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Splunk Enterprise Splunk Enterprise

Overview 7.0.0
Generated: 9/29/2017 9:16 am

Copyright (c) 2017 Splunk Inc. All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents
What's in this manual?................................................................................1

About Splunk Enterprise.....................................................................................2

About Splunk Enterprise.............................................................................2
About Splunk Enterprise users....................................................................3
About Splunk Enterprise deployments........................................................4

Splunk Enterprise Resources and Documentation..........................................7

Product resources.......................................................................................7
Splunk Enterprise Administration................................................................8
Searching and Reporting..........................................................................11
Managing Knowledge................................................................................13
Customize and Extend Splunk Enterprise.................................................15


What's in this manual?

This manual serves two purposes.

Provides a technical overview of Splunk Enterprise and its users.

Discusses the features and describes the components of a Splunk
Enterprise deployment.

Provides topics that help you navigate the documentation based on tasks
you want to complete.

About Splunk Enterprise

About Splunk Enterprise

What is Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Enterprise is a software product that enables you to search, analyze, and
visualize the machine-generated data gathered from the websites, applications,
sensors, devices, and so on, that comprise your IT infrastructure or business.

After you define the data source, Splunk Enterprise indexes the data stream and
parses it into a series of individual events that you can view and search.

You can use the search processing language or the interactive pivot feature to
create reports and visualizations.

Splunk Enterprise features

The following table highlights seven Splunk Enterprise features. You can read
about more features on

Feature Description
Splunk Enterprise indexes machine data. This includes data
streaming from packaged and custom applications, application
servers, web servers, databases, networks, virtual machines,
telecoms equipment, operating systems, sensors, and so on,
that make up your IT infrastructure. The maximum indexing
volume depends on the Splunk Enterprise license.
Search is the primary way users navigate data in Splunk
Enterprise. You can write a search to retrieve events from an
index, use statistical commands to calculate metrics and
Search generate reports, search for specific conditions within a rolling
time window, identify patterns in your data, predict future
trends, and so on. Searches can be saved as reports and used
to power dashboard panels.
Alerts Alerts are triggered when conditions are met by search results
for both historical and real-time searches. Alerts can be
configured to trigger actions such as sending alert information
to designated email addresses, post alert information to an RSS

feed, and run a custom script, such as one that posts an alert
event to syslog.
Reports are saved searches and pivots. You can run reports on
an ad hoc basis, schedule them to run on a regular interval, and
Reports set a scheduled report to generate alerts when the result of a
run meet particular conditions. You can add reports to
dashboards as dashboard panels.
Dashboards are made up of panels that contain modules such
as search boxes, fields, charts, tables, forms, and so on.
Dashboards Dashboard panels are usually connected to saved searches or
pivots. They can display the results of completed searches as
well as data from real-time searches that run in the background.
Pivot refers to the table, chart, or data visualization you create
using the Pivot Editor. The Pivot Editor lets users map attributes
defined by data model objects to a table or chart data
visualization without having to write the searches to generate
them. Pivots can be saved as reports and added to
Data models encode specialized domain knowledge about one
or more sets of indexed data. They enable users of the Pivot
Data model Editor to create compelling reports and dashboards without
designing the searches that generate them. Data models can
have other uses, especially for Splunk app developers.
Download the Splunk Enterprise Quick Reference Guide

The Splunk Enterprise Quick Reference Guide (updated for version 6.3.0), is
available as a PDF file. It is a six-page reference card that provides information
about Splunk Enterprise features, concepts, search commands, and search

About Splunk Enterprise users

Splunk Enterprise serves different types of users. There are five main personas
that use Splunk Enterprise:

Persona Industry Role Activities

Administrator network
engineer, Configures, administers, optimizes, and

system secures the Splunk Enterprise
administrator deployment.
Sets up user accounts and permissions.
Gets data into Splunk Enterprise.

Oversees knowledge object creation,

data analyst, normalization, and usage across teams,
system departments, and deployments.
administrator Gets the data into Splunk Enterprise, or
works with the administrator to do so.
Creates and shares data models.

data analyst,
Uses Search to investigate server
problems, understand configurations,
monitor user activities, and troubleshoot
escalated problems.
Search User engineer,
Builds reports and dashboards to
monitor the health, performance, activity,
and capacity of their IT infrastructure.
Identifies patterns and trends that are
indicators of routine problems.
professional, Uses Pivot to build reports based on
data analyst, data models created by the Knowledge
executive, IT Manager.
Pivot User
professional, Creates reports and dashboards to
manager, monitor their businesses.
system Identifies trends in the health and
administrator performance of their businesses.

system Integrates data and functionality of

integrator, applications with Splunk Enterprise.
professional Builds Splunk apps and add-ons with
developer custom dashboards and data

About Splunk Enterprise deployments

Splunk Enterprise and your IT infrastructure

Splunk Enterprise indexes data from the servers, applications, databases,

network devices, virtual machines, and so on, that make up your IT
infrastructure. As long as the machine that generates the data is a part of your
network, Splunk Enterprise can collect the data from machines located
anywhere, whether it is local (on-the-premises in a server room), remote
(off-the-premises in a datacenter), entirely in the cloud, or a hybrid (such as
on-premise and in the cloud).

Most users connect to Splunk Enterprise with a web browser and use Splunk
Web to administer their deployment, manage and create knowledge objects, run
searches, create pivots and reports, and so on. You can also use the
command-line interface to administer your Splunk Enterprise deployment.

Splunk Enterprise supports a multi-user and distributed product architecture. This

means that you can search and report on data spanning multiple Splunk
Enterprise deployments within a single datacenter or globally across multiple
datacenters and cloud infrastructures.

Splunk Enterprise Components

Component Description
Apps are a collection of configurations, knowledge objects, and
customer designed views and dashboards that extend the
Splunk Enterprise environment to fit the specific needs of
Apps organizational teams such as Unix or Windows system
administrators, network security specialists, website managers,
business analysts, and so on. A single Splunk Enterprise
installation can run multiple apps simultaneously.
A forwarder is a Splunk Enterprise instance that forwards data
to another Splunk Enterprise instance (an indexer or another
Forwarder forwarder) or to a third-party system. Most forwarders are
lightweight instances, with minimal resource utilization, allowing
them to reside easily on the machine generating the data.
Indexer An indexer is the Splunk Enterprise instance that indexes data.
It typically receives data from a group of forwarders. The
indexer transforms the data into events and stores the events
into an index. The indexer also searches the indexed data in
response to search requests.

In a distributed search deployment, you might have multiple
indexers, also known as search peers.

To ensure high data availability and protect against data loss, or

just to simplify the management of multiple indexers, you can
deploy multiple indexers in indexer clusters.
In a distributed search deployment, the search head is the
Splunk Enterprise instance that handles search management
functions, directing search requests to a set of indexers and
then merging the results back to the user. In a single-instance
deployment, the one instance serves as both search head and
Search head indexer.

To ensure high availability and simplify horizontal scaling, you

can deploy multiple search heads in search head clusters.
For more information about these components and their roles in a distributed
deployment, see "Scale your deployment with Splunk Enterprise components" in
the Distributed Deployment Manual.

Splunk Enterprise Resources and

Product resources
This topic is an overview of the documentation, education, community resources
to help you find the information you want about Splunk Enterprise and other
Splunk products.


What are you looking

Where should you look?
Everything you need to know about Splunk Enterprise
configuration and usage is in the Splunk Enterprise
documentation. The following topics will help you find
information in the Splunk Enterprise documentation.
Splunk Enterprise
Splunk Enterprise Administration
Searching and Reporting
Managing Knowledge
Customize and Extend Splunk Enterprise
Splunk platform products include Splunk Enterprise,
Splunk Cloud, and Splunk Light. Each Splunk product
Splunk products
has its own set of documentation which can be found
on the documentation site.
Each app should have its own documentation.
Typically, an app's documentation will be linked from
the app's download page or included in the app's
download package. An app's documentation will only
be found on Splunk's documentation site if the app is
supported by Splunk.
Splunk SDKs are documented on the Splunk for
Developers site. There you will find information,
Splunk SDKs tutorials, and examples for each of the Splunk SDKs.
Find module libraries and other reference materials on
the Splunk documentation site for SDKs.


What are you looking

Where should you look?
Splunk Education Splunk Classes and Certification Tracks
How-to video tutorials Splunk Education Videos

What are you looking

Where should you look?
If you cannot find what you are looking for in the
Splunk Answers documentation, search Splunk Answers to see what the
community has to say or ask your question there.
Log in to an IRC server on efnet and chat with Splunk
#splunk developers, Splunk Support, and other Splunk
community members.

Splunk Enterprise Administration

This topic lists tasks that administrators might want to do and takes you to the
manuals and topics to learn how to do them.

Install and upgrade Splunk Enterprise

The Installation Manual describes how to install and upgrade Splunk Enterprise.

Task: Look here:

Understand installation requirements Plan your installation
Estimate hardware capacity needs Estimate hardware requirements
Install Splunk Enterprise on Windows
Install Splunk Enterprise Install Splunk Enterprise on Unix,
Linux, or MacOS
Upgrade Splunk Enterprise Upgrade from an earlier version
Back up configuration information
Perform backups Back up indexed data
Set a retirement and archiving policy

Get data into Splunk Enterprise

Getting Data In is the place to go for information about Splunk data inputs,
including how to consume data from external sources and how to enhance the
value of your data.

Task: Look here:

Learn how to consume external data How to get data into Splunk Enterprise
Configure file and directory inputs Get data from files and directories
Configure network inputs Get network events
Configure Windows inputs Get Windows data
Configure miscellaneous inputs Other ways to get data in
Configure event processing
Configure timestamps
Configure indexed field extraction
Enhance the value of your data
Configure host values
Configure source types
Manage event segmentation
See how your data will look after
The Set Sourcetype page
Improve the process Use a test index to test your inputs
How data moves through Splunk
Understand the data pipeline
Enterprise: the data pipeline
Manage indexes and indexers

Managing Indexers and Clusters tells you how to configure indexes. It also
explains how to manage the components that maintain indexes: indexers and
clusters of indexers.

Task: Look here:

Learn about indexing Indexing overview
Manage indexes Manage indexes
Manage index storage How the indexer stores indexes
Back up indexes Back up indexed data
Archive indexes Set a retirement and archiving policy
About clusters and index replication

Learn about clusters and index
Deploy clusters Deploy clusters
Configure clusters Configure clusters
Manage clusters Manage clusters
Learn about cluster architecture How clusters work
Scale Splunk Enterprise

The Distributed Deployment Manual describes how to distribute Splunk

Enterprise functionality across multiple components, such as forwarders,
indexers, and search heads. Associated manuals cover distributed components
in detail:

The Forwarding Data Manual describes forwarders.

The Distributed Search Manual describes search heads.
The Updating Splunk Components Manual explains how to use the
deployment server and forwarder management to manage your

Task: Look here:

Learn about distributed Splunk
Distributed Splunk Enterprise overview
Perform capacity planning for Splunk
Estimate hardware requirements
Learn how to forward data Forward data
Distribute searches across multiple
Search across multiple indexers
Deploy configuration updates across
Update the deployment
your environment
Secure Splunk Enterprise

Securing Splunk discusses how to secure your Splunk Enterprise deployment.

Task: Look here:

Authenticate users and edit roles User and role-based access control
Secure Splunk data with SSL Secure authentication and encryption

Use Splunk Enterprise to audit your
Audit Splunk Enterprise
system activity
Use Single Sign-on (SSO) with Splunk
Configure Single Sign-on
Use Splunk Enterprise with LDAP Set up user authentication with LDAP

Searching and Reporting

The Searching and Reporting app lets you search your data, create data models
and pivots, save your searches and pivots as reports, configure alerts, and
create dashboards.


The Search Manual discusses how to search and use the Search Processing
Language (SPL). See the Search Reference for a catalog of the search
commands with syntax, descriptions, and examples for each command.

Task: Look here:

You are new to Splunk Enterprise and
want to learn how to search and use Start with the Search Tutorial
the search processing language
Get started with Search

About the search language

Learn more about the search Understanding SPL syntax

processing language
About transforming commands and

About real-time searches and reports

Command quick reference

Search commands by category

Find a specific search command or
Evaluation functions

Statistical and charting functions

About jobs and jobs management
Manage search jobs
View search job properties
Creating Pivots

The Knowledge Manager Manual includes a section that discusses how to

design and build data models using the data model editor. The Pivot Manual
discusses how to build pivots tables and charts.

Task: Look here:

You are new to Splunk Enterprise and
want to learn about data model and Pivot Tutorial
Learn about data models and how to
About data models
build them
Learn more about Pivot and how to use
the Pivot Editor to design tables and Pivot Manual

See more about reports and report management in the Reporting Manual.

Task: Look here:

Use search commands to generate About transforming commands and
reports searches
Dashboards and Visualizations
Learn about the different kinds of
visualizations (tables, charts, event
Data structure requirements for
listings, and so on)
Save a search or pivot as a report Create and edit reports
Accelerate a report
Accelerate reports
Understand requirements for report
Schedule a report Schedule reports
Generate PDFs of your reports and
Generate a PDF of your report


See how to create and dispatch alerts in the Alerting Manual.

Task: Look here:

Learn about alerts About alerts
Set up email notifications, RSS
Set up alert actions
notifications, or alert scripts
See alerting examples Alert Examples
Review triggered alerts using the Alert
See recently triggered alerts
Set up alerts using the configuration
Configure alerts in savedsearches.conf
Creating dashboards and visualizations

Task: Look here:

Learn about creating and editing
Dashboard overview
Learn about the different kinds of
visualizations (tables, charts, event Visualization Reference
listings, and so on)
Learn about the default activity and
Splunk default dashboards
summary dashboards
Learn about the Splunk Web
Splunk Web Framework Overview

Managing Knowledge
These tables direct you to topics for understanding and managing knowledge
objects such as events, fields, lookups, and data models.

Splunk Enterprise Knowledge

Task: Look here:

Understand Splunk Enterprise What is Splunk Enterprise Knowledge?

Understand and use the Common
Information Model
Monitor and organize knowledge
Manage knowledge objects
Disable or delete knowledge objects
Events and event processing

Task: Look here:

Configure event processing Configure event processing
Manage event segmentation Manage event segmentation
About event types
Understand events and event types
Define event types in Splunk Web
Fields and field extractions

Task: Look here:

About fields

Use default fields

Understand fields
Configure multivalue fields

About calculated fields

About fields

Understand and manage field When Splunk Enterprise extracts fields

About Splunk Enterprise regular
Build Data models

Task: Look here:

Learn about data models and datasets About data models
Manage data models and datasets Manage data models
Use the Data Model Editor Design data models

Customize and Extend Splunk Enterprise
Developers can build Splunk Apps and integrate Splunk Enterprise with other
tools and applications. Follow these links to help you get started.

Develop Splunk Apps

Task: Look here:

Use the Splunk Web Framework Splunk Web Framework Overview
See Splunk Web Framework
Splunk Web Framework code examples
See Splunk Web Framework Splunk Web Framework Component
components Reference
Use the Splunk REST API

Using the Splunk REST API, developers can programmatically index, search,
and visualize data in Splunk Enterprise from any application.

Task: Look here:

Get started with the Splunk REST API
Learn how to use the Splunk REST API Rest API Tutorials
Logging overview
Understand how to improve your logs to work with
Logging best practices
See the REST API Reference REST API Reference
Download and install the Splunk SDKs

Find information about Splunk SDKs on the Splunk for Developers Site and the
Splunk Documentation site for SDKs.

Task: Look here:

Overview of the Splunk
Learn more about the Splunk SDKs
Splunk SDK Reference

See the code library and examples for a Splunk
Extend Splunk Enterprise Functionality

Developers can expand the search language to perform custom processing or

calculations and customize data inputs programmatically.

Task: Look here:

Write custom search commands

Expand the search language Define search macros in Settings

Configure scripted alerts

Scripted inputs overview
Manage custom data inputs
Modular inputs overview

The Troubleshooting Manual discusses how to analyze activity and diagnose
problems with Splunk Enterprise. You can also look in other manuals to find
specific information. For example, you can find topics on how to improve search
performance in the Search Manual.

Task: Look here:

What's new in this version
Learn about new features, known
issues, and fixed problems
Known issues for this release
Introduction to troubleshooting Splunk
Learn about Splunk Enterprise
Use btool to troubleshoot
troubleshooting tools

Use the Splunk on Splunk App

Use the Platform information About the platform instrumentation
Framework framework
Understand Splunk Enterprise log files What Splunk Enterprise logs about

About metrics.log
Write better searches
Troubleshoot search performance
View search job properties
About license violations
Troubleshoot license violations
Use the License Usage Report View


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