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French Adjectives That Describe Physical Appearance

Adjectives that are used to describe physical appearances are generally the most common types
of adjectives.

attractive - attrayant(e) curly - boucl(e)

bald - chauve cute/pretty - jolie
beautiful - beau/belle fat - gros(se)
big - grand(e) haggard - extnu(e)
bloody - sanglant(e) redhead roux/rousse
blonde - blond(e) tall - grand(e)
bony - osseux/osseuse short - petit(e), court(e) (hair)
brunette - brunette slender - mince
chubby - ptel(e) ugly - laid(e)

French Adjectives Describing a Person's Personality

Go beyond the normal 'nice' or 'mean' and really try to describe someone in depth with this list of
adjectives. Beware of false cognates, but also make note of those words that look similar to their
English counterparts. Doing so will help you memorize them more easily.

academic - intellectuel(le) despicable - mprisable

active - actif/active dumb - bte
acrimonious - fashionable - la mode
acrimonieux/acrimonieuse funny - drle
affectionate - affectueux/affectueuse generous - gnreux/gnreuse
aggressive - agressif/agressive gentle - doux/douce
agreeable - agrable impolite - impoli(e)
aloof - distant(e) loving - affectueux/affecteuse
amicable - amical(e) mean - mchant(e)
approachable - abordable merciful -
bad - mchant(e) misricordieux/misricordieuse
bitter -amer/amre nice - sympathique
blunt - brusque obnoxious - odieux/odieuse
bossy - autoritaire obstinate - obstin(e)
brave - courageux/courageuse petty - mesquin(e)
candid - franc/franche quiet - tranquille
carefree - insouciant(e) ragged - dpenaill(e)
careless - ngligent(e) sensitive - sensible
chatty - bavard(e) sporty - sportif/sportive
cocky- trop sr de soi (de lui, delle) stodgy - lourd(e)
competent or capable - comptant(e) strong - fort(e)
conceited - vaniteux/vaniteuse

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