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Soviet Psychology

ISSN: 0038-5751 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage:

On The Disturbance of Intellectual Operations In

Patients With Frontal Lobe Lesions

A. R. Luriya & L. S. Tzvetkova

To cite this article: A. R. Luriya & L. S. Tzvetkova (1967) On The Disturbance of Intellectual
Operations In Patients With Frontal Lobe Lesions, Soviet Psychology, 6:2, 3-6

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Voprosy psikhologii, 1967, -
13(4), 102-106

A. R. Luriya and L. S. Tzvetkova

Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:08 26 June 2016

(Department of Psychology, Moscow State University)



It is well known that lesions of the posterior to an analysis of the orienting basis of this type
(parieto-occipital) and frontal lobes of the brain of activity.
lead to structurally disparate disturbances in The patients were presented with a relatively
intellectual operations. simple text. They were to read it through and
Whereas in patients with posterior (parieto- recount it orally. Then they were asked to out-
occipital) lobe lesions, the orienting basis of line their recitation. In this way, they were
intellectual activity is preserved and only indi- placed in a situation that required a special
vidual intellectual operations (such as the pos- orientation toward the conceptual structure of
sibility of simultaneous comparison of different the text. For a control, the same patients were
descriptions) are disturbed, patients with fron- asked to relate some event in their life and to
tal lobe lesions exhibit a contrary picture. outline this account.
While individual operations are potentially pre- The study involved a comparative analysis of
served, it is often the orienting basis of an in- patients with parieto- occipital and frontal lobe
tellectual act which is affected, and the selec- lesions.
tivity of intellectual processes governed by a It is recognized that work with a written text,
given program is disrupted (1, 2). like other intellectual tasks, exhibits the most
Heretofore, we have restricted ourselves to an essential aspects of the intellectual act. For a
analysis of disturbances which appear in solv- coherent account of any event, it is first of all
ing arithmetical problems. In the present re- necessary to set out certain ideational points
port, we shall explore disturbances manifested of reference to establish the pattern of narra-
in another type of intellectual operation, i.e., tion; then the individual episodes must be dis-
those involved in outlining and recounting a tinguished and coordinated with each other,
written text. Particular attention has been given showing their interrelatedness. This prelimi-


nary analytic- synthetic activity is immediately tients were also manifested when they recounted
transformed into a detailed narrative. relatively simple narrative texts; sometimes
The construction of an outline of a perused text these recounts followed the text very closely,
sets forth the most complicated requirements often the individual fragments of the exposition
for the orienting basis of an intellectual act. were unrelated, and sometimes the sequence of
To compose such an outline, it is necessary to the exposition was interrupted by incidental as-
divert ones attention from the direct exposition sociations which occurred while reading the
of the material and to break down the text into text.
i t s ideational components. Each of these com- A careful analysis showed that all these de-
ponents acts as an ideational reference point in fects were attributable to the fact that these pa-
forming an outline. These points may be marked tients did not make a special effort to analyze
out only in the final result of an active conscious the ideational structure of the text; the exposi-
activity to extract the essential point of the ma- tion followed the formal plan of the text, rather
terial (A. A. Smirnov [4]). All these processes than the patients formulating their own outline,
(breaking down the text into components, isolat- This fact was especially outstanding when the
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:08 26 June 2016

ing the ideational points of reference in the text, patient was asked to make his own outline of
and determining the points of primary and sec- narration first, and then to relate its content.
ondary importance and the relationship between Often the patient was totally incapable of such
them) a r e the principal components of any intel- a task.
lectual activity. Thus, the patient Bog, (56 years old, higher
The analysis of a text into i t s ideational com- education, senior scientific assistant) had been
ponents and the extraction of the main thought admitted to a rehabilatory training course after
from each of these, i.e., the ability to ignore removal of a tumor in the post-frontal lobes of
unessential details, is an active process requir- the left hemisphere. The patient clearly mani-
ing a preliminary orientation to the material fested a post-frontal lobe syndrome, with inac-
and the maintenance of a goal-directed, analytic- tivity, lack of spontaneity, clumsy persevera-
synthetic activity, tions, and inertness of stereotypes occurring
In our study, we found that in work with a in the motor as well as the speech apparatus,
written text, as in the solution of arithmetical The patient was asked to read and recount orally
problems (cf. r3]), the disturbance of this process a story by G. Skrebitzkiy and V. Chaplin, Look
shows s h a r p differences between patients of the Out the Window. The patient almost word for
two test groups. word recounted the content of this story but was
Patients with frontal lobe lesions exhibited completely unable to outline it.
striking defects in work with a written text. When asked to formulate an outline of the
These defects were already apparent in the story, the patient said: outline ... well . , ,
simple recounting of the perused text. yes ... .
the first point, that is . . of course!
Descriptive texts containing several trains of the first is.. ..
. look out the window , (pause)
thought were often recounted fragmentarily by .. -
. well, and then the second is look out the
these patients: only isolated, sometimes unre- .
window (laughs) and there you w i l l see , . the
lated, facts were presented. They were not able whole window is decorated with white designs
to discern the chief thought of the text, to mark and the trees also ... (then the patient again
out a unified pattern of exposition, and some- glided off into a simple exposition of the storys
times they included in their recount incidental content).
associations which occurred to them while read- Patient Urb. (30 years old, middle education)
ing and consequently were unable to give a uni- underwent several operations in 1960-1963.
fied, consistent presentation of the perused ma- First a tumor (oligodendroglioma) which occu-
terial. pied the anterior sections of the right frontal
The disturbances characteristic of these pa- lobe w a s removed. This was followed by extir-
VOL. VI, NO. 2 5

pation of a tumor in the posterior sections of (pause)... thats all.

the right frontal lobe, and finally another tumor Further attempts to encourage the patient to
in the posterior-medial sections of the left fron- make an outline were without result.
tal lobe w a s removed, The same phenomenon was observed in patient
This patient, like the previous one, was able Bor. (50 years old, middle school teacher) who
to communicate the content of stories quite tex- had had a tumor removed from the left temporal
tually, with all details. Thus, for example, he lobe in 1963. When asked to relate something
had no difficulty in recounting L. N. Tolstoys about the North, she said: The North means
story The Eagle. However, he completely the cold and lack of fruit ... thats all, whats
failed in his attempts to outline the story. To more ... (pause). When requested to relate
the testers questions: how did the story begin; something more detailed, she retorted: Well,
what was the main thought in the first part of ..
what are more details . I simply cant ... I
the text? the patient answered: about an eagle will tell about Shadrinsk, I lived there and know
and his nest. When asked to first give an out- the place, but dont know how to tell about it , ,.
line of the story, the patient immediately passed there is much snow, severe frost ... there are
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:08 26 June 2016

to a simple recount of the text: Next the people . .

difficulties with water . you must wait your
simply took away his fish, the devils, and went turn for a bath ... there are many dogs ...
away. The eagle is our tsar, and thats the way every house has a mean dog .. , the houses are
they treated him! He flew back to his young of wood. They fell trees. Thats all.
without the fish, and there they were peeping, Thus, when working with a written text, as
asking for something to eat, but the eagle was when solving arithmetical problems, patients
tired ... , etc. (Extract from report of July 12, with frontal lobe lesions are incapable of isolat-
1963.) Analogous difficulties were observed in ing essential relationships and cannot compose
patients of this group when they attempted to a preliminary outline. The orienting basis of
narrate some known or experienced event. They intellectual activity leading to the construction
were able to narrate a known episode or series of a plan for further exposition is profoundly
of episodes, but they were unable to formulate disturbed in these patients.
a preliminary outline, nor were they capable of Patients with parieto-occipital lesions dis-
relating a story in accordance with an outline. played a totally different syndrome.
Hence, to write a composition on a slightly In contrast to patients with frontal lobe lesions,
known theme requiring preliminary reflection patients of this group exhibited pronounced de-
and the construction of a basic plan of exposition fects in both the nominative function of speech
was completely beyond the capabilities of these and in its logico-syntactical structure. This is
patients. sharply reflected in the detailed narrative
The same patient Bog. related a journey to speech of the patients. Sometimes they have
the South, 1 traveled to the South. The South, difficulty in constructing a sentence, and even
the land of plenty, beautiful country. Yes, I went more in constructing an entire coherent narra-
there. There grow the plane trees, beeches, tive. For this reason, these patients experienced
hornbeam, rosalia ... there is the sea. Where considerable difficulty in fulfilling the task of
. .
you can bathe and get a tan . , etc. However, reciting a perused text. However, in contrast to
this is the outline he made for this same story: patients with frontal lobe lesions, they managed
1) The South is a land of the sun; 2) The South a story outline with relative ease. Even though
is the land of happiness; 3) My journey (pause) they still exhibited the described speech defects,
... thats all. they were aware of the central point in each
In response to a request for a more detailed ideational unit, not infrequently expressed this
outline from the moment of departure, the pa- in two o r three words, and were able to formu-
tient wrote: 1) My journey to the South; 2) My late an outline, although with considerable speech
journey to the land of plenty; 3) My journey . . . difficulties.

Patient Bub. (39 years old, higher education) tion for departure to the North, And then, the
with residual symptoms of thromboembole in the second point, well, .. the beginning... how
left medial cerebral artery and a syndrome of should I say it? Well, lets say the beginning of
gross semantic aphasia, spatial disorientation, the journey. The next point .. . ..
that we , no
acalculia, defective oral expression, was exam- .. . well, yes, I have it, the interesting things
ined by the same procedure. After several at- met along the way, Next, arrival, so, then ...
tempts to given a coherent account of the content the forests, No, thats not what I mean, I want
of a story about the adventures of Odysseus, the ..
to tell about , no, about the arrival in the
patient was still unable to fulfill this task. How- North, How beautiful it is, different from where
ever, he quite rapidly composed a precise out- ..
we live, unusual , this can be expressed in
line for the story, consisting of the following the outline as .. . northern beauty. And then ...
points: 1) Odysseus a brave and clever man; who lives there, whats the correct way to say
2) The journey of Odysseus; 3) His encounter it? The inhabitants of the North, right? And
with Cyclops; 4 ) Scylla and Charybdis; 5) Odys- now, something must be said about the animals,D
seus and the people. (Extracts from report of etc. (Extract from report of February 25, 1962.)
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:08 26 June 2016

January 12, 1963.) The data obtained demonstrate quite convinc-

The same phenomenon w a s observed in the ingly the essence of the difficulties experienced
patient L., who had had an arachnoid endothelioma by patients with parieto-occipital lesions and
removed from the left occipital parasagittal re- make it possible to establish the fundamental
gion in 1961, after which a syndrome of spatial differences in the intellectual processes of pa-
disorientation, pronounced semantic and anam- tients with parieto-occipital and frontal lobe
nestic aphasia, and acalculia remained. lesions. Whereas in patients with parieto-oc-
The patient w a s asked to tell about a journey cipital lesions the orienting basis of intellectual
to the South. She experienced considerable dif- activity remains intact, and the main defects
ficulty in fulfilling the task. In the South , , are associated with disturbances in the ability
it is hot ... there is... ...
vegetation espe- to formulate the subject verbally, patients with
cially southern ... there . .. . .
it. Oh1 good frontal lobe lesions retain this ability, and the
heavens1 Really, I know all about it, Ive seen main defect is found in a disturbance of the ori-
it .. .but I cant say anything. There are trop- enting basis of intellectual activity and the abil-
ical plants .. . ...
and ...
and there are peo- ity to program that activity, i.e., to extract a
ple live .. .there . . . oh! I cant! (refusal). system of ideational relationships as a guide for
The speech of the patient was interrupted by subsequent exposition.
pauses and accompanied by pronounced emotional
reactions, References
But when asked to make an outline of the story,
the patient wrote, formulating each point with 1. Luriya, A. R. Narustheniye stroyeniya
difficulty: 1) Departure from Moscow; 2) Sketch deystviya p r i porazhenii lobnykh doley mozga.
of the landscape along the way; 3) Approaching Dokl. Akad. Pedag. Nauk RSFSR, 1962, No. 5.
southern regions; 4) Characteristics of nature 2. Luriya, A. R. & Khomskaya, Ye. D. Narush-
and the beauty of the South; 5) Return home, eniye intellektualnykh operatzii pri porazheni-
Analogous phenomena were observed in her yakh zadne-lobnoy oblasti. Dokl. Akad. Pedag.
attempts to cope with an outline for a story on Nauk RSFSR, 1962, No. 0,
a theme based on a personal experience of the 3. Luriya, A. R. & Tzvetkova, L. S. Neyro-
patient. Thus, when she w a s asked to make an psikhologicheskiy analiz resheniva zadach bo1-
outline of a story on the theme The North she nymi lokalnykh porazheniyakh mozga. Moscow:
said: =First, how it all began ... . ..
this how Prosvyashcheniye, 1966.
should I say it well, anyway... the excur- 4. Smirnov, A. A. Psikhologiya zapominaniya.
sion, no ... ...
no no excursion, the prepara- Moscow: Akad. Pedag. Nauk RSFSR, 1946.

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