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Series: Medicine and Biology Vol.10, No 3, 2003, pp. 106 - 110 UC 616-084:616.857


Mirjana Spasi, Miroslava ivkovi, Stevo Luki

Clinic of Neurology, Clinical centre, Faculty of Medicine, Ni, Serbia and Montenegro

Summary. Migraine is a common episodic headache disorder. A comprenhensive headache treatment plan includes
acute attack treatment to releive pain and impairment and long-term preventive therapy to reduce attack frequency,
severity and duration. Circumstances that might warrant preventive treatment include very frequent and severe
migraine that interferes with the patient's daily routine, failure to acute treatment, special circumstances such as
hemiplegic migraine or patient preference. The drug has to be started at a low dose and each treatment has to be
given an adequate trial with avoiding interfering overused and contraindicated drugs. Co-morbidity has to be
considered. Drugs that have documented high efficacy and mild to moderate adverse events include beta-blockers,
amitiriptyline and valproates.
Valproate has been shown to be an effective prophylactic teratment in migraine. Investigation of the mechanism of its
antimigraine action is difficult due to the broad range of its biochemical effects and the complex nature of migraine
pathophysiology. Valptoate increases brain GABA levels and may suppress migraine related events in the cortex,
perivascular parasympathetics or trigeminal nucleus caudalis. There is experimental evidence that it suppresses
neurogenic inflamation and directly attenuates nociceptive neurotransmission. In addiion, valproate reportedly alters
levels of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters and exerts direct effects on neuronal membranes in vitro.
Valproate's observed effects may ultimately result from a combination of actions at different loci.
Key words: Migraine, prophylaxis, valproate

Introduction together with fibers for innervation of cranial arteries

make trigemonovascular system Relative lack of 5-hy-
Migraine is a common, chronic, neurovascular dis- droxitriptamine (5-HT) can be a direct etiological factor
ease characterized by repeated attacks of severe head- and is connected with action mechanism of most of the
aches, in combination with neurological, gastrointestinal medicines. Current researches are mostly focused on the
and autonomous symptoms. significance of calcium- channel abnormality, and neu-
Yearly prevalence of migraine (patients with migraine ropeptides (for example calcitonin gene-reliant peptide
who had at least one attack during previous year) is 10- CGRP) in migraine etiopathogenesis and point to possi-
12% for adults (18% for women and 6% for men) and 4% ble future therapeutic goals (3).
for children, where there is no gender difference (1). Evolution of migraine attack or migraine cascade
Classification system of International Headache So- develops in 9 stages: initiation, cortical events, vascular
ciety (IHS) recognizes 6 types of migraine (Table 1) and autonomous events, primary activation of afferent
with clearly defined diagnostic criteria (2). fibers, release of vasoactive peptides, nociception
transmission through trigeminal nerve, nociception inte-
Table 1. Migraine Classification gration within trigeminal nucleus rostral nociception
1.1 Migraine without aura projection and cortical pain integration.
1.2 Migraine with aura
1.3 Childhood periodic syndromes
that are commonly precursors of migraine Treatment plan for migraine
1.4 Retinal migraine
1.5 Complications of migraine
Treatment plan for migraine includes a combination
1.6 Probable migraine of several procedures: patient education, prevention of
attack by avoidance of triggers; use of non-pharmacol-
Pathophysiological basis of migraine is probably a ogical therapy (relaxation methods, change of lifestyle);
spontaneous, excessive activity and abnormal amplifi- acute treatment of attacks with purpose of pain termina-
cation of nociceptive and other sensory pathways of tion or discontinuation of its advance; long-term pre-
brainstem. The actual concept of migraine etiopatho- vention with purpose of reduction of frequency, inten-
genesis favors primary role of neuronal structures which sity and length of the attacks; use of alternative methods

of treatment (acupuncture...) if necessary; and of course, Principles of preventive therapy

periodical evaluation and possible change of plan.
When using preventive therapy, certain principles
Pharmacological treatment of migraine can be acute
should be obeyed:
(abortive) and preventive (prophylactic).
1. Therapy should be started with a small dose and
Acute treatment should stop the attack and impede
gradually increased until therapeutic effect appears
its progress and possible appearance of neurological
or until a dose with intolerable side effects is
changes. This treatment should not be applied more than
two or three times per week.
2. Every drug should be given in an adequately long
Preventive therapy is given continuously and in ab-
period ranging from 2 to 6 months, since therapeu-
sence of headache as an attempt to reduce frequency
tic efficiency is expected after 4 weeks and is pro-
and intensity of anticipated headache attacks. Patients
gressively increased in the following three months.
with strong headaches and frequent attacks usually de-
3. It is important to avoid drug interaction, drug overuse
mand both types of treatment (4).
as well as contraindicated drugs. Special care is war-
ranted in use of possible overuse of analgesics, opi-
Criteria for use of preventive therapy
oids or ergot derivates
If patient has frequent attacks (2 or more attacks per 4. When headaches become well controlled, the dose
month) with functional disability which lasts 3 or more should be reduced or if possible, treatment should be
days, or has fewer attacks but functional disability is discontinued - principle of reevaluation of therapy.
pronounced and longer than 3 days; if present therapy is 5. Women in reproductive period should be ac-
contraindicated, failure or if side effects of acute treat- quainted with the fact that there are potential risk
ment are distinct; if there is a tendency towards drug factors during pregnancy, which affect the choice
overuse in acute treatment; if migraine is complicated of drug having the least side effects for fetus. When
by neurological damage and the risk of it becoming using valproate, women should be given folic acid.
permanent, these patients fall into category of those who 6. It is important to strive towards maximal compliance
require preventive therapy. 7. Before choice of medicine, co-morbidity should be
This group also includes patients with attacks more taken into consideration, above all cerebrovascular
frequent than twice a week as well as those demonstrating insult, epilepsy, mitrale valvula prolapse, Reynaud's
progression of frequency and having a risk of appearance syndrome, psychological disturbances such as
of rebound headache due to drug overuse, as well as pa- anxiousness, depression, manic states, panic state.
tients whose individual choice is to have as least number
of attacks as possible or not to have attacks at all (5).
During pregnancy, criteria for introduction of pro- Pathophysiological effects of valproate
phylactic therapy are somewhat stricter, but if a preg- It is experimentally proven that during a migraine
nant woman has severe and incapacitating attacks ac- attack there is a disturbance of GABA metabolism, as
companied by nausea, vomiting and possible dehydra- well as a disturbance of balance of concentration of in-
tion, than she is in a group of patients where prophylac- hibitory (GABA) and excitatory neurotransmitters
tic therapy is needed (6). (glutamate and aspartate) in plasma.
There are several groups of medicines for prophy- Valproate increases GABA level in brain synapto-
lactic therapy at our disposal (Table 2). somes by stimulating enzyme synthesis (glutamate decar-
boxylase) and inhibition of degrading enzymes (GABA-
Table 2. Medicines in migraine prevention transaminase and succinil-semialdehyde dehydrogenase)
Anticonvulsiants involved in GABA metabolism. Valproate also increase
valproate, gabapentin, topiramat* conductivity of Ca2+ with effect of neuron hyperpolariza-
Antidepressants tion, reduce aspartate level in brain by inhibition of its
TCA, SSRI, MAOI release, inhibit NMDA related transitory polarization in
-adrenergic blockers pyramidal cells and reduce NMDA or quisqalate recep-
propranolol, nadolol, metoprolol, atenolol, timolol tors stimulated influx of Ca2+ into hippocampus cells.
Calcium-channel antagonists Valproate effect is seen in the increase of the amount
verapamil, flunarizin
of homovanillic acid, enkephalin in stratium, brainstem,
Serotonergic antagonists
metizergid, metergin
hypothalamus and cortex. A significant effect of val-
Others proate is the reduction of plasmatic extravasation In
NSAIDs, riboflavin, magnesium, Botulinum toxin Moskowitz model of neurogenic inflammation by inter-
action with GABAA receptors. Valproate interact with
* positive results but demand further clinical confirmation central 5-HT system thereby reducing the effect of "in-
TCA-tricyclic antidepressive;
SSRI-selective serotonine reception inhibitors; flammation" of serotonergic neurons of brainstem.
MAOI- Monamine oxidase inhibitors;
NSAIDs-non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs
108 M. Spasi, M. ivkovi, S. Luki

Valproate in migraine cascade system (14). In humans, during migraine attack, in-
creased value of CGRP have been registered in v. jugu-
Migraine cascade is a result of interaction of internal laris interna (15).
and external factors with nervous system vulnerable and These vasoactive neuropeptides lead to a processes
sensitized by other factors. There are at least 9 stages in known as neurogenic inflammation (NI) which in nor-
pathophysiology of evolution of migraine attack which mal circumstances has a protective role in prevention of
appear successively or simultaneously (7). tissue damage. Components of this response are a) re-
lease of plasma and plasmatic proteins from small blood
1. Initiation vessels into surrounding tissue b)vasodilatation c) mas-
The exact localization and nature of neurochemical tocyte activation as a part of local cellular immune de-
migraine event is still not completely known, although fense system (16,17). Neurogenic inflammatory re-
prodroma in form of affective and vegetative symptoms sponse can be biologically useful, promoting toxin dilu-
point to subcortical localization or to limbic system as a tion or bacteria elimination. If neurogenic inflammatory
place of migraine origin. It is not known by means of response is not initiated by a pathological process, the
what mechanism valproate achieves initiation suppres- phenomenon becomes maladaptive and can be associ-
sion. ated with processes such as asthma (18), arthritis (19),
or headaches. When it appears in meningeas (or in other
2. Cortical events tissues), neurogenic inflammatory response can increase
Aura as a distinct neurological symptom is associate sensitivity of perivascular fibers, causing normally neg-
with cerebral cortex. It is caused by a slowly expanding ligable stimuli to become extremely painful (20). Neu-
depression that is by a wave of cortex depolarization rogenic inflammation can also be a mechanism by means
expanding by rate of 2-6 mm per minute, during which of which migraine pain is amplified and lengthened
time neurons do not show spontaneous or evoked activ- after initial migraine event.
ity. It is caused by the action of excitatory amino acids, Valproate in clinically relevant dose (3 mg/kg) re-
H+ and K+ ions as well as by arachidonic acid metabo- duces plasmatic extravasation in model of meningeal
lites which activate nocioception fibers (8,9). Slowly neurogenic inflammation. In an animal model valproic
expanding depression is followed by slowly expanding acid attenuates substance P induced plasmatic extrava-
oligemy. Valproate mediate increase of GABA-ergic sation (21).
neurotransmission as well as reduction of the level of
excitatory amino acids and suppression of NMDA me- 6. Transmission through n.V.
diated transitory depolarization and calcium influx can Activated meningeal afferent fibers conduct noci-
lead to a discontinuation of initiated slowly expanding ceptive information through trigeminal ganglion and
depression or to a stopping of its facilitation (10,11). then to medullar trigeminal nuclear complex, especially
to its caudal subnuscleus. Although valproate in large
3. Vascular and autonomous events doses can affect transfer of action potential, there are no
Meningeas and meningeal blood vessels are the most clear profs that they block impulse transmission through
important pain-producing structures of the head (12). trigeminal afferent fibers.
Blood vessels are densely innervated by nociceptive,
sympathic and parasympathic fibers. There are experi- 7. Integration in caudal nucleus n.V.
mental proofs confirming that valproate modifies me- Within caudal trigeminal nucleus, synapses of pri-
ningeal neurogenic inflammation. mary afferent fibers and nociceptive signals are modu-
lated by interneurons and descendent inhibitory sys-
4. Activation of primary afferent fibers tems. After activation, secondary neurons within caudal
Regardless of initial trigger, in order for headache to nucleus n.V show momentary gene c-fos reaction,
appear, activation of primary afferent fibers is needed. measured by immunohistochemical techniques. Expres-
Nociceptive fibers which innervate meningeal blood sion of c-fos is a well defined marker of functional con-
vessels originate from the cells of trigeminal ganglion dition of neuron activity and has seen in lamina I and II
and transfer impulses through trigeminal nerve (13). It of spinal cord and in caudal nucleus after meningeal
still hasn't been proven that valproate produce direct nociceptive stimulation (22-24).
modulation of the threshold of meningeal afferent acti- Valproate in doses of 10mg/kg reduce the number of
vation. activated cells by 52%, selectively in laminas I and IIo
Activation of trigreminal afferent neurons results in (25). Other potential mechanism of action is serotonin
the following two stages of migraine cascade. modulation in caudal nucleus n.V. Substantia gelatinosa
of spinal cord (area analogous to superficial laminas of
5. Release of vasoactive neuropeptides caudal medullar nucleus n.V.) receives downward
from activated sensory nerves ends serotonergic fibers from rostroventral medulla. These
In animal models, levels of substance P, neurokinin fibers make direct contact with upward nociceptive neu-
A, and calcitonin gene-reliant peptide (CGRP) in sagit- rons of spinothalamic system (26). If valproate increase
tal sinus are increased after stimulation of trigeminal serotonergic activity within caudal nucleus, as they do

in other regions of brain, its inhibitory effect on expres- In a multi-centered, double blind, placebo controlled
sion of c-fos can partly be consequence of serotonergic and dosage controlled study (31), 176 patients older
modulation (27). than 16 years were researched, with migraine with or
without aura , with at least two attacks per month during
8. Rostral projection of caudal part of the nucleus n.V.
the last 3 months, untreated or unsuccessfully treated in
From caudal trigeminal nucleus, rostral projections two attempts the most. The dose was titrated for 4
go to more rostral parts of trigeminal complex, in pon- weeks starting with 250 mg per day with an increase in
tine parabrachial nucleuses and cerebelum as well as in every 4 days by 250 mg divided in two daily doses. Ef-
ventrobasal, latter and medial thalamus. From rostral ficiency variables were followed: frequency, intensity
part of brainstem nociceptive information go to other and duration. The results of the study revealed that the
parts of the brain (for example limbic system) which are frequency of attacks was reduced by 50% at dose of
thought to be involved in emotional and vegetative pain 1000 mg/day while patient receiving 1500 mg/day did
responses. Our knowledge of valprate effects on noci- not demonstrate significantly higher reduction of fre-
ception in thalamus and other subcortical structures is quency compared to the first group but they revealed a
still not sufficient. greater number of side effects (drowsiness, gastrointes-
tinal disturbances).
9. Reception of pain information
The results of this research caused official registration
to somatosensory part of frontal cortex
of valproate, by USA FDA, for preventive treatment of
Projections from ventrobasal thalamus go to somato- migraine. After this study, the ruling principle of the
sensory cortex which discriminates and localizes the treatment still remained: "start low, advance slow".
pain. Medial thalamus is projected in frontal cortex Later on, American Academy of Neurology in the
which gives affective and motivational aspect of the evidence based guidelines, classified valproate into the
pain (28). Valproate effect concerning discriminative group 1 (medications with proven high efficacy and
and motivational aspect of the pain in cerebral cortex is mild to moderate adverse events) of drugs for migraine
not known. preventive therapy (32). Consequently, the American
To summarize, all our understanding of valproate Academy of Family Physician and the American Col-
mechanism in migraine is made difficult by broad range lege of Physician recommend the valproate as the first-
of biochemical effects and complex nature of migraine line agent for the prevention of migraine headache (33).
pathophysiology. Valproate increase GABA brain levels
and can inhibit migraine caused changes in cortex, peri-
vascular parasympathic network, or in caudal nucleus
n.V. Valproate reduces aspartate level and activity of Conclusion
NMDA receptors which can stop cortical processes as-
Present studies have proven efficiency of valproate in
sociated with aura or modulate nociceptive transmission
prophylactic therapy of patients with migraine by means
within caudal nucleus n.V. There are also experimental
of which significant reduction of frequency and intensity
proofs that they inhibit neurogenic inflammation and
of attacks has been achieved. Recomendend daily dose of
thereby directly attenuate nociceptive neurotransmission.
divalproex sodium is from 500 mg to 1500 mg/d, and
sodium valproate from 800 to 1500 mg/d.
Clinical experiences with valproate Gradual titration of the drug is the best way for
in migraine prevention avoiding side effects. A recent trial of the extended-re-
lease formulation of divalproate demonstrate similar
In controlled researches of valproate prophylactic ef- efficacy to the short-acting drug, with seemingly im-
fect in migraine, their efficiency has been proven for a proved tolerability (34). It therefore seems advisable to
dose of 800 mg (29), as well as for a dose of 1200 mg utilize the extended- release formulation, both to improve
(30), in respect of reduction of frequency and intensity tolerability and encourage adherence to therapy (35).
of migraine attacks.

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Mirjana Spasi, Miroslava ivkovi, Stevo Luki

Klinika za neurologiju, Kliniki centar Ni

Kratak sadraj: Migrena je epizodina glavobolja. Plan leenja glavobolje ukljuuje akutni tretman sa ciljem prekidanja
bola i neuroloke otete i dugotrajni preventivni tretman sa ciljem smanjivanja uestalosti, jaine i trajanja bola.
Okolnosti koje zahtevaju preventivnu terapiju ukljuuju vrlo este i snane migrene koje remete pacijentove svakodnevne
aktivnosti, neuspenost akutnog tretmana, specijalne okolnosti kao to je hemiplegina migrena ili je to elja pacijenta.
Leenje treba zapoeti malom dozom, a svako leenje treba da traje adekvatno dugo uz izbegavanje interakcija,
predoziranja i kontraindikovanih lekova. Treba razmotiti i komorbiditet. Meu lekovima koji imaju dokazanu visoku
efikasnost a blage ili umerene sporedne efekte spadaju beta blokatori, amitriptilin i valproati.
Valproati su se pokazali kao efikasan lek u profilaktinom tretmanu migrene. Istraivanje mehanizma njihovog
antimigrenskog dejstva je teko zbog irokog spektra njihove biohemijske aktivnosti i komplikovane patofiziologije
migrene. Valproati poveevaju nivo GABA i mogu suprimirati migrenske dogaaje u korteksu, perivaskularnoj
parasimpatikoj mrei ili u kaudalnom jedru trigeminusa. Postoji eksperimentalni dokaz da suprimiraju neurogenu
inflamaciju i direktno slabe nociceptivnu neurotransmisiju. Takoe, valproati menjaju nivoe ekscitatornih i
inhibitornih neurotransmitera i pokazuju direktne efekte na membranu neurona in vitro. Efekti valproata rezultiraju iz
kombinacije aktivnosti na razliitim mestima.
Kljune rei: Migrena, profilaktiki tretman, valproati

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