GYROSCOPE - Wheel & Handles: Scientrific Pty LTD

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GYROSCOPE - wheel & handles

Cat: MF1890-001
This simple piece of apparatus clearly demonstrates the remarkable behaviour of a
Gyroscope. A bicycle wheel with a heavy tyre has been altered so that it can be held and
supported by two strong handles. The wheel is fitted also with a special pulley around which
a thin rope can be wound. While the wheel is held by one person, the other person can pull
the rope firmly and progressively from the pulley to cause the wheel to accelerate to a high
rotational speed which then produces the Gyroscopic effect.


Physical size: Weight: kg


First fit the thick washer on the threaded axle on the rope pulley side of the wheel, then fit a
plastic disc on each axle with the smooth sides facing outwards. The disc on the rope side
must not touch the rope pulley. Screw the two handles on to the threads until the discs are
tightened firmly.

Designed and manufactured in Australia by Industrial Equipment and Control Pty Ltd

Distributed by Scientrific Pty Ltd

ABN 55 056 072 694

PO Box 420 Yamba NSW 2464

Phone (02) 6645 8111 Fax (02)66458125

The pulley has a small slot in the edge that accepts the end of the cord to hold it while the
cord is wrapped several times around the pulley. By using the key ring at the end of the rope,
the rope is pulled firmly to spin the wheel and, as the rope reaches the end of its length, it
disengages from the slot in the pulley edge leaving the wheel spinning freely.
As the handles on the Gyroscope are moved by the user, the wheel is being forced to change
the position of its axis of rotation. This change of position is strongly resisted by the
Gyroscope and a considerable force is exerted on the person holding the handles. If the
person is standing on a rotatable platform (Cat: MF1891-001), the persons body will be
seen to rotate in reaction to the forces applied by the Gyroscope. This rotation proves that a
reaction force exists and also the direction of the force can be determined.
x The Gyroscope wheel has spokes. The discs on the handles are designed to protect
your hands from touching the spokes and the rope pulley while holding the handles
tightly. Nevertheless, be careful not to catch fingers or clothing in the spokes of the
wheel and be careful also not to permit the spinning tyre to touch skin or clothing.
x Be sure to hold handles tightly and, for best results, hold arms outstretched and locked
firmly at the elbows.
x When pulling the rope to spin the Gyroscope, always have a gentle practice run before
pulling the rope more firmly. Check that the rope comes away from the pulley
correctly and freely and be sure that the rope cannot tangle in the spokes of the wheel.

Designed and manufactured in Australia by Industrial Equipment and Control Pty Ltd

Distributed by Scientrific Pty Ltd

ABN 55 056 072 694

PO Box 420 Yamba NSW 2464

Phone (02) 6645 8111 Fax (02)66458125

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