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by James Perrett


good intro

make sure you

don't limit
diversity to
great acknowledgement

these in more



Hi James,

You demonstrate a very good understanding of

the subject matter and have developed a
structured, well-written ref lection. You make
some very good observations but probably could
have elaborated the theory and also practical

/20 application a little more. Keep up the good work!


QM marked by B Roesler
marked by Bettina Roesler

Text Comment. good intro

Text Comment. make sure you don't limit diversity to Aboriginality alone


Text Comment. great acknowledgement

Text Comment. introduce/discuss these in more detail






SJ ISSUE 4.25 / 5
Critical personal ref lection: Why is it important to implement social justice perspectives in your teaching

FAIL Minimal ref lection with limited analysis. T he student has not identif ied reasons that
(0) demonstrate the importance of implementing social justice perspectives.

FAIL Minimal ref lection with limited analysis. T he student has not identif ied reasons that
(1.50) demonstrate the importance of implementing social justice perspectives.

FAIL Minimal ref lection with limited analysis. T he student has not identif ied reasons that
(2.25) demonstrate the importance of implementing social justice perspectives.

PASS T he student attempt to address why social justice perspectives are relevant to
(2.50) learning communities. But discussion is too descriptive and/or disengaged.

PASS (+) T he student attempt to address why social justice perspectives are relevant to
(3) learning communities. But discussion is too descriptive and/or disengaged.

CREDIT Engaged personal ref lection which clearly articulates the relevance of social justice
(3.25) perspectives relevance to learning communities.

CREDIT (+) Engaged personal ref lection which clearly articulates the relevance of social justice
(3.50) perspectives relevance to learning communities.

DISTINCTION Engaged personal ref lection. Student clearly addresses why social justice
(3.75) perspectives are relevant to learning communities, including critical discussion of

DISTINCTION (+) Engaged personal ref lection. Student clearly addresses why social justice
(4) perspectives are relevant to learning communities, including critical discussion of

HIGH DISTINCTION Innovative critical personal ref lection detailing the relevance of social justice
(4.25) perspectives in teaching practices; including a sophisticated argument around the
impact of power upon learning communities.

HIGH DISTINCTION Innovative critical personal ref lection detailing the relevance of social justice
(+) perspectives in teaching practices; including a sophisticated argument around the
(5) impact of power upon learning communities.

Critical personal ref lection: What pedagogical strategies would inf luence and enhance learning and
teaching and/or the student experience.

FAIL T he student has not identif ied or of f ered a detailed discussion of sound
(0) pedagogical theory would inf luence and enhance learning and teaching and/or the
student experience. No theoretical support/evidence.

FAIL T he student has not identif ied or of f ered a detailed discussion of sound
(1.50) pedagogical theory would inf luence and enhance learning and teaching and/or the
student experience. No theoretical support/evidence.
FAIL T he student has not identif ied or of f ered a detailed discussion of sound
(2.25) pedagogical theory would inf luence and enhance learning and teaching and/or the
student experience. No theoretical support/evidence.

PASS T he student has identif ied some relevant pedagogical theories and of f ers an
(2.50) adequate discussion; limited theoretical support/evidence.

PASS (+) T he student has identif ied some relevant pedagogical theories and of f ers an
(3) adequate discussion; limited theoretical support/evidence.

CREDIT T he student has clearly identif ied relevant pedagogical theory and of f ers a critical
(3.25) discussion, well supported by theoretical evidence.

CREDIT (+) T he student has clearly identif ied relevant pedagogical theory and of f ers a critical
(3.50) discussion, well supported by theoretical evidence.

DISTINCTION T he student critically analyses a range of highly relevant pedagogical approaches

(3.75) and of f ers an articulate response which synthesises theoretical evidence

DISTINCTION (+) T he student critically analyses a range of highly relevant pedagogical approaches
(4) and of f ers an articulate response which synthesises theoretical evidence

HIGH DISTINCTION T he student of f ers an advanced critical analysis of a range of highly relevant
(4.25) pedagogical approaches that would inf luence and enhance learning and teaching
and/or the student experience. Highly articulate response synthesises theoretical
evidence throughout.

HIGH DISTINCTION T he student of f ers an advanced critical analysis of a range of highly relevant
(+) pedagogical approaches that would inf luence and enhance learning and teaching
(5) and/or the student experience. Highly articulate response synthesises theoretical
evidence throughout.

PRACT ICE 3.75 / 5

Critical personal ref lection: How does your teaching practice address issues of equity and diversity.

FAIL T he student does not discuss their teaching practice in relation to issues of equity
(0) and diversity. Student f ails to provide clear examples of their teaching practice.

FAIL T he student does not discuss their teaching practice in relation to issues of equity
(1.50) and diversity. Student f ails to provide clear examples of their teaching practice.

FAIL T he student does not discuss their teaching practice in relation to issues of equity
(2.25) and diversity. Student f ails to provide clear examples of their teaching practice.

PASS T he student attempts to discuss their teaching practice in relation to issues of

(2.50) equity and diversity. However, accounts are not specif ic enough and clarity could
be improved.

PASS (+) T he student attempts to discuss their teaching practice in relation to issues of
(3) equity and diversity. However, accounts are not specif ic enough and clarity could
be improved.

CREDIT T he student clearly identif ies and discusses the ways in which their teaching
(3.25) practice addresses issues of equity and diversity. Student provides relevant
examples of their teaching practice.

CREDIT (+) T he student clearly identif ies and discusses the ways in which their teaching
(3.50) practice addresses issues of equity and diversity. Student provides relevant
examples of their teaching practice.

DISTINCTION T he student critically analyses the ways in which their teaching practice addresses
(3.75) issues of equity and diversity. Excellent use of examples.

DISTINCTION (+) T he student critically analyses the ways in which their teaching practice addresses
(4) issues of equity and diversity. Excellent use of examples.

HIGH DISTINCTION Highly detailed and critical account of the ways in which the students specif ic
(4.25) teaching practice addresses issues of equity and diversity. Outstanding use of

HIGH DISTINCTION Highly detailed and critical account of the ways in which the students specif ic
(+) teaching practice addresses issues of equity and diversity. Outstanding use of
(5) examples.

WRIT ING 4.25 / 5

Presents work prof essionally, with clear academic writing and within the word limit and uses APA
ref erencing style correctly, including competently integrating evidence.

FAIL Work lacks structure; little evidence paper has been edited; terminology
(0) inappropriate; f requent spelling/ typographic errors. Poor paraphrasing; over
reliance on quotes; no or inaccurate ref erence list and poor in-text ref erencing;
not submitted to T urnitin or high level of matches.

FAIL Work lacks structure; little evidence paper has been edited; terminology
(1.50) inappropriate; f requent spelling/ typographic errors. Poor paraphrasing; over
reliance on quotes; no or inaccurate ref erence list and poor in-text ref erencing;
not submitted to T urnitin or high level of matches.

FAIL Work lacks structure; little evidence paper has been edited; terminology
(2.25) inappropriate; f requent spelling/ typographic errors. Poor paraphrasing; over
reliance on quotes; no or inaccurate ref erence list and poor in-text ref erencing;
not submitted to T urnitin or high level of matches.

PASS Generally clear; paper/presentation has introduction, body and conclusion;

(2.50) developed with students voice; sentences coherent and grammatically correct;
within word/time length; some typographic and /or spelling errors. Generally
accurate APA ref erencing; submitted to T urnitin; originality report detects some
insignif icant matches. Some appropriate use of evidence but needs to be better

PASS (+) Generally clear; paper/presentation has introduction, body and conclusion;
(3) developed with students voice; sentences coherent and grammatically correct;
within word/time length; some typographic and /or spelling errors. Generally
accurate APA ref erencing; submitted to T urnitin; originality report detects some
insignif icant matches. Some appropriate use of evidence but needs to be better

CREDIT Well-structured and coherent text; ef f ective grammatical expression; adheres to

(3.25) word/time length; uses appropriate terminology; minor typographic and /or spelling
errors. Mostly accurate APA ref erencing; submitted to T urnitin; low percentage f or
originality report. Analysis well developed with students voice and supported by
literature and research.

CREDIT (+) Well-structured and coherent text; ef f ective grammatical expression; adheres to
(3.50) word/time length; uses appropriate terminology; minor typographic and /or spelling
errors. Mostly accurate APA ref erencing; submitted to T urnitin; low percentage f or
originality report. Analysis well developed with students voice and supported by
literature and research.

DISTINCTION Clear and concise structure; strengthened by relevant research; grammar and
(3.75) syntax mostly correct; cohesive text within word/time length; discriminating use of
appropriate vocabulary; f ew typographic or spelling errors. Consistently accurate
APA ref erencing; competent integration of evidence, low percentage f or T urnitin;
original work with insignif icant matches.

DISTINCTION (+) Clear and concise structure; strengthened by relevant research; grammar and
(4) syntax mostly correct; cohesive text within word/time length; discriminating use of
appropriate vocabulary; f ew typographic or spelling errors. Consistently accurate
APA ref erencing; competent integration of evidence, low percentage f or T urnitin;
original work with insignif icant matches.

HIGH DISTINCTION Well-structured paper or innovative presentation; explicitly identif ies the key
(4.25) issues; cohesive, grammatically correct structure; very f ew typographic or spelling
errors. Consistently accurate APA ref erencing; highly competent integration of
evidence, submitted to T urnitin; original work with insignif icant matches.

HIGH DISTINCTION Well-structured paper or innovative presentation; explicitly identif ies the key
(+) issues; cohesive, grammatically correct structure; very f ew typographic or spelling
(5) errors. Consistently accurate APA ref erencing; highly competent integration of
evidence, submitted to T urnitin; original work with insignif icant matches.

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