Prayer Update Brian Hornor: Aug - Oct '17

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SEPTEMBER the Lord in Sinaloa

Fall 2017
Dear Pastor and Church Family,
We rejoice in the Lord for the
privilege of serving Him these past
three months. We are very grateful
for your prayers and participation in
what the Lord is doing.

Since camp in July, there has been

Good number of visitors and members an increase in number in the regular
came to celebrate the freedom we have youth activities, and for that we are
in Christ. Church family from Jess Salva grateful. Please continue to help us
also came to be a part of the special pray for two of our youth who have
service. made other decisions that have
affected their walk with the Lord.

Praises/Prayer Requests
For Jess Salva that visitors
will still come in spite of the
road conditions
Salvation of three ladies that
have been visiting faithfully
Family retreat in the mountains Wisdom and grace to con-
tinue ministering in our
Full-time pastor in a sister
church in Navolato. We have
been filling the pulpit for
As the top picture illustrates, the that church since March.
road in front of Jess Salva is going to For fruit that will remain as
be paved. In August the city began we continue to reach the lost
Grateful to the Lord for another year the project and hopefully by Dec. they Full recuperation of our Sister
of classes. Jsed and Sara are in 4th will have finished. This has created a Benita from heart surgery
grade, Mariana is in 2nd grade, and little inconvenience in that the church
Brandon and Adel began K-4.
is a little harder to access. We have Preaching Christ in Sinaloa,
Also, we are very grateful to the Lord
prayed that this will not hinder
for another year of life He has allowed
Mariana to have. She turned 7 on Sept. visitors, and the Lord has been faith- Brian, Diana, Jsed, Mariana, and
16th. ful as we have still had visitors come. Brandon
The bottom picture is the side
entrance we had made.

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