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National Safety Council

Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

Tower cranes

P rogress takes on many forms and inno-

vations. One piece of equipment that
has helped the building and heavy con-
4. There are many design variations, depend-
ing upon the manufacturer and the intended
use. The tower crane can be erected on a
struction industries is the tower crane. minimum of ground area or within a building;
These cranes, first introduced in the United for example, within the elevator shaft or other
States in 1957, have become an integral floor opening. To increase their range and ver-
part of the changing skylines in many cities satility, some tower cranes are mounted on
throughout the country and elsewhere. under-carriages running on rails, rather than
2. This data sheet describes the operation on a fixed base; there also is a truck-mounted
of tower cranes and delineates the possi- type.
ble hazards that may be encountered 5. A turntable, which permits swinging
before and during erection, operation and (slewing) the jib, is mounted near the top of
dismantling procedures. In addition, the the tower. The operators cab also may be
various measures concerning the avoid- on the turntable. Swinging, hoisting, trolley-
ance of these hazards also will be ing and traveling motions are powered by
explained and illustrated. A 138-entry glos- electrical hydraulic or diesel machinery
sary is included. placed at a convenient location on the crane.
6. Some of these cranes are of the climb-
Description ing type; they use several ingenious
3. The primary feature of the tower crane arrangements to increase the height of the
is its elevated boom or jib. It can assume tower and to elevate the jibs (Figure 1).
various configurations as described in the Although the climbing crane can rise within
Glossary of Terms, under Tower Cranes, the building as it is erected, it is also a com-
and also in paragraph 13. mon practice to erect the crane to its full

Figure 1

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

working height before it is put into opera- b. The location of the operator within the
tion. Some climbing-type designs use cab of the crane may limit the view of
hydraulic jacks at the base to raise the hooking-on or unloading, requiring the
entire tower; tower sections are then presence of a well-trained signalperson.
added underneath. There is also a type that c. The manner of tower assembly, with
has a similar jack attached to the yokes, pins or nuts and bolts, requires regu-
which engages the frame under the lar inspection and tightening of all
turntable. This permits the turntable and connections.
jibs to be raised so sections may be added d. The detection of structural weakness
under the turntable. requires specialized detailed inspec-
7. Another type uses a hoisting winch; this tion methods.
will add a tower section to the top of the 11. The impact of these tower cranes on
tower (which extends through the turntable). the construction industry is being felt by all
A hydraulic ram then uses two climbing lad- organizations concerned with the safe
ders, attached to a support frame on the installation and use of this equipment.
upper floor of the building, to raise the Those accidents already reported as result-
turntable around the new tower section. ing from the use of tower cranes indicates
8. The tower may be freestanding, or guy immediate attention should be given to the
wires may be used to provide additional sta- setting up of suitable safety standards for
bility. Towers erected inside of buildings may this equipment.
be wedged or bolted at various floor levels
for support. In such cases it should be deter- Common causes of failure
mined that the floors are sufficiently strong 12. The following procedures have been
enough to accept the load and stresses established as significant among the more
imposed by the crane. It is important that the common causes of failure:
manufacturers specifications be strictly a. Improper erection of the crane
adhered to regarding the minimum vertical b. The lifting of loads above the rated
distance between supports. capacity of the crane, or the lifting of
9. Because relatively few of the mechani- eccentric loads
cal features of tower cranes correspond to c. Improper bracing of the crane
the design of the conventional crawler or d. Bracing, or attachment to material or
truck cranes, current safety standards and structural members that are insecure or
requirements are most often not directly unable to provide the needed support
applicable to this type of equipment. e. Erection within a building, the design
Therefore, definite safety standards should of which has not provided the neces-
be set applying to all types of tower cranes. sary allowances for the crane weight,
10. There are a variety of distinctive prob- or support at the application point of
lems presented, in addition to those com- the crane weight
monly associated with material hoisting f. Operators not being fully cognizant of
equipment. the limitations or operating character-
a. Even though this type of crane con- istics of tower cranes
sists primarily of a network of angle g. Tampering with limit switches or
iron or tubing, there is sufficient sur- other safety devices
face exposed to wind pressure to h. Failure to have instructions spelled
cause considerable stress. out in plain English

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

i. Failures resulting from use during high


Design and fabrication

13. There are three general types of tower
Climbing. When climbing within a building,
using its climbing frames and hydraulic
climbing mechanism, the cranes lifting lim-
itation is governed only by the height of the
building. As the building goes up, climbing
frames are brought up to the new stories
and the crane can continue to climb (Figure
2). Prior to its installation within a building,
the basic unit can be used as a static-
mounted crane for the first stage of the
Stationary. A stationary (static or fixed)
crane, either freestanding or supported by
the building, can be erected on a suitable
concrete base or other substantial mount
(Figures 3a and 3b). Increases in the height
of the crane are made possible through the
Figure 2
use of the telescoping mechanism of the
crane, permitting the addition of sections.
Traveling. The addition of a rail-mounted and attachments that convert conventional
undercarriage to the stationary crane allows crawler or truck cranes to tower cranes
free traveling under load on either straight (Figure 4).
or curved tracks. This is particularly useful 14. Every crane should have a descriptive
when the application requires a larger area booklet written in plain English giving
than the working radius the crane permits. comprehensive and easily understood
There is also a truck-mounted tower crane, design characteristics, installation prepara-

Figure 3a Figure 3b

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

basic attachment
The strength of the system used to
anchor the rope on a winding drum with
an ample safety factor exceeding the nor-
mal working load of the rope
Flanges of winding drums projected well
above the height of the highest layer of
rope wound on the drum in normal oper-
Non-rotating hoist rope (except on receiv-
ing systems that do not require it)
Guarding of all moving parts including
pulley block and sheave guards
Figure 4
tion requirements, erection procedures, Cabs built of fire-retardant materials and
operation techniques, repair and mainte- large enough to allow ample ventilation
nance recommendations, and general and and space for the operator to safely per-
specific safety precautions. This booklet form all duties
should always be easily accessible on Cabs equipped with a roof to protect the
every jobsite. operator (Figure 5). This is especially
15. The equipment should be properly important if the cab is located at the foot
designed and constructed to perform in of the mast.
accordance with the ratings placed upon it. Heated operators cab
16. Important accident prevention items Air conditioning of cab. Temperatures are
are included in the following sections. 95 - 120 in many locations
Adequate lighting inside the cab
Stresses for steel used for fabrication
and construction conforming to American
Institute of Steel Construction specifica-
tions. (If special materials, such as high-
tensile steel or aluminum alloys have
been used in the crane structure, the
crane should bear a notice to this effect.)
All parts of the crane and supports should
be designed and constructed to with-
stand maximum stresses resulting from
intended use. (The design and construc-
tion should provide the safety factors
specified by the authority having jurisdic-
A secure attachment of counterweights
and safety ropes, rods or chains to hold
the counterweights in addition to the Figure 5

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

Cab window frames designed so the dures posted in the operators cab, and
panes can be cleaned elsewhere if necessary
Safety glass in the cabs All controls clearly marked in plain
Proper type and size fire extinguisher English indicating their purposes and
placed within easy reach inside the cab modes of operation
A comfortable operators seat, in proper When the control panel is located on the
proximity to the controls counterweight jib, the power cable con-
necting it to the control box should be
Brakes long enough to permit safe operation
All cranes equipped with brakes or an without damaging the cable
equivalent device capable of stopping the Remote control panels designed to be
full-rated load or the jib in any position. portable, for maximum visibility
There should be an adequate factor of
safety. Safety devices
Stopping devices to be either automatic Height limit switches, moment limit
or operable by the crane operator imme- switches, and variable and maximum load
diately and directly from his or her work- limiters equipped with a signal that will
ing position, even in the event of a total actuate until corrective action is taken.
or partial interruption of the cranes Devices should be sealed in tamper-proof
power supply housings.
A device to control acceleration and An audible warning device, which may be
deceleration rates, and to prevent dam- activated from any operating position
age to the mast section from torsion A positive means of drift control on jib
effects boom swing
Slewing brakes with electrical controls Hydraulic pump on climbers provided
that regulate the rate of deceleration, with a relief valve, and a check valve,
designed and wired so that the built-in which will operate in the event of any
safety mechanism cannot be altered to hydraulic line ruptures
manual, or other controls that could bring The use of hooks of adequate strength,
about a sudden application of the slewing designed or equipped to prevent acciden-
brake tal dislodging of loads, such as by having
safety latches
Controls Installation of appropriate retentive
Crane controls designed and located so devices to prevent objects from falling
the operator can manage the crane effi- from the crane. (Be sure locknuts or sim-
ciently ilar protection is used on all sectional con-
Dead man control that will completely nections.)
immobilize every part of the machine if Safe access ladder or catwalk, both in the
the operator removes his hands from the tower and on the jibs with standard lad-
controls ders (with hoop guards), landing plat-
Plates clearly indicating the rated (safe forms, toe boards, handrails, etc., should
working) loads and with the radii located be included where required. All masts
in the operators cab on the tower, and if should be equipped with a standard inte-
necessary, on the jib rior fixed-ladder, which should be used
Operating instructions and safety proce- for climbing the tower.

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

Resilient buffers located at both ends of

the trolley

Internal combustion engines

Exhaust from the engine (when power
source is other than electrical) vented so
as not to obscure the view of the opera-
tor, or subject him to fumes
An effective means for allowing the oper-
ator to shut off the fuel on equipment
powered by an internal combustion

Rail cranes Figure 6

Design attachments to prevent derail-
ment on a correctly laid track under nor- with a master switch permitting the opera-
mal usage tor to stop all movement of the crane,
Fender supports or similar devices capa- except any electromagnetic lifting device,
ble of supporting the crane on the track in in the event of any abnormal functioning.
the event of derailment, or if a wheel or (The switch should be fail-safe).
axle breaks 21. Electric motors should be protected
A rail cranes running wheels should be separately against current overloads.
fitted with wheel guards, unless their 22. Switch boxes should be padlocked or
position provides equivalent safety. otherwise made inaccessible to unautho-
The ends of all tracks should be equipped rized persons.
with buffers to prevent derailment or 23. Where a remote control is used, all
overturning of the crane. circuits that terminate at a hand-operated
control should be supplied by an isolating
Electrical aspects transformer. The remote control box
17. Electrical wiring should not be subjected should be made of non-conductive mate-
to tensile, bending or torsion stresses, other rial, and the control levers insulated from
than those produced by its own weight or by any inside metallic frame (this frame
the operation of a winding device. should be grounded).
18. A slip-ring or similar device should be 24. The crane hoist mechanism and supple-
provided to convey electric current from a mentary equipment should be effectively
stationary part to a rotating part of the grounded to comply with any applicable
machine, except where rotation can be lim- standards and codes (include lightning pro-
ited to a few turns, the number of which tection).
would depend upon the height of the 25. The track on rail-mounted cranes
tower. should be grounded to comply with applica-
19. The manufacturer or supplier should ble standards or codes.
provide the user with all the necessary infor- 26. All electrical wiring, repairs or other
mation concerning power requirements to work should be done only by qualified per-
properly operate the crane (Figure 6). sonnel, in accordance with the require-
20. The operators cab should be equipped ments of the National Electrical Code, or the

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

applicable enforcing authority. All electrical All specifications for installation preparation
wiring and switches should be waterproof. should be provided by the manufacturer.
The provided specifications should be
Procedures adhered to, with no deviation to any
Preparation for installation degree whatever without the permission
27. Planning and the acquisition of all nec- of the manufacturer.
essary materials and data are imperative
elements in preparing for the erection of a Initial erection
tower crane. These include: 29. The original erection and subsequent
a. Providing a means for securing the jacking and climbing of a tower crane
crane (jacks, rail clamps, chocks, brac- should comply with all applicable safety
ing, guys, etc.), for applying brakes precautions, standards and codes. The
and, where necessary, for allowing it manufacturers specifications, recommen-
to swing freely should be provided to dations and instructions for the erection of
permit immobilization of the crane these cranes should be adhered to in every
when it is out of service, or to reduce detail. Any deviation from the established
loads due to the force of the wind. norms can invite a catastrophe. Among
These devices also should be provided those details to observed in these opera-
whether the machine is mounted on tions are:
wheels or not. The manufacturer Only those who are properly trained and
should supply detailed instructions. qualified should be assigned to erecting
b. Providing the ballast at the foot of the the crane.
tower as well as the counterweight to Erect the crane only during favorable
be hung from the counterweight jib. weather.
Manufacturers instructions also The sequence of the mounting should be
should include, in particular, the exact done only as prescribed by the manufac-
weights and sizes for the ballast. The turers specifications.
ballast and counterweight support Crane foundations must be adequate to
should be designed to make sure it support the overturning moment of the
can neither move nor fall. crane, in compliance with manufacturers
c. Thoroughly checking the ground that is specifications and a structural engineers
to support the crane. Choose the loca- recommendations.
tion carefully. Take any necessary cor- The stability of the crane (whether station-
rective action to prevent any deflection ary or mobile, and whether in service or
tendency of the crane. In the case of a only being subjected to the force of the
traveling crane, the tracks should be wind) should at all times be safeguarded
erected upon solid supports. by ensuring the ground and the base
d. Determining that structural support is beneath it is absolutely firm; and by using
adequate. any necessary mooring and staying
e. Preparing the slab support for a static devices such as bracing struts, guy wires,
crane in conformance with the manu- ballast and freeswinging jib.
facturers recommendations. For wheel-mounted cranes, in order to
28. In summary, two major salient safety prevent movement by the force of the
requirements stand out as imperative on wind, adequate chocking, mooring and
behalf of accident prevention: braking devices should be provided.

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

These should be capable of withstand- vide proper bearing surface so they will
ing the strongest wind forces that fit evenly.
might normally be expected under local Rig power cables with care to prevent
conditions. damage, and in accordance with manu-
Ballast and counterweights must conform facturers specifications.
to the manufacturers specifications and The operator should be located where he
instructions regarding their weight, density, or she can control the crane most effi-
size and other characteristics. The counter ciently, and have maximum visibility of
jib ballast and counterweight may be of the load block. Normally, positioning of
reinforced concrete or in bulk form. If in the operator in the frame of the crane is
bulk form, the material used for the ballast the most expeditious, particularly with
should be securely contained in a closed very high-speed cranes. (In effect, use
metal casing; the total weight of the mate- direct, rather than remote control, when-
rial so used should be checked each time ever possible).
the crane is reassembled. If the operators cab is attached to the jib,
Safety chain, wire rope or a similar device it should be installed in such a manner
is recommended to hold the counter- that the strength of the boom is not
weight in the event that bolts or other reduced, and the safety of the unit not
methods of securing it should fail. impaired.
Where the stability of the crane is A safe climbing device or ladder should
achieved by use of ballast weights, affix a lead to the top of the crane, with interme-
diagram or notice showing the position diate doors or landings at standard dis-
and amounts of such weights to the crane tances from each other (check compliance
at a point where it can be easily seen. with any applicable code).
Do not support the vertical and horizontal After erection, all cranes should be tested
load of a crane assembly by a permanent before being put into service. Ensure the
structure without first making an engineer- weights are accurate.
ing determination of the anticipated forces. After the testing of the machine is com-
When guy lines are used to support the plete, set the overload devices as speci-
mast, dead man anchors must be able fied by the manufacturer.
to withstand the stresses imposed.
Make all connections of the structural Jacking and climbing
components of the crane with bolts or 30. Jacking and climbing should be done
pins of proper size. only as prescribed by the manufacturers rec-
Secure all bolted connections according ommendations, and by properly trained and
to manufacturers requirements. qualified personnel assigned to this task.
The crane tower mast must be erected 31. Climbing should not be done when
plumb. wind speeds are above those specified by
For either exterior or interior erection, the manufacturer.
wedging and bracing should be located in 32. A check should be made of all tele-
accordance with manufacturers recom- scoping safety devices prior to jacking and
mendations only. (Additional wedging not climbing.
specified by the manufacturer can actually 33. All working ropes and/or climbing sys-
be harmful). tems should be inspected prior to climbing
Mast wedges should be tapered to pro- operations.

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

34. Maintaining the balance of the crane and experience in the operation of this type
during climbing operations should follow of equipment. The operator should pos-
manufacturers recommendations. sess a general knowledge of the cranes
35. Beams supporting the crane should be construction; and the necessary knowl-
leveled to make sure the mast is supported edge of electricity, hydraulics, trade terms,
on both beams, and at both sides of the parts identification and of maintenance
mast. needs for this work. The operator also
36. On those cranes so equipped, the should have a knowledge of safety codes
steps of each climbing ladder should be at and standards applicable to crane opera-
the proper level for both pawls to engage tion, and of any special safety recommen-
the ladder steps at the same time during dations of the crane manufacturer.
climbing. Operators should be CCCO, or equivalent,
37. After each climbing operation is com- certified.
pleted, all crane functions should be tested. 45. The storing of rags, waste, oil or other
38. The vertical load of the crane assembly combustible materials in the operators cab
should not be supported by the edges of a should be prohibited. Approved closed
floor opening without an engineering deter- metal containers should be provided.
mination that the edges will support the 46. The warning horn should be tested at
intended load. the beginning of each shift.
39. When the tower is supported by a per- 47. Procedures that should be followed
manent structure, the support should not include:
transmit harmful vibrations.
40. For either interior or exterior jacking or Visibility and signaling
climbing operations, any wedging or brac- Full visibility should be provided for the
ing to be used should be in accordance crane operator during the operation of
with the manufacturers recommendations. the crane or movement of a load. When
(Additional wedging not specified can be this is not possible, the recommenda-
dangerous). tions applying to the use of signalers
41. Floors to be used for support should should be observed.
have developed sufficient strength before Where a crane is not controlled from the
climbing starts. The nature and extent of ground but from an elevated cab, hand
bracing necessary will have to be deter- signaling or voice communications
mined by a structural engineer. should be established between the oper-
42. When guy lines are used to support ator and a competent signaler on the
the mast, dead man anchors should be ground. The operator should respond
able to withstand the stresses imposed. only to signals given by the official sig-
43. Following each climb, all fastenings naler (except for emergency stops).
should be checked. Only standard, approved signals should
be used (Figure 7). It is a good safety
Operation practice to post these signals at the
44. Only personnel of recognized ability operators position signal-control points,
should operate a tower crane. The operator and any other locations necessary.
should be mature in attitude, have quick
responses and be in good health. His or her Lifting and lowering
background should include both training The weights of materials to be lifted

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

Figure 7

should be specified, and responsibility any operation other than the proper han-
assigned for checking loads. Loads of dling of freely suspended loads.
greater weight than the permissible limit The maximum safe load rating of hooks
of the machine should not be lifted. should be clearly marked.
Special precautionary plans should be Hooks should be maintained in good con-
established and practiced for exceptional dition and equipped with safety latches.
lifting operations such as lifting large Stop gradually. The hook should never be
panels, which may be blown about by too low to cause the hoist rope to become
the wind, or combined lifting by two or slack on the drum. Standard or code
more cranes. requirements for extra rope wraps on
The crane should not be used to pull drums should be maintained (usually 4).
vehicles of any type, remove piling, Start gradually. Before the load is actually
loosen formwork, or pull away loads that raised, tension should be placed on the
are attached to the ground or walls or for hoist rope while in the first position.

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

Check all pulleys in each block for correct Limit switches on tower cranes are not
positioning of the rope in the pulley meant to be used as operational stops.
grooves immediately after a pulley-block Tampering with any limit switch should
is placed under load and before it is be prohibited.
required to perform any operation.
Riding a load, hook, sling, etc., should be Shutting down
prohibited. Loads never should be left suspended.
Free-fall lowering of loads should be pro- Except under very special circum-
hibited. The lowering of loads solely stances, the jib should rotate freely in
under the control of a brake should be the wind when the crane is unattended;
permissible only if the machine is the load block should be raised to near
equipped with a speed limiter (a device its top position.
that limits the speed that can be attained The power supply should be cut off and
by the load when the brake is released), locked out by the operator when he
and only if such brakes require continu- leaves the cab.
ous action by the operator throughout Test weights should be placed so they
the descent, i.e., only if the brake is of cannot be frozen in place or stuck in
the type which is automatically applied mud.
as soon as such action by the operator
ceases (brake with controlled release). Other precautions
The crane operator never should stand
Swinging on, or climb upon, the framework outside
Clearance between the jib and the high- the cab while the crane is in operation.
est gangway used by workers on the Climbing to the end of the jib should be
building should be at least 12 feet. If nec- prohibited except when necessary, for
essary to carry loads at a lesser clearance which prescribed special precautions
over the highest gangway, a signaler and equipment should be used.
should be stationed on the gangway to Safety harnesses and other necessary
provide warning of an approaching load. personal protective equipment should be
Loads should not be carried over person- available, and used when necessary.
nel, or be cast in an attempt to get them
down at a point beyond the cranes nor- Inspection and testing
mal reach. 48. Inspection and testing should be
Standards and codes relating to proximity done only by competent and experienced
of power lines should be adhered to. personnel.
The swing of the jib should not be 49. All inspection and test results should
reversed until the jib has come to a com- be recorded in inspection and test log-
plete stop in neutral. books on the jobsite. Records should
The operator should not make more than include inspection dates, findings and
three revolutions with the crane, if such actions taken.
procedure twists the hoisting ropes or 50. The crane should be completely
electrical cables. inspected and tested before being put into
Operating zones of two or more cranes operation.
offset to avoid collision. Priority of opera- 51. Cranes and their accessories should
tion should be established. be inspected and tested each time they are

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

put into service and after remaining idle for bles used on the ends of hoisting rope
an extended period. A full test of all func- should be prohibited.
tions should be made after erection or 60. Worn wire rope should be replaced in
extension, and before the tower crane is accordance with the wire rope manufactur-
approved for operation. Test weights ers recommendations.
should be available at the site. 61. Maintenance procedures should
52. A daily inspection should be made on: include lubrication (with chart), adjust-
The condition of the brakes under no- ments, periodic checking of the structure
load conditions and bolts, and normal running repairs.
The condition, adjustment, and function- 62. An up-to-date maintenance and repair
ing of the various safety devices and limit- record book should be maintained. Periodic
ing devices fitted to the hoisting apparatus adjustments to the brakes and the traction
The electric power installation rope of the jib also should be made.
The overload controls 63. All greasing, cleaning, and other main-
53. Grounding devices, guards, junction tenance and repair should only be per-
box covers and similar safeguards should formed when the crane is stationary and
be checked regularly to make sure they are shut down.
in place and performing their function prop- 64. When necessary to set the crane in
erly. motion to perform certain maintenance, it
54. All structural parts should be inspected should only be done under qualified super-
for broken welds, bending, etc., in accor- vision, and not during normal operation of
dance with manufacturers recommenda- the crane.
tions. 65. Control equipment should be kept in
55. A weekly inspection should be made on: good condition. Guards and covers should
Wire ropes on hoist and trolley always be replaced after removal for main-
Guys tenance work.
Electric power cables 66. All field repair welding on crane parts
Jib and counterweight jib guy should comply with manufacturers recom-
Lines mendations, and should be performed only
Hoist rope anchorage on winding by certified welders.
Foundations Dismantling
Bolts and pins 67. A check should be made of all tele-
scoping devices prior to dismantling opera-
Maintenance and repair tions. Qualified supervisory personnel and
56. Maintenance and repairs should be proper positioning of workers are important
performed only by qualified personnel and aspects of these operations. Dismantling
in compliance with the manufacturers rec- procedures should follow the manufactur-
ommendations. ers specifications.
57. Jibs should be equipped with cat-
walks, railings or with a similar means of Glossary of terms
safe access. The following terms apply to tower cranes
58. Safety belts with lanyards should be and are listed as an aid in determining the
used where and whenever necessary. correct definition for words used in this
59. All splicing of rope other than at thim- text.

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

Accessory. A secondary part of an assem- load between the axles and permit vertical
bly of parts that contributes to the overall oscillation of the wheels. This type is used
functions and usefulness of a machine. on traveling tower cranes.
Anchor bolt. Bolts embedded in a founda- Boom. Term usually applied to the luffing
tion to support the base of a tower crane. erecting member of a conventional crane.
One of the methods used to stabilize the The heel (lower end) is affixed to a base,
tower crane to resist overturning carriage or support; and the upper end sup-
moments. Designed to provide maximum ports a sheave and cable where the load is
resistance to being accidentally pulled out. lifted by means of wire rope and a hook.
Anchoring. Supports for tower cranes that (See Jib.)
could include guys, clamps, anchor bolts, Boom angle. The angle between the longi-
or suitable devices to maintain stability of tudinal center of the boom and the horizon-
crane. Type of device is dependent on vary- tal. The boom longitudinal centerline is a
ing operating conditions. straight line between the boom foot pin
Angle indicator (boom). An accessory (heel pin) centerline and boom point
that measures the angle of the boom to the sheave pin centerline.
horizontal. Boom hoist. A hoist drum and rope reev-
Auto stable. Refers to a tower crane that ing system used to raise and lower the
is self-supporting above its base anchor- boom.
age, thereby requiring no guy supports. Boom point. The outward end of the top
Auxiliary hoist. see Whip line section of the boom.
Axis of rotation. The vertical axis around Brake. A device used for retarding or stop-
which the crane superstructure rotates. ping motion by friction or power means.
Axle. The shaft or spindle with which, or Drag brake A brake that provides retard-
about which, a wheel rotates. On rubber ing force without external controls. Holding
wheel-mounted cranes, refers to an auto- brake A brake that automatically prevents
motive type of axle assembly, including motion when power is off.
housing, gearing, differential, bearings and Bridle. Another term for guy rope and pen-
mounting appurtenances. dant. (See Floating boom harness.)
Ballast. (a) Weight used to supplement the Bumper (buffer). An energy-absorbing
weight of the crane for purposes of stability. device for reducing impact when a moving
Contrary to counterweight, ballast is placed crane or trolley reaches the end of its per-
so its center of gravity falls within the center mitted travel, or when two moving cranes
of the tower. Can be positioned on the trav- or trolleys come into contact.
eling platform or directly on the tower above Cab. A housing that covers the rotating
the platform. (b) When term is used for rails superstructure and/or operators station.
or tracks, it refers to the material that holds Cable reel. A device usually used on travel-
track in line, provides drainage and distribu- ing version of tower cranes that permits
tion of load uniformly to the sub-grade. automatic, power-controlled winding or
Stone, gravel, slag and cinders are a few unwinding of electric feeder cables from
local materials used for ballast. bogie platform to a stationary power
Base (mounting). The base, or carrier, on source. Tensioning device eliminates haz-
which a rotating superstructure is mounted. ard of slack cable being cut by wheels, or
Bogie. Two or more automotive-type axles becoming tangled and breaking.
mounted in tandem in a frame to divide the Capacity chart. A sign or plate giving the

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

maximum load capacity and other deter- to climb within a structure. Spacing of lad-
mining circumstances. der steps controls height of incremental
Castellated nut (castle nut). A special nut jump.
with notches to permit cotter pins to be Clutch. A friction, electro-magnetic,
inserted in matching bolt holes to prevent hydraulic, pneumatic or positive mechani-
nut from working loose. Used for making cal device for engagement or disengage-
splice connections of sections in tower ment of mechanical power.
cranes. Collectors (current). Contact devices for
Cathead. A material lifting device usually taking up current from runway or bridge
designed as a horizontal cantilever having a conductors or from static to rotating com-
single load sheave at its unsupported end, ponent.
extending over the structure on which it is Conversion tower. Refers to a tower sec-
supported. A load line from a winch is tion that can telescope within an outer
reeved over the sheave to provide load lift- tower extension. Usually fitted with a jack-
ing power. ing mechanism to permit telescoping oper-
Catwalk. A walkway with handrail or hand ation.
rope, mounted on a horizontal jib for Counterweight. Weight used to supple-
access purposes. ment the weight of the machine or struc-
Chord member. The corner member of a ture. Contrary to ballast, counterweight is
structural jib tower or boom. positioned so its center of gravity falls out-
Clearance. Distance of any part of the side the centerline of the tower. On tower
crane to a point of the nearest obstruction. cranes it is usually placed on the outer end
Climbing. The act of raising a crane within of a counter-weight arm known as the
a structure as the structure height pro- counterweight jib.
gresses. Counterweight trolley. A wheeled car-
Climbing frame. A structural platform riage, supporting counterweight, mounted
assembled to the floor of a permanent on the rails of a counterweight jib of a tower
structure around an opening through which crane to permit varying the radial position of
the tower crane climbs. May be further the counterweight to provide variable
described as a horse collar. Usually fur- counter-balancing effects. Especially useful
nished in pairs and serves a dual purpose: in positioning the counterweight to ensure
(a) For providing support for the tower the plumbness of the tower during a climb-
crane resisting vertical forces and in some ing operation.
designs also horizontal forces. (b) Aid in the Crane. A power-operated machine for lift-
climbing function by supporting climbing ing or lowering a load and moving it hori-
ladders. These climbing frames either rest zontally, which uses wire rope and in which
or are bolted directly onto floor slabs or the hoisting mechanism is an integral part
steel building framing. of the machine.
Climbing frequency. In a climbing tower Crawler crane. A crane consisting of
crane it provides an indication of a number rotating superstructure with power plant,
of floors that can be poured or erected operating machinery and boom, mounted
before climbing. on a base, equipped with crawler treads
Climbing ladder. A ladder suspended from for travel.
a climbing frame used in conjunction with a Deadman control. A device built into oper-
jacking mechanism to permit a tower crane ating levers (usually spring-operated) that

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

when released, will return automatically to Extension. Refers to tower crane sections
a neutral position. that are built up with four individual panels
Derrick. An apparatus consisting of a mast bolted together. Lengths vary from approxi-
or equivalent members held at the top by mately 10-20 feet. They are used on static or
guys or braces with or without a boom, for traveler-mounted extendable type tower
use with a hoisting mechanism and operat- cranes to increase tower height. Through the
ing rope, for lifting or lowering a load and extensions an inner-telescoping jacking sec-
moving it horizontally. tion climbs, permitting increased heights.
Dismantling. Describes operations Factor of safety. Term used in engineering
required for disassembly of a tower crane. design to indicate the magnitude of the
Self-dismantling Ability of a tower crane actual working stresses compared with the
to dismantle itself without use of auxiliary yield point or tensile (ultimate) strength of
equipment. the material. These factors vary and are
Dog. Terms used for a hinged latch. When dependent on materials, job conditions and
mounted on a climbing frame, its prime regulating codes.
function is to engage openings in the tower Fail-safe. A provision designed to automat-
crane base to transfer vertical loads to the ically stop or safely control any motion in
climbing frame resting on the permanent which a malfunction occurs.
structure floor. It is further used to support Fish plating. Refers to splice plates or
climbing ladders from the climbing frame. splice angle used to connect tower exten-
Dual control. Portable control box with sion panels and elements of tower sections.
control levers (joysticks) for controlling Floating boom harness (sometimes
crane motions from either the operators called bridle.) A floating frame or spreader
cabin or remotely from the building. equipped with sheaves and connected to
Drum. The cylindrical members around the boom head by stationary cables usually
which ropes are wound for raising and low- called pendants. The boom hoist cable or
ering the load or boom. cables then lead from the gantry to the
Dynamic loading. Loads introduced into floating frame. To change the boom length,
the machine or its components by acceler- it is necessary only to change the pendants.
ation or deceleration of a load. Gantry (A-frame). (a) Structure mounted
Eddy current control. Electrical speed and on a revolving superstructure of a machine
brake regulating device that permits a soft to which the boom (or jib) supporting
and smooth operation of all crane motions. cables are attached. (b) Portal shaped
Acting directly on the motor axle, the eddy undercarriage with tower crane mounted
current brake exercises a variable counter on top permitting storage or traffic below
torque according to the intensity of current tower crane.
automatically fed to it. This braking torque Guy rope. Cables with both ends dead-
is opposed to the motor torque. ended. Usually used in connection with sta-
Equalizer. A device that compensates for bilizing guy derricks or tower cranes with
unequal length or stretch of a rope. cables from the crane structure to the
Expendable base. A section partially ground or to an adjoining structure or deck.
embedded in a concrete foundation to serve Hog rod. Rigid boom supports used
as convenient anchorage for installation of a instead of luffing cables.
statically mounted tower crane. Eliminates Jack. A device, mechanically or hydraulically
the need for the use of anchor bolts. actuated, whose function is to provide the

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

means for the climbing and telescopic Load block (upper). The assembly of hook
motions of the tower crane. Usually mounted or shackle, swivel, sheave, pins or frames
at the base of the tower, and may or may not suspended from the boom point.
be an integral part of the tower base section. Load hoist. A hoist drum and rope reeving
Jib. (a) When used with tower cranes: A system used for hoisting and lowering
horizontal arm for supporting a trolley or fall loads.
block, which does not change its inclina- Load ratings. Maximum loads that may be
tion. (b) When used with conventional lifted by a crane at various angles of the
cranes: An extension added to the head of boom, or positions of trolley block on a jib.
a boom for increasing the reach. Limit switch. A device designed to cut off
Joystick. Single lever used for controlling the power automatically at or near the limit
several motions and speeds of the machine. of travel of a crane, trolley, hoist or similar
Kip. Short notation standing for 1,000 mechanism, independently of the operating
pounds. For example: 5 kips = 5,000 lb or device.
100 kip ft = 100,000 ft-lb. Line pull. Maximum pull at the drum at full
Knee brace frame. A structural platform speed, with specified pitch diameter of
used as an alternate method for support- drum or lagging for the first layer of rope.
ing and stabilizing static-mounted tower Line speed. Speed in feet per minute at
cranes (see Expendable base). Consists the drum at full speed, with a specified
of a frame constructed of beams resting pitch diameter of drum or lagging for the
on a foundation and tied down by means first layer of rope.
of anchor bolts. Diagonal braces extend Luffing. Operation of changing boom
from each of four corners of the platform angle, or hoisting or lowering of boom.
to connect to the main angles of the Main switch. A switch controlling the
tower base section. Dimensions vary with entire power supply to the crane.
design requirements. Master switch. A switch that dominates
Lacing. Structural truss members angled the operation of contractors, relays or other
to and supporting the corner members of a remotely operated devices.
structural tower, jib or boom. Mast. see Tower
Laggings. Removable and interchangeable Moment (torque). A term used to meas-
drum spool shells for changing hoist drum ure the tendency to produce motion about
diameter to provide variation in rope a point or axis. Dimensions are usually in
speeds and line pulls. foot-pounds or inch-pounds. Typical related
Lateral (side loading). A load applied at an terms are as follows:
angle to the vertical plane of the boom or jib. Overturning Tendency for machine to
Latticed boom. Boom of open construc- overturn.
tion with angular lacing between main cord Wind moment Tendency for machine
members in the form of a truss. to overturn as a result of a wind force.
Load (working). The external load applied Swing moment Tendency for structure
to the crane, including the weight of auxil- to rotate about longitudinal axis of tower.
iary load attaching equipment such as load Restricting moment (Stabilizing
blocks, shackles and slings. moment) Resistance of a machine
Load block (lower). The assembly of hook against overturning or tipping.
or shackle, swivel, sheave, pins or frames Outriggers. Members attached to the car-
suspended by the hoisting ropes. rier frame that may be blocked up to relieve

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

suspensions. When expendable, can fur- of sections to shear off from the mating
ther increase stability by increasing the size section.
of the supporting base. Term usually used Signals. A system of hand signals or bells
with conventional cranes. used by personnel operating or supervising
Overhaul. Ability of a weight on end of operations of cranes to transmit crane
hoist line to unwind cable from drum operating instructions where direct vision
when brake is released. or voice contact.
Panic button. Stop button at operators Slewing. see Swing
control panel that provides for simultane- Splice connection. For assembly of sec-
ous mechanical braking of all tower crane tions of basic crane booms, tower or jib
motions when actuated by operator. and intermediate sections; may be of the
Pendant. Term for bridle or guy rope. splice plate type, pin type or butt type.
Radius of load. Horizontal distance from Stability. Refers to the design characteris-
the axis of rotation and of the machine to a tics of a tower crane as a measure of its
vertical line through the center of the hook rigidity, flexibility and ability to safely resist
or load. forces tending to overstress the crane
Rated load. The maximum load for which structural members.
a crane or individual hoist is designed and Static loading. Loads produced by a sus-
built by the manufacturer, and shown on pended load when not moving in any
the equipment nameplate. direction.
Reeving. A rope system in which the rope Stop. A device to limit a motion.
travels around drum and sheaves. Stresses. Defined as the force per unit
Remote control. Provides control of the area. Typical units are in lb/sq in. lb/sq ft,
crane from a position outside of the usual and kg/sq cm. Related importance terms
operators cab position. are:
Rope. Refers to wire rope, unless other- Working stress Safe stress for the
wise specified. material based on proper factor of safety
Running sheave. A sheave that rotates as code regulations, etc.
the load block is raised or lowered. Yield point (yield strength) That
Safety devices. Electrical and/or mechanical stress (in structural steel and other elas-
devices whose prime function is to automat- tic materials) which will cause the mem-
ically prevent accidents due to mishandling ber to permanently deform.
of tower crane equipment. Limit switches Ultimate (tensile strength) That
and automatic brakes are some of the stress in a member that causes rupture.
devices used to perform this function. Structural competence. The ability of the
Section. The structural elements of a crane machine and its components to withstand
used in making up jibs, towers or booms. Are the stresses imposed by applied loads.
completely prefabricated and do not require Superstructure. Rotating upper frame
building up with loose panels, such as exten- structure of the machine.
sions. To vary the length of the jib, tower or Swing (or slewing). Rotation of the super-
boom, sections are spliced together with structure for movement of loads in a hori-
bolts and/or shear pins. zontal direction about the axis of rotation.
Shear bolt (shear pin). Used in conjunc- Swing brake a control device to retard
tion with the assembly of crane sections. the swing of the revolving superstructure
Its function in a splice is to resist tendency and/or to hold it from swinging.

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

Swing lock is a mechanical device to crane body with the crane operating mech-
lock the revolving superstructure rigidly to anism rotating on the frame of the truck.
the mounting in selected positions. The tower is mounted on the front end of
Swing (or slewing mechanism.) The the rotating crane body. A boom is hinged
machinery involved in providing rotation of at the top, or near the top of the tower.
the superstructure. Through a means of falls, and a gantry on
Swing speed. Speed in RPM at which the the rear end of the truck or crawler crane
revolving superstructure rotates with body, the tower is supported in its upright
engine operating at full load speed. working position. A separate set of boom
Switch. A device for opening or closing of holding falls permit the boom to be rotated
an electric circuit. up or down (luffing type boom). Loads are
Stop switch (emergency). A manually lifted or lowered by a set of load falls
or automatically operated electric switch attached to the tip of the boom.
to cut off electric power independently Static or fixed Consists of a stationary
of the regular operating controls. vertical tower mounted on a fixed foun-
Tackle. An assembly of ropes and sheaves dation. The tower can be self-supporting
arranged for hoisting and pulling. or guyed, depending on height and man-
Tandem control. Double operators control ufacturers design. The tower is usually
at two stations permitting simultaneous at a fixed height, or can be telescoped
operation. Particularly valuable on buildings for variable heights by adding additional
higher than 25 stories. elements. The upper portion of the
Telescoping. Describes the action of sec- tower supports usually two arms main-
tions of a structure to slide or pass within tained in a horizontal position (known as
another. In extendable type tower crane, it jibs) with wire ropes, pendants or links;
describes the action of an inner jacking and is designed to permit horizontal rota-
section to climb or lower within an outer tion through a minimum of 360 degrees.
extension to permit increasing or decreas- These arms, generally triangular in cross-
ing tower crane heights. Telescoping action section, are built-up members and are
is usually achieved by use of hydraulic jack- pinned to the rotating portion of the
ing mechanisms or use of a reeving cable tower. On the longer arm (known as the
system. main jib), the lifting tackle mechanism or
Topping lift. Block and sheave arrange- trolley rolls on the underside of this erec-
ment or wire ropes affixed to the tip of the tion arm. A second shorter arm, called a
boom for raising and lowering the boom counterweight jib, extends horizontally
(luffing). from the tower in the opposite direction
Tower. The vertical supporting structure to the longer arm. Counterweight is
upon which are mounted the crane compo- placed at the outer end of this arm. On
nents. some models the operating equipment
Tower cranes. A crane that uses a tower also is placed on this arm. The operator
to support a jib and occasionally a boom. cab is usually placed on the rotating sec-
Adapted to hoist and swing loads over high tion just below the main jib to provide
obstructions. There are several forms of maximum visibility.
tower cranes: Climbing Tower mounted to climb ver-
Truck- or crawler-mounted These are tically in the permanent structure.
mounted on a conventional truck or crawler Usually the tower is of a fixed height

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

and, by means of a jacking mechanism motive truck. (see Tower crane)

climbing frames and ladders or falls, is Turntable. Another term for revolving
jumped to a new level. In either case, superstructure of the machine.
supporting beams are placed under the Weather cocking (or weathervaning).
bottom of tower resting on the floor Refers to motion of tower crane job when
members of the permanent structure at not under operators control during off
the new level. This tower should be hours, to swing freely with the wind. This
braced securely to the permanent struc- prevents possible accidents that could
ture at various floors. The horizontal result if the jib was in a fixed position and
main and counterweight jibs are similar subjected to intense winds.
in construction to that described in previ- Wedge. A tapered wood or steel device
ous paragraphs. used to provide stability to tower cranes
Traveling Tower mounted on a ballast- during its operation as a climber. Wedges
ed bogie platform to roll directly on rails are used at a minimum of two floor open-
laid on the ground. The tower and jibs ings spaced at a minimum floor height,
are similar to the construction of the depending on the manufacturers recom-
fixed or telescopic type tower described mendations. When the wedges are
in previous paragraphs. securely tightened against the four main
In some models of tower cranes, the angles of the tower, they convert over-
main jib (long arm) is of a luffing type turning moments into horizontal forces
permitting rotation in the vertical plane that are resisted by the floor framing or
similar to the operation of the boom in slab. Wedges are either of the loose type
the conventional type crane (with the (usually wood that is hammered to
erecting member luffes it is referred to achieve tightness) or special wedge
as a boom). Another special type of assemblies that are tightened by means
tower crane uses the same basic tower. of adjusting bolts.
As described earlier, but the rotating Whip line (auxiliary hoist). A separate
(slewing) portion of the tower is replaced hoist rope system of lighter load capacity
with a conventional crane body that and higher speed than provided by the
rotates on a turntable mounted on top of main hoist.
the tower equipped with a luffing boom. Winch head. A power-driven spool for han-
Traction bolt. Used in conjunction with the dling of loads by means of friction between
assembly of crane sections, its function is fiber or wire rope and spool.
to resist the tendency of sections to pull Working height. Refers to the maximum
apart at the splice due to tensile loads. effective working height under the hook of
Travel. The function of the machine mov- the crane block measured above the crane
ing from one location to another on the job- base.
site. Wrap. The amount of rope that wraps on a
Trolley. A truck or carriage to which the drum in one turn.
load blocks are suspended. The trolley is
movable on the jib runway. Acknowledgment
Trolleying. The motion of the trolley on the This data sheet was revised by the
jib to locate the load hoisting mechanism at Construction Division, National Safety
its working position. Council, 1121 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL
Truck crane. A crane mounted on an auto- 60143.

National Safety Council
Data Sheet I-630 Rev. June 2006

Sources of information
American Institute of Steel Construction, 1 E.
Wacker Drive, Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60601.
American National Standards Institute, 1819 L
Street, N.W., 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20036: B30
series on Lifting Devices.
Construction Safety Association of Ontario, 21
Voyager Court S., Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada M9W
5M7: Crane Handbook (1975).
Crane Manufacturers Association of America, 8720
Red Oak Blvd., Suite 201, Charlotte, NC 28217.
National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch
Park. Quincy, MA 02169: National Electrical Code
(NFPA 70).
Power Crane and Shovel Association, 111 E.
Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202.
U.S. Department of Commerce: Tower Cranes and
Shovels, CS90-58.
White. T. G., and Corlet. E. N.: Ergonomics of Tower
Cranes, British Journal of Occupational Safety: Vol.
8., No. 87 (1969).

Copyright 2006 National Safety Council.

All rights reserved.

Although the information and recommendations

contained in this publication have been compiled
from sources believed to be reliable, the National
Safety Council makes no guarantee as to, and
assumes no responsibility for, the correctness,
sufficiency, or completeness of such information
or recommendations. Other or additional safety
measures may be required under particular


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