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Riley Sherlock Sherlock 1.

Ms. Akers

Honors English 9

19 October, 2017

The Struggles of Moses

In The Bible as/in Literature, Moses undergoes numerous struggles throughout his life.

Moses is born a Hebrew slave in Egypt, under the rule of a pharaoh who has decided the

Israelites must be eradicated. Moses is an important character in BAIL because he helped his

fellow Hebrews escape from their slavery in Egypt. Moses must experience struggles and suffer

in order for him to find God, and he gives Moses multiple daunting, yet important tasks in order

to free the Israelites.

Mosess unfortunate separation from his mother is only the beginning of his struggles and

suffering. Moses is kept hidden by his mother for three months when he is a baby, to hide him

from the Pharaoh of Egypt. Pharaoh believes the Hebrews are a danger so he institutes to all his

people: Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall cast into the Nile, but you shall let

every daughter live (110). Pharaoh thinks if Egypt were to have a war, the Israelites would join

the enemies to fight against Egypt for freedom. To make sure this would not happen, Pharaoh

decides to get rid of the Israelites. Once Mosess mother can not hide him any more, she puts

him in a basket and sets him among reeds at the brink of the Nile river. The daughter of Pharaoh

finds Moses as she is bathing in the Nile river, and brings him up as her own. The story of

Mosess childhood shows his suffering started when he was only a baby.

Sherlock 2.
God burdens Moses with the mission to lead the entire Israelite population out of Egypt

and free them from slavery. Moses flees from Egypt after killing an Egyptian, and settles in the

land of Midian where he marries his wife Zipporah, and has his son Gershom. After hearing

Gods task for Moses, he tells God: Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the sons of

Israel out of Egypt? (112). Moses is reluctant to fulfil this task, despite the fact God himself is

asking him. Moses lived a peaceful life beforehand, tending to the flock of Jethro, his father-in-

law. Moses is reassured when God tells him he will be with him, and Mosess brother, Aaron,

shall go along as well. Moses agrees, knowing he will struggle to make Pharaoh agree to let the

Israelites free.

Pharaoh is extremely stubborn, making it difficult for Moses to win freedom for the

Israelites. Pharaoh refuses to let the people go, telling Moses: Who is the Lord, that I should

heed his voice and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and moreover I will not let Israel go

(116). Pharaoh, like other Egyptians, believed in polytheism. Pharaoh does not know the power

of God, and what God can do to those that do not obey him. Since Pharaoh will not listen to

Moses, God tells Moses to release plagues upon Egypt. Moses releases ten different plagues

before Pharaoh finally agrees to release the Hebrews.

Moses suffers as a young child, being separated from his mother. God tells Moses to go

to Egypt to free the Israelites, and Moses accepts. Moses struggles to complete the tasks God

gives him, but is important that he does them in order to free the Israelites. Because of Mosess

struggles and suffering, he finds a way to liberate his people.

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