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French Modal Verbs Practice want / can / must

Section A :Ecrivez Langlais Write the sentences in English

1. Je dois apprendre les maths

2. Il veut tudier le franais
3. On peut travailler en Espagne
4. Elle doit parler en italien
5. Je peux couter une chanson en franais et je peux la chanter!
6. Je veux voyager en Russie

Section B: Copiez et remplissez les blancs Copy and fill in the gaps in French

1. Je ______ tre acteur = I want to be an actor

2. Il _____ faire les langues trangres = he must learn languages
3. Elle_____ jouer au tennis ce soir = she can play tennis tonight
4. On _____ voyager en Europe = We want to travel around Europe
5. Je ______ faire mes devoirs avant de sortir = I must do homework before I

go out.
6. Je ______ habiter en France = I can live in France

Section C : Ecrivez ces phrases en franais write these phrases in French

1. I can sing in French

2. He can work in Switzerland
3. We can understand French well (comprendre bien)
4. She must study a foreign language
5. I must speak French often (souvent)
6. We want to go on holiday to Canada (en vacances au Canada)
7. I want to work in Spain
8. He wants to play football
9. She wants to watch television tonight
10. ????Make up a sentence in French saying I want to .
11. ???? Make up a sentence in French saying I can.
12. ????Make up a sentence in French saying I must.

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