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All About Me Theme for Preschool

The goal behind an All About Me Theme is to help children learn about each
other and each others' families! It is also a great way for you to get to know
your children and their families better.

At the beginning of this week (or before, if possible) send a Family Collage request
home. Let each family know that you are working on an All About Me preschool
activities theme and that this is the family portion of that theme! Ask each family
to work with the child to make a Family Collage. The Collage can have photos on it
with family members' names written on it. It can be drawn by the child and
family! This is a family event and the purpose is to help the children learn more
about each other and each other's families! Give the families a deadline for when
they are due! Youll use these on Friday.

My Portrait
Needed: tag board or poster board, hand mirrors, markers, crayons, yarn, scissors, glue
The children use the mirrors to draw themselves onto the cut-out. This is best done is small groups (4 or
under) so that you have time to talk with the small group about their eye color, hair color, etc.
VARIATION: One year, a co-teacher had each of the children lay down on large butcher paper and traced
each one of them! They decorated "themselves" over several days! This was a great All About Me
Preschool Activities Theme project that was saved for the annual art show! You can hang them
throughout your room and have parents try to find their child! 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35
I Like...
Needed: small picture of each child, magazines, scissors, glue, crayons, construction paper
The children glue their picture on the construction paper. They cut out items from magazines of things
that they like such as: dogs, cats, flowers, family pictures, etc. 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35
Me and My Family
Needed: shaving cream
Encourage the children to smooth the shaving cream onto the table. They can draw a circle and add
eyes, nose, mouth hair, etc. They can add their family members, pets, etc. ! 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35
My Family
Needed: people shaped sponges and/or cookie cutters, shallow trays, paint, paper
Encourage the children to sponge or print on the number of people in their family and then print below
each one the name of the family member. 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35
My Family Collage Summary
At the beginning of this week (or before, if possible) send a Family Collage request home. Let each family
know that you are working on an All About Me preschool activities theme and that this is the family
portion of that theme! Ask each family to work with the child to make a Family Collage. The Collage can
have photos on it with family members' names written on it. It can be drawn by the child and family!

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Preschool Plan It

This is a family event and the purpose is to help the children learn more about each other and each
other's families! Give the families a deadline for when they are due! Today, have each child describe the
items on their collage to their peers. Each child takes a turncontinue over the next week as the
collages come in from parents. 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35

How Tall? Encourage the children to measure each other using blocks How many block tall are they?
How many blocks long are they when they lay down? 3,6,7,13,22,27,30,36

About Me
Tell the children to listen to what you are saying and stand up if what you say is true about them!
Stand up if you have a brother. Stand up if you have a pet. Have the children standing name them
(brother, pet, etc.) Be sure to help children who aren't sure of the answers (Dee-Dee, you have a baby
sister! Stand up! What is your baby sister's name?) 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35
I Love My Family
Talk with the children about who is in their family? Who lives in their house? Remind the children that
family is not ONLY who lives with them. It includes grandparents, a Mom or Dad who may live in a
different house, etc. Then do the following fingerplay with them.
Some families are big (spread arms wide)
Some families are small (bring arms closer together)
But I love my family (cross arms over chest)
Best of all! 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35
All About Me Chart
Needed: chart paper, marker, tape, little people shapes from this packet
Make a family chart. List each child's name in a column to the left. Have precut small people available.
Talk to the children about who is in their family and tape a cut out to represent each one next to their
name. 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35
Feelings Chart
Needed: chart paper, marker
This activity will get children thinking about different feelings.
Talk about what feeling mad, good, sad, scared, angry, silly, etc. means.
Then have the children call out endings to these sentences that you will put on the chart paper:
I feel angry when ___________
I feel sad when _____________
Continue with others. 3,9,19,20,21,24,27-30,35
Getting To Know US!
In advance, send home a note to the parents asking them to fill in a form with 5 "clues" about their child
(i.e. I have a dog named Midas, I have a blanket on my bed with Star Wars, I have 2 sisters, My favorite
ice cream is chocolate, and I have a swing set in my backyard). I stress that the clues must be obvious to
the child, but to put their name on the form just in case.

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Preschool Plan It

During the week, I read several forms each day during Circle Time and the kids guess if it is them. They
have a ball with this and usually are able to pick themselves out.

Dress Like You! Provide a large variety of clothing for the children to dress up with. They can dress up
like a friend (perhaps their friend likes hats or boots!) or like a family member. 3,4,6,10,13-

My Friend Encourage the children to paint a portrait of one of their friends!

Body Match Game

Needed: Music
Play music and have the children work in pairs. Call out a body part that they need to match. If you say
"Knees" the children need to make one or both of their knees touch the knees of their partner!
Who is Missing?
Introduce this game by starting in a group sitting down. Provide little plastic people. Let the children give
the family role name to each one: "This is the Mom. This is the Grandma. etc." Tell the children to close
and cover their eyes. Take one away and have them open and uncover their eyes and ask "Who is
missing?" Once you have played this with them a few times, tell them you are now going to play "Who is
missing" together! Have an area near you where one child can stand and not be seen by the other
children (behind a table, etc.). Have all the children stand up, turn around (with their backs to you) and
close and cover their eyes. Choose one child to hide behind the spot you have chosen and have the
others guess who is missing! This is a favorite activity of mine! ,7,8,10,12,27,28
Whose Shoes?
Have children place one of their shoes on one end of the room or space. They stand at the other end of
the room. Two at a time, have pairs of children run to the pile and help each other find their matching
shoes. 3,7,8,10,12,27,28

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Preschool Plan It

Book Suggestions for the Library Standards for Books: 1,6,38-40,44

Below is a list of books about children and about families! You may find them at your local library or you
can click the title links to check out what is available at Amazon.
Here Are My Hands by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault
I Like Me! (Picture Puffins) by Nancy Carlson
Now I Am Three by Jane Belk Moncure--these are older books, most libraries have the collections. This
particular series by Moncure has one for each age Now I'm One! Now I'm Two! etc.
My Book About Me by Dr. Seuss
Now I'm Big by Margaret Miller

Needed: Playdough recipe in this packet, paint
Alphabet Playdough Mats
Needed: Letter mats in this packet, playdough
Potato Head Game
Needed: Potato Head game in this packet and Potato Head toys.
Great counting activity while learning about each others family.
Big and Little
Needed: small and large items from the classroom, 2 bins, 2 pieces of paper, marker
The beginning of the year is a good time to introduce these concepts. Provide an item in small and large
sizes (balls, stuffed animals, cut out people shapes) and then provide 2 boxes one that says Big and one
that says LITTLE or SMALL. The children learn to sort by size. 13,14,23-26,30,35
Puzzles-Big and Small
Make puzzles available that have families in them: both table puzzles and floor puzzles. If you don't have
any, make one! Find pictures or print pictures from your computer of families. Make a collage of it and
then laminate and cut it out into large puzzle shapes! 13,14,23-26,30,35

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Preschool Plan It

How Do You Feel?

Needed: variety of music
Have different tempos of music available. Play one song and ask the children what type of mood the
music is in-happy, sad, excited, scared, etc. The children then act out that mood through movement.
Change the songs often and repeat! 3,4,10-12,34
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Needed: song poster in this packet.
Preschoolers LOVE this song..try singing it fast, slow, loud, whispering!
In the Whole Wide World
This is a traditional All About Me action chant you can teach the children:
In this whole wide world (arms in front of you making a big circle)
I can clearly see (use fingers to make circles in front of eyes like binoculars)
There is only one of YOU (point to others)
And there is only one of ME! (point to self). 3,4,10-12,34
10 Little Fingers
I have ten little fingers and they all belong to me.
I can make them do things, would you like to see?
I can shut them all up tight or open them up wide.
I can put them all together, or make them run and hide.
I can make them jump up high, or I can make them hang real low.
I can fold them in my lap and hold them just like so. 3,4,10-12,34
Healthy Me
Needed: variety of music
Although health and nutrition can be a theme on its own, it is great to remind the children about staying
healthy during your All About Me Preschool Activities theme as well! Play music and encourage the
children to join you in some healthy exercise! "Let's jog five times. Let's jump four times." Create more
as you go! 3,4,10-12,34

Letters in Our Names - Fill your water table with foam letters and water. Provide small fishing nets or
tongs. The children find letters that are in their names or their friends names. Or, they just scoop out a
letter and try to identify it with their friends. 13,14,25,27,28,30, 36,37

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Preschool Plan It

Cracker Faces
Needed: Round crackers, shredded cheese, raisins, cream cheese spread
The children place some spread on a cracker. Use the raisins and shredded cheese to make a face on
their cracker! 6,11,27-30
How Tall Am I?
Needed: a tape measure or growth chart, paper and pen
Measure each childs height and list on a paper or a growth chart on your wall. Let the children use the
tape measure to measure each other and try to identify the numbers on the tape measure.
Numbers on a Scale
Needed: a scale, paper, pen
Weigh each child and record their weight, or let them record the numbers on a paper. Let them read
the numbers on the scale when their friends use it.
EXTENSION: Tape a large paper to a wall and record on the paper each child's name, height and weight.
Leave it there all year. Re-measure near the end of the year! Our kids LOVE this! 3,19,20,23,26-29,35
As Big As Me
Needed: yarn, scissors, tape and marker or pen
Cut out 2 pieces of yarn that are the same height as the child. Attach one of them to a piece of paper
with their name on it and hang it on the wall. Do this for each child. Have the children compare their
heights. With the second piece of yarn, encourage the children to find other things (or people) in the
classroom that are as tall as them by measuring using the piece of yarn. 3,19,20,23,26-29,35
Color Scientists
Needed: clear, plastic cups, cups of colored water, pipettes, large bin
Provide each child with an empty, clear cup. Provide many clear cups (I use empty paint cups) that are
each filled with different colored water (using food coloring). Encourage the children to use the pipettes
to drop different colors into their cups to see what new colors they can create by mixing them. Have a
large bin available for them to empty their cup into when they want to start again. Provide child sized
goggles if you have them to make them feel like authentic scientists! 3,19,20,23,26-29,35

My Name- In advance, pre-print each child's name on a piece of paper. Laminate their names. Provide
sorters (shapes, macaroni, etc.) for them to cover the letters of their name with. You might also provide
dry erase marker for them to use on their laminated name tags. Also, add a small picture of each child
on their name to help them identify them. 15,30,36,37,42,43

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Approaches To Learning (ATL) Developing understanding of ordination & positional language (1st, 2nd, 3rd), directionality (up,
26 MAT
down) and spatial awareness (next to, on top of) & how to apply to items, stories, etc.
1 ATL Demonstrates eagerness, curiosity, & flexibility as a learner.
Developing ability and self-direction to set and follow through with goals to complete an Scientific Knowledge & Skills (SCI)
2 ATL action or task. Developing observation & inquiry skills using their senses & tools (including technology) to
27 SCI
3 ATL Joins in and cooperates with others in play and learning. gather & investigate information.
28 SCI Makes predictions and inferences about changes in materials.
Social and Emotional Development (SED)
Communicates & documents information gathered using a variety of methods (drawing, maps,
Expresses affection, empathy and sympathy to others and balances needs and rights of others 29 SCI
4 SED graphs, charts &through discussion)
and self.
Developing knowledge of science concepts through exploration of the different sciences (Life
5 SED Engages in positive relationships and interactions with adults involved in their care. 30 SCI
Science, Physical Science, Earth/Environmental Science, Technology Science)
Engages in positive relationships and interacts in socially appropriate manner with minimal
conflict with peers. Creative Arts (ART)
Demonstrates increasing ability to self-regulate impulses and emotions, return to equilibrium Visual Arts: Uses a variety of materials to make art creations to reflect thoughts, feelings,
7 SED 31 ART
after experiencing stress experience or knowledge
8 SED Demonstrates ability to ask for as well as offer help when needed. Drama: Participates in dramatic play using creativity, imagination and objects/props to express
32 ART
Physical Development & Health (PDH) 33 ART Dance & Movement: Participates in expressive dancing and movement activities
Developing large muscle coordination and coordination through activities such as pulling, Music: Participates in music through activities by listening, performing, singing or using musical
9 PDH throwing, catching, kicking, etc. 34 ART
Developing travelling skills by using locomotor skills to maneuver in their environment and in a
10 PDH
large group. Language & Literacy Development (LLD)
11 PDH Participates in structured and unstructured activities. 35 LLD Understands and follows at least 2-3 step directions.
Developing large muscle control and balancing skills through activities such as walking (front Uses increasingly complex and varied vocabulary, grammar and syntax in conversations and
12 PDH 36 LLD storytelling.
and backward) skipping, running, climbing, hopping, stretching, reaching etc.
Uses a variety of tools & materials to build grasp & release skills, scissor skills & ability to use 37 LLD Speech is clear and understood by others.
13 PDH Developing awareness of print (in books & environment) and recognizes that print conveys
thumb/forefinger in pincer grasp. 38 LLD
14 PDH Developing eye-hand coordination using a variety of materials. meaning (i.e. recognizing own name)
15 PDH Developing pre-writing & drawing skills using wide variety of tools Recognizes how books are read (front to back, one page at a time) and characteristics of books
39 LLD
(title, author, illustrator)
Learning about importance of nutrition and healthy routines and how they benefit their bodies
16 PDH 40 LLD Listens to & describes items/actions in books; retells stories
(i.e. diff between health/junk food, dental health knowledge, etc.)
Demonstrates increasing ability to complete self-help/personal care tasks & life skills Notices and discriminates sounds of language (rhyme, alliteration, etc.) and that letters have
17 PDH 41 LLD
independently (washing hands, toileting, dressing, brushing teeth, using eating utensils, etc.) distinct sounds associated with them (such as beginning and/or ending sounds)
42 LLD Recognizes & identifies letters of the alphabet in print, environment, and/or own name.
Social Science & Knowledge (SSK)
Demonstrates increased emergent writing skills such as random marks, controlled scribbles,
18 SSK Developing understanding of their personal and family structure.
43 LLD basic shapes, letter-like marks or letters to represent words, stories, ideas, experiences or
Developing awareness of their family, the community, the classroom and their responsibilities objects.
19 SSK
in each.
English Language Development (ELD)
Mathematical Knowledge & Skills (MAT) 44 ELD Demonstrates progress in understanding & listening to English
Developing ability to recognize numbers recite them in order and recognize that numbers
20 MAT 45 ELD Demonstrates progress in speaking English
represent quantities.
Uses numbers, one-to-one counting & subitizing (identifying number of objects in a set
21 MAT
without counting them) to determine the quantity.
22 MAT Developing ability to identify, predict, create & extend patterns.
Developing ability to measure wide variety of objects using many different attributes (weight,
23 MAT length, size, etc.)
Developing ability to classify, compare, sort and order a wide variety of object by different
24 MAT attributes.
25 MAT Identifies basic shapes and beginning to identify their parts.

DISCLAIMER: These standards were developed based on research of some of the standards used in the early childhood field such as Head Start, DRDP, RIELDS, MA EEC Guidelines, as well as my own
established preschool developmental child outcomes and standards. Copyright Preschool Plan It
Calendar Pieces All About Me Theme AB Pattern

1 2 3

4 5 6
8 The Preschool Cubby
Calendar Pieces All About Me Theme AB Pattern

7 8 9

10 11
The Preschool Cubby
Calendar Pieces All About Me Theme AB Pattern

13 14 15

16 17
The Preschool Cubby
Calendar Pieces All About Me Theme AB Pattern

19 20 21

22 23
The Preschool Cubby
Calendar Pieces All About Me Theme AB Pattern

25 26 27

28 29
The Preschool Cubby
Calendar Pieces Back To School Theme AB Pattern
The blank card below is to add the month you
would like! Simply cut out, laminate and print
the months name with a dry erase marker so
that you can erase and use whenever you like

throughout the year.

Because this All About Me Theme is typically

run at the beginning of the school year, the
months of August and September are printed
on the next page!

13 The Preschool Cubby

Calendar Pieces All About Me Theme AB Pattern


14 The Preschool Cubby
Playdough Recipe

4 c (1000 mg) flour 1 c (375 mg) salt

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) oil 1 c (250 ml) water
food coloring

1. Add food coloring to water.

2. Add oil.
3. In separate bowl, mix flour and salt.
4. Add to wet ingredients. Mix, knead and play!
The Preschool Cubby

Letter Cards for:
Playdough Alphabet Activity Mats and for
Literacy in the Library Activity
1. Print the following letter pages.

2. Cut each page in half, separating the 2 letters.

3. Laminate the half pages.

4. Use these with playdough for the children to develop their motor
skills while developing their letter recognition and formation skills!

5. Provide children with dry erase markers to draw on and design their
own letters while developing their pre-writing, letter recognition and
motor skills!

6. Print 2 copies of each and laminate for the children to use as a

matching game!

16 The Preschool Cubby

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30 The Preschool Cubby
Potato Head Game
Potato Heads are still so popular and fun for preschoolers!
Use their love of them to teach not only All About Me
(eyes, ears, nose, etc.) but also taking turns, number
sense, counting and color recognition!

On the following page you will find a fun Potato Head

game to add to your classroom this week!

Potato Head Picture Die:

1. Print out this picture die onto sturdy tag board.

2. Fold into a cube.

3. Glue the tabs in place.

4. I also use clear, packing tape to cover the entire cube.

5. The children then take turns rolling the die.

6. They put on the piece of the potato head that lands up


I also have a Potato Head Game Pack for sale here in my store
that has 3 additional math games to use with Potato Heads!

The Preschool Cubby

Potato Head Game:
Picture Die


& Nose Eyes Ears


The Preschool Cubby
Song Card & Song Poster
How to use:
Print and laminate the song card below (it is 5 X 3).
Place in a can or box with other cards of songs your children
In transitional times (waiting to go outside or wash hands,
etc.), pull out your song box or song can (I use a decorated
coffee can!).
Shuffle the cards in your hands saying Shuffle, shuffle,
shuffle and your children yell STOP!
When they yell stop, whichever card is on top is the one you
sing! The kids LOVE this!

Each month youll receive one of these cards that correspond

with the song poster for the month to add to your Song Card
On the next page, youll find the Song Poster! Print and
laminate for use over the years!

33 Preschool Plan It

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Head, shoulders, knees & toes!

Knees and toes!

Head, shoulders, knees & toes!

Knees and toes!

Eyes, and Ears and Mouth and Nose

Head, shoulders, knees & toes!

Knees and toes!

Hair, elbows, tummy and hips

Tummy & hips!

Hair, elbows, tummy and hips!

Tummy & hips!

Chin and cheeks and teeth and lips!

Hair, elbows, tummy and hips

Tummy & hips!

The Preschool Cubby


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