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1)Give another name for this holiday:

Also known as 'Day of the Innocents', this is a day where people play tricks on each other and takes
place on April 1.

2) People shout:

Says there's a tarantula on his shoulder' and startled they come to see if it's true that's when you
can scream innocent.

3) Rhyme that child en route:

There is a song that children recite if someone tries a silly stunt from April after
April 1: Innocents is dead and buried, you are a fool to carry it forward.

4) What is its origin?

One possibility is that the celebration originated in France, when the Gregorian
calendar was introduced by King Charles IX. Instead of New Year's celebrations
starting on March 25 and ending on April 1, as they had done previously, the
New Year moved to January 1. Those who followed to celebrate the New Year
in the spring, or simply forgot, became the target of jokes and tricks and were
called Poisson d'avril, meaning 'April fish'. This must have been so much fun
that it spread all over the world and people play tricks all over the world, not just
people who did not accept the new calendar .

5) BBCs hoax was:

Said that spaghetti grew on trees. (It was issued a few years ago in the days
when spaghetti was considered an exotic food.)

6) What was special about the BMW car?

It was both with left and right steering wheel, it had pedals on both the driver's
and passenger's sides, it had a detachable steering wheel that can be fixed on
either side, as well as a full set of instruments on each side, the unused one Is
covered by a panel of precious walnut wood.

7) A now dinosaur was discovered but what was found next to him?

A story that a new dinosaur had been discovered by the zoo was spread by the
Isle of Wight County Press a couple of years ago. This dinosaur apparently had
encountered the remains of a three-sided (not triangular, but actually three-
sided) Roman coin in his stomach.

8) What happened with the have Radio Hoax?

It was announced that all of Europe would lead to the left from April 1. This
caused an absolute panic because those who had heard the broadcast led to
the left and those who did not stayed to the right.

9) Weapon king Philipp used to fool his fester:

King Philipp the Funny, in 1466, made a bet with his court jester: the jester would win a
bag full of gold if he managed to deceive the king on April 1. Otherwise I would lose my head.


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