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Andhra Pradesh

District Factbook

Vizianagaram District

(Key Socio-economic Data of Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh)

January, 2017
Editor & Director
Dr. R.K. Thukral

Research Editor
Dr. Shafeeq Rahman

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First Edition : January, 2017

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2017 Datanet India Pvt. Ltd.

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Printed in India
Vizianagaram District at a Glance

District came into Existence 1979

District Headquarter Vizianagaram
Distance from State C apital 674 Kms.
Geographical Area (In Square km.) 6,539 (Ranks 12th in State and 151st in India)
Wastelands Area (In Square km.) 687.99
Total Number of Households 5,96,605
Population 23,44,474 (Persons), 11,61,477 (Males), 11,82,997 (Females) (Ranks 13th in
State and 193rd in India)
Population Growth Rate (2001- 4.23 (Persons), 3.75 (Males), 4.72 (Females)
Number of Sub Sub-districts (34), Towns (14) and Villages (1,520)
Forest C over (2015) 11.52% of Total Geographical Area
Percentage of Urban/Rural 20.94 (Urban), 79.06 (Rural)
Administrative Language Telugu
Principal Languages (2001) Telugu (94.84%), Jatapu (1.74%), Savara (1.16%), Oriya (0.77%), Urdu (0.44%),
Gadaba (0.31%) and Others (0.01%)
Population Density 359 (Persons per Sq. km.)
Sex Ratio 1019 (Females per 1000 Males)
C hild Ratio (Age Group 0-6 Year) 960 (Females per 1000 Males)
Number of Live Births (2014) 42,387 (Persons), 21,236 (Males), 21,151 (Females)
Number of Deaths (2014) 14,201 (Persons), 7,945 (Males), 6,256 (Females)
Literacy Rate (In %age) 58.89 (Persons), 68.15 (Males), 49.87 (Females)
Literates 12,38,388 (Persons), 7,07,503 (Males), 5,30,885 (Females)
Illiterates 11,06,086 (Persons), 4,53,974 (Males), 6,52,112 (Females)
Major Religions Hindu (98.07%), C hristian (0.76%), Muslim (0.70%), Jain (0.03%), Sikh (0.02%)
and Buddhist (0.00%)
Schedule C aste Population 2,47,728 (Persons), 1,21,493 (Males), 1,26,235 (Females), Percentage of SC in
Total Population (1.79)
Major Schedule C aste Population Mala, Mala Ayawaru (51.87%); Madiga (21.13%); Relli (11.16%); Dom, Dombara,
Paidi, Pano (10.24%); Paky, Moti, Thoti (1.34%)
Schedule Tribe Population 2,35,556 (Persons), 1,14,687 (Males), 1,20,869 (Females), Percentage of ST in
Total Population (3.98)
Jatapus (41.91%); Konda Dhoras, Kubi (22.88%); Savaras, Kapu Savaras, Maliya
Savaras, Khutto Savaras (13.28%); Gadabas, Bodo Gadaba, Gutob Gadaba,
Major Schedule Tribe Population Kallayi Gadaba, Parangi Gadaba, Kathera Gadaba, Kapu Gadaba (8.9%);
Yerukulas, Koracha, Dabba Yerukula, Kunchapuri Yerukula, Uppu Yerukula
Number of Total Workers 11,57,962 (Persons), 6,79,289 (Males), 4,78,673 (Females)
Labour Force Participation Rate 50.15% (Rural), 39.72% (Urban)
Major Source of Income Agricultural
Gross District Domestic Product 21,18,600 At C urrent Price / 16,83,800 At C onstant (2011-2012) Prices
(2015-16) (AE) (Rs. in Lakh)
Net District Domestic Product 18,83,500 At C urrent Price / 14,85,200 At C onstant (2011-2012) Prices
(2015-16) (AE) (Rs. in Lakh)
Per C apita Income (NDDP, At Factor 86,223 At C urrent Price / 68,152 At C onstant (2011-2012) Prices
C ost) (2015-16) (AE) (In Rs.)
Number of Tourists (As on 31st 41,87,574 (Domestic Tourist) / 1,176 (Foreign Tourist)
December, 2014)
Major Tourist Places Ramathirtham, Tripurtantaka Swamy Temple, Kumili Village, Govindapuram,
Moddukovillu Temple, Bobbili Fort, Vizianagaram Fort and Gosthani Sarovar Vihar.
Note: A ll figures for 2011 Census, O therwise year is mentioned.
No. Particulars Page No.
1 Administrative Setup 1-10
Location Map | District w ith Sub-Districts | Reference Map of District |
About District | Administrative Unit | Villages | Tow ns | W ards |
2 Demographics 11-34
Population l Sex Ratio | Density | Child Population | Child Sex Ratio |
Decadal Grow th | Age Group Population | Age Group Population of
Currently Married | Economically Active Population | Ageing Population |
Dependency Ratio | Single Year Age Population | Scheduled Caste
Population | Scheduled Tribe Population | Religious Population | CD Block
3 Economy 35-46
GDP/NDP | Per Capita Income | Households by Income Groups |
Disposable Income | Banking | District Central Co-operative Banks |
Lead Banks | Investment and Debt | Fair Price Shops/Ration Cards |
Taxation | Primary W eavers Co-Operative Societies
4 Market Size 47-58
Monthly Per Capita Expenditure | Estimated Annual Expenditure /
Average Per Capita Consumer Expenditure on Services and Durable
5 Life Style 59-63
Households having Radio/Transistor, Television | Households having
Computer/Laptop/Internet | Households having Telephone/Mobile
Phone | Households having Bicycle, Scooter/Motor Cycle/Moped &
Car/Jeep/Van | Circulation of Dailies | Printing Press
6 Infrastructure 64-81
Occupied Houses used as Shops/Offices | Amenities | Sanitation | Road
Length | Length of Coastal Line and W ater Spread Area | Vehicle
Registered | Pow er | Telecom | Post Office & PIN Code | Tourism | LPG
7 Industries 82-118
Factories, Capital Invested and Persons Employed (2 & 3 digit level
Industries) | Factories by Type of Organisation/Ow nership |
Consumption of Fuels | Manufacturing Industries Share of GDP |
Outstanding Credit of SCBs according to Industrial Occupation | Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises | Registered Factories | Minerals
Production | Ongoing Projects
8 Labour and Workforce 119-126
Total W orkers | Main W orkers | Marginal W orkers | Non-W orkers |
Average W ages/Earning per Day Received by Usual Principal Activity
Status | Daily Agricultural W ages | Employment Indicators
9 Agriculture 127-145
Land Utilisation | Production of Major Food Crops | Production of
Commercial Crops | Production of Fruit & Vegetable Crops | Production
of Spices | Consumption of Fertilisers | Milk, Egg & Meat Production | Fish
Production | Veterinary Institutions | Livestock Population | Poultry
Population | Irrigation | Land Holdings | Farmer
10 Education 146-151
Literacy Rate | Population by Educational Level | Census Houses Used
as School/College etc. | Enrollment | Enrollment by Medium of Instruction
| Gross/Net Enrollment Ratio | Teachers | Gini Coefficient Education |
Population by Mother Tongue
11 Health 152-169
Health Institutions | Govt. Allopathic Medical Facilities | HIV Patients |
Live Births Registered | Still Births Registered | Deaths Registered |
Infant Deaths Registered | Disabled Population by Type of Disability |
Houses used for Hospital/Dispensary | Households by Married Couples
per Household and Dw elling Rooms | Maternal and Child Health
Indicators (HMIS) | District Level Household Health Indicators | Family
W elfare Programmes | National Family Health Survey (NFHS)
12 Environment and Pollution 170-173
Geographical Area | W astelands | Forest Cover | Rainfall | Latitude,
Longitude and Altitude | W ater Quality
13 Housing 174-186
Households | Houseless Households | Houseless Population | Standard
of Living Index | Housing Condition | House and Their Uses | Slum
Population | Housing Schemes
14 Crime & Law 187-192
Incidence of IPC Crime | Police Force & Home Guards | Fire Accidents |
Petitions | Police Officer/Officials | Judicial Officers
15 Social and Welfare Schemes 193-200
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme
(MGNREGS) | Indira Aw aas Yojana (IAY) | District Rural Development
Agencies (DRDA) | National Rural Drinking W ater Programme (NRDW P) |
Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) | Sw achh Bharat Mission (SBM)-Gramin |
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) | Aadhaar Card (UIDAI) Enrollments
16 Electoral 201-205
Vote Distribution of Major Parties (Parliamentary Election-2014 and
Assembly Election 2014) | Name and Address of MPs/MLAs | Electors
17 Annexure - I to V 206-297
18 Useful Contacts 298
19 Abbreviations & Sources 299
20 Concepts and Definitions 300-303
21 Disclaimer & Terms of Use 304
Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District
Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

Administrative Setup

Location Map

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District

Administrative Setup

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

Administrative Setup

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

About Vizianagaram District

Vizianagaram district is a district of Andhra Pradesh state with its administrative

headquarters located at Vizianagaram city. The history of Vizianagaram district is mainly
associated with the Kalinga dynasty. Slowly and gradually, the upper part of Kalinga
became a part of the Odisha state and its lower part was merged into Andhra Pradesh.
During the 4th century BC the Empire of Kalinga was extended from Cuttack in Odisha to
Pithapuram in East Godavari district. During different periods of time the place was ruled
by different rulers likewise Nandas, Mauryas, Chedis, Satavahanas, Pitribhaktas,
Matharas, Vasishthas, Vishnukundinas, early Eastern Gangas, Eastern Chalukyas, late
Eastern Gangas, Reddis of Rajahmundry and Velanati Cholas. Finally, the British came to
this place and in 1830s the history of the rebellions against the British rule was started.
The rebellions were basically started by the tribal of the district who was unable to bear
the oppression . At last, India got its independence in the year 1947 and immediately in
1948 the Zamindaris system of India was abolished. Later, in the year 1979 Vizianagaram
district with some parts carved from the neighbouring districts of Srikakulam and
Visakhapatnam was emerged as a separate district on the map of Andhra Pradesh state.
Geographically, the district lies at 1811'N latitude and 8340'E longitude. The altitude of
the district is 74 m. The district has a geographical area of 6,539 sq km and it is
bounded by Srikakulam district on the East, Visakhapatnam district on the West and
South, Bay of Bengal on the South-East and Orissa state on the North-West. The
climate of the district is characterized as high humidity almost throughout the year with
extreme summer and adequate seasonal rainfall. The actual rainfall in the district was
1069.0 mm in the year of 2015-16.
Administration wise, the district is divided into 2 revenue divisions namely Vizianagaram
Division and Parvathipuram Division. Moreover, it comprises 34 sub-districts, 14 towns
and 1,520 villages. There are 3 parliamentary and 9 assembly constituencies in the
According to 2011 census the district has a population of 23,44,474 including 11,61,477
are males and 11,82,997 are females. The district has a sex ratio of 1019 (females for
every 1000 males). In the year 2001-2011 the population growth rate in the district was
4.23% out of which 3.75% are males and 4.72% are females. The major religion in the
district is Hindu with 98.07% of the total population. As per 2001 census the principal
language in the district is Telugu with 94.84%.
Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of the district. More than half of its rural
population are engaged in agriculture in order to earn their livelihood. Since the district
has no big irrigation project hence the farmers of the district is solely dependent on rain
water. The chief agricultural products in the district are paddy, groundnut, cotton,
sugarcane, pulses, etc. Every year a huge chunk of revenue comes from the agricultural
products in the district helps in its economy to a great extent. The district is also rich in
mineral resources which are utilized by the FACOR and other industries. Sometime its
economy is based on industrial sector as well. The foremost industries in the district are
Ferro Alloys Corporation Limited, Jindal Stainless Limited, Andhra Ferro Alloys Limited,
Matrix Laboratories Limited,

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District

HBL Power systems Limited, APSRTC Garage and Zonal Workshop, Vizianagaram Andhra
Pradesh Tanneries Limited, etc. In the year 2015-2016 the gross domestic product in the
district was Rs 21,18,600 lakh at current price.
The district is well known as an abode of several reputed educational institutions. It
provides a platform for higher education. Some of its recognised educational institutions
are Avanthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kodi Rama Murthy College of
Physical Education, Maharajah's Government College of Music and Dance, Maharaj
Vijayaram Gajapath Raj College of Engineering, St. Theressa Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Thandra Paparaya Institute of Science and Technology, etc. As per 2011
census the literacy rate in the district is 58.89% including 68.15% are males and 49.87%
are females.
Maharaja Pusapati Vijayram Gajapati Raju, an illustrious Indian politician and a member of
the 6th and 7 th Lok Sabha from the Bobbili (Lok Sabha constituency) in Andhra Pradesh
was born on 1st May, 1924 at Vizianagaram city in the district. At the very beginning of
his political career he was a member of the Socialist Party but later he joined the Indian
National Congress.
The district has several centres of attraction which allures many travellers from different
parts of the country as well as world. Vizianagaram fort, a beautiful fort in the district
was constructed by Vijayarama Raju-I in 1713 A.D. on the auspicious day of Vijaya
Dashmi. The Victory arch was the main entrance to the Vizianagaram fort. Furthermore,
there is a temple of Lord Hanuman on one side and Goddess Lakshmi on the other within
the complex of the fort. The Moti Mahal, constructed in 1869 by Vijayarama Raju-III is
situated in the district. The monument is the evident of the glorious past of the district.
Alaknanda Palace, built in 1857 for the royal guests provide its visitors with all comforts
of life with some mesmerising natural sceneries and man-made beauty. Some other
notable places of interest in the district are Korukonda Palace, Perla Vari home, Bobbili
Fort, Raj Mahal, Bobbili Guest House, Thotapalli Barage, Oudh Khana, Ganta Stambham
and many more.
Pulapaka Susheela, an eminent Indian playback singer mainly associated with the South
Indian cinema for over six decades was born on 13th November, 1935 at Vizianagaram in
the district. The Government of India honoured with the prestigious Padma Bhushan
Award in January 2008. Moreover, the Andhra Pradesh Government conferred her with
the Raghupathi Venkaiah Award in 2001 for lifetime achievement in Telugu cinema.

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

Administrative Setup

Administrative Unit
Administrative Division:- C oastal Andhra (Region)
1. Badangi 14. Gurla 27. Pusapatirega
2. Balijipeta 15. Jami 28. Ramabhadrapuram
3. Bhogapuram 16. Jiyyammavalasa 29. Salur
4. Bobbili 17. Komarada 30. Seethanagaram
5. Bondapalle 18. Kothavalasa 31. Srungavarapukota
6. C heepurupalle 19. Kurupam 32. Therlam
7. Dattirajeru 20. Lakkavarapukota 33. Vepada
8. Denkada 21. Makkuva 34. Vizianagaram
9. Gajapathinagaram 22. Mentada
10. Gantyada 23. Merakamudidam
11. Garividi 24. Nellimarla
12. Garugubilli 25. Pachipenta
13. Gummalakshmipuram 26. Parvathipuram

1. Bobbili (M)
2. Cheepurupalle (CT)
3. Chintalavalasa (CT)
4. Gajapathinagaram (CT)
5. Jarjapupeta (CT)
6. Kanapak a (CT)
7. Kothavalasa (CT)
8. Malicherla (CT)
9. Nellim arla (CT)
10. Parvathipuram (M)
11. Salur (M)
12. Sriram nagar (CT)
13. Tum m ik apalle (CT)
14. Vizianagaram (M)

Sub-districts, Towns, CD Blocks and Villages

District Sub-districts Towns CD Blocks Villages
Vizianagaram 34 14 34 1520
Andhra Pradesh 664 195 655 17039
India 5924 7933 6596 640930
Rank of District in State 13 8 13 3
Rank of District in India 22 167 21 137

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook


Residence District Persons Male Female
Total Vizianagaram 2344474 1161477 1182997
Andhra Pradesh 49386799 24738068 24648731
India 1210569573 623121843 587447730
Rank of District in State 13 13 13
Rank of District in India 193 201 183
Rural Vizianagaram 1853563 920428 933135
Andhra Pradesh 34776389 17445803 17330586
India 833463448 427632643 405830805
Rank of District in State 13 13 13
Rank of District in India 145 149 143
Urban Vizianagaram 490911 241049 249862
Andhra Pradesh 14610410 7292265 7318145
India 377106125 195489200 181616925
Rank of District in State 12 12 12
Rank of District in India 211 218 197

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook


Offices, Deposits, Credit and C-D Ratio of Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs)
Rs. in Million (September, 2016)
Rank of Rank of
District Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh India District District
in State in India
Number of Offices 275 6594 135263 13 142
Deposits 64790 2284784 100965397 13 238
C redit 48391 2336498 75178857 13 192
C redit-Deposit Ratio (C -D Ratio) 74.69 102.26 74.46 12 161

By Bank Group
Rs. in Million (September, 2016)
Andhra Rank of Rank of
Bank Group Vizianagaram Pradesh India District District
in State in India
State Bank of India and Its Associates
Number of Offices 67 1544 24493 13 96
Deposits 28032 742692 22988903 13 168
C redit 16966 723413 15874037 13 134
C redit-Deposit Ratio (C -D Ratio) 60.53 97.40 69.05 12 171
Nationalised Banks
Number of Offices 109 3109 66577 12 188
Deposits 20660 1052555 47342652 13 316
C redit 16797 1088804 34201792 13 236
C redit-Deposit Ratio (C -D Ratio) 81.30 103.44 72.24 12 136
Regional Rural Banks
Number of Offices 76 1125 20858 10 59
Deposits 10071 211226 3215425 10 99
C redit 8549 188203 2187606 11 51
C redit-Deposit Ratio (C -D Ratio) 84.88 89.10 68.03 8 192
Private Sector Banks
Number of Offices 23 812 23020 12 246
Deposits 6027 276151 22460896 12 247
C redit 6080 335886 19231413 12 222
C redit-Deposit Ratio (C -D Ratio) 100.87 121.63 85.62 9 170
Foreign Banks
Number of Offices - 4 315 0 0
Deposits - 2160 4957521 0 0
C redit - 191 3684010 0 0
C redit-Deposit Ratio (C -D Ratio) - 8.84 74.31 0 0
All Scheduled Commercial Banks
Number of Offices 275 6594 135263 13 142
Deposits 64790 2284784 100965397 13 238
C redit 48391 2336498 75178857 13 192
C redit-Deposit Ratio (C -D Ratio) 74.69 102.26 74.46 12 161

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

Market Size

Broad Category-wise Monthly Per Capita Expenditure - Total

In Rs. (2011-2012)
Rank of Rank of
Broad Categories of Goods and Services Vizianagaram Andhra India District District
Pradesh in State in India
C ereals 145.77 188.04 159.53 13 365
C ereal Substitute 0.00 0.03 0.99 0 0
Pulses & Products 46.00 56.27 45.48 12 247
Milk & Milk Products 91.98 118.83 136.22 10 341
Sugar & Salt 17.77 21.40 27.34 9 458
Edible Oil 43.31 55.05 52.62 12 392
Egg, Fish & Meat 69.81 79.56 51.71 10 189
Vegetables 71.66 69.93 67.46 3 224
Fruits (Fresh) 35.34 31.33 25.70 5 103
Fruits (Dry) 5.68 10.36 7.95 10 208
Spices 43.61 40.59 31.13 3 65
Beverages etc. 32.81 31.94 27.25 7 179
Served Processed Food 45.97 66.68 51.40 13 199
Packaged Processed Food 16.27 19.84 23.17 9 398
Pan 5.60 1.96 4.43 2 177
Tobacco 19.23 20.74 15.35 11 178
Intoxicants 23.70 32.90 11.31 6 95
Fuel and Light 113.74 123.11 136.63 10 395
C lothing 48.33 108.31 87.26 13 509
Bedding etc. 2.20 5.46 6.54 11 459
Footwear 5.89 19.71 20.33 13 575
Education 44.36 47.10 67.24 6 282
Medical (Institutional) 40.32 28.55 26.00 4 98
Medical (Non-institutional) 110.61 102.56 74.33 6 77
Entertainment 33.53 35.56 22.67 9 107
Minor Durable Type Goods 7.20 4.32 5.50 2 177
Toilet Articles 37.76 52.94 38.16 12 254
Other Household C onsumables 33.53 46.31 34.10 13 252
C onsumer Services excl. C onveyance 93.08 98.88 85.63 6 160
C onveyance 83.96 109.20 95.22 6 242
Rent 21.40 100.99 52.20 12 219
C onsumer Taxes & C esses 4.78 12.03 8.91 11 276
Durable Goods 84.63 110.19 99.27 10 175
Monthly Per Capita Expenditure (MPCE) 1479.85 1850.66 1599.04 12 276
Note: Data Pertain to Undivided Telangana.

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

Life Style

Circulation of Dailies
(January - June 2016)
Publication Edition Language Average
Eenadu Srikakulam edition Telugu 37052
Sakshi Srikakulam edition Telugu 18055
Andhra Jyothi Srikakulam edition Telugu 8787
The Hindu C hennai edition English 1811
The New Indian Express Visakhapatnam edition English 1040

Printing Press
In Nos. (As on 31.03.2015)
Printing Books Periodicals
District Presses Registered Titles Issues
Vizianagaram 38 - 1 80
Andhra Pradesh 1200 315 74 5756
Rank of District in State 11 0 12 13

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District


Households by Main Source of Drinking Water - Total

Andhra Rank of Rank of
Particulars Vizianagaram Pradesh India District District
in State in India
Total Number of Households 596605 12603872 246692667 7 130
Tap water from Treated Source 205787 (34.49) 6141771 78873488 12 431
(%) (48.73) (31.97)
Tap water from Untreated 53418 (8.95) 2345556 28533688 2 181
Source (%) (18.61) (11.57)
Total Tap (%) 259205 (43.45) 8487327 107407176 12 362
(67.34) (43.54)
C overed Well (%) 4548 (0.76) 63584 (0.50) 3895409 (1.58) 6 216
Un-covered Well (%) 73701 (12.35) 827566 (6.57) 23289867 5 98
Total Well (%) 78249 (13.12) 891150 (7.07) 27185276 4 66
Handpump (%) 186896 (31.33) 2037650 82599531 7 442
(16.17) (33.48)
Tubewell/Borehole (%) 59276 (9.94) 800224 (6.35) 20916074 5 156
Spring (%) 6785 (1.14) 91017 (0.72) 1314556 (0.53) 2 115
River/C anal (%) 2591 (0.43) 51730 (0.41) 1550549 (0.63) 8 374
Tank/Pond/Lake (%) 2588 (0.43) 45882 (0.36) 2075181 (0.84) 8 366
Other Sources (%) 1015 (0.17) 198892 (1.58) 3644324 (1.48) 13 635

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook


Road Length
In Kms. (As on 31.03.2014)

Categories Vizianagaram Andhra Rank of District in

Pradesh State
P.W.D. (R&B) Roads
- C ement C oncrete 10.92 1413.66 13
- Black Top or Asphalt 1753.97 38723.14 13
- Metalled (W.B.M) 9.84 411.80 12
- Un-Metalled (Murram) 3.25 1240.33 13
- Total Length of Roads 1777.98 41788.93 13
Panchayat Raj Roads
- C ement C oncrete 105.57 2395.04 11
- Black Top or Asphalt 1238.06 21642.94 11
- Metalled (W.B.M) 606.69 11523.67 13
- Un-Metalled (Murram) 1945.89 46589.01 12
- Total Length of Roads 3896.21 82150.66 13

Length of National Highways

In Kms. (As on 31.03.2015)
District Total Length of Roads
Vizianagaram 123.33
Andhra Pradesh 4913.58
Rank of District in State 13

Length of Coastal Line and Water Spread Area

Area in Hect. (2014-2015)
Rank of
Particulars Vizianagaram Andhra District in
Pradesh State
Length of C oastal Line (In Kms.) 29 974 8
Number 8 95 5
Area 4009 162786 8
Number 5983 18777 2
Area 30031 253117 4
Number 45 53557 8
Area 99 97807 8
Number 6036 72429 5
Area 34139 513710 7

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District


Main Workers
Sex District Total Rural Urban
Persons Vizianagaram 953215 796010 157205
Andhra Pradesh 19231167 14505102 4726065
India 362446420 245749270 116697150
Rank of District in State 12 12 12
Rank of District in India 103 65 191
Male Vizianagaram 602511 478141 124370
Andhra Pradesh 12889123 9195675 3693448
India 273149359 178034713 95114646
Rank of District in State 13 13 12
Rank of District in India 144 105 200
Female Vizianagaram 350704 317869 32835
Andhra Pradesh 6342044 5309427 1032617
India 89297061 67714557 21582504
Rank of District in State 10 9 13
Rank of District in India 53 34 170

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Andhra Rank of Rank of
Particulars Vizianagaram Pradesh India District in District in
State India
Number of Registered Units 81 47602 496281 8 433
Employment 2992 266162 2883896 6 115
Investment (Rs. in Lakh) 981 114977 128634844 7 206

Entrepreneurs Memorandum (Part-II) Filed by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)
In Nos. (2014-2015)
District Micro Small Medium Total
Vizianagaram 68 46 0 114
Andhra Pradesh 1634 1157 19 2810
India 346206 70933 8219 425358
Rank of District in State 7 10 0 10
Rank of District in India 419 126 0 379

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

Labour and Workforce

Total Workers
Residence District Persons Male Female
Total Vizianagaram 1157962 679289 478673
Andhra Pradesh 22969906 14450171 8519735
India 481743311 331865930 149877381
Rank of District in State 13 13 12
Rank of District in India 126 171 69
Rural Vizianagaram 981456 545077 436379
Andhra Pradesh 17612980 10409153 7203827
India 348597535 226763068 121834467
Rank of District in State 12 13 11
Rank of District in India 94 131 57
Urban Vizianagaram 176506 134212 42294
Andhra Pradesh 5356926 4041018 1315908
India 133145776 105102862 28042914
Rank of District in State 12 12 13
Rank of District in India 197 204 170

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook


Land Utilisation
In Hectares (2013-14)
Rank of
Particulars Vizianagaram Andhra District
Pradesh in State
i) Reporting Area For Land Utilisation Statistics 653900 16020400 12
- Forests 119303 3493475 10
ii) Not Available for C ultivation
-Area under Non Agricultural Uses 77835 2095478 13
-Barren and Un C ulturable Land 73003 1340559 9
-Total 150838 3436037 13
iii) Other Uncultivated Land Excluding Fallow Land
-Permanent Pastures and Other Grazing Lands 5231 212129 10
-Land under Misc Tree C rops and Groves Not Included in Net 10535 160057 4
-C ulturable Waste Land 4243 391500 12
-Total 20009 763686 12
iv) Fallow Land
-Fallow Lands Other than C urrent Fallows 22584 791619 11
-C urrent Fallow 78522 1087497 6
-Total 101106 1879116 8
v) Net Area Sown 262644 6448086 13
vi) Total C ropped Area 357894 8127748 13
vii) Area Sown More than Once 95250 1679662 6

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District


Literacy Rate
Residence District Persons Male Female
Total Vizianagaram 58.89 68.15 49.87
Andhra Pradesh 67.41 74.83 60.01
India 72.99 80.89 64.64
Rank of District in State 13 13 12
Rank of District in India 578 587 545
Rural Vizianagaram 53.77 63.73 44
Andhra Pradesh 62.43 70.55 54.3
India 67.77 77.15 57.93
Rank of District in State 12 12 12
Rank of District in India 590 588 561
Urban Vizianagaram 78.03 84.85 71.51
Andhra Pradesh 79.17 85 73.42
India 84.11 88.76 79.11
Rank of District in State 9 8 8
Rank of District in India 492 492 468

Population by Educational Level

Rank of Rank of
Educational Level Vizianagaram Andhra India District District
Pradesh in State in India
Illiterate 1106086 19614267 447216165 13 134
Literate 1238388 29772532 763638812 13 235
Literate without Educational Level 83129 1654055 35153231 10 136
Below Primary 180352 4432769 146897597 13 334
Primary 380022 8795039 184170833 13 171
Middle 149166 3404114 133903266 13 360
Matric/Secondary 194982 5059804 105939743 13 194
Higher Secondary/Intermediate Pre- 113657 2810603 77942593 13 248
University/Senior Secondary
Non-technical Diploma or C ertificate not 1105 45630 1072289 11 240
Equal to Degree
Technical Diploma or C ertificate not Equal to 19754 488171 7238719 12 115
Graduate and Above 110341 2925501 68288971 13 188
Unclassified 5880 156846 3031570 12 170

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook


Live Births Registered

Residence District Person Male Female
Total Vizianagaram 42387 21236 21151
Andhra Pradesh 848883 434141 414742
India 23001523 12183175 10804541
Rank of District in State 13 13 13
Rank of District in India 201 213 176
Rural Vizianagaram 17818 8967 8851
Andhra Pradesh 267830 139582 128248
India 10763908 5709934 5044361
Rank of District in State 11 11 9
Rank of District in India 218 231 201
Urban Vizianagaram 24569 12269 12300
Andhra Pradesh 581053 294559 286494
India 12237615 6473241 5760180
Rank of District in State 12 12 12
Rank of District in India 150 170 143

Still Births Registered

Residence District Person Male Female
Total Vizianagaram 23 13 10
Andhra Pradesh 508 297 211
India 124130 56442 47832
Rank of District in State 4 4 4
Rank of District in India 403 349 350
Rural Vizianagaram 7 4 3
Andhra Pradesh 7 4 3
India 41620 21359 17953
Rank of District in State 1 1 1
Rank of District in India 360 310 313
Urban Vizianagaram 16 9 7
Andhra Pradesh 501 293 208
India 82494 35075 29871
Rank of District in State 4 4 4
Rank of District in India 360 303 313

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District


Houses used for Hospital/Dispensary

Residence District Total Number of Hospital/
Census Houses Dispensary etc.
Total Vizianagaram 749514 1039
Andhra Pradesh 15516397 29030
India 330407375 682584
Rank of District in State 13 13
Rank of District in India 141 222
Rural Vizianagaram 592458 614
Andhra Pradesh 10997992 15325
India 220633493 360065
Rank of District in State 12 13
Rank of District in India 100 211
Urban Vizianagaram 157056 425
Andhra Pradesh 4518405 13705
India 109773882 322519
Rank of District in State 12 13
Rank of District in India 181 207

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District

Environment and Pollution

Geographical Area
Area in Km 2 (2011)
District Total Rural Urban
Vizianagaram 6539 6398.94 140.06
Andhra Pradesh 160205 156085.73 4119.27
India 3287469 3101505.00 102221.00
Rank of District in State 12 12 13
Rank of District in India 151 143 239

Wastelands by Category
Area in Km 2 (2008-2009)
Rank of Rank of
Category Vizianagaram Andhra India District District
Pradesh in State in India
Gullied/Ravenous Land (Medium) 33.51 249.39 6145.96 3 52
Gullied/Ravenous Land (Deep) - 3.00 1266.06 0 0
Land with Dense Scrub 269.07 6785.25 86979.91 9 86
Land with Open Scrub 61.93 4793.55 93033.00 10 285
Waterlogged and Marshy Land (Permanent) - 108.00 1757.07 0 0
Waterlogged and Marshy Land (Seasonal) - 0.22 6946.31 0 0
Land Affected by Salinity/Alkalinity - 900.92 5414.53 0 0
Land Affected by Salinity/Alkalinity (Strong) - 380.89 1391.09 0 0
Shifting C ultivation - C urrent Jhum 0.18 16.15 4814.68 3 71
Shifting C ultivation - Abandoned Jhum - 1.76 4210.46 0 0
Under-Utilised/Degraded Forest (Scrub 290.13 8380.68 83699.71 10 94
Under-Utilised/Degraded Forest 12.33 491.85 15680.26 11 139
Degraded Pastures/Grazing Land - 95.54 6832.17 0 0
Degraded Land under Plantation C rop - 32.89 278.53 0 0
Sands-Riverine - 25.53 2111.96 0 0
Sands-C oastal 2.75 298.62 654.47 8 39
Sands-Desertic - 4.35 3934.80 0 0
Sands-Semi Stab.-Stab>40m - 0.00 9279.75 0 0
Sands-Semi Stab.-Stab 15-40m - 0.00 14273.03 0 0
Mining Wastelands - 3.42 593.65 0 0
Industrial wastelands 0.31 1.73 58.00 3 30
Barren Rocky/Stony Waste 17.78 2460.86 59482.29 7 150
Snow covered /Glacial Area - 0.00 58183.44 0 0
Total 687.99 25034.59 467021.16 10 167

Andhra Pradesh
District Factbook Vizianagaram District


Total Households
District Total Rural Urban
Vizianagaram 587149 463526 123623
Andhra Pradesh 21022588 14234387 6788201
India 249454252 168565486 80888766
Rank of District in State 13 13 12
Rank of District in India 134 100 169

Houseless Households
District Total Rural Urban
Vizianagaram 496 268 228
Andhra Pradesh 20717 10402 10315
India 449761 192865 256896
Rank of District in State 13 13 12
Rank of District in India 247 251 201

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

Crime & Law

Incidence of IPC Crime

Rank of Rank of
Crime Heads Vizianagaram Andhra India District District
Pradesh in State in India
Murder 43 1175 34134 12 300
Attempt to C ommit Murder 23 1540 41898 13 413
C ulpable Homicide Not Amounting to 1 52 3349 13 392
Attempt to C ommit C ulpable Homicide 0 1 4371 0 0
Rape 47 961 38678 9 291
Attempt to C ommit Rape 1 165 4310 11 253
Kidnapping & Abduction 27 1066 78412 12 489
Dacoity 2 75 4399 12 373
Making Preparation and Assembly For 0 1 2835 0 0
C ommitting Dacoity
Robbery 4 433 38090 13 534
C riminal Trespass/Burglary 176 4719 114667 11 191
Theft 388 15617 442464 12 244
Unlawful Assembly 0 59 9878 0 0
Riots 13 1013 66206 12 455
C riminal Breach of Trust 14 935 20089 11 304
C heating 149 5091 109737 13 167
Forgery 0 199 11268 0 0
C ounterfeiting 1 162 1979 13 331
Arson 13 450 9299 11 230
Grievous Hurt 41 597 105560 7 359
Dowry Deaths 8 215 8458 11 296
Assault on Women with Intent to Outrage 225 4547 82411 9 111
her Modesty
Insult to the Modesty of Women 327 2649 9738 3 7
C ruelty by Husband or his Relatives 330 6362 123163 10 104
Importation of Girls From Foreign C ountry 0 0 14 0 0
C ausing Death by Negligence 272 7379 128837 13 152
Offences Against State 0 1 177 0 0
Offences Promoting Enmity Between 0 21 337 0 0
Different Groups
Extortion 5 276 8210 10 267
Disclosure of Identity of Victims 0 0 135 0 0
Incidence of Rash Driving 913 14653 409857 9 105
Human Trafficking 0 2 726 0 0
Unnatural Offence 0 1 1148 0 0
Other IPC C rimes 1990 44187 944105 13 161
Total Cognizable IPC Crimes 5013 114604 2858939 12 173

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

Social and Welfare Scheme

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)

Financial Performance under MGNREGS
Rs. in Lakh (2015-2016)
Rank Rank
Andhra of of
Particulars Vizianagaram Pradesh India District District
in in
State India
A. Opening Balance (OB)
C losing Blance (C B) as Opening Balance 0.00 0.00 187890.93 0 0
Entered Opening Balance (OB) 0.00 0.00 206168.02 0 0
Release of Last Financial Year but Received during the Current Financial Year
C entre 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
State 0.00 0.00 3206.67 0 0
Release from State Fund to Districts
C entral Share - - 1294.39 0 0
State Share 0.00 0.00 411894.31 0 0
Authorisation of EFMS 0.00 0.00 3313284.01 0 0
Miscellaneous Reciept 0.00 0.00 39265.75 0 0
B. Borrowed Fund
From Other District or Revolving Fund 0.00 0.00 247.93 0 0
Refunded to District/State 0.00 0.00 79011.76 0 0
Inter-District Fund Transfer
Fund Transfer to Other District 0.00 0.00 247.93 0 0
Fund Received from Other Districts 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Availabilty 0.00 0.00 3896101.39 0 0
C umulative Labour Budget (LB) Estimation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
of Expenditure
C. Cumulative Expenditure
C. (I) Actual Expenditure
Unskilled Wage 29400.86 251776.07 3033565.51 3 10
Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage 0.00 0.00 68276.52 0 0
Material 10078.75 124494.48 923707.02 5 7
Tax 0.00 0.00 6412.06 0 0
C. (II) Administrative Expenditure
I. Receipts Expenditure 2152.34 21685.41 194050.46 1 7
II. Non-Receipts Expenditure 0.00 0.00 1442.79 0 0
Total (I+II) 2152.34 21685.41 195493.25 1 8
Cumulative Expenditure (C. (I) + C. 41631.95 397955.96 4227454.30 2 7
%age Utilization - - 108.5 0 0
Balance -41631.95 -397955.98 -331353.00 12 622
D. Payment Due
I. On Unskilled Wage 1003.85 12014.09 659585.02 7 149
II. On Semi-skilled and Skilled Wage 0.00 0.00 32387.42 0 0
III. On Material 6491.93 50602.49 395314.25 1 8
IV. Tax 0.00 0.00 3830.43 0 0
Total (I+II+III+IV) 7495.78 62616.58 1091117.12 2 19

Andhra Pradesh
Vizianagaram District District Factbook

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