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Banter Lines _ to suggest she's hitting on you The The: below are meant To be delverea Gs I becomes clear you're hitting on her. the way to deliver these lines s you know sl wants you, But she won't admit it The Cat's out of the bag: + What did you come over here just fo firtwith me? So what else do you ike about me? Stop undressing me with your yes Did you slip roofies in my drink? You're looking ot me ike @ fat kid looks at a cheeseburgi Banter Lines _ For when she says something dumb The bent way To delver Ine Ines Delow bo exaggerate how Wl sense she is making. This is @ good time to be animated, and a slightly childish What am | going to do with you: 4] {gonna be in trouble + Now are you just making shit up as you go along? + You're awware you're stil talking right? : * Bartender, | think you need to cut her off Remember, these lines work bes! if you've already used one of fig ‘other bonter ines above. You NEED fo banter immediately. nd these lines con be taken out of contex! later in the conversation, Remember, you don't want to. come actoss mean or insulting, playful and fun, Basic Openers For when you can think of anything ‘iy lavorlle ype of openers when you comment on something] that’s going on around you, of invite her into a conversation you akeady having, Butif thal’s not possible, use one of these, (pening lines for any situation: = Hey. You look ike you're having the most fun here out of, ‘anyone [sald wih relaxed sarcasm) + Hey. Let me guess, you're from. * Hey (yes, this works} Interest Signs For before you approach her “Ainough never recorsmend wang foraghs of eres bere Gepeaching 6 i you want fo tok bor! we formterest approach, Greate meres! by approaching! Here ore some srl Gat ge forint 9 you that ane wants you to opprocen Signs that she wants you fo approach: She gels close fo youn proximity + She Reps mating eye contact of smiing ot you | 5 She eave crops on your conversation «Sher fend fa fo you To fen forinformotion These opens ae le ong gong vou n "Rss ERE REARS SL NTE SUSE that should continue talking fo her and begin escalating the conversation after the aperoach. While the situational opener & my fevorile, Sometimes f'min alm Playful mood, Ilse one of these to ‘goo! with a gil. Done fight fa are really effective as they quickly establish you os « fun guy. ‘Opening lines for any situation: + Isitcoo! for a dude to weor makeup + What's your favorite Ginosour + You wanna know why you suck?. + I'mlost.can't find my fiends and im seared + The voices in my head told me to come over and say hi conversation off with an interesting topic Begin opener with “Can | get your opinion on something?” *+ Do drunk Ilove you's count? + Who lies more men or women? + Ifyour oitiend kises onother gi... sit cheating? Do you think micJagger is sexy@ + Would you go on the Maury show to have a secret acimi revealed to you Isitok to break up with someone over text? Ihe important thing fo remember about these openers that th haw Be said playfblse that she mmmediately astomes you're ju faving fun with ner If you use any of these openers make sure that you have the baal sibtyready. These openor rely on you having & reazon for asking, The best way To gel yoursell motivated enough fo approach © {to change the meaning you give it. Instead of making ita ie or death situation... simply aim fo do one of the following. ‘Ways to make approaching more fun * Play aitole [pretend you ate an actor) + Be a detective trying fo discover what she likes + Be purposely ‘uncool’ and a ite gooty just for fun * Tumitinto a game * Give her a story fo tell her fiends + Practice Faking confidence Doing any of the lsted above wil make the experience more ful Icontioved on back! Here ore 15 Tips To Keep Fr mind while Talking To a woman, Atraetion building tips: * Lead the conversation- don't wail for her to dictate it * Talk about fopies that evake emotions * Pay attention to the non-verbal cues she is giving you + Remember the motto: Women like "fun" nol funny + Tease her i} Take the conversation torated + Use things ike cold reads to show you understand her ‘Avoid complimenting her too much {contnuedion back} Conversation Topics 4'go to’ topics These lopies wil keep a conversation moving forward foward rapport attaction, and sexually. Ths s he exact order you sho bring the topics Up in The Four best fopies to bring up + Glottied Gossip (drama. jeny springer type stuf) + Eatly chichood memories {WV shows, stores, playground) {Future ambitions (ge! her taking about her idea He) + Observations about her (notice things about her} These topics are so elfective because they buld rapport, prov hooks, ecit emotions, highigh! your valve, and lead To sexuaih {ore topics on back} Teasing Her what totease a girl about Teasing her in one of he best ways fo begin fing with her, FEN listen to her, you'l find things to tease her about. Here are some things to lock out for: Things you can look to tease a git about: ® Her bossy side * Her "blonde" side + Double entenares Hor wild sige Her naivetés or gulibiiy + Her paranoia. Basically you're looking for things she says or does that demons ‘any of these things. on the back are things fo remember whert teasing}

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