minute intervals in peak periods and hourly intervals in off-peak periods or as specified in the vorks Specification. The start and finish times of such periods may be fixed in the site data but need not be coincident with the plan change times. It shall be possible co set different peak times for each day of the week. The count information shall be Stored separately for each direction of traffic flow at each site and provision shall be made for the storage of a vehicle count of up to 2,000 vehicles in any count interval. 46504 It. shall be permissible to apply a scale factor to the traffic count data (for example, a count may be registered for every fourth vehicle) provided that the figures are corrected back to their true values before output takes place. The scaling factor used shall not exceed 16. 4.5.5 A daily summary (0000-2400 hours) at the selected sites shall be computed to give the hourly flow, the peak hours flow the daily 16-hour (0600-2200 hours), or as Specified in the Works Specification, and 24-hour flow. Output of this summary in plain English tabular form shall be as detailed in the Works Specification. 4.3.6 It shall be possible, where specified in the relevant works Specification, to output the traffic data in units of vehicles per hour. 4.5.7 It shall be possible for the accumulated traffic dara to be ouput by 2 Ranua) request. When such a request is implemented the traffic count data stores shall not be reset and the full count output shall be given at the normal time. 4.6 CONGESTION DETECTION 4.6.1 Where specified in the Works Specification the system shall have the capability of providing a Congestion Detection System. 4.6.2 The congestion detection equipment shall met the requirements of section 5.6. 4.6.3 The congestion detection equipment will normally comprise queve detector loops and/or occupancy detector loops and associated roadside equipment configured as specified in the Works Specification. 4.6.4 Within 6 seconds of the onset of congestion, as defined and specified in the Works Specification, an operational alarm and suitable message shall be output. A further message shall be output when the congestion clears. 4.6.5 It shall be possible to prevent the occupancy detector from initiating an operational alarm when selected sub-area plans, whole area plans or SCOOT are operating. The message shall still be provided. 4.606 It shall be possible to prevent the queue detector from initiating an operational alarm automatically by the system when selected traffic signal plans are operating in any sub-area. The normal queue detector indication shall still be given. Page 25 47 CAR PARK INFORMATION SYSTEM ; 4aTel The system shall, where specified in the Works Specification, have the capability of providing a Car Park Information System. 4.7.2 The system shall collect date of the current car park occupancy. 4.7.3 The system shall control car park information signs in accordance with the car park occupancy data. 4.7.4 To enable the display of the appropriate state on signs remote from the car park it shall be possible to introduce a time delay between the receipt of data from the car park and transmission of the appropriate control messages to the car park signs 4.7.5 To prevent frequent, confusing, changes of the display on the car park signs it shall be possible to introduce a time delay between changes of occupancy state. 4.7.6 The system shall have provision for one opening and one closing time for each car park each day of the week. 4.747 If a car park occupancy data error state is detected, from the MT and data bit combinations, the appropriate control message to display spaces shall be transmitted. A suitable output message, accompanied by a system alarm shall be given. Page 26 48 DIVERSIONS 4.8.1 Where specified in the Works Specification the system shall have the capability to control variable signs to provide diversions. ‘These signs shall met the requirements of section 5.4. 4.8.2 The system shall accept requests for diversions remotely over the data transmission system, through the operator interface, or by timetable entry. It shall be possible to make these requests to introduce or cancel a sion at the same tine that a plan change or SCOOT control is being implemented. 4.8.4 Where specified in the Works Specification the introduction of a diversion may also automatically request or continue to operate on a fixed time plan (or SCOOT control) on a sub-area, group of sub-areas or whole area. All sub areas associated with a single request shall have the same plan (or SCOOT control) requested for ther The plan requested shall be appropriate to the implemented diversion at the current time of day. If the diversion changes or a time-table change becomes due then the system shall re-calculate and request the new plan (or SCOOT control) appropriate to the diversion at that time. - It shall be possible to operate or cancel the signs associated with a diversion after specified delays from the introduction or cancellation of that diversion. Where this facility is required details shall be provided in the Works Specification. It shall be possible to implement or cancel a plan associated with a diversion after a specified delay from the introduction or cancellation of the diversion which requests the plan. This delay may be preset in the site data and may be different for the introduction and cancellation of the diversion. Where this facility is required details shall be specified in the Works Specification. 46866 It shall be possible to designate any sign(s) as essential to @ diversion such that failure of the sign to confirm shall result in the cancellation of the diversion as detailed in and any associated plan. Page 27 4.9 SYNCHRONISATION OF GROUP TIMERS 4.9.1 Where called for in the Works Specification a facility shall be provided to enable group timers to be synchronised (set to the start of group 1) remotely to a predetermined set of offsets. These offsets shall be the same as those used to check that the signal controller group timer facility is operating correctly as specified in section 4.3-2.10. 4.9.2 It shall be possible to synchronise all group timers at any time by operator command or by timetable event. 4.9.3 Synchronisation of a group timer shall be implemented by the transmission of the SG bit at Logic levels 0,1,0 in three successive scans to the relevant OTU. The last "0" will reset the group timer to the start of the first group. Offsets between controllers shall be arranged by the software such that the time between the system resetting the respective group timers to the start of group 1 creates the required offsets. When synchronisation is not being attempted the SG bit shall be transmitted at logic "1" level. 4.9.4 If the Synchronisation Return (SR) bit fails to be returned within « predetermined number of consecutive scans in the range 1 to 8, 2 further two attempts shall be made to resynchronise at the appropriate times. After three consecutive failures a system alarm shall be initiated and a suitable message output. 5. EQUIPMENT CONTROLLED 5.1 Data Transmission System 5.1.1 The system shall control the equipment detailed in sections 5.2 to 5.10 via a data transmission system which shall be approved to DIp specification MCE 0312 or MCE 0361. 5.1.2 The data transmission system shall be designed for the transfer of data on a one second cycle, however the manufacturer shall have the option to reduce the transmission rates specified in clause 4.1.2 and 4.3.1 of MCE 0312C and clause 4.1.2 and 4.3.1 of MCE 0361 from one second intervals to two second intervals. This option is not permitted for signal coordination by SCOOT. 3.1.3. It shall be possible to connect a number of traffic control equipments of the same type or of different types to the data transmission system. This mumber shall only be Limited by the number of control and reply bits available and the total capacity of the system. 5.1.4 It shall be possible to utilise spare control and reply bits to operate additional equipment at a later date. 5.2 Traffic Signal Controllers 5.2.1 All traffic signal controllers used with this sytem shall normally comply to specification MCE 0106 ‘Vehicle Actuated Traffic Signal Controllers (solid state) for use in Area Traffic Control Systems’ and MCE 0141 ‘Microprocessor based traffic signal controller for isolated linked and urban traffic control installations’. 5.2.2 Where vehicle actuated traffic facilities are not required, and fallback to linked operation is essential, then traffic signal controllers equipped in accordance with specification MCE 0105 'Fixed Time Traffic Signal Controllers (solid state) for use in Area Traffic Control Systems’ may be used. 5.2.3 Where an existing group of traffic signals is at present controlled by a linked system, this may be retained where linking is essential under fallback conditions. Note: Controllers fitted with existing master linking equipment will require additional modification to those covered in MCE 0106 if the linked system is to be retained. 5.2.6 The control data shall perform the following functions: a. force a change to and/or hold a selected stage (Fl, F2 etc); b. simulate the operation of vehicle detectors associated with a demand dependent stage at a controller (DX, D1, D2); c. switch some approved special ‘facility (SF) eg change the maximum green period to an alternative setting. The bit will be transmitted for the duration that the facility is required; a. Where specified in the Works Specification override the solar switch dimming facility in a signal controller (80); Page 29 e. Where specified in the Works Specification synchronise a group timer (86); £. Wheré specified in the Works Specification switch off part-time signals (SL). Any additional control bit designations will be specified in the Works Specification. 5.2.5 During the operation of a plan (other than plan 0) the following control will apply for each traffic signal controller: a. the start of any selected stage will be initiated by the transmission of the relevant F bit; b. the selected stage will be maintained indefinitely by the continuous receipt of the relevant F bit at the signal controller; c. where a demand dependent stage has been designated, operation of that stage will be dependent upon che relevent F bit and the appearance in the controller of the relevant detector demands; 4. for Type 106 controllers under certain plans a common demand bit (DX) may be transmitted continuously to enable the appearance of all demands dependent stages at these controllers. 6 The reply data bits shall perform the following function: a. indicate that a particular stage at a signal controller is running (Gl, G2 etc); b. indicate that one or more of the intersection detectors is faulty (DF); c. imdicate the failure of one or more of the signal lamps (LF); d. confirm that a special facility has been introduced (SC); @. confirm synchronisation of group timers (SR) and duration of group one (GR!). £. dméicate that the remote reconnect reply bit has been set (RC). Any additional reply bit designations will be specified in the Works Specification. 5.3 Signal Controlled Pedestrian Crossings 5.3.1 All new signal controlled pedestrian crossing equipment will comply with specification MCE 0125 ‘Pedestrian Operated Traffic Signal Equipment’. All existing equipment shall have a control interface in accordance with that specification. 5.3.2 The control bit shall perform the following function: Hold the vehicle stage at a controlled pedestrian crossing (PV). Page 30 5.3.3 Control of Pedestrian Crossing Controllers The appearance of the pedestrian stage at a controlled pedestrian vehicle crossing shall be prevented by the imposition of a hold condition on the stage. This shall be achieved by the transmission of the relevant PV bit for the required period of the hold condition. A '"hold' condition on the vehicle stage shall not be overridden by a pedestrian demand. During the operation of a plan, the PV bit shall be withheld from transmission at the appropriate time in the cycle to permit pedestrian demands, if any, to mature. 5.3.4 The reply bits shall perform the following functions: a. indicate that a green signal is.displayed to vehicular traffic at a pedestrian crossing (GX); b. indicate the failure of one or more of the signal lamp (LF). 5.4 Switchable Traffic Signs 5.4e1 All switchable traffic signs shall be of a type approved by DIp. 5.4.2 The control bit shall perform the following function: Switch the sign to a pre-determined indication (SF1, SF2, etc). The bit will be transmitted for the duration that the indication is required. 5.4.3 The reply bit shall where applicable perform the following function: Confirm that the sign aspect requested has been set (SCl, SC2 etc). 5.5 Vehicle Counting Equipment 5.5.1 All vehicle counting equipment shall meet the requirements of Specification MCE O115 "Inductive Loop Vehicle Counting Equipment’ 5.5.2 The reply bits shall perform the following functions: a. indicate the passage of one or a number of vehicles over the detector scaled by a pre-determined scale factor (VC); b. indicate the failure of a detector (DF). 5.6 Congestion Detection Equipment 5.6+1 All vehicle detecting equipment supplied to this specification shall meet the Tequirements of specification MCE 0100 ‘Inductive Loop Vehicle Detection Equipment’. 5+6.2 An output shall be provided which shall indicate the failure of a detector. 5.6.3 The reply bits shall perform the following functions: - indicate the presence of a congestion (VQ); b. indicate the Zailure of a detector (DF). MCE 03000 Page 31 5.7 Car Park Data Collection Equipment 5.7.1 Vebicle and queue detection equipment supplied to this specification shall comply with MCE 0100 Inductive Loop Vehicle Detection equipment. 5.7.2 Where vehicle detection equipment is provided under this specification an output shall be provided which shall indicate the failure of a detector (DF). 5.7.3 The control bits shall perform the following functions: Car park state - sign switching (CS1, CS2) 5.7.4 The reply bits shall perform the following functions: a. Indicate the car park state: (4) car park occupancy threshold exceeded (CA) (44) queue at car park entry reservoir (CF) (444) car park closed (CC) b. indicate the failure of a detector (DF). 5.8 Emergency Vehicle Indentification Equipment 5.8.1 All emergency vehicle identification equipment shall meet the requirenents of MCE 0123 "Emergency Vehicle Automatic Detection Equipment’. 5.8.2 The reply bit shall perform the following function: Indicate the presence of a priority vehicle at the detector (EV: +9 Operator Terminal Equipment 5.9.1 Control and Monitor Terminals 5.9+1.1 At least one control and monitor terminal shall be provided. This may be either local or remote. Details of terminal equipment arrangements shall be specified in the Works Specification. 5.9+1.2 Control and monitor terminals may be dedicated for certain functions. 5.9.2 Remote Request Equipaent Detailed requirements of remote operator request equipment will be contained im the Works Specification. Remote terminals will consist of pushbutton and indicators and equipment to interface to the data transmission system. Data to the remote terminal shall have the capability to indicate the following states: @+ the computer and date transmission system is operating correctly; b. that a request has been implemented. Page 26 “ Data from the remote terminal shall perform the following function: a. request a green wave. The green wave request shall be a momentary action. The terminal equipment shall ensure that the system registers this deman or b. request a diversion or signal plan. The bit shall be present for the duration that the facility is required. 5.10 SCOOT Detection Equipment 5.10.1 All SCOOT detection equipment shall meet the requirements of MCE 0100 Inductive Loop Vehicle Detection Equipment’. 5.10.2 The reply bits shall perform the following function: Indicate the presence of a vehicle during the appropriate one-quarter second sampled period (VS). 6. METHOD OF OPERATION 6.1 ‘The system shall have the capability for operating without permanent operator attention. 6.2 System operations shall normally be by timetable and shall include the following facilities Introduction and removal of SCOOT control (where provided). Introduction and removal of fixed time plans. Introduction and removal of diversion. Opening and closure of car parks. Synchronise group timers. In addition the following operations shall be performed at nominated times. Output of traffic data. Signal Controller routine testing. 6.3 The operator shall be able to request the display of the plan change timetable(s) for any selected day. 6-4 Manual control shall be provided such chat any of the facilities normally applied by time-table (ie plans, diversions etc) may be applied by operator command. 6.5 It shall be possible for the traffic engineer to make temporary changes to plan and timing data. Temporary data introduced shall be stored in such a way that permanent data is not destroyed. It shall be possible to make temporary changes to the following data: (a) Change the timings of traffic stages: (b) Change the timetable switching points; (ce) Cancel or introduce new timetable switching points. any other changes will be given in the Works Specification Page 33 6.6 Levels of Control The system shall have the capability of operating at 3 differeat levels of control. The access levels shall be operated such that access to or from a higher level of control shell be by an approved method. Level | shall be available at all times and shall be the normal operating level. Level 2 shall have restricted access to allow amendment of control parameters within the system. Level 3 shall have more restricted access than level 2. All control functions shall be available at this level. Details of control functions and their corresponding access level are provided in Appendix Al. 6.6.1 Level 1 Control On level 1 control the operator shall be able to carry out the control functions listed in the appropriate section of Appendix Al cable Al and display the related data. 6.6.2 Level 2 Control On level 2 control the operator shall be able to carry out the functions Listed in the appropriate section of Appendix Al table Al and display the related data. All the functions available at level 1 shall also be available at level 2. Where temporary data has been introduced, it shall be used in place of the * permanent data each time the plan, diversion, etc, to which it relates is called into use. Where permanent data is stored in active or backing stores, it shall be possible under level 2 control to transfer all the data held in the temporary storage areas into the permanent storage, by the input of suitable commands. 6.6.3 Level 3 Control 6-6.3-1 On level 3 control the operator shall be able to carry out all the control functions listed in Appendix Al table Al and display the related data. The manufacturer may at his discretion provide other control and display functions which he considers necessary, either for operational or maintenance purposes. All such control fictions shall normally only be available at level 3 unless otherwise agreed by DTp. 6.7 All system operations from whatever source which result in a change in the means of control of on-street equipment, eg plan change, introduction or removal of a diversion, shall be accompanied by a corresponding unsolicited message on the operator interface and recorded in non volatile form. 6.8 At all times the data output in accordance with section 6.6 shall provide the current data used by the system, ie it shall provide temporary data in place of permanent data where appropriate. Page 36 6.9 It shall be possible to return to the use of permanent stored data, either in total or item by item. This return to the use of permanent data shall be ordered such that the computer returns to the use of the permanent stored data and does not rewrite the permanent data into thetemporary stored data. : 6-10 Input messages shall be by either: a. keyboard entry in simple format in full English, abbreviated English, or mnemonic code provided it is simple and readily understood; and/or b. @ logical control push button sequence which does not allow the inadvertent application of any control function, eg by provision of separate implement button etc. 6.11 Output messages shall be in simple format and can be in full English, abbreviated English or code provided it is simple and logical. In the case of all messages they shall identify the equipment concerned and where appropriate the type of fault and the time of occurrence of the event 6.12 All messages shall be accompanied by the system time of occurrence 6.13 Facilities shall be provided to enable the system time to be manually set. 6.14 At any time when the system is outputting any message, the operator shall be able to stop this oucput. 6.15 The system shall have the capability to provide 2 categories of alarm: a. operational alarm - associated with an operational condition eg time-table plan change due when manual plan is in operation; system alarm ~ associated with a system or equipment malfunction. These shall be accompanied by separate visual indication and 2 distinct audible tones associated with the alarm category. A single control shall be provided to silence both types of audible tone. Whenever an alarm condition is generated the system shall output an appropriate message indicating the reason for the alarm and the system time. A switch may be provided to disable the audible alarms where called for in the Works Specification. 7. SYSTEM START UP AND OPERATION DURING POWER SUPPLY FAILURE 7.1 When a break in the mains power supply occurs that cannot be bridged by the computer system, then it shall either: a. perform an ordered shut-down, such that an automatic restart can be initiated following resumption of normal power; or >. if an ordered shut-down cannot be guaranteed, the system shall be provided with a program loader to enable an automatic restart to be initiated on resumption of normal power. 7.2 Start up following a mains failure or shut-down lasting less than the standby capability of the system referred to in 7.6 shall take place automatically. Restart of the system operation shall take place in not more than 5 minutes following restoration of normal power. 7.3. Start up following a prolonged shut-down or mains failure lasting longer than the standby capability referred to in 7.6 shall require the operator to insert system day and time. A system alarm shall be given to draw the attention of the operator to the resumption of the mains supply. 7.4 Where the data and programs are held in memory that can be overwritten by the system (corruptible) then all the data and programs shall be held on a proven program loading device, which shall transfer information into the system automatically following an initialising command from the operator. 7.5 Where the system is of a type where all the permanent data and programs are stored in non-corruptible memories, the system shall be initialised by a simplemanual command. 7.6 If temporary data is stored in the computer system in volatile memory such that data may be corrupted if the power supply is interrupted for any period of up to 4 hours, then sufficient battery back-up shall be provided for this memory to retaiz the date for 4 hours in the event of a power supply failure. The system shall be able. to detect when this battery supply has dropped below the reliable operating level. on start up a system alarm shall be raised and message outputif temporary data may have been corrupted. 7.7 If the battery provided under 7.6 is rechargeable then it shall be recharged automatically. The maximum time for the battery to be charged from fully discharged state to a 90% charged state shall be 24 hours. 7.8 If the battery provided under 7.6 is non-rechargeable the charge state of the battery shall be continuously monitored and a system alarm shall be raised and 4 message output before the charge has dropped below the reliable operating level. 7.9 Where the temporary data may have been corrupted by a power failure, in excess of 4 hours, the system shall ensure that only permanent data isused following a restart, until such time as the temporary data is reset or accepted by the operator. 7.10 Removal of power to or failure of the control and monitor terminal shall not cause the system to shut down. When no other form of manual control is provided, some means shall be provided so that an operator can shut down the system if the need arises. Page 36 SYSTEM CLOCK 8.1 The computer system shall contain a clock, which shall have an error rate better than one part in 100,000. Alternatively if the clock is synchronised to the mains supply there shall be no cumulative error or inaccuracy other than that due to variation of mains supply. . 8.2 The clock shall register the system time in the following form: month, year, day of the week (1-7), hours (0-23), minutes and seconds. Where specified in the Works Specification the date shall be provided. All timings derived within the computer shall be synchronised to, and shall have the same basic accuracy as, the system clock. 8.3 The system clock shall be functionally maintained in the event of a mains failure such that any error shall not be greater than 1 part in 10,000. This accuracy shall be maintained for a period of at least 4 hours. The system shall be able to detect when any backup supply provided has dropped below the reliable operating level. On start up a system alarm shall be raised and a message output. 8.4 If @ rechargeable battery is provided under 8.3 it shall be automatically recharged. ‘The maximum time for the battery to be charged from the fully discharged to a 90% charged state shall be 24 hours. 8.5 If a non-rechargeable battery is provided under 8.3 then the state of charge of the battery shall be continuously monitored and a system alarm raised and a message output before the charge drops below the reliable operating level. 9. REFERENCES Page 27 This specification and associated specifications make reference to the following:~ MCE MCE MCE MCE MCE MCE MCE MCE MCE mec sec 0100 0105 0106 ous 0117 0123 0125 0126 ol4i 0300 0312 0500 0501 0502 (Draft) BS 505:1971 IEE MCE MCE LR LR LR 0361 oo10 879 888 1014 Inductive Loop Vehicle Detecting Equipment Fixed time traffic signal controller (solid state) for use in Area Traffic Control Vehicle Actuated Signal Controllers for use in Area Traffic Control Inductive Loop Vehicle Counting equipment Inductive Loop Vehicle Identification Equipment Emergency Vehicle Automatic Detection Equipment Pedestrian Operated Traffic Signal Equipment Traffic Signal Controller for Isolated and Locally Linked VA Installations Microprocessor Based Traffic Signal Controller for Isolated, Linked and Urban Traffic Control Installations General Specification ‘Area Traffic Control Data Transmission System for use in Area Traffic Control Schemes Type approval of equipment for the control of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on roads other than Motorways Environmental Test Specification Acceptance Testing Specification Specification for Road Traffic Signals Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings High Capacity Data Transmission System UIC Notes for the Guidance of Local Authorities TRRL Laboratory report on plan changing methods. ‘RRL TRANSYT 8 Report TRRL SCOOT Report Page 38 10. HISTORY ISSUE A January 1977 Initial Issue ISSUE B January 1979 ISSUE C Draft 1 November 1982 Draft 2 January 1983 Draft 3 April 1983 . Final Draft May 1983 ray we @ offs Page 39 APPENDIX AL CONTROL FACILITIES AND OUTPUT INFORMATION Al.l This appendix specifies those input to the system and those outputs from the system which shall be provided. In addition the manufacturer may include any other control or display functions which he consider necessary or desirable for maintenance or any other purposes. Al.2 The input commands are listed in Table Al. This table also specifies the level of control on which these commands shall be available. Al.3. The output messages are listed in Table A2. Al.4 Some entries in Tables Al and A2 shall only be provided where the options to which they relate are provided. Page 40. TABLE Al MANUAL INPUT ‘CONTROL SPECIFICATION LEVEL CONTROL FUNCTION REFERENCE 1 1.1 Select a Plan Manually (Sub-Area or Whole Area basis) 1 1.2 Cancel a Plan Manually (Sub-Area or Whole Area basis) 1 1.3 Select a Diversion 4.8 1 1.4 Cancel a Diversion 408 1 1.5 Close a Car Park 4.766 1 1.6 Open a Car Park 4.7.66 1 1.7 Accept Alarm/Cancel Audible Warning 6615 1 1.8 Request Fault Log Printout 4361616 1 1.9 Cancel a Stored Fault 4.361617 1 1.10 Request a Printout of All Traffic Data 4.547 1 1.11 Stop Printout 6.14 1 1.12 Request Output of Traffic Signal Timing Data 4eLels 1 1,13. Request Output of Plan Change Timetable Data 6.3 1 1.14 Request Output of Diversion Control ‘Timetable 6.4 1 1.15 Request Output of Car Park Closure Timetable 6.4 1 1.16 Select OTU Monitoring Output (where relevant) 4a3eh 1 1.17 Request controller status on/off SCOOT 4.2.6 1 1,18 Monitor Results of split optimisation (node basis) 4.2.6 1 1.19 Request status of split optimisation (node basis) 46266 1 1,20 Request status of offset optimisation (node basis) 4.266 1 1.21 Monitor results of offset optimisation (node basis) 4.208 1 1.22 Request status of cycle time optimisation (region basis) 4.2.6 1 1,23 Request status of SCOOT data parameters 4.267 1 1.24 Impose or remove SCOOT control (node/controller basis) 4.2.3 1 1.25 Synchronise group timers 49 2 2.1 Initialise Systen Teh 2 2.2 Set System Time and Day 7.3 2 2.3 Introduce or Change Temporary Traffic Signal 6.5 Timing Data 2 2.4 Introduce Change or remove Temporary Plan Change 6.5 Timetable Data 2 2.5 Introduce Change or remove Temporary Diversion 6.5 Control Timetable Data 2 2.6 Introduce Change or remove Temporary Car Park Closure Timetable Data 2 2.7 Return té Permanent Data 6.9 2 2.8 Accept Temporary Data after Power Supply Failure 7.9 (Gif applicable) 2 2.9 Request and cancel a Check of selected Signal 43.204 Controllers 2 2.10 Allow or inhibit split optimisation (node basis) Waele 2 2.11 Allow or inhibit offset optimisation (node basis) 4.264 Page 41 TABLE Al MANUAL INPUT CONTROL, SPECIFICATION LEVEL CONTROL FUNCTION ‘REFERENCE 2 2.12 Allow or inhibit cycle time optimisation (region 4.2.5 basis) . 2 2.13 Set minimum permitted cycle time (region basis) 4265 2 2.14 Set maximum permitted cycle time (region basis) 442.5 2 2.15 Set single/double cycling status (node basis) 4.245 2 2.16 Change link, node, region and system traffic 4e267 parameters 2 2.17 Transfer Temporary Data to Permanent Data 646.263 (Af applicable) 3 3.1 All Maintenance Functions 3 3.2 All Other Functions Provided but not listed above Note 1. For the purpose of this table SCOOT control is regarded as a plan. BG Functions relating to optional facilities apply only when the option ts installed. TABLE A2 OUTPUT FUNCTIONS Page 42 OUTPUT MESSAGE SPECIFICATION REFERENCE Time of Day Current Plan (start time given on terminal) Manually selected Plan Operating Automatic Plan Change Due Diversion in Operation (start and finish times given on terminal) Diversion Rejected, with reason for rejection Congestion Detector - Change of State Car Park state changes Car Park Closed/Opened Input Error (Message not recognised) Traffic Signal Check in Operation Fault Log Confirmation of Equipment Reconnected Traffic Signal Plan Timing Data Plan Change Timetable Diversion Control Timetable Car park Closure Timetable Traffic Signal and OTU Monitoring Output Manual Plan Cancelled Emergency Vehicle Affecting Controller FAULT MESSAGES Computer Fault Computer Cooling System Mains power Restored Data Transmission Fault Signals off Controller Fault Detector Fault Lamp Failure SF Fault Controller Check - Inter-green Fault ~ Minimum Green Fault > Maximum Green Fault Local ‘Control Fault - Pedestrian Stage Fault Signals Off - Cleared Group timer failed to synchronise correctly Car park fault SCOOT Warning Messages: detector faulty detector suspect faulty detector OK Link faulty Link OK Link congested exit clear exit blocked link busy intervals Page 43, TABLE a2 (Continued) OUTPUT FUNCTIONS SPECIFICATION . OUTPUT MESSAGE REFERENCE from SCOOT Split Optimiser: stage decision Fevised stage times and lengths link merit values stage decision details from SCOOT Offset Optimiser: node decision link performance indices = node performance indices link congestion parameters from SCOOT Cycle Time Optimiser: region decision region low, nigh and recommended cycle times region cycle time/delay information Fegion threshold information node holding region MECY Information double cycle status informacion node cycle tine yerping shat forced double cycling aay be inappropriate link saturation information from SCOOT nodei wonitor link, node and region stops, delay and flow dink spare green link mean modulus deviation Queue ac start of green queue clear time link four second output

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