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International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research ISSN: 2347- 6362


K.A. Sri Nagesh
Associate Professor, Department of PG studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, Sri Sri College of
Ayurvedic Science and Research Hospital, 21stKm, Kanakapura road, Post. Udayapura,
Mental disorders are a bane for the medical fraternity by the virtue of its complexity in
handling them. Manas remained a mystery and very few attempts to understand it was made.
Manovaha srotas, which is an essential channel for the hauling of Manas throughout the
body and its accessibility out of the physical body, must possess a definite physical structure.
In classics, we do not find the word Manovaha srotas while describing about different
srotas but psychological disorders. Keeping the existent srotas in to account, we can claim
that the regular srotas only can act as Manovaha srotas. Thus we can understand the
relevance of such understanding by cross checking the references. Though Pranavaha srotas
is concerned with respiration, it also is apprehensive with sensory and motor activities of the
body. Pranavaha srotas extends from Hridaya till shiras which helps in comprehending the
data. Mind can traverse elsewhere in the body by other srotas as well.
Keywords: Manas, Hridaya, Pranavaha srotas, Vikaras.
INTRODUCTION: Manas remained as a well as body is interlinked.
mystery though its existence is evident. Epidemiological studies reveal that
One can neither find it physically nor can prevalence rate for psychiatric disorders is
it be measured in any units. But it exists. It varying from 9.5 to 370/1000 population
exhibits its existence by many ways. A in India2. These varying prevalence rates
student though is physically present during of mental disorders are from both Indian
a lecture, looking at the teacher perceives and international studies. Despite
nothing if his mind is elsewhere. This variations in the design of studies,
example shows that there must be an entity available data from the Indian studies
apart from physique. suggests that about 20% of the adult
Manas is notorious being unstable. It has population is affected with one or the other
accessibility to almost everywhere. But psychiatric disorder.
Manas needs a body for its functioning, a STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:
pathway for its movement and a location Any given situation is analyzed based on
to situate. In human body, its location is the basic information available. Shaareera,
in Hridaya, proximity to the location of the structural and functional aspects are
atma, buddhi and indriyas. The testimony essential to analyze in any disease. A
for its existence is perception of normal structure and function of dosha,
knowledge itself. srotas and mind should be understood to
Mano vikaras are due to three dosha and analyze mental disorders. The basic
agantu . Perhaps a disturbed bodily factor platform for the development of mano
(dosha) can spoil mind and a disoriented vikaras need to be understood.
mind will spoil the body. Thus, mind as
[K.A. Sri Nagesh : A Classical Approach Towards Understanding of Manovaha Srotas]

METHODOLOGY: The work is a type importance of shiras (head) charakacharya

of literary research. has said that, indriyas, indriya-pranavaha
Source of data: The literary source is from srotas are situated in shiras like an aura of
classical texts of Ayurveda, and published sun7.
articles in reputed journals.The available Twenty four dhamanis which take origin
literary information is analyzed critically in nabhi are disseminated in different
correlated with contemporary classical directions. Among them, ten Dhamanis
texts for authentication. which move upwards (from nabhi) goes to
LITERARY REVIEW: Ayurveda Hridaya and divides into three each, thus
believes in harboring the mind inside the become thirty (30). Among those, eight
Hridaya, thus, it becomes essential to dhamanis grasp shabda, roopa, rasa and
understand Hridaya prior to the gandha8 (two for each).
understanding of mind and mental Manas, due to its anutva and ekatva, it
disorders. Modern science explains us cannot engage itself in to all these (arthas)
about the impulses which traverses across at once. Thus perception of each takes a
the body through the dedicated pathways minimum difference in time9. From
called as nerves. In Ayurveda, the same shiras, where Manas is perceiving shabda
pathways are named as srotas. etc will be carried to chitta sthana
In Ayurveda, Hridaya is given more (Hridaya)10 the movement must be
importance than mastishka as it is said to happening through the same channels as
be the storehouse of many entities in the mentioned earlier, as each arthas are
body. provided with two dhamanis each.
It is understood that mind can traverse In Unmada nidana, doshas will enter
across whole body and even beyond. location of budhi (Hridaya) in a person
Though it can move around, it has a with upahata satva, and situate in
location exclusively set for it. Hridaya is Manovaha srotas and spoils the chetas11.
the seat of mind3 it shares the location DISCUSSION: It has been observed that
along with other entities such as shadanga, vata is the dosha essential for the activities
Vijnana, indriyas, arthas and atma. running through in the body. Vata dosha
Hridaya is not just an organ which pumps being responsible for regulation of Manas
blood alone. It is a junction through which does maintain and support Hridaya while
many srotas cross through. In Hridaya, travelling through its respective srotas.
dasha dhamanis, prana and apana, Pranavaha srotas is accommodating the
Manas, buddhi, chetana and mahabhoota movement of pranavayu, and Manas.
are present in the form of wheel and axle4. Manas has no independent and dedicated
Pranavaha srotas and Rasavaha srotas pathway for its movement, but it is
have their roots in Hridaya5. Pranavaha authorized to traverse through any srotas
srotas thus begin at Hridaya also it is said in the body.
that pranavata is situated in shiras. It The whole body shall be acting as pathway
means, pranavata moves through kantha and location for Manas12. This endorses
and uras and does dharana of buddhi, Manas to recognize any sensation across
indriyas, Hridaya and dhamani. Hridaya the body.
acts as a support for buddhi etc.6 As all the indriyas are unified in shiras,
Moreover, while explaining the pranavaha srotas can be identified as the
[K.A. Sri Nagesh : A Classical Approach Towards Understanding of Manovaha Srotas]

main pathway for Manas for the Similarly, distorted Manas would spoil the
perception of knowledge. srotas and would perceive the knowledge
Pranavaha srotas is a physical structure in a distorted way itself.
whereas pranavata and Manas are Collectively we can say that, Manas while
invisible entities. going towards shiras/indriyas
The same Pranavaha srotas will be called adhishthana would get spoiled due to
as Indriya -Pranavaha srotas in shiras. dushta srotas. Also, the knowledge which
This is because; the indriyas buddhi (after is carried towards Hridaya would get
its perception) will be navigating through spoiled due to dushta srotas. Distorted
the similar and parallel pathway. The same Manas would perceive the knowledge
pathway (Pranavaha srotas) near the wrongly and distorted Manas would spoil
indriyas is called as indriyas Pranavaha the normally functioning srotas as well.
srotas. This explains the basic structure of any
How the knowledge is perceived? mano vikaras. Shareerika doshas can
Knowledge is perceived through a involve Manas and can lead to mano
coordinated activity between different vikaras. Similarly, mano doshas can
entities. It is perceived in presence of involve shareera and lead to mano
Manas which is in connection with atma, vikaras.
engaging with indriyas, connecting with CONCLUSION: The Pranavaha srotas
arthas. can be called as Manovaha srotas while
Regulator for the Manas is vata13 and regulated vayu does the regulation of
hence, the pathway through which Manas. Shareerika doshas also can spoil
perceived knowledge is carried towards Manovaha srotas and lead to mano vikaras
the location of buddhi (Hridaya) is and flawed satva is a basic essentiality for
Pranavaha srotas. A typical and the onset of mano vikaras.
uninterrupted movement of vayu regulates REFERENCES:
the body functionalities14. 1. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of
Significance of Manovaha srotas in mano Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary,
vikaras: The basic factor essential for the Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint
mano vikaras is inconsistent satva15. ed., 2000; pg 224.
Dosha, be it shareerika (Vata, pitta and 2. Math SB, Srinivasaraju R. Indian Psy-
kapha) or mano doshas (rajas and tamas) chiatric epidemiological studies: Learning
would need inconsistent satva to create from the past. Indian Journal of Psychia-
mano vikaras. try. 2010; 52(Suppl1):S95-S103.
A strong mind would resist and deal with doi:10.4103/0019-5545.69220.
annoyance of dosha. 3. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of
The pathway through which Manas moves Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary,
in the body for the perception of Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint
knowledge should be free from distorted ed., 2000; pg 183.
dosha. Also, the knowledge perceived 4. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of
shall be carried through the srotas which Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary,
are free from doshas. Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint
ed., 2000; pg 716.


[K.A. Sri Nagesh : A Classical Approach Towards Understanding of Manovaha Srotas]

5. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of 13. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of

Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary, Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary,
Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint
ed., 2000; pg 250. ed., 2000; pg 79.
6. Rao Pandith D.V., Pandeya Ayodhya, 14. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of
Ashtanga sangraha of Vagbhata, Indu Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary,
Commentary, CCRAS publications, Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint
NewDelhi, Reprint ed., 1991; pg:248. ed., 2000; pg 616.
7. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of 15. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of
Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary, Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary,
Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint
ed., 2000; pg 716. ed., 2000; pg 222.
8. Acharya J.T., Sushruta Samhita of Corresponding Author:
Sushruta, Chaukhamba Surbharati Dr. K.A. Sri Nagesh
Prakashan, Varanasi, Reprint ed., 2008; Associate Professor, Department of PG
pg: 384. studies in Samhita and Siddhanta, Sri Sri
9. Acharya J.T., Sushruta Samhita of College of Ayurvedic Science and
Sushruta, Chaukhamba Surbharati Research Hospital 21st Km, Kanakapura
Prakashan, Varanasi, Reprint ed., 2008; road, Post. Udayapura, Bengaluru-560082
pg: 384.
10. Rao Pandith D.V., Pandeya
Ayodhya, Ashtanga sangraha of Vagbhata, Source of support: Nil
Indu Commentary, CCRAS publications, Conflict of interest: None
NewDelhi, Reprint ed., 1991; pg: 492. Declared
11. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of Cite this Article as : K.A. Sri Nagesh : A
Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary, Classical Approach Towards Understanding
Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint of Manovaha Srotas: IJAAR VOLUME III
ed., 2000; pg 468. ISSUE III JUL-AUG 2017: Page No: 483-
12. Acharya J.T., Charaka Samhita of 486
Charaka, Ayurveda deepika commentary,
Krishnadas academy, Varanasi, Reprint
ed., 2000; pg 250.


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