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Lossing-Cann 1

Cezanne Lossing-Cann

Inductive Reasoning population

There are a few theories on world population all of them being reasonable. One theory
is the Demographic Transition theory that states that the world population is going to continue
to have a high birth rate and falling death rate which will then transition to a falling birth and
death rate and will eventually convert to a low death and birth rate equalizing the population.
Another theory is the Malthusianism theory. It claims that the population will continue to
increase so rapidly that resources will not be able to support such large populations and will
cause food shortages. A third theory is the Neo-Malthusianism theory. It states that the
population continuing to increase will create environmental problems as well as resource issues
when the population is not restricted on reproduction and consumption. Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue
shows these theories in her power point on population theories at the university of St, Louis-
One of the most likely the population of the earth will begin to taper when our
resources cannot support a population of our size and reproduction will have to be limited to
prevent global food shortages and war. Environmental problems will soon worsen and
restrictions will be placed on resource consumption as well. Inductive reasoning is important in
this estimation because it is based off of issues that are already occurring in the world. These
conclusions can be made in a reasonable estimation of what will occur in the future. Inductive
reasoning is used to figure out how reproduction rights will be limited in the future due to how
the population already is maxing out our transportation systems and cities cannot efficiently
supply jobs, resources, and housing.
Other ways inductive reasoning can be used to see the future of our population is the
food problems that are already apparent through over fishing of the earths oceans and multiple
problems arising through agriculture practices that take more from the earth more than they
give. Global warming for example, has become an increasingly worse problem as we consume
far more resources and do not conserve our energy well. The ice caps will likely melt and the
sea level will rise, causing ocean-side cities to have to be relocated. Overall water problems will
worsen because of sever droughts, this will leave some areas of the world hard pressed for
water. As a result of the water shortages, war will break out over the water much like we fight
wars over oil today. Some ideas seem rather far-fetched, even for a 700-year period but many
of these situations are incredibly possible for the distant future of the human race. If we do not
find solutions that can effectively address the problems present in our society today.
Inductive reasoning is used in our everyday lives to create inferences about the world
around us, which makes it important in how we calculate future issues and statistics. Due to our
overly rapid increase of population there are other problems that have arisen that will likely
only be magnified in the future. This would not completely destroy the population of the
human race, but will likely severely damage the Earths population.

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