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Journal of Hazardous Materials 172 (2009) 16171622

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Energy and electrode consumption analysis of electrocoagulation

for the removal of arsenic from underground water
J.F. Martnez-Villafane , C. Montero-Ocampo, A.M. Garca-Lara
CINVESTAV-IPN Unidad Saltillo, Carretera Saltillo-Monterrey Km 13.5, A.P. 663, 25900 Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A systematic study of the effect of design and operation conditions of an electrochemical reactor on
Received 26 November 2008 the treatment time for arsenic (As) electro-removal from underground water (GW) was carried out to
Received in revised form 9 July 2009 analyse the energy and electrode consumption. The effects of four factorscurrent density, interelectrode
Accepted 10 August 2009
distance, electrode areavolume ratio, and liquid motion driving modewere evaluated. The response
Available online 18 August 2009
variables were the energy and the electrode consumption and the treatment time to reduce the GW
residual As concentration to 10 g L1 , which is the maximum contaminant level (MCL) established by
the World Health Organization (WHO) in drinking water. The results obtained in this study showed that
Underground water
the factor that had the greatest effect on most of the response variables was the liquid motion driving
Arsenic electro-removal mode. The best residence time was 20 s, which favoured low energy consumption (58.78 Wh m3 ) and
low electrode material loss (9.59 g m3 ).
2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction electrode consumption there are not enough proposals reported.

Several research reports conclude that the improvement in the As
Arsenic contamination of underground water occurs mainly by removal in these studies is due to the increased current density
natural processes and from uncontrolled industrial discharge. Due [2,3,6]. However, this causes a corresponding increase in energy
to the high toxic effects of arsenic (As) on human health, the World [16] and electrode consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to study
Health Organization (WHO) has established an maximum contami- other design aspects of these reactors to reduce the treatment
nant level (MCL) of 10 g L1 for this water contaminant [1]. Among times and avoid increasing the energy and electrode consump-
the As removal techniques available, the electrochemical method of tions. The purpose of this work is to determine the effect of design
electrocoagulation (EC) presents important advantages over others and operation factors of the EC process to reduce the energy and
due to the low sludge amount produced and the lack of chemical electrode consumption by shortening the treatment time for As
reagents needed. However, most of the studies on As removal by electro-removal from underground water. We present a systematic
the EC process have been carried out using deionised water (model study of the factors that are generally known as the main variable
water) [26]; consequently, their results can differ with respect to design and operation parameters that affect the EC process: cur-
those obtained with real water because a great number of species rent density (i), interelectrode distance (d), electrode area treated
are present in real water that interfere with the As removal process volume ratio (A/V) and liquid motion driving mode (LM).
[7,8]. Most published investigations related to As contaminated real
water treat waste waters [9,10], and there are only a few stud-
2. Experimental
ies regarding underground water [11]. The lack of a systematic
approach to EC reactor design/operation has limited its implemen-
The underground water was collected from a well located at
tation [12]; some studies have reported the disadvantages of this
the central part of northern Mexico, and its principle character-
technology, including the formation of an oxide layer on the elec-
istics are listed in Table 1. The water conductivity was measured
trode surface [1214], the high energy consumption [1315] and
with a CORNING conductivity meter 441 using an electrode
the electrode material loss [13,14]. The formation of the electrode
(CAT476501). The analysis of the water included atomic absorp-
oxide layer has been solved by periodically changing the polarity of
tion spectroscopy (AAS, Thermoelemental Instrument, Solaar S4)
the electrodes [3,12,13]; nevertheless, for reducing the energy and
for sodium, potassium and iron ions and inductively coupled
plasma spectrophotometry (ICP, Iris Intrepid II X SP) for calcium,
magnesium, silicon and sulphur ions. Potentiometry was used to
Corresponding author. determine the F and Cl concentration with the ion selective
E-mail address: (J.F. Martnez-Villafane). electrodes Orion 9609 and 9102, respectively. The initial As concen-

0304-3894/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1618 J.F. Martnez-Villafane et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 172 (2009) 16171622

Table 1
Characteristics of the underground water.

Characteristics Value

pH 7.22
Conductivity 1067 (S cm1 )
Hardness 250.35 (mg L1 )
Ca 56.82 (mg L1 )
Mg 43.32 (mg L1 )
Na 106.48 (mg L1 )
K 20.28 (mg L1 )
SiO2 59.38 (mg L1 )
SO4 2 203.04 (mg L1 )
Cl 60.50 (mg L1 )
F 0.934 (mg L1 )

tration (CAs0 = 131 g L1 ) in the underground water (GW) as well

as the residual As concentration at every stage of sampling for the As
removal rate investigation were analysed by ICP. The samples were
ltered after the EC experiments with a lter paper with a pore size
of 2.5 m to separate the solids present in suspension in the water,
and then the samples were dried at 30 C for 48 h (Table 2). The
experimental metal dissolution value was determined from both
the residual Fe concentration in the GW and the amount of ferric
ocs retained in the lter paper when the GW was ltered after
the EC process. The amount of solids retained in the lter paper
was determined by the weight difference employing an electronic
analytical balance (Sartorius). The pH value of the GW was mea-
sured with a LPH430T (Tacussel) pH-meter before and after each
experiment. It was found that the initial GW pH value was 7.22, and
after each of the EC processes its pH value increased only slightly
by 0.07 0.01. According to Chaudhari et al. [2], the effect of pH on
arsenic removal is not signicant in the pH range of 68; therefore,
the experiments were carried out without any adjustment of pH.
The total cell voltage was measured with a uke multimeter during
the tests.
The EC experiments were carried out in a bipolar batch reactor Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the EC reactor: (1) water level, (2) electrodes, (3) water
outlet, (4) air diffusers, (5) water pumps.
(Fig. 1) since it provides a simple setup: in this cell arrangement,
there are no connections between electrodes, which facilitates
operation during the EC process [13,15,17]. The reactor can han-
dle a volume of 1.2 L, and it is composed of parallel rectangular
plate electrodes of low carbon steel ASTM 1018 (from 3 to 6 in
3. Background of As removal by the EC process
number) with dimensions of 10 cm 14 cm 0.635 cm, vertically
oriented to promote the internal circulation in the reactor [12]. Pre-
The EC process provides in situ generation of coagulants. The
viously, the electrodes were polished with SiC grinding paper 80
ferric oxyhydroxides (FH) produced by the dissolution of the iron
grade to eliminate polluting agents such as oil, dust and oxide. The
anode operate as As adsorbents and complexing agents. The iron is
As electro-removal was carried out under galvanostatic conditions
dissolved at the anode according to reaction (1), and the water is
using a VIMAR electronics PG-2EV potentiostat/galvanostat.
reduced at the cathode (2). The FH species are obtained by reaction
The effect of four factors on the response variables were studied
(3), and the As electro-removal by ferric ocs is produced by an ion
in this work. The rst was d using three values: 3, 5 and 9 mm. The
exchange reaction (4) [6]:
second was LM, and four different driving modes were used to pro-
duce the GW motion: free convection (f), air injection (a), water Fe Fe2+ + 2e (1)
internal recirculation (w) and air injection-water recirculation
(aw). The water internal recirculation in the reactor was handled by 2H2 O + 2e H2 + 2OH (2)
two submersible multiphase pumps (Aqua 40) that provided a cir- Fe2+ + 3OH FeOOH(s) + H2 O + e (3)
culation ow rate of 2.5 L min1 for each one. The air injection was
controlled by an air pump (Azoo 9500) at a ow rate of 1.6 L min1 , 3FeOOH(s) + HAsO4 2
(FeO)3 AsO4(s) + H2 O + 2OH
and the discharge was connected to two porous membrane dif-
fusers located at the base of the reactor with insufated bubbles The dosage rate of FeOOH ocs in GW is proportional to the liber-
of 2 mm uniformly distributed along the entire interelectrode ation rate of Fe2+ ions xed by the current density.
gap. This provided a uniform species concentration distribution The energy (E) consumption by the EC process is calculated by
throughout the whole reactor. The third factor studied was the A/V the following equation:
ratio using four values0.350, 0.466, 0.583 and 0.700 cm1 where E = IUt (5)
the number of electrodes was varied from 3 to 6. The fourth factor
studied was i, which was varied between three levels: 1.50, 2.25 where U is the total cell voltage in the reactor, I is the applied cur-
and 3.00 mA cm2 . The response parameters were the treatment rent, and t is the treatment time. Additional energy consumption
time t, the energy consumption E and the electrode weight loss w. corresponding to the air injection (3 Wh) and water recirculation
J.F. Martnez-Villafane et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 172 (2009) 16171622 1619

Table 2
Comparison of the calculated theoretical metal dissolution value wt with respect to the measured experimental value we .

Studied factor Run Operation conditions wt (g m3 ) we (g m3 )

d LM A/V i

1 3 aw 0.466 1.50 4.83 4.76

d 2 5 aw 0.466 1.50 7.25 6.94
3 9 aw 0.466 1.50 10.87 10.27

4 3 f 0.466 1.50 43.50 40.99

5 3 w 0.466 1.50 10.87 10.40
6 3 a 0.466 1.50 9.66 9.42
7 3 aw 0.466 1.50 4.83 4.79

8 3 a 0.350 1.50 13.67 12.97

9 3 a 0.466 1.50 9.66 9.44
10 3 a 0.583 1.50 9.05 8.88
11 3 a 0.700 1.50 7.26 7.20

12 3 a 0.466 1.50 9.66 9.32

i 13 3 a 0.466 2.25 10.86 10.51
14 3 a 0.466 3.00 9.66 9.59

(6 Wh) devices is considered. The theoretical amount of iron liber- for shorter d values. Hence, for larger d values the movement of
ated from the anode is given by Faradays law: the participant species (including those in reactions (1)(4)) in the
As removal process is slower, the thickness of the concentration
w= (6) boundary layer in the interelectrode gaps is larger, and the reaction
rate decreases. This behaviour indicates the relative importance of
where n is the number of electrons transferred (2) in the reaction, F water motion and turbulence on the treatment time and their large
is Faradays constant (96,486 C mol1 ), M is the iron atomic weight dependence of the interelectrode gap.
(55.85), and t is the treatment time in seconds. From Eqs. (5) and Fig. 3 illustrates the energy consumption as a function of the
(6) it is clear that the energy and electrode consumption increase charge density (Q) and the measured iron electrode weight loss
with longer treatment time and higher applied current. when d increases from 3 to 5 and 9 mm. As shown in this gure,
the E value increased almost linearly from 61 to 184 Wh m3 as the
4. Results and discussion electrode material loss increased from 4.76 to 10.27 g m3 when d
increased from 3 to 9 mm. This behaviour was associated with a
4.1. Effect of interelectrode distance (d) t increase corresponding to an increase in d, which, as mentioned
before, was due not only to the slower movement of the partici-
The interelectrode distance was varied at values of d = 3, 5 and pant species in the As removal reaction but also the fact that the
9 mm while the rest of the factors remained unmodied at the distances traversed by the participant species are larger when d
following values: LM = aw, A/V = 0.466 cm1 and i = 1.50 mA cm2 . is increased. Additionally, the interelectrode distance also has an
Fig. 2 shows the effect of d on the residual As concentration as important effect on the cell voltage U according to Eq. (7):
a function of the EC process time. As can be seen in Fig. 2, as U = EA + A EC + C + dielectrolyte (7)
d increases the treatment time to achieve the MCL of arsenic
(10 g L1 ) increases. The treatment time values increased from 20 where EA and EC are the reversible anodic and cathodic potentials,
to 30 and 45 s when d increased from 3 to 5 and 9 mm. The better respectively, and A and C are the corresponding overvoltages,
t value obtained with the shortest d is attributed to an increase in respectively. The last term is related to the electrolyte IR drop,
the mass transfer during the EC process as a result of the turbulence where  is the electrolyte resistivity. According to this equation the
generated. During the experiments with smaller d values, the tur-
bulence at the base and at the top of the electrodes was enhanced

Fig. 2. Effect of d on the residual As concentration in GW as a function of the EC Fig. 3. Effect of d on the energy consumption as a function of the charge density and
treatment time. The EC treatment was carried out at i = 1.5 mA cm2 , LM = aw and the electrode weight loss for As removal from GW by the EC treatment carried out
A/V = 0.466 cm1 . at i = 1.5 mA cm2 , LM = aw and A/V = 0.466 cm1 .
1620 J.F. Martnez-Villafane et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 172 (2009) 16171622

Fig. 4. Effect of LM produced by free convection (f), water internal recirculation

(w), air injection (a) and air injection-water recirculation (aw) on the residual As
concentration as a function of the EC treatment time. The EC process was carried
out at i = 1.5 mA cm2 , d = 3 mm and A/V = 0.466 cm1 . Fig. 5. Effect of LM produced by free convection (f), water recirculation (w), air injec-
tion (a) and air injection-water recirculation (aw) on the energy consumption as a
function of the charge density and the electrode weight loss for As removal from GW
increment in the cell voltage under these conditions is attributed by the EC treatment performed at i = 1.5 mA cm2 , d = 3 mm and A/V = 0.466 cm1 .
solely to the increase in d, since the electrode material, current
density and type of water are unmodied. The measured U val-
ues increased from 2.4 to 4.2 and 6.8 V when d was increased from is reduced by 50% with respect to that obtained when air is injected
3 to 5 and 9 mm, respectively. In addition, according to Eq. (5), the into the GW. This behaviour is attributed to a better species distri-
obtained U values had a signicant inuence on the energy con- bution along the entire reactor due to a major turbulence caused by
sumption. Therefore, smaller d values not only promote shorter t both LM driving modes, and consequently the As electro-removal
but also reduce U. The reduction of both factors favours a lower process is enhanced.
energy consumption and lower electrode weight loss, which also Fig. 5 illustrates the energy consumption as a function of
allows to use GW with smaller amounts of solids in the EC process. the charge density and electrode weight loss for each LM mode.
For these results, d = 3 mm was selected for the following experi- As shown in this gure, when LM is provided by air injection,
ments. E is the lowest (56 Wh m3 ). This is slightly lower than the E
value (61 Wh m3 ) required when a combined aw motion mode
4.2. Effect of liquid motion driving mode (LM) is supplied. However, a lower electrode consumption (4.79 g m3 )
is required with the aw motion mode compared with that
The dispersion of the FH ocs and the mass transfer greatly required with the air injection mode (9.42 g m3 ). When LM is
affect the rate of As removal and are linked to the liquid motion carried out exclusively by water recirculation, E increases signi-
that results from internal water recirculation (controlled by sub- cantly up to 100 Wh m3 ; nevertheless, the electrode consumption
mersible multiphase pumps) or air injection (through the reactor (10.40 g m3 ) remains near the value obtained with the air LM
base into a diffuser). Fig. 4 shows a comparison of the residual mode. When LM is produced by free convection, the energy con-
As concentration as a function of t using the different LM investi- sumption increases signicantly by almost 100% with respect to
gated, water recirculation (w), air injection (a), air injection water that required with air injection. The behaviour obtained with free
recirculation (aw) and free convection (f), while maintaining the convection is attributed to the low mass transfer, which gives rise
rest of the examined parameters: d = 3 mm, i = 1.50 mA cm2 and to the lowest As removal process reactions. Moreover, with this
A/V = 0.466 cm1 . As shown in Fig. 4, the slowest As removal rate LM mode the electrode surface is susceptible to forming a passive
is obtained when the liquid motion is produced by free convec- layer that promotes the increase of not only the treatment time but
tion; here the treatment time to achieve the MCL of 10 g L1 is also of the electrode material loss and the total cell voltage (2.84 V),
180 s. This is attributed to the low dispersion of the FH ocs and which give rise to signicant energy consumption. This is consis-
to a feasible electrode anodic passivation, which blocks the active tent with the results reported by several authors [1214]. Actually,
electrode surface area. When LM was produced by internal water the total cell voltage increases with LM in the order w (2.35 V), a
recirculation, the As removal rate increased greatly, and t was sig- (2.47 V) and aw (2.52 V) as a consequence not only of the water tur-
nicantly reduced (45 s) to a quarter of the time needed with free bulence but also of the air bubble interference. The formation of the
convection to achieve the MCL. This behaviour occurs because the passive layer is greatly prevented when the bulk liquid is in motion
liquid motion favours iron dissolution and OH ion transport from and the FH ocs are suspended in the interelectrode space. This is
the cathode towards the anode to form the FH ocs according to consistent with the results reported by Cocke et al. [13]. Neverthe-
reaction (3). The species produced at the anode form complexes less, when only the internal water circulation mode is provided,
with the arsenic species present in the water, as indicated in reac- the mass transfer is not as effective as when liquid circulation and
tion (4). The liquid motion not only promotes the transport of the additional turbulence are produced by an air bubble supply. On
soluble species of As towards the anode but also the transport of the other hand, when both air injection and water recirculation
the FH ocs towards the bulk of the GW, improving the As removal are supplied, the liquid convection is more effective; however, an
rate. When LM was generated by air injection the treatment time improvement of only 10% is achieved for the energy consumption
(40 s) was even shorter than that required for water recirculation. reduction with respect to that required with air injection exclu-
This was attributed to a better species distribution along the reactor sively. In addition, using only air injection when scaling this process
with this LM than that produced by the water recirculation mode will diminish the reactor cost as well as the device investment and
due to the turbulence generated by the air bubbles. Nevertheless, maintenance compared to those required when the aw mode is
when both LM types are operating (aw), the treatment time (20 s) used. In this context, it should be noted that to produce LM solely
J.F. Martnez-Villafane et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 172 (2009) 16171622 1621

Fig. 6. Effect of the A/V ratio on the residual As concentration as a function of the EC Fig. 8. Effect of i on the residual As concentration as a function of the EC treatment
treatment time. The EC treatment was performed at i = 1.5 mA cm2 , d = 3 mm and time during As removal from underground water. The EC treatment was performed
LM = a. at d = 3 mm, LM = a and A/V = 0.466 cm1 .

by air injection is sufcient to achieve efcient As removal; thus sumption increases signicantly as a consequence of decreases
this LM mode will be used for the following experiments. in A/V. It increases from 7.20 to 12.97 g m3 when A/V decreases
from 0.700 to 0.350, respectively. The energy consumption remains
4.3. Electrode areavolume ratio (A/V) effect approximately constant (63 Wh m3 ) for A/V values of 0.700 and
0.583 cm1 and decreases to 55 Wh m3 when A/V is decreased to
The effect of the ratio between the total electrode area and the 0.466. However, for the lowest A/V value (0.350 cm1 ) the energy
volume of water in the reactor (A/V) was studied in an interval from and electrode consumptions increased abruptly to 81 Wh m3 and
0.350 to 0.700 cm1 by adding electrodes to the reactor from N = 3 to 12.97 g m3 , respectively, due to an increase in t as a consequence
N = 6, maintaining the GW volume (1.2 L) and increasing the applied of the smaller electrode area in the reactor. Moreover, an increase
current from 0.630 to 1.255 A to maintain a constant current den- in N not only promotes a decrease in the treatment time but also
sity of 1.50 mA cm2 . To determine the effect of this parameter on increases the total cell voltage to values of 1.35, 2.41, 4.49 and 6.65 V
the EC process response variables, the rest of the factors remained when N is increased progressively from 3 to 6. Consequently, E
unmodied: d = 3 mm, i = 1.50 mA cm2 and LM = a. Fig. 6 shows the increased according to Eq. (5). These results show that the addi-
residual As concentration as a function of t for each A/V ratio used. tion of electrodes into the reactor does not assure the optimal
As shown in this gure, t is reduced progressively from 75 s to 40, 30 energy performance of the process. Therefore, the most favourable
and 20 s when the A/V ratio is increased from 0.350 to 0.466, 0.583 A/V ratio, 0.466 cm1 (N = 4), was selected for the following exper-
and 0.700 cm1 , respectively. This is associated with the larger FH iments.
dosage generated due to an increase in the A/V ratio; therefore,
higher As removal is produced. When A/V 0.350 cm1 , the arsenic 4.4. Current density (i) effect
removal kinetics changes from the typical exponential decay to
a sigmoidal prole, which results in a substantial increase in the To determine the effect of i on t, E and w, experiments were
treatment time. carried out with i values of 1.50, 2.25 and 3.00 mA cm2 , while
Fig. 7 shows the energy consumption of the EC process as a maintaining the rest of the investigated parameters: d = 3 mm,
function of the charge density and electrode weight loss for each A/V = 0.466 cm1 and LM = a. Fig. 8 shows the residual arsenic con-
A/V ratio investigated. As shown in this gure, the electrode con- centration in GW as a function of the treatment time as i was
varied. As shown in Fig. 8, when i increases, the arsenic removal
rate increases. This is consistent with the results reported by sev-
eral authors [2,3,6]. The treatment time decreases from 40, to 30
and 20 s when i is increased progressively from 1.50 to 2.25 and
3.00 mA cm2 , respectively. This was associated with the higher
dissolution of Fe2+ ions and the shorter time period for FH gen-
eration when i increased, with the consequent arsenic removal
Fig. 9 illustrates the energy consumption as a function of the
charge density and the electrode weight loss for different values of
i. As shown in this gure, an intermediate i value of 2.25 mA cm2
caused the highest energy and electrode consumption; this is in
part due to the increase in U, since when i increases progres-
sively from 1.50 to 2.25 and 3.00 mA cm2 , U increases to values
of 2.41, 3.52 and 4.54 V, respectively, which is consistent with Eq.
(7). Additionally, t was not short enough to compensate for the
increment in the energy and electrode consumption with respect
to that required at i = 1.5 mA cm2 . However, the highest i value
of 3.00 mA cm2 produces a small increase of energy and elec-
trode consumption with respect to those obtained with the lowest i
Fig. 7. Effect of the A/V ratio on the energy consumption as a function of the charge
density and the electrode weight loss for the As removal from underground water value of 1.50 mA cm2 . This behaviour is due to a signicant reduc-
by the EC process performed at i = 1.5 mA cm2 , d = 3 mm and LM = a. tion of 50% in t (20 s) achieved at i = 3.00 mA cm2 with respect to
1622 J.F. Martnez-Villafane et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 172 (2009) 16171622


The authors wish to acknowledge the nancial support to carry

out this project: 38467U from CONACyT.


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