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Griffiths Class : 11/6/17-11/10/17

This Weeks Learning Contact Information


Phone: 286-7721 ext. 8117

This week we started working on
multiplication by learning about arrays
and the commutative property of
Notes from Teacher

This week we practiced some strategies Parent
for finding the answers to multiple choice
problems take from a reading.
next week!!
Social Studies:
We are finishing up our study of Canada
by doing a research report on the
animals that are found there. We have Important Dates
each chosen an animal and have started
reading about it. We will begin to write November 15/16- 11:30
down our facts on Monday.
dismissal and
Other: Parent/Teacher Conferences
It is getting colder by the day Please
remember to send in gear to have
throughout the winter. Hats, mittens,
Nov 22-24 Thanksgiving Recess
coat, boots, all can be stored in our
December 5- 1:00 Dismissal

December 21- 1:00 Dismissal

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