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Best of the Best

2004/05 ASSE Practice Specialty Newsletters

Executive Safety Leadership

By Robert Pater

ost SH&E professionals incidents get government regulators managers who were confident and smooth
believe that active support involved and theyll tell us how to run presentersuntil it came time to talk
our business. about safety. Many then stiffly reverted to
companys executive The first thing we either an empty you can do it talk or a

leadership is critical for look for in a potential dry discussion of incidence rates, neither
achieving a strong safe- acquisition is SH&E the best thing to focus on with line staff.
ty culture and safety record; this indicates Someone said that it is critical to com-
program performance. Yet, many profes- how well a company is managed. municate about workers personal safety,
sionals are also frustrated in their efforts In plants where leaders make a real not about their safety record. Statistical dis-
to activate their executives toward a high- commitment to safety, employees make cussions about safety are most appropriate
er level of safety leadership. extraordinary breakthroughs. for managers and SH&E professionals, not
From my experience, the positive news Any manager who cant manage line staff. Ive frequently heard workers
is that it is possible to more successfully SH&E just cant manage. say, If our injury rate goes down, will you
reach the executives in your organization, I dont treat safety as a separate enti- pay me more? Much better to focus on
raise executive awareness of the value of ty; to me, its part of all work we do. the personal benefits safety brings.
safetys broader organizational role, sup- Youll see safety deteriorate long Regarding influencing executives,
before other operations do. On the other Dee Hock, CEO Emeritus of VISA
port safety efforts and influence senior
side, if you can improve safety, you International, wrote that strong leaders
managers to become more successful
can realize significant improvements in should spend 40 percent of their time on
safety leaders.
operations. managing themselves and 30 percent of
Ive had the opportunity to work with
Safety doesnt improve unless peo- their time on managing up.
and present to executives in one-on-one
ple are focused. At the end of the day, Becoming more influential with senior
consultations and at numerous confer- managers can not only heighten safety
safety is about what people do this
ences in a wide range of companies in exposure in a company, it may also have
minute, hour and day on this particular
several countries (although most of my positive effects on your own credibility
task. If for five minutes I believe I dont
experience is in the private sector with and career. Safety is a nexus point, the
have to focus on what Im doing, I am set
larger companies). Clearly, there are one aspect of organizational life everyone
up to have an accident.
always exceptions to any rule. But the agreesat least verballyis important.
We would rather see workers comp
principles discussed here have proven Focusing on boosting safety also helps
claims than off-work medical claims.
effective with numerous executives. Ninety percent of things to improve encourage employee receptivity to
safety are positive. To get another one change, helps attract and retain desired
What Executives Say about Safety percent improvement now is about us, our workers, affects smoother flow of opera-
In the last decade, Ive seen an executive people and our culture. tions, boosts involvement, heightens trust
alchemical shift from perceiving safety as Many executives are under significant (at a time where this is highly needed)
a time or resource-waster to be delegated pressure to keep their companies compet- and can give the company a market edge
outsomething the company was forced itive and profitable by cutting costs. In in other ways as well.
to implementinto a critical resource publicly traded companies, there is often At a seminar for senior executives of a
for organizational performance improve- great pressure to show continuously ris- Fortune 500 manufacturing company, an
ment. For that perspective, following are ing quarter-to-quarter improvements, all operational vice president asked, We
some comments Ive heard senior execu- the while with an aging and thinned- need some dos and donts for leading
tivesmostly CEOs, presidents and vice down workforce (many of whom are safety. So I provided 10 dos and donts
presidentsmake about the importance working much harder than they were for senior managers to more effectively
of safety. decades earlier). This can lead to a lead safety. In a similar vein, following
To achieve operational excellence, make-it-so approach, often borne out of are several suggested dos and donts for
we need to have SHE excellence and a combination of management despera- SH&E professionals to help senior man-
everyone has to be involved. tion and of not understanding safety agers more actively and effectively lead
Customers arent willing to pay for a change dynamics. Have you heard execu- safety within their company.
companys SH&E mistakestheyll go tives say things like, I dont want to see
elsewhere. any more injuries? Not conducive to the Seven Key Safety Person Dos
SH&E should be the first subject of near-hit and catch-it-early reporting val- 1) Know when to be invisible. Lao Tsu
every operational review. ued by many SH&E professionals. wrote, The worst leader, the people fear
We want to run our company inde- On top of this, many executives are and hate. The next best leader, the people
pendentlyaccidents and environmental uncomfortable with safety. Ive seen top love and respect. The best leader, when

the job is done, the people will say, We relationship. Make sure to foster a posi- By soliciting managers concerns in
did this ourselves. tive relationship with a leader as high up advance (at an appropriate time), you can
Focus on giving credit to executives in the organization as possible. This per- redirect weakness into strength. This can
and thanking them for the support they son can help promote your efforts and also provide positive public relations for
provided that resulted in any safety gains. requests to the senior command, while safety and your efforts. Preface all requests
This could include providing funds for you can offer vital but confidential feed- for information with a statement to this
interventions, allowing release of workers back from line staff that can make the dif- effect, We value being as consistently
for safety training, being willing to have ference in how the executives decisions effective as possible. I welcome your help
pilot approaches tried in select areas. By will be accepted and carried out. Many in letting us know about any inconsisten-
thanking and crediting executivessin- senior managers are disconnected from cies you see or find regarding safety. Well
cerelyyou help foster identification whats really going on in the company, do whatevers feasible to reduce blockages
with safety successes and lead the way to know it and will relish vital intelligence to high-level safe performance.
buy-in for future endeavors. (remember, you will serve as their feed- If you listen carefully, you will also
Also, know when to bring someone back mechanism, not as a spy). get a bead on specific executives motiva-
else in to work with executives. This can Motivational psychologist Frederick tions, objections and concerns about safe-
be another person in your company, a fel- Herzberg wrote that many executives suf- ty. This information can help in later
low professional or an outsider. Some- fer from productivity burnout. That is, persuasion efforts.
times, you gain credibility by having they spend so much time in meetings, 6) Be action-oriented and foster
another voice of reason support your planning, focusing ahead and outward doable interventions. Avoid unrealistic
points. Be sure to screen in advance who- that they are often disconnected from interventions that might request execu-
ever you bring in to represent you. their company and employees. tives or anyone else to drop everything
2) Develop a strategic recognition Help reconnect them. Offer to alert for safety.
system. In addition to thanking execu- your bonds if one of their proposed Steer clear of communications or poli-
tives, develop a system for recognizing actions might unintentionally backfire. cies that are likely to backfire, such as
the positive impacts brought to safety by Bring them early employee overall reac- telling managers who are rarely separated
middle managers, supervisors, bargaining tions. Ask their help in influencing their from their briefcases to never carry on
unit leadership, other departments and peers indirectly toward safety leadership. stairs. Such communications only create
line staff. It might be a good idea to develop two conflict or further mixed messagesand
Know the key issues and values of such relationships among noncompet- might lead to your being seen as a safety
senior executives, both personally and ing executives. One never knows when a geek, out of touch with organizational
organizationally. For example, some man- manager might leave the company. realities.
agers take pride in their company being 5) Develop a detection and report sys-
Think execution. Be sure to set clear,
recognized as a best employer. Others tem. Safety implementations typically
realistic timetables for actions and com-
think of themselves as leaders in their generate at least some mixed messages.
municate expectations of levels of returns
field. Some want to know they are out- Ferret these out. Dont avoid them or wait
from interventions you set in motion.
pacing their competitors. Show how safe- for veiled or angry reports to come to you.
Change with change. Dont stick
ty leadership can further the most Invite resisters and otherswhich
unyieldingly to preset plans. Will Rogers
cherished objectives of top managers. should include several in the management
said, Planning gets you into things. Hard
3) Systematically chart and publicize ranksto seek out and report any mixed
work gets you out of them. Watch how
successes. This does not mean blowing messages in the safety realm. Be sure you
your own horn or causing shoulder dam- receive these reports with a positive external and internal forces affect your
age from patting yourself on the back. In demeanor (no matter the tone in which interventions and plans. Think regular
fact, my experience with executives is they may be delivered) and report back to observation, recalibrating and readjusting,
that calm confidence results in more cre- people as to what actions were taken. rather than waiting for the bad news that
dence than brash talk. Whether you invite mixed-message a pet project has failed.
Provide coming attractions of new sightings or not, people will notice these. 7) Make it easy for executives to lead.
interventions. Refer to past processes You dont really lose anything by solicit- Provide them with knowledgeable expo-
youve instituted that have resulted in dif- ing reports, as long as you preface your sure to safety plans and interventions as
ferent levels of success. Show tie-ins request with a statement that you will do compactly as possible.
between past safety efforts and current what you can, but dont have the power to Invite select top managers to sponsor
states. Go beyond statistical results to change everything. Also be sure to get each intervention. Solicit their help in set-
focus on improvements in morale, reports back to people in a timely manner. Done ting leading indicators for measurement
of personal use of methods, improvements well, this process can serve as a vehicle and quality control.
in communications, changes in actions, for boosting involvement in safety, help Offer to ghostwrite executive inter-
etc. Be sure to highlight system consisten- turn around resisters and generate higher- views, monthly safety letters, safety talks,
cy and trends of continued progress. quality information from the point of presentations, script introductions, etc. If
4) Nurture (at least one) executive view of those you are trying to influence. continued on page 32

Best of the Best
2004/05 ASSE Practice Specialty Newsletters

persuasive writing is not a strong skill, ously wonder about these back injuries portation companys vice president that
recruit someone else to handle this. In the and falls as well. all accidents are stupid).
meantime, continue to develop your writ- Motivation issue. Maybe they just Dont only track trailing indicators.
ing abilities (critical for influential e-mails, need to be held more accountable for not Help executives develop and monitor
reports and other communications). getting hurt? road signs that point toward the perfor-
Encourage executives to send safety Can of worms. If we bring this up, it mance improvements they most prize.
recognition or thank you notes home to will just open the gates. 2) Dont make everything a Waterloo,
workers and their families. Offer to Previously expended resources. Weve a we-better-do-this-or-someone-will-die
arrange for any needed logistics. already spent money on equipment and decision. Contrarily, dont convey lack of
Keep senior managers in the loop. back belts. Is this just another example of urgency about everything.
Provide them with coming attractions of throwing good money after bad? 3) Dont get defensive, make excuses,
new interventions. Be sure to make these Not thinking cumulatively. We put or have a cant do attitude. I have seen
brief and exciting, replete with visuals in a back injury prevention program last some professionals who appear cynical and
and demonstrations. month and still had several reports this defeated in advance. Ive tried everything
You might create a one-page (or short- month. possible and nothing works. Others are
er) set of action keys from which they can High expectations (without providing angrytheyve given their all and people
select. For example, for our strain/sprain, adequate support). I expect you to cut still resist.
slip/trip/fall, hand injury interventions, we injuries by 50 percent in the next year; by Remind yourself there are many
first focus on creating executive enthusi- the way, because of these being tight approaches you havent yet tried, that
asm. Then, invite them to take action, such times, were cutting your staff and budget timing and receptivity can always change
as providing input in selecting the best peer by 40 percent. (they might consider now what they
instructor-catalysts; considering becoming Unrealistic perceptions based on hot werent interested in before), that you
a leadership sponsor or supporting whoev- trends. Ive read about this new incentive might arrange for someone other than
er else is the leadership sponsor; setting program that says it will reduce all injuries. yourself to spearhead the change.
high expectations with chosen peer instruc- Thats what we need to focus on. If you should regularly think about
tor-catalysts and meeting with them briefly Instant/short-term results. I expect being defeated in advance, you might
prior to their initial training; dropping in we will achieve significant reductions in consider taking a sabbatical, getting away
for a few minutes during the initial train- injury costs within six months. from that position or talking with some-
ing; participating in planning for the While there is not enough room in this one who can offer a different perspective.
process rollout to all workers; debriefing article to address all these issues, it is Otherwise your attitude may diminish
newly-trained peer instructor-catalysts soon important to not exacerbate these. Bear in executives and others perceptions of you
after initial training week; supporting and mind the following list of donts. as a leader.
encouraging others to support releasing Few things turn off executives like oth-
peer instructor-catalysts and workers for Key Safety Person Donts ers being defensive or making excuses.
training; coaching and reinforcement fol- 1) Dont position safety only as avoid- Ideally, preparation, early monitoring and
low-up; and more. ance. Steer clear of others only associat- adjusting will greatly reduce the need for
If many executives are more seriously ing safety with negatives (getting blamed, getting called on the carpet. And if you
aboard the safety train, why do SH&E embarrassed, etc). Focus instead on posi- have a strong relationship with at least
professionals still have some difficulty tive outcomes and actions to be taken, one senior manager, you will be fore-
getting their attention, and securing rather than just those to be avoided. warned, forearmed and supported should
requested support and resources? Enlist positive motivation whenever something negative occur.
Clearly some obstacles exist, such as possible. To prepare these, ask yourself Should you see another professional,
disconnects between executive safety phi- what will executives get from actively in safety or elsewhere, who appears to be
losophy and actual practice. To effectively supporting safety beyond less injuries or slipping down the slope of self-defeat,
persuade executives, it is important to lowered costs? These might include: consider intervening by offering sup-
understand what, for them, might get in the greater credibility, higher morale and ded- portive, honest feedback. Again, easy to
way of their actively embracing safety. In ication, peace of mind (knowing youve say and extremely helpful, yet it may be
my experience, these include: done what you can to prevent injuries, uncomfortable to do.
Concerns about cost-effectiveness. lawsuits, public relations fiascos, etc), 4) Dont expect executives to think and
Sure safetys important, but is there a recognition as strongly community mind- talk like you. Arguably, many SH&E pro-
real return on the resources youre ed and more. All benefits should be fessionals tend to be more risk-aware and
requesting? Yes, Ive heard all the statis- customized to specific executives warm risk-averse than the general population.
tics on payback, but these are general or spots. But the opposite might be said of
from other companies. How do we know Dont do anythingand suggest this many executives. Effective persuasion is
well also realize these returns? to executives as wellthat encourages founded on reaching people from their
Suspicion. I think carpal tunnel syn- hiding accidents, hazards, near-hits (such perspective, rather than expecting them to
drome is a contagious disease. And I seri- as the statement I heard from a trans- immediately embrace yours.

To start, listen to the words repeatedly doing things or of expecting to be the offering two alternative actionseither of
used by those executives you wish to one who turns around executives. which would be acceptable to youand
influence. Read what they read. Scope 7) Dont fail to fully prepare to com- invite them to direct the route to take.
out what is in their officegolf club? municate with executives. I have heard Invite their input and support, making
picture of them in a sports car? Use this SH&E professionals question the efficacy it easy for them to do so with as little time
information to make effective metaphors of spending numerous hours to prepare commitment on their part as possible (see
in your persuasion process. This is much for a 10-minute executive briefing. But it Key Safety Person Dos number 7).
the same way sales staff of an internation- is not just 10 minutes. A short presenta- Request their support at the right
al organization that provides services to tion to senior managers is a highly lever- time. I suggest waiting until you can see a
major oil companies are trained to read aged event. In that 10 minutes, it is reasonable amount of nonverbal receptivi-
and employ information gleaned from the possible to simultaneously reach many ty before asking for their go-ahead. Even
office decor of target executive clients. leaders who, in turn, can affect the so, consider phrasing this in a way where
Dont get too attached or overzealous actions of a large number of people com- you acknowledge that they have choices
about safety. Many executives likely see panywide, over a significant time period. (Should you see value in this interven-
this as part of their overall picture of One of the best ways to communicate tion, there are some actions you can take
organizational performance, not as the with executives is through making power- that would require minimal time and
main show. Reduce safety talk to exec- ful presentations and briefings. You can could result in a major impact, etc.).
utives. Unless you are dealing with engi- use your presentations to create a sense of Remember to enlist the four steps in a
neering-oriented executives, opt away value and urgency for safety improve- successful persuasion process.
from too-technical discussions. Instead, ments. Be sure to continue to work on 1) Get their attention. This can be done
reflect on and refer to their organizational improving your skills in this area. in many waysciting a recent issue in
and leadership themes and objectives in Following are some proven keys for pre- the news, what competitors are doing, a
lieu of discussion of lost-time injury/ill- senting to executives. window of significant opportunity, etc.
ness rates and other safety jargon. 2) Elicit their interest. Offer benefits
5) Dont continue to bring up the same Executive Presentation Keys to them as both leaders and for the
old things. Most executives have already Show respect for their time. If you are organization.
heard the standard reasons they should given 10 minutes, make sure you can end 3) Build their trust by fully preparing,
support safety (e.g., avoid injuries, costs). within that time period. Of course, it is a showing your commitment to support their
It is easy to ignore or disregard what you good sign if they ask further questions or leadership, providing straight talk, giving
think you already know. Consider differ- ask you continue. Be prepared for that them choices and respecting their time.
ent and new approaches to get managers eventualityover-prepare for the time slot, 4) Invite their commitment, the small
attention. anticipating requests for more information. actions they can take that can make a real
Dont let yourself be seen as too wed- Communicate as a leader, not as a difference. Carefully and respectfully
ded to the pastwhether it is in your technician. Employ leadership talk, not remind them of their critical role as mod-
communications, attitude or interventions. safety jargon. els, trendsetters and leaders.
Continue to try new approaches and Let executives know that your pur- These strategies and methods are only
processes. Make sure you do something pose is to support their leadership efforts. the tip of the iceberg. Many other actions
unique in each safety briefing you make Initially provide them with a big pic- can be taken to activate stronger execu-
to executives. ture view with few details. tive safety leadership. Much of this is as
Certainly, avoid being seen as a safety Reconnect them with line employees. much art as sciencereading others, tim-
curmudgeon. Read the crest of changes in You can serve a vital role by helping ing, developing contact and more.
your company and industry and stay them better understand what line staff are Be sure to customize anything that
ahead of the wave. thinking (always maintaining confiden- might be of interest in this article to your
6) Dont fail to employ leverage. tiality) so they can be more effective as companys unique concerns and culture.
Rather than trying to be the lone ranger leaders. Significant results in performance and cul-
for safety, find others you can bring in to Provide a balanced view. Dont come ture are generated when executives demon-
present safety to executives. Ive seen sig- across one-sided, which only invites exec- strate sincere and strong safety leadership.
nificant results in many levels of safety utive wariness. Always offer potential By honing our abilities to persuade senior
performance from instituting a system of downsides of any proposed intervention. managers, we can greatly boost our mis-
workers becoming activated as safety cat- Of course, from your perspective, you sion and company safety effectiveness. !
alysts for change. These catalysts have might comment that the benefits to a pro-
often done exceptional jobs of reaching posed intervention seem to significantly Robert Pater is managing director of Strategic
senior management (who often had not outweigh the costs. Safety Associates, author of a book on leader-
expected sophisticated communications ship, founder of the MoveSMART injury-pre-
Acknowledge that they will make final
vention system and a frequent presenter at
and presentations from hourly workers). choices. Remember that many executives ASSE conferences. He currently writes a
Think mission first. Dont let yourself are used to taking control and usually do monthly column, The Safety Catalyst, for
become too attached to a set way of not want to be told what to do. Consider Occupational Hazards.


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