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Madras School of Social Works, Egmore, Chennai

e-Learning Awareness Survey

1. Name of your department:
Social Work
Human Resource & Organization Development
Development Management
Department of Languages

2. Age Group: 25-35/ 36-45/ 46-55 / 55 and above

3. Gender: Female/Male/Other

4. Have you ever taken e-learning course before? Yes/No

5. Which courses do you teach?

UG | PG | M.Phil. | Ph.D. | P.G Diploma

6. Which of the following types of courses would you consider

studying by e-learning?
UG | PG | M.Phil. | Ph.D. | P.G Diploma

7. What factors would be important to you in choosing an e-learning

Quality of the teaching materials
Quality of tutorial supporting
Regularity of contact with the tutor
Access to library resources
Reliability of the technology
Cost of offering the course
Reputation of the faculty
All the above

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Madras School of Social Works, Egmore, Chennai
e-Learning Awareness Survey
8. If you want to offer a course through eLearning, which type of
course you would most prefer to offer
Fully face-to-face teaching without online support
Face-to-face teaching with materials available online to support your
Teaching materials are available online, and tutorial support is given
Fully online (studying only online materials)

9. If you want to offer an eLearning course, which of the following

components would like to offer.
Video clips of lecturer explaining topics or concepts
Email contact with tutor
Discussion boards (for discussion among students and / or with tutor)
Online chatroom (for discussion among students and / or with tutor)
Access to library resources
Access to written teaching materials on the internet or CD-ROM
Animations or video clips to illustrate topics or concepts
Online examinations

10. What do you like the best about the course with the lecture
I like being able to discuss the material with lecture and / or students
I like going through the PowerPoint slides in class
I like more casual approach to the classroom discussion
I like talking through the lectures and going through some case studies

11. I learn best when i take part in activity/practical work.

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree

12. Audio and video materials in both kinds of education may

improve learning.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree

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Madras School of Social Works, Egmore, Chennai
e-Learning Awareness Survey
13. I think collaboration between student(s) and tutor is essential in
eLearning courses.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree

14. Are you computer literate? Yes/No

15. Tick the following e-learning resources, you are aware of?
Smart phones
Video tutorials
Email facilities
Digital library
Online Assessment
Video conferencing

16. Do you use any of the following e-learning resources in for

curriculum delivery?
Smart phones
Video tutorials
Email facilities
Digital library
Electronic device for marking multiple choice
Online Assessment
Video conferencing

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Madras School of Social Works, Egmore, Chennai
e-Learning Awareness Survey
17. According to you, what might be the problems in the
implementing e-learning?
Lack of interest
Lack of knowledge on elearning implementation
Lack of funds
Inadequate eLearning resources
High-cost of infrastructure
Poor Power Supply
Low level of computer literacy

18. Does your institution have a strategy or policy on e-learning?

Yes, we have an institutional strategy in place
No, but it is under development
No, but some faculties have developed their own strategies
No idea

19. Does your institution use e-learning?

Yes, it is widely used throughout the institution
Yes, some departments use it
Yes, some individual teachers use it
No, we are only now introducing it
I do not know

20. What is the most important objective of your institution

regarding the development of e-learning in the future?
To provide more learning opportunities for students who are not based
on campus
To provide more learning opportunities for on-campus students o
To increase the effectiveness of classroom time (e.g., in-depth
learning, critical thinking, individual assessment)
To provide a more flexible learning offer, leaving it to the student to
decide whether they learn on- or off-campus
To provide learning for adult learners
To enhance internationalization
We do not intend to further develop or extend e-learning soon
Other (please specify)

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