Effective Width Flange Provisions For Composite Steel Bridges

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Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 18431851


Eective ange width provisions for composite steel bridges

Il-Sang Ahn, Methee Chiewanichakorn, Stuart S. Chen , Amjad J. Aref
Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, University at Bualo, 212 Ketter Hall, Bualo, NY 14260, USA

Received 17 November 2003; received in revised form 1 March 2004; accepted 19 July 2004


In the analysis and design of steelconcrete composite girders of a bridge, deections, stresses, and strengths are typically
obtained from elementary beam bending theory by utilizing the eective ange width concept. Shear lag eects are accounted for
indirectly, by replacing the actual slab width by an appropriate reduced eective width. Besides the exact numerical values that
can be given by numerical analysis of a bridge, it is necessary that code provisions should provide simplied practical method of
evaluation of eective ange width without signicant loss of accuracy. So each code implements dierent ideas and approaches
for specifying eective ange width. Comparing them highlights distinct philosophies underlying the various eective width code
formulations, which is the main objective of this paper. In this paper, the eective ange width provisions in the US, Britain,
Canada, Japan, and European Committee are presented and compared. Characteristics of each provision are briey described
and summarized. Numerical comparisons for simply-supported spans and negative moment regions of continuous spans follow.
The paper concludes with a summary outlining the commonalities and main dierences among all these provisions.
# 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bridges; Composite; Eective ange width; Specications

1. Introduction 1920s and 1930s. At the beginning of the composite

structures era, most of the design concepts were adap-
In the design and analysis of steelconcrete com- ted from concrete T-beam design methods [3]. Thus,
posite girders of bridges, real three-dimensional beam when the rst specications for composite girders were
plate combined action under loads is simplied for presented, there was little dierence between concrete
design by considering an equivalent beam exural T-beams and steelconcrete composite girders in their
action instead. This simplication, so-called line girder design methods.
analysis, provides an easier way using conventional The eective ange width was the width of concrete
beam theory to evaluate maximum deection, stress, T-beam which can be assumed to function as a com-
and strength of composite girders. In particular, pression ange under exural action. Substituting steel
AASHTO LRFD bridge design specications [1] and beams for concrete stems, the design concept for con-
the Canadian highway bridge design code [2] use line crete T-beams could be used for steelconcrete com-
girder analysis as a primary method for design of typi- posite girders, including the eective ange width
cal composite girders. Other specications also adopt concept. Estimation of eective ange width had been
the concept of an equivalent beam exural action a challenging research topic, because it requires solu-
instead of complicated beamplate interaction in three- tions of partial dierential equations governing plate
dimensions. The history of applying line girder analysis in-plane and bending behaviors. Before numerical solu-
to steelconcrete composite structures goes back to the tions using computers became available, these equa-
time when composite structures were introduced in the tions were solved analytically based on simplications
of loading pattern and geometries [412]. Based on

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-716-645-2114x2428; fax: +1-716-
various studies and engineering practice, the nal
645-3733. report of the special committee on concrete and rein-
E-mail address: ciechen@bualo.edu (S.S. Chen). forced concrete [13] introduced the notion of eective
0141-0296/$ - see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1844 I.-S. Ahn et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 18431851

width of concrete T-beams as the minimum of one-

fourth of the span length of the beam and 12 times the
thickness of the slab, which can be considered as the
basis of eective ange width provisions for composite
girders that are currently used in AASHTO specica-
tions. The standard specications for highway
bridges [14] used this denition of eective ange
width in their rst provisions for composite girders.
The same denition remains there to this day [1,15].
In other countries at that time and up to the 1960s,
similar specications were used with minor modica-
tions of parameter values [16]. It is only after the devel-
opment of numerical solutions of beamplate action Fig. 1. Concept of eective ange width. (a) Actual stress distri-
that eective width provisions began to change. bution; (b) uniform stress distribution within eective ange width.
Following the results of nite element analyses of steel
box-girder bridges by Moatt and Dowling [17], the
stress at a distance x, rx rx y;z, is represented by its
British code specied tables of eective ange breadth
maximum value, shown as rx,max in Fig. 1. The force
(width) that distinguish among simply-supported
eects on the ange are enforced to be the same for
beams, cantilever beams, and internal spans of continu-
both cases as shown in Fig. 1. This relationship is
ous beams [18]. Adopting the previous Ontario high-
expressed as Eq. (1). The real force in the one-side of
way bridge design code, the current Canadian highway
the ange is calculated by double integration of the
bridge design code [2] uses the formulae developed by
real stress distribution. By dividing this force by the
Cheung and Chan [19] based on the nite strip analyses
thickness of the deck and the maximum stress in
of simply-supported composite bridges. Current
the corresponding region, the eective ange width is
AASHTO LRFD bridge design specications [1] and
evaluated. The one-side eective ange width con-
standard specications for highway bridges [15] are
cept is convenient in that it can be used for both
based on the specications rst introduced in 1944. In
interior girders and exterior girders without modifying
Japan, the Code of Practice for Design of Composite
the form of the equation.
Girder Highway Bridges was established in 1959 [20].
t=2 b
The current provisions of Eurocode 4: Part 2 (ENV
1994-2) rely on a descriptive format rather than a table rx y;z dy dz
t=2 0
format as in the British or a simple formula as in the be 1
t  rx;max y;z
Canadian provisions.
This study compares eective ange width provisions where be is the one-side eective ange width, 2b is the
of the US, Britain, Canada, Japan, and EC (European girder spacing, and rx is the normal stress in x direc-
Committee). After dening eective ange width in the tion.
following section, provisions for simply-supported As illustrated in Eq. (1), the eective ange width
spans are described. For continuous spans, the eective is dened at a given distance x in the span, which
ange widths in negative moment regions (internal sup- means that the be is a function of x. Also, the stress
port regions) are also compared. distribution changes with loading conditions. Under
vehicular loadings, especially, eective ange width
depends on the location of the vehicle on the deck. The
2. Shear lag and eective ange width changes of eective ange width in the span due to
vehicular loadings are more signicant. Such do not
In elementary beam bending theory, it is assumed need to be considered for composite beams in building
that the stresses are constant through the width of the structures. Because only uniformly distributed loads
beam. This assumption is appropriate for the thin web are used for building structures, the eective ange
of a steel beam. However, for the wide concrete ange widths do not change much in the span.
of composite girders, the stresses are not uniform. This Understanding variations of eective ange width
variation of stresses is due to the action of in-plane due to changes in geometry (girder spacing, thickness
shear strain in the plate, which is termed shear-lag. of the deck, and span length), loading conditions
By replacing the actually acting ange width by an (amount and locations), and the point of interest in the
appropriate reduced uniformly stressed eective span, specications seek to incorporate simple rules
ange width, shear lag eects can be accounted for, that can deliver appropriate values of eective ange
and elementary beam bending theory can be used. width. Relying on analytical or numerical solutions of
Graphically, the three-dimensionally changing normal beamplate behavior, each specication applies a dierent
I.-S. Ahn et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 18431851 1845

philosophy of simplication and, thus, a dierent quarter span, and support are specied for various
compromise between accuracy and simplicity. Gener- values of girder spacing to span length, i.e., b/l. For
ally, provisions in these specications consist of a the end (exterior) spans of continuous beams, the ratios
basic formulation for simply-supported spans. For from the simply-supported case with reduced span
continuous spans, provisions subdivide the whole length, 0.9l, may be used [BSIPart 5:]. The
span into several sub-spans, i.e., exterior span, eective ange width ratio at an internal support is
interior span, and internal support span. The basic obtained as the mean value of ratios obtained for each
formulation is applied to each sub-span. Therefore, span adjacent to that support. For a cracked concrete
a single set of provisions can be used for all com- ange, the ratio may be modied [BSIPart 5:].
posite bridge girders simply-by modifying span Dierent ratios are specied for uniformly distributed
length. In the following section, the basic formu- and point loads in the tables, emphasizing dierence of
lation of each specication is compared. eective ange widths for point loads and uniformly
distributed loads [19,25]. For eective ange width
ratios to be used in stress calculations on structural ele-
3. Basic formulation code provisions ments subjected to standard highway or railway load-
ing, it is specied that ratios from uniformly
In this section, terms and symbols in corresponding distributed cases should be used [BSIPart 5:].
provisions are retained if they do not introduce con-
For overhang of exterior girders, 85% of overhang
fusion for comparison. For simplicity and convenience,
length should be used to look up the table.
AASHTO, BS 5400, Canadian, Japanese, Eurocode 4
refer to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Speci-
cation [1] in the US, British Standard 5400-Steel, 3.3. Canadian specication
Concrete and Composite Bridges [18] in the UK,
In Canadian specication [2,21], a reduced cross-sec-
Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code [2,21],
tion dened by eective width formulation shall be
Design Specications for Highway Bridges [22] in
used for calculations of bending resistances and bend-
Japan, and design of composite steel and concrete
ing stresses in slab-on-girder bridges and box-girder
structures, part 2 [23] in European Committee,
bridges having a concrete slab, and with steel or con-
crete girders [CSA]. The same reduced section is
used for both the service limit state and the ultimate
limit state. The eective ange width consists of the
AASHTO [1] contains two sets of provisions for sum of a central part and overhang (side) parts. The
eective ange widthnamely, for interior and for central part corresponds to the ange of a steel beam,
exterior girders. Applying the one-side eective and the side part is determined as follows:
ange width concept, it is possible to reduce them into  
Be L 3 L
one set of provisions. For interior beams, the eective 1 1 for  15
B 15B B 2
ange width may be taken as the least of: (1) one-quar- Be L
ter of the eective span length, (2) 12.0 times the aver- 1 for > 15
age thickness of the slab, plus the greater of web
thickness or one-half the width of the top ange of the where L is the span length for simply-supported spans,
girder, or (3) the average spacing of adjacent beams or length of positive or negative region under dead
[AASHTO]. AASHTO species that eective load moment, Be is the eective width (overhang or
ange width rules are used for determining resistance one-side), and B is the left-hand, right-hand overhang.
for all limit states. Referring to the AASHTO Standard The major advantage of the Canadian specications
Specications, which describes ...eective width of the is in its simplicity. Only one simple formula is used to
slab as a T-beam ange... [15], it can be understood calculate the eective ange width for slab-on-I girders
that exural behavior is the main concern of the pro- and box girders made of steel or concrete.
3.4. Japanese specication
3.2. BS 5400
In Japanese specication [22], one-side eective ange
In Part 5 of BS 5400 [18,24], the eective ange width, k is used to evaluate the eective ange width of
width ratios are dened in three tables, which cover beams and/or stringers in calculating stresses and dis-
simply-supported, cantilever, and internal (interior) placements. Japanese provisions are based on analyti-
spans of continuous beams [BSIPart 5: 5.2.3]. For cal solutions, which date back to the 1950s. Examining
each case, eective ange width ratios for mid span, these provisions, Eq. (3) is developed based on moment
1846 I.-S. Ahn et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 18431851

distribution under a uniformly distributed load: cross-section is based on its plastic or nonlinear resist-
b ance. For serviceability limit states, elastic analysis
kb for  0:05 should be used with appropriate corrections for non-
b b linear eects such as cracking of concrete. When elastic
k 1:1  2 b for 0:05 < < 0:3 3 analysis is used, a constant eective width may be
l l
b assumed over the whole length of each span. Similar to
k 0:15l for 0:3  the Canadian specication, Eurocode 4 also divides the
eective ange width into a central part and side parts.
where k is the one-side eective ange width (cm), b is However, Eurocode 4 uses the distance between out-
either one-half the center-to-center girder spacing (cm), side shear connectors as the central part of the eective
or length of the overhang (cm), and l is the equivalent ange width, which requires the design detail of shear
span length (cm). connectors. The one-side eective ange width is
Eq. (4) is based on moment distribution under a determined as the least of (1) 1/8 of span length, or (2)
concentrated load on a simply-supported span: the distance from the outstand shear connector to a
b point mid-way between adjacent webs. Eurocode 4 also
kb  0:02 for considers the reduction of eective width at the end of
"    2 # l
b b b the span. Thus, a modication factor, Eq. (5), is
k 1:06  3:2 4:5  b for 0:02 < < 0:3 applied to the one-side eective width at the end sup-
l l l
k 0:15l for 0:3   
l Le
4 bi 0:55 0:025  1:0 5
These two loading cases make two dierent k values,
each of which varies with b/l. When the b/l ratio is less where bi is the distance from the outstand shear con-
than 0.3, the value in between these two dierent k nector to a point mid-way between adjacent webs, and
values is used as eective ange width. For larger b/l, Le is the equivalent span length of the end span (same
the point loading case, a value from Eq. (4), is used. In as the span length for simply-supported spans).
particular, Eq. (4) is used at internal supports of con-
tinuous spans. The moment variation in this region 3.6. Comparison of provisions
under uniformly distributed load is similar to a tri-
angular shape, which can be obtained from the Based on the descriptions in the previous section,
moment diagram of a simply-supported beam under a characteristics of each provision are summarized and
concentrated load. compared in Table 1. Numerically, Fig. 2 shows one-
side eective ange width ratio, be/b, of each pro-
3.5. Eurocode 4 vision as a function of L/b. In preparing this gure, it
is assumed that one-side ange width, b, is 1.0 and
In Eurocode 4 [23,26], action eects may be calcu- 1.5 m and the span length, L, changes from 10 to 40 m.
lated by elastic analysis, even where the resistance of a In the gure, BS 5400 (interior) develops the largest

Table 1
Comparison of provisions

be Provisions AASHTO BS 5400 Canadian Japanese Eurocode 4

a b
Distinguish UDL vs. point load N Y N Y N
Distinguish exterior vs. interior girder Y Y N N N
Expressed as one-sided N Y Yc Y Yc
Distinguish M(+) region from M() region N Y N Y N
Distinguish I girder from box girder Yd N N NA NA
Distinguish strength (ultimate) vs. service N Ye N N Yf
Value modied at supports N Y N N Y
Value modied for concrete cracking N Y N N Y
Y, considered; N, not considered; NA, not applicable.0
Use uniformly distributed load (UDL) case for highway bridges.
Use PL case especially for internal supports of continuous girders.
Eective ange width is divided into central part and side parts.
Use dierent provisions for concrete segmental box-girder bridges.
Use eective ange width for service limit state, use full width for ultimate limit state.
Use eective ange width for service limit state.
I.-S. Ahn et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 18431851 1847

supported composite girders. Following early studies

such as Siess and Viest [28] and Daniels and Fisher
[29,30], the idea of utilizing stresses in rebars within the
eective ange width of negative moment regions of
continuous girders was accepted.
Generally, positive moment regions and negative
moment regions are considered independently. The
entire length is divided into exterior spans, interior
spans, and internal support spans. It is assumed that
an exterior span or an interior span can be treated as a
separate simply-supported span. To determine the
length of each span, eective span length concept is
applied. AASHTO uses a moment diagram under a
uniformly distributed load. Distance between moment
inection points is used to determine each eective
span length. Other provisions rather use xed span
ratios to calculate eective span length. The accuracy
Fig. 2. Eective ange width of simply-supported spans.
of this approach is generally acceptable, since moment
inection points under live loads typically do not
change much. Fig. 3 shows denitions of eective
eective ange width for 2 L=b 7. For 7 L=b 15,
span length in Canadian, Japanese and Eurocode 4
Eurocode 4 delivers the largest eective ange width.
The full width is considered eective after L/b reaches provisions. BS 5400 uses a dierent table for continu-
8 for Eurocode 4, 15 for the Canadian, and 20 for the ous spans without specifying eective span length.
Japanese specication. Because of the thickness limi- For the exterior spans, Canadian, Japanese, and
tation in AASHTO, the eective ange widths take on Eurocode 4 use 80% of the span length as eective
dierent values for dierent deck thickness. Eurocode 4 span length. For interior spans, Eurocode 4 uses 70%
uses almost the same denition as in AASHTO except of the span length, and the other two provisions use
for the latters thickness limitation. Therefore, the 60% of the span length. For internal supports, Japa-
values from Eurocode 4 are expected to be the same as nese use 20% of the sum of two adjacent span lengths,
the results of AASHTO specications without the whereas Canadian and Eurocode 4 use 25% of it. The
thickness limitation. total sum of the eective span lengths is equal to the
Because the stress distribution in the deck changes total bridge length for Japanese provisions. For the
with the amount of load, the eective ange width at other two provisions, the sum of eective span lengths
the service limit state is dierent from that at the is larger than the total bridge length. Because of using
strength (ultimate) limit state. For example, BS 5400 the distance between inection points under a uni-
distinguishes between the two limit states, and the formly distributed loads, AASHTOs eective span
reduced (eective) width is used only for the service length changes with the span lengths. For example,
limit state. AASHTO specications, however, use the the ratio, Le/L, can vary from 0.45 to 0.8 for the
same eective ange width for both the service and exterior spans, and from 0.45 to 0.67 for interior spans
strength limit state. The Canadian provisions also use in three-span continuous bridges having the same
the same eective width for stress and capacity calcu-
exterior spans.
lation [2]. The eective ange width for the strength
limit state is in fact larger than that for the service limit
state. It has been thought that underestimation of eec-
tive ange width is conservative for the resistance of a
beam, so simplicity with some loss of accuracy may be
acceptable [27].

4. Continuous spans

4.1. Eective span length

Historically, provisions for continuous composite

girders are developed based on knowledge of simply- Fig. 3. Eective span length ratios.
1848 I.-S. Ahn et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 18431851

4.2. Numerical comparison of provisions at internal for the same rebar layout of a concrete deck. If larger
supports eective ange width is used at the internal support
region, then the nalized steel section will be relatively
The eective ange widths of continuous spans are lighter and the concrete deck will experience more ten-
calculated based on the eective span length and sile stress. Higher tensile stress at the concrete deck
basic formulation as discussed. In this section, the may require more rebar to control cracks.
numerical values of eective ange width are com- It might be required to separate provisions for con-
pared. Specically, eective ange widths are calculated tinuous spans from those for simply-supported spans
at the internal support regions of three-span continu- because of indeterminate characteristics of continuous
ous bridges that have the same exterior spans. The spans. Current code practice, however, is ecient using
exterior span lengths, L1, vary from 10 to 40 m. The unied provisions for simply-supported and continuous
interior span length, L2, is assumed to be 1.2 times spans. Under the current provisions, it is possible to
exterior span length. The girder spacing varies up to 6 expect for some provisions to have smaller or larger
m. Two dierent deck thickness, 175 and 250 mm, are
eective ange width than others from the diversity of
used for AASHTO provisions.
numerical results as shown in Fig. 5. Therefore, some
The resulting eective ange width is depicted in
provisions lead to smaller eective ange width, which
Fig. 4 as contour lines of the one-side eective ange
will require heavier steel section at the internal support
width ratio, be/b, for given girder spacing and span
region. Some provisions, on the other hand, lead to
length of exterior spans. Contours from AASHTO pro-
larger eective ange width, which will require more
visions are the same as Eurocode 4 when span length
comprehensive concrete crack control. It is hard to
and girder spacing are small. When span length, L1,
conclude the right approach between these two direc-
and girder spacing, b, increase, AASHTO takes the
uniform ratio. For BS 5400 provisions, there is no
1.0 contour line, and each contour line is distributed
widely in the graph, which indicates relatively small
eective ange width compared to the others. Compar- 5. Summary
ing the 1.0 contour line among provisions, Eurocode
In this study, eective ange width provisions of
4 has the largest area. Roughly speaking, the full width
several countries, the US, Britain, Canada, Japan, and
will be eective in more Eurocode 4-designed applica-
EC, are compared qualitatively and quantitatively.
tions than the others. From the shape and distribution
Each specication shares common organization in
of contour lines, Japanese and Canadian provisions
can be characterized as moderate. In Japanese pro- describing the eective ange width: basic formu-
visions, the 1.0 contour line is located in an imprac- lation plus eective span length. In the basic
tically small region. Therefore, it is a rare case to use formulation part, eective ange width of a simply-
the full width as eective. In Canadian provisions, the supported span is specied. For continuous girders, the
1.0 contour line is relatively apart from the other length of independent spans to which basic formu-
lines; this also makes the region under the 1.0 con- lation would be applied, are specied in the eective
tour line smaller. The 0.8 contour line from Cana- span length part.
dian and Eurocode 4 are located similarly. The way to describe the basic formulation diers
In Fig. 5(a), the 1.0 contour lines of each pro- from one provision to the other following the underly-
vision are compared. Qualitatively, provisions have the ing philosophy that drove the development of each
order of Eurocode 4, AASHTO, Canadian, Japanese, specication. AASHTO and Eurocode 4 provisions use
and BS 5400 from the largest to the smallest eective a list of descriptions. However, Canadian and Japanese
ange width. However, this order changes to Cana- provisions use equations; and BS 5400 uses a table for-
dian, Eurocode 4, AASHTO, Japanese, and BS 5400 mat. Through a numerical example of simply-sup-
for the 0.7 contour line as seen in Fig. 5(b). ported spans, it is observed that BS 5400 (interior)
Unlike simply-supported spans where moments at develops the largest eective ange width for
the section are independent of sectional property, 2 L=b 7. For 7 L=b 15, Eurocode 4 delivers the
moments at the section change with sectional proper- largest eective ange width. The full width is con-
ties in continuous spans. For example, the developed sidered eective after L/b reaches 8 for Eurocode 4, 15
negative moment at internal support regions will for the Canadian, and 20 for the Japanese speci-
increase or decrease if the moment of inertia (which cation. Because of the thickness limitation, eective
depends on be) is changed. The heavier section attracts ange widths from AASHTO vary considerably com-
larger moment. Therefore, if smaller eective ange pared with the others. Without the thickness limitation,
width is used at the internal support region, then the AASHTO provisions are similar to the values from
steel girder at that section will need to be sized heavier Eurocode 4.
I.-S. Ahn et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 18431851 1849

Fig. 4. Contours of eective ange width ratios (be/b) in internal support regions. (a) AASHTO (deck 175 mm); (b) AASHTO
(deck 250 mm); (c) BS 5400; (d) Eurocode 4; (e) Japanese; (f) Canadian.

The eective span length from each specication is regions are compared numerically. From the 1.0 and
compared for continuous spans, which reveals the com- the 0.7 contour lines, it is seen that Eurocode 4 deli-
mon use of xed ratios to specify regions of positive vers the largest eective ange width for used range of
moments and negative moments in Canadian, Japa- span length (1040 m) and girder spacing (~6 m). BS
nese, and Eurocode 4. The contour lines of the eec- 5400 provisions specify the smallest eective width at
tive ange width ratio, be/b, at internal support the internal support regions. Eective ange widths
1850 I.-S. Ahn et al. / Engineering Structures 26 (2004) 18431851

Fig. 5. Comparison of contours of eective ange width ratios (be/b). (a) be =b 1:0 contour lines (internal support, L2=L1 1:2); (b) be =b 0:7
contour lines (internal support, L2=L1 1:2).

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