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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

August 24, 2010

Pastor’s Notes

Just one more Sunday and

this church year will be
history. Just on the horizon is a new church
year waiting for us. What will we do with
it? Will we make the most of it? Will we
“tread water” so to speak and just maintain
what we have? Will we just look at life as
one Sunday after the next? Listen, we are coming close to the end of this world. I know
you have heard it all your life, but signs of the times are everywhere. Whatever we do,
we must do it quickly. We must use every conceivable method, plan, and scheme to
reach whoever we can. Are you willing to try? Are you willing to stretch yourself and
see just what we can do to reach this harvest? Would you be willing to try something that
you have never tried before? Would you be willing to allow others to try things we have
never tried before? Can you be a “FORWARD THINKER”? I’m so excited about the
potential for what God can do through us and how He wants to use us!!!!! I believe this
coming year, we will see and experience great things!!! What do you see?

This coming Sunday Morning, there will be an

opportunity for Church Membership. If you would be
interested in joining with us, please meet Pastor Terry in
the Christian Life Center (across the street from the
main church complex). Come to the door marked
“STAFF” and come on in. The meeting will begin at
9:30 AM. We look forward to the opportunity to share
with you what the Church of God believes and the
ministry and vision of our local church. In advance,

In about 3 or 4 weeks, we will be having our 1st Marriage Conference. It is called “FOR
YOUR MARRIAGE”. The dates are September 17th and 18th. Friday night will begin at
7:00 PM and will feature a sit down, romantic candlelight dinner. One session will
follow the meal. Then on Saturday
morning, we will meet for continental
breakfast (pastries, coffee and juice),
followed by 2 sessions and a
committal. The seminar will be led by
marriage counselor Jim Harbin. I am SO
EXCITED about this conference being the 1st of many more to come. SIGN UP BEGINS
WEDNESDAY EVENING! Please see the small table in the lobby….sign up….and take
a brochure. The cost is $10 per couple (just to cover part of the meal). The church will
be paying the rest. I hope that many of our couples will participate with us.

The first Sunday of September marks

the beginning of a new quarter in
Sunday School. We are excited to
announce the restructuring of one of
our classes. It is to be a class open to
any and all people. The class name
will be “RE-connect”. It’s purpose is
to RE-affirm the power of the Word
of God….to RE-connect the Word of
God in the daily lives of
believers… RE-evaluate God’s
plan for our lives as believers and
how to best set that plan into
motion…..If you are looking for just a
little something different in a Sunday School class, THIS MAY BE IT. Come into the
church lobby, take a right and go down the hall through the double doors, take a right,
then left and the room will be on the left (just look for the signs that look like the picture
here). We hope that outgrow that room FAST so come be part of this new adventure.
We’ll look for you September 5th.

We are asking every Sunday School Class, Wednesday night Class, Ministry Groups, etc.
to help us with a FallFest project. This year, we are asking that each class to a “themed
basket” that will be auctioned off. For
instance, one basket might be a “Christmas
Basket”. It would have things in it like
Christmas lights, ornaments, gift cards,
Christmas Cards, tickets to Hollywild Zoo to see
the lights, etc. Another basket could be a “Lake
Themed” basket. Instead of a basket, use
a ice cooler. In it would be a 6 pack of pepsi,
sunglasses, word-search books, sun screen, sun
tan lotion, slim jims, crackers, etc. Do you
get the point? We want these to be unique. We are putting together a list of possible
baskets and will be coming by your rooms to give you the opportunity to choose. We are
working on a couple of baskets now so that we can show you what they will look like.
We need everyone to help so that we can make FallFest a financial success in raising
money for the Building Fund.
This past Wednesday night I began talking about “Doctrines of the
Bible”. I received an email from our Pastor Emeritus telling me what
his topic was going to be for the month of September. Pastor Shealy
will be doing a Bible Study for us the first 4 Wednesday nights of
September. His subject will be “The Doctrine of Christ: Earth’s
Greatest Man”. You cannot afford to miss this teaching that the
Lord has given to Pastor Shealy. Make your plans to be here on
Wednesday nights and invite your friends and family.


ALL Christian Education workers will be honored with a
meal on Tuesday, September 7th at 7:00 in the
Christian Life Center. This is for all
teachers/assistants/workers in every area of Christian
Education, whether it is Sunday or Wednesday. This is for
all teachers and workers for this past church year and any new
ones for the coming year. There will be some information
given, a charge of ministry and time of blessing. Our theme
this year is “Serving in HIS steps”. There will be a small gift
for everyone as well. We need EVERY teacher, assistant and worker to be present.
Thank you for your service to T.H.A.T. church!!!!!

Half-Full or Half-Empty?
Pretend that I set a glass in front of you with an equal amount of water and air in it. Is the
glass half-full or is it half-empty?
God is omnipotent and He can meet every need. But in comparing needs, we know that
the extent of God’s blessings varies. So then, who determines the amount of blessing?
You do! “Give and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together
and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it
will be measured back to you” (Luke 6:38).

Let’s go back to the original question: Is the glass half-full or half-empty? It’s neither.
The question does not focus on the amount of water or air in the glass. That is not the
issue at all. Rather, you have a glass that is the wrong size for its intended purpose.
Regardless of the size of your glass, we must understand that God can fill it--even to
overflowing. “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by
Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
During Jesus earthy ministry, He told the parable of the sower, describing what happened
to seed that fell by the wayside, on stony places and on thorns. “But others fell on good
ground and yielded a crop; some a hundred-fold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has
ears to hear, let him hear!” (Matthew 13:8-9)
PRAYER LIST: Linda Johnson
CHILDREN’S CHURCH BACK TO Kathy Simmons Wayne Arnold
SCHOOL BASH….AGES 2-12 Larry Laster Rudolph Aiken
Saturday, September 4 th, at 11:00 A.M. in the CLC. Sherri Adams Debbie Waddell
Lots of fun…food…blow-up rides..great time to celebrate! Shirley Middlebrook Houston Cobb
MARK YOUR CALENDAR ! ! Mae Holmes Andrew Goen
David Rhodes Christine Dean
ALSO…if you have any GOOD toys for girls and Bennie Morgan Denise Manley
boys…Barbie playhouse and dolls, games for game Wanda Dill George Willis
systems, or table games you would donate to the Diana Johnson Charlene Hughette
Children’s Church, please see Donna Burdette as soon as Brandon O’Shields Karen Watson
possible. THANKS! Dot Lyles Bobby Teague
Misty & Marley Madden Marshall Murphy
THANKS to everyone who donated school supplies….. Steve Sawyer Steve Walker
this was a tremendous help, and I know God will bless Shut Ins and those in Nursing Homes Lucille Hall
you for what you have done.
Annette Richards


6:00 P.M. in the CLC of all who work at keeping our church in good repair. We need a
few more good men to help, so anyone interested in being part of this group please plan to
attend this meeting.

Greeters - John and Jeanne Nemitz Youth will go bowling Saturday, August
Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan 28th. See Jason Fowler for more information.
CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields
Bobby Brown F.R.E.E.D. Support Group meets
Usher Team # 1 - Larry Young Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. All are welcome to attend.
Robert Sloan
Michael Brown
Dennis Crocker
Rick Priester YOUR MIRACLE By: Michael Osborne
Brian Arnold Do not fear, for I am with you….May you never be dismayed
I will be your Miracle….I will make a way
Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard I’ve been your help in ages past….Your hope for years to come
Danny Knight Your guard while present troubles last….And your eternal home
William Hayes Blessed are God’s children….whose herts remain so pure
Nursery - Wednesday - Lori Crocker For they shall see the face of God…and always shall endure
Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight Though you face rough waters…Never will you drown
And the fire will not consume you….satan’s chains will never bound
Beth Arnold Be still, and know, My child….as you patiently await
P.M. - Marilynn Sykes That the moment of your triumph….Is coming through your faith
Kiddie Church - Garren and Donna So cast your cares upon Me…..And trust in Me alone
Burdette For I, your God, will be there…..The hand that leads you home
Music - Wednesday - Korey Hawkins Amen
Sunday A.M. - Ladies’ Ensemble “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble”
P.M. - Deanna Billings Psalm 46:1
Praise Team - Gold

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