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CE-5114 Finite Element Method for Structural Analysis

Computer Implementation (MATLAB) 5 bar truss assembly

Write element equations and assemble them to form global equations for the five-bar plane truss
shown in the Figure 1. The area of cross section for elements 1 and 2 is 40 cm2, for elements 3 and 4
is 30 cm2, and for element 5 is 20 cm2. The first four elements are made of a material with E = 200
GPa and the last one with E =70 GPa. The applied load P =150 kN.

Each node in the model has two- displacement degrees of freedom. They are identified by the letters u
and v with a subscript indicating the corresponding node number and are shown in Figure 2. Without
considering the specified zero displacements at the supports, the model has a total of eight degrees of
freedom. Thus the global equations will be a system of eight equations in eight unknowns.
Use MATLAB to develop element equations and assemble them to form global equations for five bar
plane truss. The complete procedure, with data in N-mm units, is as follows.

Figure 1

Figure 2


% Truss Assembly Example

e1=200*10^3; e2=70*10^3; a1=40*100; a2=30*100; a3=20*100;
P = 150*10^3;
nodes = 1000*[0, 0; 1.5, 3.5; 0, 5; 5, 5];

% Generate stiffness matrix for each element and assemble it.

k=TrussElemStiff(e1, a1, nodes([1 2],:));

lm=[1, 2, 3, 4];
K(lm, lm) = K(lm, lm) + k;

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CE-5114 Finite Element Method for Structural Analysis

k= TrussElemStiff(e1, a1, nodes([2 4],:));

lm=[3, 4, 7, 8];
K(lm, lm) = K(lm, lm) + k;

k= TrussElemStiff(e1, a2, nodes([1 3],:));

lm=[1, 2, 5, 6];
K(lm, lm) = K(lm, lm) + k;

k= TrussElemStiff(e1, a2, nodes([3 4],:));

lm=[5, 6, 7, 8];
K(lm, lm) = K(lm, lm) + k;

k= TrussElemStiff(e2, a3, nodes([2 3],:));

lm=[3, 4, 5, 6];
K(lm, lm) = K(lm, lm) + k

% Define the load vector

R = zeros(8,1); R(4)=-P

For each element the PlaneTrussElement function defined in File TrussElemStiff is first used to generate
element stiffness matrix, k. From the degrees of freedom the assembly location vector lm for the element is then
defined. The assembly is then carried out by the statement K(lm, lm) = K(lm, lm) + k. To conserve space
printing of most intermediate results is suppressed by ending statements with a semicolon. If desired, the
intermediate results can be seen by executing statements with the semicolon removed. The global load vector is
written directly.

K =
1.0e+005 *
Columns 1 through 8
0.3260 0.7607 -0.3260 -0.7607 0 0 0 0
0.7607 2.9749 -0.7607 -1.7749 0 -1.2000 0 0
-0.3260 -0.7607 2.4309 1.1914 -0.3300 0.3300 -1.7749 -0.7607
-0.7607 -1.7749 1.1914 2.4309 0.3300 -0.3300 -0.7607 -0.3260
0 0 -0.3300 0.3300 1.5300 -0.3300 -1.2000 0
0 -1.2000 0.3300 -0.3300 -0.3300 1.5300 0 0
0 0 -1.7749 -0.7607 -1.2000 0 2.9749 0.7607
0 0 -0.7607 -0.3260 0 0 0.7607 0.3260

R =

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