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Valkyrie (Brunnhilde)

Affiliations: Solo d8, Buddy d6, Team d10

Distinctions: Haughty and Proud. Last of the Valkyrie. Protector of Asgard

Shield Maiden of Asgard

Enhanced Reflexes d8, Enhanced Senses d8, Enhanced Speed d8, Superhuman
Durability d10, Superhuman Stamina d10, Superhuman Strength d10,
Teleportation d10
SFX: Immune. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, or complications from disease or fatigue.

SFX: Invulnerability. Spend 1 PP to ignore physical stress or trauma results unless caused by mystical attacks.

SFX: Second Wind. Before you make an action including a Shield Maiden of Asgard power, you may move your
physical stress die to the doom pool and double the Shield Maiden of Asgard power for this action.

SFX: Death Perception: If an ally is threatened to be stressed out by the next physical attack, you may prevent it
by taking a d6 emotional stress or step up your current emotional stress by +1.

Limit: Grim Reaper. Valkyrie can only teleport herself and a dying or dead person from the Earth dimension to
an other-dimensional realm of the dead. She can return through an act of will.


Godlike Durability d12, Weapon d10

SFX: Mighty Smite. Step up or double the Weapon die for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom
pool equal to the normal rating of your power die.

SFX: Cut through the magic Wall. Add a D6 and step up the effect die by +1 against any mystical-based barriers
or constructs.

Limit: Gear. Shutdown Dragonfang to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover Dragonfang.
Combat Master D10 (Specialist Dragonfang D12), Cosmic Expert D8 , Menace Expert D8, Mystical Expert D8,
Tech Expert D8, Vehicle Master D10

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