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Name : Rayi Rahman Hakim

NIM : 2215143366
Mid-Term Test ICT in ELT

The Analysis of Listening Test in CEFR A1 Level

According to CEFR, Level A1 (Breakthrough) is considered the lowest level of generative language use. At level A1,
A1 the learner can interact in a simple way, ask and answer simple questions about themselves, where they live, people
they know, and things they have, initiate and respond to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on very
Breakthrough familiar topics, rather than relying purely on a very nite rehearsed, lexically organised repertoire of situational-
specic phrases
A basic ability to deal with simple, straightforward information and begin to express oneself in familiar contexts.
Example: CAN ask simple questions about a menu and understand simple answers. Or CAN take a part in a routine
conversation on simple predictable topics
The global scale of the common reference of the CEFR defines level A1's user capable of the following linguistic skills:

Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete
Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives,
people he/she knows and things he/she has.
Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

I can recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate concrete surroundings
Understanding Listening
when people speak slowly and clearly.
I can understand information of the everyday life for situations of very recurring communications (public announcements,
Understanding Listening
weather report, messages, repetitive information) and to answer concrete needs for the social life.

Analysis Question

Beginner: I can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases. I can interact in a simple way
provided the other person talks slowly and clearly.

Analysis listening A good night's sleep

Listen to the radio interview and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

Instruction Question Answer Micro Macro Explanation

Check your understanding: true or false
1.The guest in the studio is a False Recognize grammatical Recognize the Students should
Do the teacher word classes (nouns, communicative find a
preparation verbs, etc.), systems functions of participant and
exercises (e.g., tense, agreement, utterances, according understanding
before you pluralization), to situations, about the
listen. Then patterns, rules, and participants, goals agreement from
do the other elliptical forms the question
exercises to 2.Some people can sleep well False Infer situations, Infer some
check your with a television on. participants, goals situation in the
understandi 3.It is bad to think a lot before True using real-world real-world
ng. going to bed. knowledge according to
4.It is good to play video games False the students
Circle True before bed. knowledge.
or False for 5.It is good to turn your mobile True
these off when you go to sleep.
sentences. 6.It is bad to play loud music True
while you study.
1.______________ to the show, Welcome Distinguish word Students should
Fill the Doctor Baker. great to be boundaries, recognize a
gaps with 2.Thank you. Its here recognize a core of core of words
the correct _______________. Lets start earlier in words, and interpret and order the
phrase with tip one. the word order patterns answer in
from the 3.Do your hardest homework evening and their sequence.
box. _______________. Turn off significance
4._______________ your
mobile when you go to bed. down low Students get
5.Play music if you like. But useful Recognize that a some a new
turn the sound advice particular meaning expression and
_______________. may be expressed understand
6.That is very in different from the
_______________ for our grammatical forms grammatical
young listeners. form.
Transcript for A good nights sleep

Host: At exam time it is important to sleep well. Today we have Doctor Baker with us in the studio
and he is going to give us five top tips for getting a good nights sleep. Welcome to the
show, Doctor Baker.
Dr Baker: Thank you. Its great to be here. Lets start with tip one. Dont go to bed with the television
on. Some people think they can sleep well with the TV on, but the noise and lights mean
you dont really sleep well, so turn it off!
Tip two: Dont think too much before bedtime. Do your hardest homework earlier in the
evening. Do easier homework later. If your brain is too busy and full of ideas it takes longer
to get to sleep.
Tip three: Dont play video games for an hour before you go to sleep. They also make your
brain too busy and active.
Tip four: Turn off your cell phone when you go to bed. What is so important that it cant wait
until the morning? If possible, leave your phone in another room.
Tip five: Play music if you like. But dont play it too loud. Turn the sound down low.
Host: Thank you, Doctor. That is very useful advice for our young listeners.

Analysis listening Getting ID card

Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

Instruction Question Answer Micro Macro Explanation

Preparation: match the sentence
Do this exercise 1. The students Abdul Surinami / Ahmed Saeed / Process speech at students find a
while you listen. name is Ashraf Suri. different rates of participant by
Circle the correct delivery listening
option to complete
these sentences. carefully in
2. Hes 14 / 15 / 16. different rates of
3. His address is 14 Spring Avenue, Leicester / 40 Process speech Students able to
Spring Avenue, Lester / 30 containing pauses, follow and find
Spring Avenue, Lemster. errors, corrections, the information
and other performance from the spelling
variables or different rates
of delivery
4. Hes Chinese / Russian / British Distinguish word Students able to
5. He goes to Newtown Secondary School / boundaries, recognize hear a specific
Newtown Secondary College / a core of words, and information,
Newton Secondary School interpret word order letter or number
6. His date of birth 2nd July 1997 / 2nd June 1998 / patterns and their to get clear
is 22nd June 1998 . significance answer.
Check your understanding: gap fill spelling names
Write the spell Address: L-E-I-C-E-S-T-E-R. Retain chunks of Students listen
name to fill the _______________ language of different carefully every
gaps. Don't Post code: LE 14 2GZ. lengths in short-term single letter,
forget to use a _______________ memory stress, chunk,
capital letter at School: N-E-W-T-O-W-N. and different
the beginning. Recognize English rates of delivery
stress patterns, words in their memory.
In stressed and
unstressed positions, Then students
rhythmic structure, able to find
intonation contours, signaling
and their role in information in
signaling information the listening.
Check your understanding: ordering
Do this exercise 1. . Whats your school? Distinguish word Students able to
while you listen. 2. . Have you got a photo? boundaries, order the answer
Write a number 3. . Whats your postcode? recognize a core of by listening
(1-8) to put the
4. . And whats your date of birth? words, and authentically. So
questions in the Whats your address? they can
5. . interpret word
order you hear
6. . Can you spell that, please? order patterns interpret word
them.. 7. . And whats your nationality? and their order patterns
8. . Have you got the form? significance and significance
the answer.
Detect sentence
constituents and Find an
distinguish important part
between major and from the
minor constituents listening test.
Transcript for Getting an ID card

Admin worker: International Student ID card?

Student: Yes, thats right.
Admin worker: Have you got the form?
Student: Yes, here it is.
Admin worker: OK, lets see. Name Ahmed, surname Saeed, age 14, address ... (pause) ... oh,
whats your address?
Student: 14 Spring Avenue
Admin worker: 14 Spring Avenue ...
Student: Leicester.
Admin worker: Can you spell that, please?
Student: L-E-I-C-E-S-T-E-R.
Admin worker: Whats your postcode?
Student: LE 14 2GZ.
Admin worker: LE 14 2GS.
Student: No, 2GZ.
Admin worker: OK, 2GZ. And whats your nationality?
Student: Im British.
Admin worker: Whats your school?
Student: Newtown Secondary School. N-E-W-T-O-W-N.
Admin worker: And whats your date of birth?
Student: The 2nd of June 1998.
Admin worker: 02/06/1998 (the second of the sixth, 1998). Have you got a photo?
Student: Yes, here you are.
Admin worker: Thank you. One moment, please ... (pause) ... and heres your card.
Student: Thanks. Bye.
Analysis listening Describing people
Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

Instruction Question Answer Micro Macro Explanation

Preparation: matching
Match the person a. Shes got straight, Recognize From events and Recognize a new
with the correct ginger hair. grammatical word ideas described, vocabulary to
description and b. Hes older and classes (nouns, predict outcomes, describe someone.
write ad next to hes wearing verbs, etc.), infer links and
the numbers 14. glasses. systems (e.g., connections Can predict where
c. Shes got black, tense, agreement, between events, the right picture
curly hair. pluralization), deduce causes and according to the
d. Hes got short, patterns, rules, effects, and detect explanation in the
brown hair.
and elliptical such information, listening test.
forms generalization, and

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