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May 1

Task 1~ Using the snip-it tool

This is just a snipped image from a makeup website I frequent.

May 2

Task 2~ Files and Folders

This is an image of the 3 files I was asked to save into the Course Documents folder for this task.
May 3

Task 3~ Using and sending CWI email

May 4

Task 4~ Using Word Online

Here is my snip it photo of my document that I created and renamed using word online.
May 5

Caitlin May

Professor Scott Straub

EDUC 150: Educational Technology 1

1 September 2017

MLA Formatting Essay

The MLA format for writing an essay was created so that it was easier for the reader to

focus on reading the material rather than how the material was written. This format also benefits

teachers because it makes it easier for them to grade.

There are some very specific elements that create the MLA formatting. These elements

include: left aligned page, four lined headers, centered title, one-inch margins all the way around,

and double-spaced paragraphs with no extra spacing in between lines. Some of these elements

are even more specific for example the date, which should be the last line in your header, should

be written with the number of the day followed by the full spelling of the month followed by the

full year. The title should not be bolded, italicized, or a larger font then the rest of the paper. In

fact, the essay should be written in 12-point font with a generic font, usually times new roman

chosen. If there are multiple pages that make up the essay there should be a right aligned header

created with the authors last name followed my page numbers. All of these elements will create

a better document for the reader to follow along with.

May 6

!Important Notice!
Parents, this is an important notice to let you know we have a child who has a nut allergy in the

classroom. What does this mean for you? Please DO NOT allow your student to bring snacks with any

kind of nut or nut product in them to school. This includes peanut butter, almond butter, and any kind of

candy or snack items with nuts in them. If you have a questionable item that doesnt list whether nuts

are an ingredient it is probably better to not allow it.

Thank you kindly for your participation in keeping our classroom safe.

Contact Info for Ms. Caitlin May: or208-867-5309

May 7

!Important Notice!

Parents, this is an important notice to let you know we have a child who has a nut allergy in the classroom. What does this

mean for you? Please DO NOT allow your student to bring snacks with any kind of nut or nut product in them to school.

This includes peanut butter, almond butter, and any kind of candy or snack items with nuts in them. If you have a

questionable item that doesnt list whether nuts are an ingredient it is probably better to not allow it.

Thank you kindly for your participation in keeping our classroom safe.

Contact Info for Ms. Caitlin May: or208-867-5309

!Important Notice!

Parents, this is an important notice to let you know we have a child who has a nut allergy in the classroom. What does this

mean for you? Please DO NOT allow your student to bring snacks with any kind of nut or nut product in them to school.

This includes peanut butter, almond butter, and any kind of candy or snack items with nuts in them. If you have a

questionable item that doesnt list whether nuts are an ingredient it is probably better to not allow it.

Thank you kindly for your participation in keeping our classroom safe.

Contact Info for Ms. Caitlin May: or208-867-5309

!Important Notice!

Parents, this is an important notice to let you know we have a child who has a nut allergy in the classroom. What does this

mean for you? Please DO NOT allow your student to bring snacks with any kind of nut or nut product in them to school.

This includes peanut butter, almond butter, and any kind of candy or snack items with nuts in them. If you have a

questionable item that doesnt list whether nuts are an ingredient it is probably better to not allow it.

Thank you kindly for your participation in keeping our classroom safe.

Contact Info for Ms. Caitlin May: or208-867-5309

May 8

!!!Class Field Trip Permission Slip!!!

by Unknown by Unknown
Author is Author is
licensed licensed
Ms. Mays class
underis going to the Boise Zoo on Friday April 14th. They will be learning about the
under animals

and their various habitats. This permission slip needs to be filled out and returned to Ms. May by

Wednesday April 12th for your child to attend our class trip.

Please circle one lunch option: Packed Lunch From Home/ School Prepared Bag Lunch

YES My Child can Attend NO My Child Cannot Attend

Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________________________

Contact Info for Ms. Caitlin May: or208-867-5309

!!!Class Field Trip Permission Slip!!!

by Unknown by Unknown
Author is Author is
licensed licensed
Ms. Mays class
underis going to the Boise Zoo on Friday April 14th. They will be learning about the
under animals

and their various habitats. This permission slip needs to be filled out and returned to Ms. May by

Wednesday April 12th for your child to attend our class trip.

Please circle one lunch option: Packed Lunch From Home/ School Prepared Bag Lunch

YES My Child can Attend NO My Child Cannot Attend

Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________________________

Contact Info for Ms. Caitlin May: or208-867-5309

May 9

Ms Mays Weekly Class Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

LA Moring Moring Moring Moring Moring
Greeting Greeting then Greeting then Greeting then Greeting then
then LA LA until LA until LA until LA until
until 10:30am 10:30am 10:30am 10:30am

Science 1pm-2pm 10:30am-11am 1pm-2pm 10:30am-11am 1pm-2pm

& 12pm- & 12pm-
12:40pm 12:40pm

Reading 10:30am- 1pm-2pm 10:30am-11am 1pm-2pm 10:30am-11am

11am & & 12pm- & 12pm-
12pm- 12:40pm 12:40pm

Math 2pm-3pm 2pm-3pm 2pm-3pm 2pm-3pm 2pm-3pm

Art 3pm-4pm 3pm-4pm 3pm-4pm Storytime last

30 min of class

Lunch 11am-12pm 11am-12pm 11am-12pm 11am-12pm 11am-12pm

Contact Info for Ms. Caitlin May: or 208-867-5309

May 10

Task 10~ lesson plan

Roller Coaster Engineering

Instructor Name: Caitlin May

Grade Level: Sixth Grade

Content Area: Science

Curriculum State Standard:

Idaho State Standards

o 6th Grade Physical Science standard 6.S.2.2.1: Describe the effects of different forces (gravity
and friction) on the movement, speed, and direction of an object.
Next Generation Science Standards
o MS-PS3-2: Develop a model to describe that when the arrangement of objects interacting at a
distance changes, different amounts of potential energy are stored in the system.
o MS-PS3-5: Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic
energy of an object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.

Students will be able to demonstrate that gravity is a naturally occurring force that pulls objects toward
the center of the Earth.
Students will be able to describe and demonstrate the difference between potential and kinetic energy
Students will be able to work together as a team to complete a given design challenge with constraints
Materials/Equipment needed:

Pipe insulation tubing for the structure of the roller coaster (each group will have two halves taped
Marbles to represent the passenger of the roller coaster (each group will have one marble)
Small plastic/Dixie cup for the marble to roll or drop into at the end of the roller coaster (each group will
have one cup)
Masking tape to help build and hold the roller coasters in place (there are five rolls so the groups may
have to share)
Roller coaster engineering worksheet to be filled out during the activity (each group will have one copy
to share)
May 11

ACTIVITY LESSON NAME: Roller Coaster Engineering

Procedure Time

Quadrant I 5 min.

1. Go through power point of rules and expectations for the activity

ending in a slide to help guide them along in the activity.
2. Hand out supplies including worksheet and vocabulary sheet.
Quadrant II 10.15min.

1. Let the students work together in groups to build their roller coasters and
complete their worksheets.
2. Walk around the classroom observing, making sure students are on task
and aware of the time, and be able to answer questions and give advice
when needed.
Quadrant III 5-10 min.

1. Quiet students and get groups ready to test their roller coaster in front
of all other groups.
2. Go through all groups, if a group has a coaster that the marble doesnt
make it through allow them 1-2 minutes to make a minor adjustment
and run through it again. Congratulate every group on their coaster,
even if the marble doesnt make it through.
Quadrant IV 5 min.

1. Ask students questions based on the activity to test their knowledge

and understanding of the concepts covered.
2. Allow for questions to be asked by the students.
3. Allow time to clean up, gather materials, and turn in worksheets.

Method of Evaluation:
Assessment/Check for Understanding (CFU)
o Questions asked at the end
o Worksheet students will fill out as a group
Observe students throughout the activity to make sure they are participating, sharing, and following
along with their group members.

MS-PS3-2 Energy. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2016, from
MS-PS3-5 Energy. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2016, from
Idaho state Department of Education Website for the Idaho State Science Standards
May 12

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