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2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel, http://TheInspirationalMoment.


The Inspirational Moment

By Eileen Tan (blog)
receive tips from me on how to use these Power of Thoughts more effectively as
well as regular inspirational moment that will make a positive impact in your life!
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation
of this eBook, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any
time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or
contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific
persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income
made/results. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their
individual circumstances and act accordingly.

This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as a source
of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek
services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields.

You are encouraged to print this eBook for easy reading! =)


It is my mission in life is to inspire as many lives as I can, Im

granting you the rights to give away this
special eBook (worth US$37) to anyone you deem fit,
as long as you do NOT alter the content in any way.
Thank you!
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

About The Author

Hi, my name is Eileen Tan, the author of The
Inspirational Moment.

First of all, Id like to congratulate you for downloading

this eBook. You are just moments away to 20 power of
thoughts that will make a positive impact in your
personal transformation.

Now, you may be wondering How can all these power of thoughts possibly
help me, let alone change my life?

In order to answer that question, allow me to share with you my personal story.
I am in my mid 20s, born and raised in a tiny island named Singapore.

This is the first time that I am penning this down.. In honor to my mum.

Mummy had a stroke when I am at the age of 8, in grade 2, in the month of

June. I can still remember vividly every scene. She went unconscious at home,
and was admitted to hospital. Doctors said she was suffering from a severe
Brain Haemorrhage (stroke), and was in a very critical condition, we were told
to prepare for the worse. I remember seeing myself often in my school uniform
travelling to the hospital to see mummy. Thank god, Mummy managed to pull
through; her condition was stabilized but still remained in a vegetative state
(coma) for almost 2 months until the day she finally opens her eyes.. She was
paralysed; neck down. It was only months later that she was able to move one
of her hands and legs in slow motion, voice slurred, words coming from her
hardly understandable. She was bedridden, had to rely on milk feeding through
a feeding tube and diapers for all her waste disposal. As her Brain Hemorrhage
was severe, we were told that her chances of recovery were slim and will
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

basically conform to those activities as mentioned above. She was young, only
in her 40s.

Because of mummys medical condition and hefty medical expenses, our

family went from an able to do income to one that has to meet ends meet.
Daddy was the only sole bread winner, and I got an elder brother who is 5
years older, who was also schooling.

Years on, as young as age 12 or 13, I started doing all kinds of odd jobs you
can think of.. Distributing flyers, street surveyor, factory worker, Macdonald
crew, outdoor sales, and at some point, holding up to 2-3 jobs at any one time. I
can still remember, at the age of 16.. Because it pays well to work in the
midnight shift, I took on a job as a factory production operator from 9pm to
6am, standing for hours in the production line putting some sort of adhesive
glue on some motor parts. The in-charge was demanding and strict. I had to be
quick in order to meet the tight production dateline, doing gluing and more
gluing. This process has to be done in a repetitive rhythm mode for hours, with
minimal rest, standing. Working in a clean room environment, wearing a clean
room suit with headgear, face mask and latex gloves, it was an unforgettable
experience. I will return home to sleep between 7am to 2pm. In order to save
some money from dinner, I will work between 4-8pm at Macdonald as meals
will be provided, before heading to the factory at 9pm. This went on for at least
3 months. It was tough, but I never complain, because I had a choice, and that
was my choice at that point in time. As I was able to earn some good decent
money on my own accord and for the family, I felt somewhat blissful;)
Awwww, memorable! Some school mates or acquaintances often judge me as
someone who is money minded, materialistic, snobbish and arrogant. Honestly,
I didnt care how others judge me neither will I bother to share what was going
on at home, or what exactly we were going through to people who may not
mean anything to me.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

Because daddy was always busy at work, a brother whom I wasnt close to at
that time, financial woes, mummys illness; all of these have taken a toll on me,
since the age of 8. There were times where I will have thoughts like that; If I
can never awake from my sleep to face the reality, call me a coward, I will
rather leave all these behind me.

It was so hard for the family but often have to put up a brave front in front of
mummy. It was a blow to her and terribly hard on us, but whats going through
her was definitely 100x more. Throughout the ordeal for years, I was the
closest to mummy. Often by her bedside, doing my school homework, talking
and joking with her, or simply to accompany her.

No matter how much the family puts up a brave front in front of mummy,
always smiling and joking by her side, but deep down.. I know mummy knows
well what is going on within the family. Mummy often cried, blaming herself
for not taking care of us. She often told daddy to look for a new wife, often call
out to me, weeping and blaming herself for not taking care and protecting me.
When she knows I'm bullied, there is nothing she can do but to put the blame
on herself. Mummy will often ask me, if she passes on, how.. What will happen
to me.. I will always give her a brave smile, holding her hands, avoided her
question and reassuring her that everything will be okay.

I know I will have to be strong, for her to be strong. I have to be happy, for her
to be happy. No matter how much hardship and pressure I am facing the world,
I learn to tolerate, swallow my pride and keep it to myself so as not to add on
additional burden to my family. I did well academically, and I can still recall
the happiness and pride on her face whenever I show my results and reading
out the teachers appraisal to her. Is one of the little things I do to make her feel
that she is a mother she can be proud of.. I will never forget those moments
with her!
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

Mummy went in and out of the hospital a couple of times due to complications.
On at least one occasion, we were told to prepare for the worse. She taught me
what courage means, to witness her conquering each hurdle as she pulls
through those critical periods. I know mummy cant bear to let go, she still
wants to continue watching her children grow up.

Mummy took her final breath when I am at the age of 17. Throughout those 9
years, I have never answered to her question what will happen to me, when she
passed on. The writer is crying uncontrollably now. For a mother so strong to
watch us grow up before leaving the family to continue on her next journey, for
everything she went through, it should not be in vain. For bringing up a decent
human being, till we meet again in heaven, I want you to be very proud of your
daughter. A daughter who is capable, successful, optimistic, inspiring and with
the courage to continue on your legacy. Mummy, this is your daughter.

I have been an entrepreneur at the age of 18, embarking on various businesses,

started with $0. At present, I am a Director of my own company in the
education sector, with a group of wonderful team members under my care. I
dont see myself as someone who is successful, but counting my blessings and
thankful for everything I am today. I have set my mission to inspire people. For
myself to be grounded to continue doing good to humanities and to inspire
others, I believe this is my calling.

Our mindset and values play a huge role in moulding whom you want to be,
and what you want to be. And my honest opinion, what lessons have my mum
taught me? She has taught me valuable life lessons than one can ever
experience and imagine; my mindset, optimism, courage and the power of
thoughts to brave through different circumstances in life. This is her greatest
gift to me.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

It took me a lot of courage and tears to pen all of these down. I have never
thought I will be able to share this part of my story which makes a huge impact
in my life. For years, after mummy left us, I concealed that part of my
childhood like a scar in me. I am thankful that I am able to realign my life
purpose and direction at a whole new level recalling back those moments. I am
who I am today, as I continue to live my life with purpose to inspire others.

In loving Memory

To my parents, Eric and Jenny, family, mentors, my team at office, friends and
those people who watch me grow up. Im eternally grateful to all of the love
and support to where I am today.

I would love to hear from you! You may reach me at
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

Table of Content
#1: Life Is All About Perspective
#2: Happiness From Within
#3: Find Your Purpose
#4: Love What You Do
#5: Know your Why
#6: Dont Value Money
#7: Be a Value Giver
#8: What You Give, You Get
#9: Sometimes Life Hits You Hard
#10: See failure As a Pinch of Salt
#11: Courage to fail
#12: Is Never too Late
#13: Dont Give Up, You May Be Just Around The Corner
#14: Actions Takes You Somewhere
#15: Complaining is draining..
#16: Your Story is Just a Beginning, Show it to the World!
#17: Live Everyday As If Its Your last
#18: True Love Exists
#19: Health is Wealth
#20: This is Your Life
Highly Recommended Resources
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

With this ebook, as a reader, you will be able to establish which power of
thoughts will be useful for you at different phrases in life. Save this ebook, so
that you can always refer back to.

I will be featuring a few worlds most famous inspirational people so that you
can relate to and be inspired by them.. You will learn valuable inspirations
from them which have led them to where they are today and in turn, to make
significant changes to your life.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#1: Life Is All About Perspective

Vujicics life was a hard one. He was bullied in school and at the age of 10,
tried to drown himself in six inches of water. After his failed attempt at suicide,
he struggled accepting his disability until eventually realizing that he could use
his life to inspire others.

If we cant change the situation we are in, we can make the very best out of it.
If we cant change the problems, we can always change the way we see them.
Life is all about Perspective. Life is all about choices. You can decide how you
want to live the life you want no matter what the circumstances are. Be
objective and look beyond them:)

If you are facing any obstacles and roadblocks in your life right now, pluck up
that courage to omit them off totally, this will help you to be truly happy about
yourself, and about life.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#2: Happiness From Within

2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#3: Find Your Purpose

Whether you are a student, a retiree, an employee, a self employed or a

homemaker, always look for a purpose in life. Find a purpose within you that
gives life meaning; visualize a purpose that will gain immense satisfaction and
happiness within you. It should not be material possessions, look within and
find something that truly gives you immense happiness that you will not live
with regret. This will not only make you feel better in difficult times, it gives
you a sense of being, a moving force for you to strive towards excellence.

You may want to explore this program for a systematic goal setting to help you
stay on track in life.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#4: Love What You Do

When you are passionate in what you are doing, you will generally excel in it
as you put your heart and soul into it. If you are currently an employee, do you
genuinely love what you are doing at work? Finding a life purpose in what you
are doing at your workplace may help you to align your perspective, and hence,
increase your performance at work. This does not apply to only your job, your
life as well! Hobby, leisure, whatever.. When you love what you do, you will
generally have that sense of satisfaction. Life should be like this! And if you
are able to connect both your career vs love what you are doing, that is truly
something we should work towards to!

Some Suggestions..
You can take surveys at home and get paid, if you are nosey and
opinionated Click here to find out more.

Be a freelance writer from home and get paid, if you have a flair for
writing Click here to find out more.

Be a freelance translator from home and get paid, if you have a flair
for languages Click here to find out more.

You can draw and get paid, if you think your drawing will not scare
people away Click here to find out more.

You can upload videos on Youtube and get paid, if you love surfing
the internet Click here to find out more.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#5: Know your Why

Theres nothing wrong with selling sugared water The question is, Is what
you are doing making a difference in someones life or that of many lives?
Whatever you choose to invest your life in, be sure that what you are doing is
helping peoples lives for all eternity.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#6: Dont Value Money

As CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs earned $1 a year. He wasnt incentivized by his
salary, but by his own unrelenting passion and vision.

#7: Be a Value Giver

Dont waste your time chasing after success, fame or wealth. If yes, are you
genuinely happy? Most of the successful and happy people around spend time
in creating value in the lives of people. The Law of Attraction explains that the
best way to bring fulfilment to yourself is to genuinely have a desire to create
value in the lives of people and constantly giving. Your true worth is
determined by how much you give.

It is not a strategy to in turn get more from the people we serve but it comes
from a deep desire to really want to make a difference in the lives of those
around us. We should look at this as a formula for success, but instead, is a way
of life.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#8: What You Give, You Get

Life is like an echo.. When you send out, it comes back. What you sow, you
reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others, exist in you. So stay
nice, even when others are not.

#9: Sometimes Life Hits You Hard

2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#10: See failure As a Pinch of Salt

Everybody fails. Its what we do and how we feel after we fail, that will make a
difference in life. In 1984, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple. At Stanfords
2005 commencement address, he had this to say about it:

#11: Courage to fail

We will never discover our potential without learning from our failures and
mistakes. Never let your fear holds you back, to do what you want to do. So
what if you fail? Is okay, just try again, you will climb out there stronger each
time at your bottom pit! I will recommend this page if you wish to understand
more on how your mind and subconscious will affect the kind of results in your
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#12: Is Never too Late

Colonel Sanders was 65 years old when he received his first social security
cheque of $99. He was broke, and owned a small house.
He made a decision that he has got to change. The only idea he had was a
chicken recipe, which his friends liked. With that idea in mind, he took massive

It's incredible how a man when almost retire, took massive action at the age of
65 and hence, founded Kentucky Fried Chicken, popularly known as KFC
today. KFC has grown into one of the most profitable franchises around the
world, having more than 17000 outlets around the world with more than $9
billion turnover.

Is never too late or too old to be who you want to be, what you might have
been. Dream, have faith and start taking massive action in your life!

#13: Dont Give Up, You May Be Just Around The Corner
Colonel Sanders at the age of 65, travelled to many states in the US to sell his
idea. He told the restaurant owners that he had a chicken recipe that people
liked and he was giving it to them for free. What he wanted in return was for
the restaurant owners to pay him a small percentage on the pieces of chicken
sold. He was rejected countless times, and on many occasions, laughed at his
attire of white shirt and pants. However, Sanders persevered and did not give
up. He got 1009 rejections before he got his first yes.
With that one success, he continued on to build his empire. Colonel Sanders is
the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, popularly known as KFC today.

How many of us will be able to face 1009 rejections? Is not easy and the key to
it is to persevere. You will not know for every no you got, there could be
a yes just around the corner, so dont give up!
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#14: Actions Takes You Somewhere

Start taking action and do not let fear holds you back. There is a saying, FEAR
stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. I can totally understand the times
when we will give ourselves excuses and procrastinate. But what is more
important to you? Your fear, your hunger for success or is it that big dream that
you have always long for? You will never know what will be the result, until
you start taking some actions today!

Try this!: Can you recall all the opportunities and possibilities that you have
missed just because you didnt take any action back then? Is that lesson
painful? Remember that pain factor and hold it close to you, this pain should be
your motivation to take some serious action in future if you are facing similar

Rule of thumb: Take the first step, no step is too small, even if is a small baby
step, do it consistently and you will eventually look back and see how far you
have come thus far. ;)
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#15: Complaining is draining..

Nick Vujicic has no arms or legs. But still live fuller life than most of us. As
Nick grew up he learnt to deal with his disability and started to be able to do
more and more things on his own. He adapted to his situation and found ways
to accomplish tasks that most people could only do by using their limbs, such
as brushing his teeth, combing his hair, answering the phone, typing on a
computer up to 53 words per minute, swimming, surfing, play golf, sky diving
and much more. As time went by Nick began to embrace his situation and
achieve greater things. In the 7th grade, he worked with the student council of
his school to raise funds for local charities and disability campaigns. When he
was 17, he began giving motivational speeches at prayer groups and founded
his non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs. At the age of 21, Vijucic
graduated from university with a double major in Accounting and Financial
Planning. Today, he is an internationally known motivational speaker and an

Dont we all love to complain? We complain when our Internet connection is

too slow or if we failed to get seats on the bus.. It has become an unspoken way
of life isnt it? The next time we want to complain about something trivial,
remember that there are some people who have lost so much, but still smile at
the storm and make the best of what they have.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#16: Your Story is Just a Beginning, Show it to the World!

We assume that Albert Einstein childhood he had a recognizable gift but in

reality, it was totally different. Einstein was unable to speak fluently until he
was 12 years old. His poor language skills provoked his teacher to tell the boy,
"You will never amount to anything. At school he was tormented by other
children who commented he smelled, his hair and clothes were in a mess. He
would often act out by barking or snorting loudly in class which earned him the
nickname of pig-dog. Einstein was expelled from high school for being
rebellious, and was not accepted into Zurich's Federal Institute of Technology
on his first try, and failed the entrance exam. After getting his high school
diploma at a different school, Einstein returned to FIT and was admitted.

Where in history do you read of Albert Einstein, the slow learner, the class
clown or the rebellious child? We know him simply as Albert Einstein, The
Genius. Where and how long has your talent or genius laid hidden? Have you
believed the words of others or taken to heart your past failures and experience
to decide who you are today? No matter what people think of you, your story is
just a beginning; show it to the world!

If you are a parent or one who is presently in a teaching industry, we should

adopt the same principle towards a child. Every child develops at a different
pace. Be encouraging with your words so that children can nurture and soar to
greater heights in an enjoyable and happy environment. Our role is to assist
them to learn at their own pace. Have the same faith in them that someday, they
can be a somebody to show it to the world!:)

Some useful guides for Parents / Teachers:

FREE: 9 Part Mini Series in Teaching Children to Read
FREE: Tips for Parenting Toddlers & Communicating with Your Child
100 ways to Help Children Pay Attention
Video Course: Learn More, Study Less
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#17: Live Everyday As If Its Your last

What makes a life worth living and worth remembering? Live life to the fullest
and savour every moment while it last. Cherish those around you, have the
courage to love, and dont be afraid to express your love to your dear ones. Till
the time you take your last breath, you will live with no regrets and life to you,
is remarkable and complete. This itself is a legacy.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#18: True Love Exists

Until he met Kanae Miyahara, they fell in love at first sight. She loves him for
who he is..

Nick Vujicic and his beautiful wife Kanae Miyahara got married in February
2012 in California. A year later on the 13 Feb 2013, the couple welcomes Baby
Boy Kiyoshi.

Love is a power that can make the world goes round!

Love yourself, be confidence with yourself, love yourself and allow yourself to
be loved :) Because true love do exists!
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

#19: Health is Wealth

Dear all, take good care of your body, its the only place you have to live in no
matter what! Nothing can be achieved or fulfilled if we are always falling sick
right? Health is something that money cannot buy.

So please take care, exercise regularly, calm your mind & stay healthy!

#20: This is Your Life

2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

If you have stay through the pages, I hope by now you will have better clarity
to define your values and whats truly important to you, learn to understand
your purpose & passion, or to discover what makes you truly happy and
unleashing your motivation, confidence & inspiration.

Whatever inner voice you are experiencing right now or along the way while
going through the power of thoughts, is perfectly normal As you are giving
yourself a chance to discover a brand new you! Well done!

Thank you so very much for allowing me to support you in this journey. It is
my honor and pleasure to contribute to your life in a way that I hope will be
meaningful for you. I offer you my deepest gratitude for allowing me to
connect with you.

I believe, learning should not stop here, as we continue to improve ourselves

and to gain more insights about life, I know, there will be a great deal of
valuable knowledge and experiences which I can pick up from you too! Lets
continue to learn and inspire one another to reach new heights in all that we

If you have subscribed to my newsletter, you will receive regular newsletter

from me. If you havent already done so, do sign up for my free
INSPIRATIONAL Email Newsletter to receive regular personal development

Your Inspirational Angel,

Eileen Tan (blog)
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

Highly Recommended Resources

In the following pages, you will find resources that are more focused on
specific areas which you may find them useful. I always believe in continuation
investment in education, whether if it is in the area of relationship / business /
lifestyle or in the area of personal development. It is my kind intention to share
helpful resources with you each time when I come across something interesting
and may be beneficial!:)

Job: Taking Survey

Get paid taking surveys at home. Turn your spare time &
passion into cash.

Job: Writing Jobs

Get paid to write from home. Turn your spare time & passion
into cash.

Job: Translator Jobs

Can you speak English or other languages? Get paid doing
translation jobs from home. Turn your spare time & passion
into cash.

Job: Facebook & Twitter

Get paid spending time on Facebook & Twitter. Turn your
spare time & passion into cash.

Job: Upload on Youtube

Earn cash by uploading videos on Youtube. Turn your spare
time & passion into cash.

Job: Video Game Tester

Get paid playing video games at your own hours. Turn your
spare time & passion into cash.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

Belief: Free Numerology Reading

Find our what your name and birth date say about you with a FREE
personalized numerology reading & report:

Mind: Natural Hypnosis

Download FREE Hypnosis MP3 albums from this site.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind which everyone can
experience and receive amazing, lasting benefits from. You
can be making powerful changes within your mind - changes
which will last and bring you success in all areas of your life,

Weight Loss: Fat Loss

How an unusual tip can flatter a belly quickly while still
enjoying all the foods you love

Weight Loss: Fat Burning Food Tricks & Recipes

This is a FREE fast start kick which includes many awesome
Tricks & Recipes to help you start burning fat the easy way.

Health: Natural Detox

Discover the simplest and most powerful Natural Detox
Strategies for Men & Women. Fix existing health problems
while helping you to boost your energy level.

Health: Sleep
Get to sleep FAST by listening to a scientifically proven brainwave MP3s.

Fitness: Yoga
A breakthrough program that melts away flab and reshapes your body in as
little as one hour a week!

Healing: Reiki Healing Master

How to have the ability to heal yourself and others using the art of Reiki.
2013 Eileen Tan, Your Inspirational Angel,

Dating / Social Situation: Self Confidence

How to boost your self confidence; enable you to attract a great partner and
having a healthy relationship with others.

Relationship: Conversation Chemistry

This FREE video will help you to understand how one can leave a
lasting impression and attract the opposite sex through

Relationship: Text the Romance Back

How simple text messages can help men and women put the
romance back in their relationships.

Relationship: Magic of Making Up

Now you can stop break up, divorce or lovers rejection, even if
your situation seems hopeless.

Mindset: Reveal Your Secret Destiny

A useful guide to reveal your secret destiny using the power of

Success: Life Transformation

Watch this life transformation video and use this link to get a 10
day trial access to this exclusive life success program for only $1.

The Law of Attraction: 11 Forgotten Laws

Learn more about the 11 forgotten laws that make The Law of
Attraction an unbreakable force.

Goal Setting: Goals On Track

Goal Setting is the key to all success. This is a personal success
system that will help you accomplish goals by getting the right
things done.

Wealth: Money Magnet

Grab your FREE "How to Make Your Mind a Money Magnet" Report, and
learn the hidden secrets to unending cashflow.

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