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Source questions guide

What can we learn from the source? Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 2 of


Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: what information does the source give us about the

event, person, or time?

Challenge: what information does the source not give us about

the event, person or time (Need to use won knowledge)

What does the source suggest about a Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 2 of
person/event? these

Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: what does the source suggest about the event/person

use quotes as evidence.

Challenge: Then use own knowledge to say whether this

impression is correct. If not explain why they have this view

(Bias/time/purpose etc)

Whether (and how far) a source is useful for an Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 2 of
enquiry. these

Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: is the source useful/does it tell you about the event,

person or time? If the information is incorrect, try and explain

why (Bias/time/purpose etc)

Remember: all sources are useful in some way! Even if the

info is wrong it can tell us about the stereotypes of the time, but
say that you need to be careful using it as evidence

Whether a source is reliable for an enquiry. In this type of question you need to explain whether or not you

can trust a source.

Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 2 of


Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: what does the source suggest about the event, time,
or person? Use your own knowledge to say whether this is

accurate or not. If not try and explain why the creator is wrong
(Bias/time/purpose etc)

What is the message of the cartoon Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 2 of

Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: what is the source trying to suggest about the time,

person or event? (use features of the source to explain how you

have come to this conclusion)use own knowledge to help explain

what the creator is referring to.

What the purpose of a source is/ why was this In this type of question you need to explain why a source was
source produced? made.

The crucial thing here is not to stop at explaining the message of

the source. Make sure you go on and explain its purpose. In

other words, what impact was it designed to have on peoples

thoughts or actions.

Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 2 of


Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: why was the source made what is it trying to get

you to think?

Are you surprised by the source?

Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 2 of

Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: what does the source suggest? Are you surprised by

this (Think about whether it goes against your own knowledge of

the time/person, or incident. If it does then look at bias, time,

purpose of source)
How similar are these two sources are. In this type of question you need to use specific evidence to

prove that the sources are similar and then explain how they
also differ.

Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 1 of


Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: what does the source suggest

Do the same for the other source

Compare: do the sources suggest the same things or different

things? (Often some bits will be the same and some bits will be

different) Use quotes from sources to prove your point. Then

Say which own is the correct view using your own knowledge to

Does source X prove that source Y is wrong? Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 2 of

Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.

Comment: what does source X suggest?

Do the same for the other source

Compare: explain how the two sources are different/similar

then refer to which one is more accurate/believable (use Own

knowledge and also look at the bias, purpose, time of the two

Which of the sources gives a more accurate view

of.? Content: takes quotes from source/features from image - 1 of

Context: refer to when it was made, by whom, is there an

expected bias? What was going on at the time.
Comment: what does the source suggest?
Do the same for the second source

Compare: which source is more accurate use own knowledge to

prove this. Then say why one is not accurate (look at bias, purpose, or

How far the sources support a particular viewpoint This is a two-sided mini essay. You need to write at least four

or opinion. paragraphs:

1. A brief introduction.

2. A paragraph which explain which sources support the

statement, using evidence from the sources to prove

this (at least two sources needed).

3. A paragraph explaining which sources disagree with

the statement, using evidence from the sources to

prove this (at least 2 sources needed).

4. A conclusion in which you say overall do majority

agree/disagree with statement. Then decide whether or

not you agree with the statement. Use your own

knowledge and the sources to support you argument

look at which sources are more reliable/biased.

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