The Use of Laptops/Technology in College

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The Use of Laptops/Technology in College.

Yamilex Hernandez
Nov. 10, 2017
Radio Actuality
TRT: 00:00-2:18

Host Intro
Many people wonder if the use of laptops or technology in class is beneficial or harmful for

students. Some professors find themselves running hot and cold, accepting that some students

choose to type their notes but then questioning if the students are listening and if their use of

laptop may be distracting others. Elizabeth Lemage, a Spanish professor at Kean University,

feels that technology is a good thing because information can be quickly searched.

Elizabeth Lemagne in-cue:

I feel like technology is great..."

Elizabeth Lemagne out-cue:

" I think nothing can distract them.

Host Transition:
Some students do not feel the same about taking notes in a laptop and a notebook. Dayana Abad,

a business student at Kean university, says that it is easier to take notes in a notebook instead of a

laptop, since you are most likely to remember whats been said in class.

Dayana Abad in-cue:

When youre writing your thoughts on paper..."
Dayana Abad out-cue:

I would do it without giving it a second thought.

Host Close:
Adab stated that even though she prefers notebook take notes, shes aware that technology can

give people many benefits nowadays in regards to education.

For WKNJ- FM, 90.3, Union New Jersey, the new sound of Kean University, Im Yamilex


Sound Bites:

Elizabeth Lemagne

I feel like technology is great, especially now a day, if you dont know the answer to a question

you just go on google and you will eventually get a response, which is really helpful.

I think it depends more on the interest of the student, if the student is really focus on what he or

she has to do, in class, I think nothing can distract them.

Dayana Abad

When youre writing your thoughts on paper, you memorize, and also the fact that you are

writing, is that youre paying attention instead of been in the computer browsing on the internet

and other programs.

Due of my background, I was raised in a country where we obey all the professors, we respect,

we dont talk back, so if the professor tells me to put something away, I would do it without

giving it a second thought.

Plagiarism Checklist
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2) ( *) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly
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3) ( *) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used
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4) (* ) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in
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5) (* ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.
6) (* ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I
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7) (* ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.
8) (* ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research
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