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Fast Food Nation

Guide to Note-Taking
Why the analogy of Cheyenne Mountain?

Literal Meaning Abstract Idea

Students after
reading the book
Remember the Process
The steps for summarizing can help you here:

Read or review the source closely.

Identify Key Details that support and relate to the Thesis
Determine the structure of the source (sections).
Write function statements that answer this question: What is the author doing in this
paragraph, part, or section?
State the writers thesis (central idea) or purpose in one or two sentences.
You need to both explain the authors thesis and explain how the paragraphs develop
that thesis.
Remember the Process
Break into sections
For each chapter, pay attention to chapters, titles, sections, sub-
The editor and author try to help you understand!
Break into sections? Already done!
Identify the topic of each section
The whole chapter and each part/section
Organize your notes and analysis
Identify the overall topic of the entire chapter
Does the chapter title relate?
Identify the different sections of the chapter
Is there a title for each section?
For each section, identify the sub-topic
Does the section title relate?
For each section, identify the details used to explain the sub-
Identify the purpose/argument for each section
Identify the overall purpose of the entire chapter
Process and Organization
Think of an hourglass figure for O v e r a l l C h a p t e r To p i c
the analysis
Anticipate and think ahead of S e c t i o n To p i c s
the pattern
S p e c i f i c Details

Section Purpose

Overall Chapter Purpose

Notice the Structure

Part I. The American Way Part II. Meat and Potatoes

1. The Founding Fathers 1. Why the Fries Taste Good
2. Your Trusted Friends 2. On the Range
3. Behind the Counter 3. Cogs in the Great Machine
4. Success 4. The Most Dangerous Job
5. Whats in the Meat
6. Global Realization
Chapter 1 Structure
Identify the Topic of the Chapter
Identify the Topic of each Section
The Founding Fathers
Annotate each Section
(The Founding Fathers)
At least 5 details per section
speedee service
Keep track of page numbers

burgerville usa Identify the Purpose/Argument

for each Section
Identify the Purpose/Argument
for the Chapter
Analysis and Organization

Chapter Topic:

pg# Main ideas and key details here
Section Title
pg# You can do the basic details first
pg# and add the left column stuff later

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