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Monet Nielsen

Unobserved Magnetic Field Lesson

A: Informational Components
Lesson Title:
Visualizing Magnetic Fields

Grade Level:
5th grade

State Standards Connection:

Standard Three: Students will understand that magnetism can be observed when there is
an interaction between the magnetic fields of magnets or between a magnet and materials
made of iron.
Objective: Two: Describe how the magnetic field of Earth and a magnet are similar.
Indicator B: Compare Earths magnetic field to the magnetic field of a magnet.

Intended Learning Outcome:

4. Communicate Effectively Using Science Language and Reasoning
B. Describe or explain observations carefully and report with pictures, sentences, and

Specific Lesson Objective:

Students will observe the forces objects can exert on each other by drawing lines with a
magnaprobe to visually create a magnetic field.

Lesson Purpose:
Students will recognize that there are forces in the world that they cannot see but can still
observe and describe.

Vocabulary Focus:
Magnetic Field: Objects can exert forces on each other through a field even though the
objects are not in contact.
Repel: pushes away
Attract: pulls toward

A magnet and a magnaprobe for every two students
Worksheet for every student

Anticipated Time Frame: 45 minutes

Engage and Launch 7 minutes
Explore: 20 minutes
Explain: 10 minutes
Extend: 5 minutes
Assess: Throughout lesson and last 3 minutes
Monet Nielsen
Unobserved Magnetic Field Lesson

B: Instructional Procedures

Engage and Launch: 7 minutes

Go over class rules
a. Raise your hand if you can share with the group a class rule.
b. What should you do when someone else is talking?
The class will start at their desks.
I will start by calling up prior knowledge and posing a new question. With your
shoulder partner talk about this question: Do magnets need to touch a piece of iron
or another magnet to exert a magnetic force on the iron or other magnet?
The question will be on the board.
Bring the class back together. Raise your hand if you want to share what you or
your partner said about whether a magnet needs to touch another magnet in order
to exert a magnetic force. Give a few students an opportunity to share with the
group their opinion while giving compliments for sharing.
Stay on the question slide while showing off the magnaprobe and magnet. Show the
example of magnaprobe moving around magnet. Get excited about what the
magnaprobe does so the students do as well.
Optional Based on class climate: Raise your hand if you think you know what the
disturbance in the space around the magnet is called. Magnetic field
Today we will investigate magnetic fields by gathering evidence that a field exists
surrounding a magnet and create a model that illustrates the magnets magnetic
Im excited to work with all of you today investigating magnetic fields!
Hold up the materials the students will get: handout, magnet, and tape. Once you
and your shoulder buddy get your supplies please tape on your magnet. Model how
to tape magnet onto handout. Give me a thumbs up when you are done taping on
your magnet. Have instructions on the board through power point.
Pick students to pass out materials to extra groups with instructions with what to do
with extras. All supplies except magnaprobes.
a. Magnets
b. Handout
c. Tape
Once all student have their thumbs up move on by explaining how to draw arrows
on their handouts. Model on smart board. Do not follow the dots just draw straight
arrows. Do not touch the magnet to the magnaprobel. Ask for student to repeat
directions back.

Teacher Role Asks questions; Assesses prior knowledge; Causes disequilibrium

or doubt; Provides information needed for Explore phase
Student Role Gains interest; Calls up prior knowledge; Experiences
disequilibrium or doubt; Develops a need to know
Monet Nielsen
Unobserved Magnetic Field Lesson

Explore: 20 minutes
Hand out magnaprobes.
Keep directions up about how to draw the arrows with the magnaprobe.
Walk through the class and make sure students understand the what they need to
Roam the room and scaffold.
Might need to help an individual pair if necessary.
If there is a common mistake review it with the whole class.
Explain after 10 or 15 minutes depending on fast students are moving that students
must describe their observations on the back of the handout.
Tell groups when they have five minutes to finish drawing arrows and writing

Teacher Role Makes open suggestions; Questions and probes; Provides feedback;
Assesses understanding and processes
Student Role Explores resources and materials; Hypothesizes and predicts;
Records observations and ideas; Seeks possibilities by thinking

Explain/Summarize: 10 minutes
If time allows have students share their written observations with face partners. Facilitate
group discussion based on their observations by asking for evidence, restating, enhancing,
and clarifying. What pattern did your arrows make?
Display picture of the model of the magnets magnetic force.
Interactively form a definition as a class for magnetic field. If time allows also create
definitions for repel and attract.
Magnetic Field: Objects can exert forces on each other through a field even though the
objects are not in contact.
Repel: pushes away
Attract: pulls toward

Teacher Role Asks for clarification and evidence from students; Enhances or
clarifies student explanations; uses students experiences as a basis
for explaining new concepts; provides new vocabulary; evaluates
student explanations.
Student Role Clarifies understandings discovered; Shares understandings for
feedback; Communicates understanding using recorded
observations (writing and drawings); Forms generalizations; Seeks
new explanations

Elaborate/Extend: 5 minutes
Interactively discuss as a class William Gilbert and Earths magnetic field and compasses.
* If a magnet will turn around until its north pole is pointing north, what kind of magnetic
pole is near Earths geographic north pole?
Monet Nielsen
Unobserved Magnetic Field Lesson

Teacher Role Asks questions; Poses new problems and issues; Offers alternative
Student Role Applies new knowledge by performing related tasks; Asks
questions; Plans and carries out new project; Records observations
and explanations

Evaluate/Assess: Throughout Lesson and last 3 minutes

Walk around and observe during the engage think, pair, share time.
Walk around during the explore and evaluate student explanations.
Check for understanding in worksheets.
Exit Ticket with two questions:
1. Describe what a magnetic field is with words or a picture.
2. Rate yourself 1-5 on how you believe you did working with your partner and staying on
task. (1 = not at all and 5 = outstanding).

Adaptations for Gifted/Talented

If any students finish early they can explore with an iron nail instead of the magnet or a
compass instead of a magnaprobe. Students may also be given the option if time permits to
research magnetic fields on the computers.

Adaptations for ELLs and Special Education

I will give wait time for students to think about the question before expecting them to talk. I
will have directions on the board and visually model each step.

Handouts (attached)
Exit Ticket
Mapping a Magnetic Field
Magnetic Fields Power Point
Monet Nielsen
Unobserved Magnetic Field Lesson
Name: _____________________________________

1. Describe what a magnetic field is with words or a picture.

2. Rate yourself 1-5 on how you believe you did working with your partner and staying on
task. (1 = not at all and 5 = outstanding).
Monet Nielsen
Unobserved Magnetic Field Lesson

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