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Meycauayan National High School


School Year 2016-2017

NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ DATE: ___________ SCORE:__________

YEAR AND SECTION: __________________________________________ SUBJECT TEACHER: ___________________________
I. Directions: Identify the appropriate term based on the definition given. Choose from the items
inside the box. Write your answer on the blanks provided.

Message Function Listener

Response Channels Feedback
Intrapersonal Communication Communicative Situation Communication
Dimensions of Communication Culture Speaker
Intercultural Communication Interpersonal Communication Gender Noise

1. ______________________________________ the reaction in verbal or non-verbal form of the Listener to

the Message of the Speaker; may be influenced by Philippine Culture and Gender
2. ______________________________________ the Response of the Receiver of the Message as perceived by
the Source which can only happen if the Source is Monitoring the Response
3. ______________________________________ whatever interferes with Communication also known as barriers
to Communication;
4. ______________________________________ where the Communication happens or why Communication is
triggered, involving the physical location and psychological setting or mood
5. ______________________________________ the one who delivers the Message, usually, but not necessarily
the one who creates and crafts the Message; sometimes interchangeable with Sender, Source and
6. ______________________________________ the delivery of a Message from the Speaker to the Listener, the
stirring up of and the transfer of ideas from one person to another; a transaction involving someone
who wants to talk to someone about something; highly influenced by Philippine Culture and Gender
7. ______________________________________ the number of ways an idea can be communicated; ways to
interact highly influenced by Philippine Culture and Gender.
8. ______________________________________ in Anthropology, the ways of living by a group of human beings
and transmitted from one generation to another; the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a
particular social, ethnic, or age group.
9. ______________________________________ characteristics pertaining to masculinity and femininity based
on social and cultural differences rather than the physical attributes that identify individuals as male
or female (Sex)
10. ______________________________________ the use of Communication based on the Speakers Purpose;
may be influenced by Philippine Culture and Gender
11. ______________________________________ the sharing of knowledge, behavior and beliefs across different
groups and different Cultures; may include literature, dramaturgy, and filmography; goes beyond folk
dances and music.
12. ______________________________________ occurs when theres more than one participant and it is clear
who the Speaker and Listener are; may be influence by Philippine Culture and Gender
13. ______________________________________ occurs when theres only one participant or one Communicator
since the Speaker and the Listener are one and the same person such as when one is thinking,
meditating, writing a reminder for ones self or talking to oneself.
14. ______________________________________ any information delivered or sent by the Speaker to the
Listener(s) whether a thought, an idea, a concept, a process, an issue, a belief; sometimes referred to
as Stimuli (received by the eyes optic nerve or the ears auditory nerve) or Signal (transformation of
words to electric impulses using mass media technology); may be influenced by Philippine Culture
and Gender.
15. ______________________________________ the one who receives the Message of the Speaker, interprets it
according to his/her Field of Experience and sends back a response to the Speaker; also known as the
Receiver, Decoder or Destination
16. ______________________________________ the means by which the Message is received by the Listeners;
typically, the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.

II. Directions: Match the items in Column A with the items in Column B.

Column A Column B
17. Paralanguage a. Composed of emphasizing, regulating, illustrating,
18. Language of Flowers emblems
19. Language of Colors b. the use of colors based on the meaning of each
20. Chronemics color
21. Proxemics c. Language of time
22. Haptics d. The use of space to show importance
23. Language of Gestures e. The use of touch to express what cannot be said
24. Facial Expression f. The tone used in speaking, how something is said,
25. Posture and personal appearance not what is said; may be contradictory, particularly
when influence by Philippine Culture and Gender
g. The way one carries oneself
h. The use of flowers based on the meaning of each
i. The configuration of the eyes, eyebrows, lips,
cheeks, nose, and forehead to show how the person

III. Directions: Fill in the black with the appropriate term based on the contexts of the following

physical speech speakers message

physiological manuscript (manuscript speech) listener(s)
psychological delivered from memory (memorized speech) TV (television)
impromptu speech (with hardly any preparation) radio
extemporaneous speech (with preparation but delivered from an outline) social media

A. Manner of Delivery has four ways of 26. _____________________ is delivered: Reading from the 27.
________________________, 28. _______________________________, 29. ________________________________ and 30.

B. Mass Communication is sending the 31. _________________________ to the 32. _______________________

using the channels such as 33. ____________________________ and 34. _______________________________ made
possible by media technology; now includes 35. __________________________ which use the internet of
the World Wide Web.

C. Noise includes more than mere 36. _____________________ noise that is audible; includes 37.
______________________ noise (whatever is happening to the body that prevents good Communication,
such as toothache) and 38. ______________________ noise (such as feeling sad or depressed). *Note that
the word is enclosed in quotation marks and begins with a capital letter in order to differentiate it
from the popular laymans term)

Speakers intentions Speech Purpose Consultative
Illocutionary Speech Act Speech Topic Frozen
Locutionary Speech Act Intimate Formal
Perlocutionary Speech Act Casual Static Communication

D. Speech Act is an utterance defined in terms of a 39. __________________________ and the effect it has on
a Listener; a 40. ______________________________ happens when one makes a meaningful utterance; an
41. _____________________________ focuses on the intention for the utterance; a
42._____________________________ is about the effect or consequence of uttering something.

E. Speech Outline is the organizational pattern used for arranging the points to be made in a Speech;
the pattern to be used depends on the 43. ____________________________ and the

F. Speech Style is the range of variation in spoken language used by a Speaker or Speakers which
include 45. ___________________________ for people with shared meanings, 46. ________________________ for
friends and acquaintances; 47. __________________________ for people without any shared meanings;
48.___________________________ for imparting information only, and 49._________________________ for
ritualistic or 50. _______________________________.

IV. Using the back page of the test paper, provide a cogent discussion on the following questions.
Answer in no less than ten (10) sentences.

1. Describe and explain the Four Models of Communication. Indicate their main features for you to be
granted a perfect score. (ARISTOTLE, SHANNON & WEAVER, SCHRAMM, WHITE). 25 points

2. Explain how GENDER and CULTURE influence the Dimensions of Communication. Possible discussion
would include verbal/non-verbal, oral/written, formal/informal or intentional/ unintentional dimensions.
For you to be granted a perfect score, provide concrete examples based on how they happen in real-life
situations. 25 points


Prepared by:
Master Teacher II

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