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Continuum Mechanics

Homework No.3 (due date : 2017-10-11)

1. A displacement field is given by

x1 = X1 + AX2
x2 = X2 + AX3
x3 = X3 + AX1
where A is a constant. Calculate the Lagrangian linear strain tensor and Eulerian linear strain tensor. Compare
them for the case when A is very small (A2 can be negligible)
2. For each of the following sets of displacement gradients J, sketch the deformed position of an element which
was initially a square in the x1 x2 plane with sides parallel to the axes.

0 0.01 0
0.01 0 0 (1)
0 0 0

0 0.01 0
0.01 0 0 (2)
0 0 0

0 0 0
0.01 0 0 (3)
0 0 0

3. Consider a unit square block of material of thickness h as shown below. If the block is subjected to a loading
that deforms the square block into the shape shown (no change in thickness)
(a) Determine the deformation mapping
(b) Compute the deformation gradient tensor at X = (1, 1, 0)
(c) Compute the Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor at X = (1, 1, 0)
(d) Perform the polar decomposition to calculate the stretch and rotation tensors at X = (1, 1, 0)
(e) Compute the Green-Lagrangian strain tensor at X = (1, 1, 0)

X2 X2

1 1

X1 X1
1 1

4. Under the restriction of small deformation theory, E = e . Accordingly for displacement field given by

u = (X1 X3 )2~e1 + (X2 + X3 )2~e2 X1 X2~e3 (4)

Determine the linear strain tensor and linear rotation tensor at the point P(0,2,-1)

5. The following displacement field is given :

u1 = AX1 + 3X2
u2 = 3X1 BX2
u3 = 5
Show that the given displacement field produces a state of plane strain, and find the relationship between A
and B for which the dilatation becomes zero.
6. The state of strain throughout a continuum is specified by e given below. Are the compatibility equations for
strain satisfied?

X12 X22 X1 X3
X22 X3 X32 (5)
X1 X3 X32 5

7. For the finite shear deformation:

x1 = X1
x2 = X2 + AX3
x3 = X3 + AX2
where A is constant.
(a) Show that the stretch ratio X1 is unity for line elements parallel to the X1 axis.
(b) Compute the stretch for the diagonal direction of the infinitesimal square.
(c) Using the polar decomposition to determine the symmetric stretch tensor U and rotation tensor R.
(d) Discuss your results by drawing the deformed shape.

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