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,t fsrlg
{}ll i_ittS .^ .l;'ottwdr.,tlian
Enginrcrir 70
1. Distinguish hctrycen
sldtioy, t;: rl rrLui,tI:r::i,rbu,tti:riiOtt,
Stnrcrr..t r.ornaturiona,r,u"t'
StructuraJ fi,._r-.. :

ion aeep i'Ju"i"i,"il' ;i,"*l::l',"1,]il,*r twc broad categories i,iz., shauorv

where sau"tt,.al ic . "It isrlr) sltalio* foundation. ix'i,.,t',,"i.'t;:.i,11,",,i
ffiHl"r,qot:*;i::r1-ff= ,11,j:tii!ilfi,l!,,'ii:i
'ana aeen rounaai;on;;';t;ii:'.;il
and deePfoundation tilr-- crfrled
i, ur.a'iorl:'""L.:c')'/ireri' ''t-t'ilre scil or rocx
is uied ,. o.i.rii"'"",1
r"ck directly under il";i;;;
d,recuy u;o;;
As an app,oxin)at" iiflY.:l:::::
ro ..:ar'rl/ :cil,or
lhe loads to ,g firm,"irlil"r"
rhe srrucrure

," icss ii,,,,,",.i,Jnn,'li,r'i'

r"',' thun '1"il,1,111ff;,:::^."_r.,f
II;(iII IrlrIIf i r:: ,ll.: jl,\4lrtirh
in wlri,'h
a"pir, .i
at some a#ilt"'
:::'il ly'
lyiljless :t
rhan ,j
tliu r";.,,f,'r,'
l,t .'"'."i*,.iii']j.
j: j".ll]iff:::l]i,i,.j:l :.: 'rii; the deptl lr,,ro,,i;"r.'o.
'r," r-r /r,i .,ri"'i,,lli"ll;,;;' ,
but Iess than
"rr."i*,*,ii, :,ll,i i:::::'::l::lir iir.r.,rJari,,n rv;ih
2. E_rplaili various t-ypcs
(,) sr)reir(J rro.,lir,,,t ... rtrt"1"'ll''u l0u,,,i,,lio,r*,
ti'()/rnu1i ;i'u s(ltrrrrr r':'':i,crrlrrr
ttsctl hh,rr u i;r cro55-5gc11o,,
r" ir'ririiijt c()"lrllt n r,rti ,'rrrrrrorrr),
a.on',p1"*,ty ",,ti,,,,,,.'r'|r,r!"'
oi ainaur"iior. l-\,!;,: .ur(, rilyolvus rrrininrurrr
cosl anri
(ll) Strip or contirruous
continuous r'va/i sucl -- Thesc
'i."rnri car i'ot",y spaced corunrns or
ruul.. i,,r",J r),
,,,i,itt, a
rock. It is ul.o ."f"rr"d,l]r,"
common type of foori,,g
l to as walt hoii,!
t' i;id' #i}L:i;l"r 1i?TI'3.
(iii)Conrbined Foorinrs fcotings arc formed b1
(even with u,re.r,r21
16--a6;-^fhcse ro'Jing' o" colnbing 'il.-:JJ two or more columns
mav be ry|odiried,o,, ,,r,.']91,'-lt:
iJ1."1ug,op"q, i;i"."j"""'oiant
(iv) itaff or Mat ibLrntrr.
"'ti'" 'uu"t'*i'io;;'';;iXll': ':over the t:niire ar

u froaring Fount!:rriuir I
r,ne totitl Ioiid ofa
strrretLt,.u I

4, What are.the general
rerruircnr,.,,r.( ! r.,... , .

ffi*]JiililliHlffiml :,,,:*three'
i,eria, viz

Jil [i,'. :;, l :'l;;

ill f:l]l#i:'] ., Jl,!i i,l i;:
I !i- fi n] 1
",; lli ;i' J" il]"[ fi # ;,,T,::;i:.i;
,' .
tt I
(.:ij I-i{r5
- [:ourrcJntiofi

,s f;i5 :i
\ &

:r * .fl::#;#l:ni*J#l
;m*T;:*r*rr=*ffi ffi*#
(ii) i:Tffi"
i;,,ft: i*:fi"":TfrTh:,**

and 30 for
u. rcg:,rding,,
",,:,,""- :;,,"",,

adjacent foi
(r rr.) In clayey so
footing and
hvo horjzont


#ifr+1,iffitg,",l,I;***'**,** s,ra n c.ndi,i.n

; *tr*ff*;ur*t1,,'ffi;**:
CE ]]0-t
- fo(rrrdi]rkn
8. What are fe,rzaghi's beariirg capaciiy-
Ihc{:tlr ?
Tezaghi defined the ueaii,gr capaciLy eluatic;r r;asett
o, beariug capacity factors
Nr. These *hctors rtipenJan'"igl.';f;,.';r,r,g
glven as resrstance (<p) of soit. "Ihey are

].lo =
arliZ cosz 1t /4 + <p t211
. N, : % tan q ( (K,y/cos) o) _ ti
where a=exp( 3n/4_p/2)tan'9
K'7 = passive earth pressure depend using rhe above factor.s, Terzaghis urtimate
bearing capacity (1u) equation l0efficient
ls gtven as

' Whcrc c oohesioru q = 7Dr and D thc rvidth ol. {boring.

9' How wirl you account for soir cornprcssitriiity
iu 1'c.r,:rghi,s r-rcaring capacity equation.
No thebretical solution is available for local and pr','n"t,irg
fhilure is conrrnon in cornoressibre *ir slrear failures. Local shear
an Ioose sands or soft days.
In such case, the shear "o.aiii""l,,J';r"b;;;"g,
rtLnott, r,rr-noi-n ;ir',"j;Ifi';#'"iii*'r"rg,i iiHrrr"
bearing capaciry- equarion consider, ;;l;i:;i; *iiiJ.
soils Terzaehi nroposed ernpiricai ad;ustm"ni.To
a incompressible soit. For
and e. The adjusted shei strength p"r.ilild;;1G"0*
rr," ,t rt pur"i"t"r.""
*j", u, "ur "ngh

correspondirrg to local shear railure are indided

$'",Ht:m::::'il*lJ:t as Nc,, No and
I0. How to identis a soil is ,ndgl l:9u!
or undbr general shear failure in sands ?
sandv soils with (c=0) and > 36 i,Ji"r't.'
likely to occur' sandv soirs *it,, . r 5;;;;}il;ffi;rig"r'"iiiTr,t* r."irr* i.
rnay be consider.ed. For intermedio,"
9 ztiiJ"li.
- r""".""l'ii'i,r,", and.rocar shehr condition
Interpolation between rocar and. gcn-erar
*rr., li
ol' i"rri,rg""r"p""i,, factors are obtained by
density, D, of a soil is qrearer
rr"rr *irr"".r,iriions. sirniiarry if rhe rerative
rh; zoz, g":,,.;.irtr#'',]r".*ro,rions.
relative density, o. ora ioir is'r'eater Similarly if the
rhan zo;rt, .
lbr D. Iess than 20yo a local jrear s.,i.r.i'rh";i ,o,,r.",ruy be consideied and
friturc niay: ;"";;;;;;*d, or intermediate
suitable interpolatio, ,nuv ni',ruo" values of D.

il' tlow thc cllect oflvntcr.

(cr.mirurtion of bearing
iir rhe
"lf. j.^:::::1,,:,:ri,
Terzaghi's bearine canacity equari.o is b*",t capaciry ?
rfi:i'*""H?:X,::n'^.roain*riol,.'r','"ui.i" that the water tabre is
." ,,,ii. a"p*ding on the position of
fflr:?J,"J, Terzaghi's egtration which are afiected
iable position' are : (i) the
-'- ' \'./ ;il
werght component C.57BN, and (ii) tv *,. *utl,
yDrNo the ,rr"hr;;";";;;;;;,
Terzaghi suggested water tabre
correctious io be innoduced in ,rerzagrri.s
general equation with modification equation. Thus the
for water tr;L"i;'

Cl; l30i - [ouxd iox Er]girlccril)g


#l"":r[:,ru,};,i:,yJ:i,Hi",,",:,,f ,l
;j:T,:]:ii, l(Iv J, p, water rabte welt beto* rhe
= I atrd Ru{ =\.

water table at the ground

h$*'**ti-**fii :'ru+'*rutn
Detween ground surface
propoftion to depth
. rue reruns Rw and R.w are inrr.oJu"ced basea
unit weight ora .oir .,,
.*oare rlrc
i. r,.ri.oriiJ o,l]#";:,H.f:,li*rf,
rhat rhe avera,e
I2f What motlifications ,^ hn 6/..^..-_ , - .

:f capacity.
oearrng '|.,rrs #*::3""J,""",#,::*n*",:i
/. t'|
the forowing modified
.- "-v wys""urs
t erzayhigave
equations ror

'l1:"i#ym,t,ii:fJ:**f {fr ,:flrr,,:pffi".,rrr"r*",;;,


Mere sq and sr are shape

,sc, factor corrections
9c,^dq and dr are the depth A""i.."r."",i"r.
rc,rq and ir are tre
roaa lncrinaiio, io.iillli,"oi"rs . .

;T'ffiit"-,,i.=I:!:?: j,#:rjf
:il,ii;1,,1ft 5ii:,,,::,;il;",;f$:lqi
Rw = 0.5
(t + dMB), for W.T
< dqo <
For square rootins;:;':' r:: ';jl?f iDr+ B).

trii:i,ffi:fJffii;jil *t i - o:4 B t

o' o"liii:',ill,oi*li,l-*::.::,
",,* .,,,,,o,, ;;;.,, ".
' a

9or = q6- r,P,

Clj lJOj - Ibund.!lion JinSineerilg


wi':'' y.': the unit rveight of.rhc sor rurd i)1 is ihe deprh
of fbr,rndaticn rf Ir is the factor of
safety with respect ro shear failure, ihen
F ., qur/ q
or qr = qnr,'li
Here qo is called the net safe pressure (qrr) :
sucrr that q,u qns/F. This leads to another
definition called gross safe bearing
trissu,e tqj,'tfruris

where q = yD6
r.e., qs = qnf +q
i.e., q, in terms ofTerzaghis bearing capacity
factors is got by substituting for qng

*t, pressure is based on shear failure and <ioes not account for permissible

skempton's propoied a bearing capacity' soil?

thbory io. '" .riu."ut"o
""'t'"' day under qu = 0 condition.
The net bearing capaoity (q"j .ipr.!.i"r'i, gffi;
whelc cu = undrained cohesion
Nr = 5 (l+0,2 Dfts) with a maximirm limiting
value o:f 7.5 for strip footiways.
*" = 6 (t+0.2 DflB) with a maxirnurn ilfti;.,,;;;;;;lo?or.qrur.
and circular footings
I:= l,liTfp.i"",
r\c - J(l-ru.z
) with a maximum ri,"iii;;
uvIJ) (l+0.2 B/c) for rectangt,lar tbotings with
i",,nip footings.
N. = 7.5 (l+0.2DflB) for rcctanguln, tooti,ig, *,itt-O;f;r;;' DflB < 2.5
skempton's No value is based on the-ory, lah-orarory
that N" increases with the increass
t"rt. .J nelA observations. 11 may be seen
li.rhJ;;;;; ;r;6.'
16. Exp_lain Mejerhofs Bearing capacitv lheorv.
In Meyerhof s analvsis-tl-re
,."ri.ilr.e of the soil above the brr" of *," fooilin
is also taken into accountl rhe raitu.e
difference that the oentral wedge angle
inech;;r;;;; ":l;il;,
-'* ," that of Terzasheri with i.
is greatet than 0.
Mcrycr'ol'prcscntcr, a si^rprc bc.rirrg r:apaci.y
cqLration Ibr. s'arow rbundation as

Symbols s, d and i stand-for enrpirical

ccr.rection factors called the shape factor, depth

Th. capacity factors Ni and

hi, u. Noare sarne as rhat of prandtl and \ is given by

Ny *
(Nq - I ) + ran fl.4o).
MeyerhoPs bearing capacity lacrors ,,.," h,ar,,nr,. .,,*^!:.-._
-. s
or as in rerzaghi's ) but arso
aepir, orr*tine, .ii"|Jiio,i ill'll'oi:il,oil:I]rilfilion (,

are the factors conh'it,rting

,lJiln" f.r rhe bcaring capacity of footirrgs
in cohesionress
Considering c = 0 for cohesion
less soils rve have

Cll 130-! - litundatlon Ergjueering

f {1'
ll .-"..
above cquiiiion the
flff:ff;T: ihclcrs rhal
...q! ,rvve.rr
irlvo an inftuence
rnrluerce con bearing
-.'--"r ofcohesion
/;\ relative dcnsiiy or rhe a,r.r._
ul v(rrreulot
e u,'t'' oi'shearingresistance'
,lll *'a*
"rii" #"iiLf'"
depth ofrhe foorin!.
!,y.) unir weighr of the

IS, What factors
influencc th
;;t;ffi l,:i:?':',iff l"'J:'fl.::1,::,::1i,*saruratedcray?
,n".iu'i#,,ii,.r,tnn*r." ry or pure cohesive soil with
u." rpu

f r_)
,n], i"""ieh, or.oil
depth offoundation

,-,,ffi l*ffi $f,*:iii+kft"*fi,,",ffi r#;#*ffi ;

;gE61ffi$'.u#i*i}u#*s,}}tliffi i+;[

For square and circular


$ti,}#"[:ffiH H::[$trfjffi:::: ,."-,* .nd irnecessa' ror


CE l30j - |oundation

20. What is the concept of useful wiCth
Meyerhof introduced the concept of usetirr
compute the bearing capacity when the
resultant load on the footing acts eccenrricafly
,r,iri, ,.spJci io the center of the footin8. In
order to account for ttre eccintricitv ;i rili;;
,ir. are modified
'- in such a
way that the load becomes concentii. to tt,. ,.iur"a ,t-i;;;"r;;, of the fo;iinr;.
Considering a rctangular. footing, there can
be-eccentricity of loading on both
he: directions. sav ex and ev in t-he width *ilrgiiiai.".ti"",
the reduced dimensions of the
se ",
io L' = L-2 ey
rit This least modified width B. is used in the
bearing capacity equation and in the
of shape factor. me toroL, ir;;;;;::,rpured
f$l'lf:, using the effective area

Yl,,:, rc I hc corrr lxrncl

ts ol. tot:rl scl i Irrrrcrr I ol. soil .l
S may be visualised as rhc surn r:f.rhree
componenrs, viz.,
Si = imrnediate or distortion settlement

Sc :
consolidation settlement
Ss = secondary oompression settlement.
The immediate comDonent is that portion
of the settlement which occurs immediatelv
with. Ioad application. This is computed
assurning soil as an iit".i"i.
combinedly called as the time dipendant
- *ttr;;;;.
,rr" settremenr
comprosslon due to cxDursron or*uie.. s, is i-t.,e';;;;;",;";;rpression due to primary
ofsoil panicles. Sc & br are compuled based un consoridation due to reconciliation

22, What is permissible settlement ?

settlernent may be crassified as.uniform, t
t or non- uniform. Tirt and non-uniform settrement
cause differential settrement. Estimation
orrnrro.," ."ttie."ni i. ,nu"h more simple than the
estimation of differential senrement. on1ou.
oii".. i*;;;;;;.,
T5yo of totalsenrement mav
be taken as differentiar settrement. r", J""rv iyp.
settlement,is fixed caned as pennissibtc ,"Ltt",,ii,it. "i
ril"irr" L,,a'r";
structure should not exceed these limits.
Inttian stanaari coJe'prov;aes permissibre values
settlement for different types ofsrructures. of

23, What ls allowable soil

iressure ?
The rate of settlement
is dirccrly proportional
-^iiu to. the applied increase in
Ioad ln the initiar stage trre"?-f"1:d^1i?,
rate of settremen,
settlement is extreming large.
i, r"oL"i at higher roads the rate of 1

ground or have experienced i;r;;ri".

At this is saia to have broken into the /
stage ah;
a bearing *pi.i,i irif,r". tht distinction between
settlement and failure uv i."rii"g"i,ri";;
;["d.t ;.,il is, in mhny instances, quite
Thus every foundation has to satisry
two irrdependenr conditions. The first
that there should be adequate facor condition is
of.safetv of foundarion. Second. the
settlement of the structure shourd not "g;r;;-;;;';rji;re
u" g,Jri".r",,gr,'i" or*rg" ,rr" structure. out ofthese
whichever gives a lower
:ffi ';ii" i",i'r,".*iii'i. ."r".."a to as the alrowabie
;:::lt|!:t "r

CE 1305 - Fouirdntion Engincering

i z, !'
1,:' )
. r.,:r,:.t,,:jj. r.'i -------.----.-------.-..--
{3;,i1;,1;;T',::ii,::::::l'r",1ij:,on,piiti;d, i .l
,,.,"' a.'.,i1,;:X'::,,:J,';;fi, ;"i'lli;jiil:,,,-;:::1..::l iu.,,, u*ar; or dirrbrent geomerricar
la:,,irc.i. dlasric tlltjlici{i. 'l i:': .rr:il is ;r.;r
jlXfr s'Urnerrrca
*l;Jl"lr,."irr-i]ti'..oi pxrarrrit,xs
.no ,,ujiision,s ,.urio. ,r"1,.,
arr: ;ffi:iT
ii,i;;i;il,?il,i'i',l,,lfff ffi:T]
oi ths soil, r,i
-'; .;x;J[x,'i, lxi ,r* ri"ri .t,iiio;1";if:[,t"I;:;:.#]fi:llilj;;l?:lil**ffi]ilT
Si - clij (l-lt2)/E Ii
Whcrc q is tho rrct I()r/rldirliori
_ igitliry i , pt
I , ,ri,,
r rrrr
or;sutc r:,ci Il is;
I r ,
rur*l r ,r; ;i;;;;;;.""' ihc inllr;i:rco lictor dopondirrg
o, shapc

3l;lluff settrement
:LL*l';: ;J::1i11":'^fi'on:
settle,ent is calcu#;;;r""'r"ed llie data available firur
a cons.rlidation data. The
\\/here Ev = Vertical
strain = e/l +e0
in void ratio
Initial void ratio
Height of compressible
Loeftrcient of cornpressibllit_v

SffiH,ruinr'ii" "", pl'.* r u ;r i,y

Applied effective pressure
Change in uppfi"a,in
26. How secondary

#,*ir*ffi lt***r*u'["d]i,*t***nlu**ffi
where Ae is the decrease
in s

;,mru;s ffi Tiilj['h**'::l;#,H[ri*,J;::r.,?.1],j:r.,",,,," t


i,:,'#il*":T,...,H::x;:::1ilHiii,r:,i;[:.,-,r,u, ^i

iir? v*r"ii",
ilff:lP"1ig;;" "u'oit "u'iai,i,l,,.'""'
jf r road g.
"i "i",,l,ii[,
Over stressing of
:,i ],X"J, :i;";l,l;.,ii,,,, "n,a
pressure site Jue to heiivy
distriiui,o,iro"'t"'" sir.rcrures and interference sti
Unequal expans;6,r.,irr^.^;, of
lrl ,..- . of
3,, ffi,,f:,T ttt#,Tliii"!:,:rJ;_itl?llii;,* str
or voiun,e crrsnge due
to rvi
freezins and
CE ll05 _ t:,ru,tdatiori sqd
t ,r
2'1, List the cruses ofsi.til
irrs{r r:cttrrca.
s.fl .;;;; ;i;;;;:'j1""""t
orrire rbii.wing racrors:

(ul) Lowering of,g,:-ulg tvaler Cue ro pumping or ratuml

Shrinkage due to seasonal causes.
1,Y) chnn,,.,'"
(v) cround mbverncr,r,Jr" i;,;;;;:;.;..1irri-rnar,L,
(vi.) Shrinkaged erosrolvih"f;;;i_;;,;;..,,,,- cL,,.rses.
29.Lisr flre mcthoCs of
confroliirrg $ctthlr cnt_
(iD ltrrvittirrg rJccp bi """"
I l[fiP:-;r.:;it:,nj,rion ro"ui"g ro deeper and ress compressibre
pocl<els oi brackets
irt column to reveal the

(vii) :,cilitj:,iJl,li?,"oli#;.,,",,,"
Use appropriate type ofpile
suited foithe situation.

" "T"".T:ffi,:'#ffi,[13]#:-q:.r,ol cqurt settrcr'ent carried out

#J,H [tlill.i[i;','#,r;i-j l]l ;:,Xinf :;,1*::liilhilXl;

HI*Ifi #fi :+,ifl l,*#.:,,i*;ffi

,to'"g. no6.,,
ri,.g-.ffi#:;J'#,ff|;"I',ili,lilii t
31.Give the permissibte
setdemenr thr i"^r^,...r _.roundatioos,
tb" isolat.(l
. E*ry ;;;;;.il;]'j"T:""1 be scftie more thnn a,d rtrfts on satrd and dav.
se$rement as per the lf;l the 1"[i *t'a"iil**
Bureau of rrirlr'r"roilJ."u. )1 ''fi"'' perrnissible setlements
,." .";o;;";;:;';;
;:x*ru;:x1tirj"L$i}"ft ,,i,}l:111fl [:,,J#:ffi *Jlil.,*tfr J"#f#
_ rne maximum d.ifferen1i6l sslllstnent
ctavey soils and 2.s"m lnust not exceed 4cm in
in . . oirou-n;il'";:,i::i:'_exceed
or toundations on sandy case of foundation on
"ase soils.
,.""Ij,1?#:;l",ii3tlll#:: cohesive soir wiil rvoid a co[apse ?

fs.What is a plate load
tesi ?


CE i305 - I c,:udtlioll llniri ceiirrg


at the proposed revel of the lbirr,ciaticn. Lo;iiJ.
is apprierl in suitabre increments depending on
the soit' Loads on the tesi nlate nrav be.apprt"; ;),
d;r;),'iffiing or reaction toading. Load is
applied till fairure. Sertrernent at i,,.,.",r*,... oi i,riinii. 'n,,"urur.o. A road settremenr _
curve with load-intensity on x-axis "icrr
and scilrerncnt:,r y-ax'is is protted. The two
curves are extended to lit thc ultinrare loeri in,!cnsiiv. libs of the

34'How the data frorrr a orat-r*aa test is use*

to estiillate the setreme,t of a footing ?
Terzaghi and Peck have recomrnend"a
tr.,ot ili" *ti"ni",ii ot: o noting on cohesionless
soir can
the settlement experlenccd r':' i"'ipiut"
oi tr," i"r. r""Jiit.";il;;;

whcre Sr= settlement ol'a lourrdation

oi-wirkh I)1(rn ) irr cnr
sI,: scttlcmcnr oI
rcst prirrc or'r.vitrrrr Ilp t.,,, il,i',i'i..r," ,"".r intonsity as on tho rbun<Iution
In clayey soil the following appioxinrate
exprcssion can be used :

35.How bearing capacitv is detcrntined

based on come pcnetration test.i
Meverhoff has given formurae.for ail"*.bG
values limiting the settrement to 25
.;r;'G;r'rJill] **o
on cone penetrarion resr
mm. rner" ior-rtue
curves for spread or strip footings on dry
sand as
based il
on Terzaghi and peck,s

These fonnurae are based on the approxirnate

rure that the N value is quarter oftle static come
resistanr:e. The value of q." obtained, uring
. tfr. oUoul-.quution. sf,orfa bo reduced by 50% it
the sand within the stressed zone is submerled.
vr"y*rr"'ii"rtr,". suggests that the values have
to be doubled for raft or pier foundation.

36.What are the conditions which are favorable for

combined footing ?
A combined footins is often thought to be more .*norni"uL
isorated rootings teras to clouermli. ih;;';;;;;ri;;h".
*r,'"n the area covered by
economy, when sub-soil contlins. oornprcssibre
friilirs area. Apart from reasons or
po.ket., unequauy roaded columns and
boundary columns, a combined footing is useJto
These footings are usualry ,r*p"
to accommodate unequar column loa(iigs (or
uui^aj ue moaified to a trapezbidal one
with a strap to accommodate wide "urr,,n "toJ property Iines.rinas) and provided
37.What factors are considered in th^c structural
design ofspread
The3]an dimensions (B x L) ora ,pr"rJ-r;";;;;l;l"."ia.a footings ?
pressure The depth of foundation uur"a on the arowable soir
environnlenrar faators of the location.
a"p.n,tr on ii,;"*r.*"r
(basement floor, etc.) and
Floting it'"rr.'i, g.*rary controlred
stress' Diagonal tension shear ur*uv, by the shear
"Jioi! ;il;;;il';;rt;."trally Ioaded square footing.

may conrror ,r," oip,r, ti" ,;;H:'irfi;
wrren the LlB ratiois grearer
38'whaterattors I
or rccta':rgutar rootings ?
l,:?i,LT,ilt ;,"."t::llt::-9"''*l'
:iffi :il"lii,?J.Tf,i;;H:,:i
CE 1305 - Folndatio0 Engj,leerilg

fuiil ii",l"x[1ff,1,*"1J"s*:*,'i,
controlied ii;,:':;;r,;: ]i':,:i";ll'"'".::::.p:::,y**oting
by the shear excepr that y,,iLle-L,.oi" il square lootlng' The deDlh is
-i, ,,.,i., ,riii'/
much greatir i""r
consideration for rectangular
.,; ;;;;;,;,;" i;J;:J'?:"i,,L::lr-!'lJt:,il: :fl :;;
footirrg:r iu i,, rt.," ru..*,,,*i.,r,ii tl,e
1, ,cinforccmsnt.
39.Clas_sify piles based oninstallitiou liretlrods.
Based on instalation t""r,riq*. pjil'r-irLc
piles' Driven piles rnay be concrete, ciassifie<.I as crriven pires and cast-in-situ
steel or timbo,. con.."t. piles are
,iH:l;,::I?:J*[iJl',1i1-'.:'u",";t" crassified as driven
'*''''i' iii"J"'"a r'o'"a
*qri."ii*ii"rlrrvrw'v "o.t-in-.jiu-l#;;i1.,
vIIe rs the or)e casted in it casting yard and .-ur"qr""try;,;';.
Driven cast-in-situ niles are lbrrrrecr rvitrrirr
thc eround by driving a crosed boftom
::,rjll^T1 ,subsequently'iirting ,u:iir, so rbrmed wirh adequate
pirc is r.ourrci *;ir,i"'ir.. s19.yJui
it *i"."1"Jil;.J;H;,
mporary casing and subsequeilly-filling
concrete. f, pf^i, ."ir#."A
40. Classify piles based or functions.
Where the topsoil is so.ft.or too lveak
to support the super_structure, piles are
transmit the toad to the underlying used to
bearing piles. Ifthe bedrock is noi"*ir,irg
ui.. end_bearing piles or poinr
ri ,l"rrl,,"irl'i"r,,,, berowtheground surfaci, the
Ioad is transferred throuqh rri"ti"".[rI,i," ,ir""Jr,;fi".:rln piles are cailed friction pires.
Transmission rowers. ofr--shore platfonnsind'bi;;r;;;;r;;
subjected to uptift forces and
piles are used to resisr the unrift'force.,
resist horizontar and inclinei ror"".
iiil;;i;i rnliia "r.
oin. or tension pile. In order to
i,, *ui.. u,ii
Apptication of piles forproviding an;i,ri*,"'.i,,I,?ip,,lfl1ll"*,*o batter pires are used.
*"hor piles.

Under this classification piles, ntay

be further. ciassifie<j as timber, steel, concrete*br
composite piles' Timber piles
ire, tire tir,rr.iiyi., oi:rilr, ,"a"
pile is 20rn. 'l'he uti, ii,"f!i p;i"rlruy from tree trunks. The
liil'[:il*ff:ror 'r u" increased by treating them
Steel piles consist ,cnerall,v ol.cit'cr
pipc pilc:: or r.r.rlle. sreel H-section
piles. Because
Lestr;ctio" u'i i'ngir, ,,,,' ,,..r pii",
:rjl',-'i ;'iliJ:T..tffic1]f;-no
Prevented by increased {.hic]iness, encasement
arc arrected by co*osive
' i, .orJr"i"'o.'iy
.^ piles are o*IiL,,:,,rp*jlecl Ierrgths ancl shapes wjth reinforcemenr. The
i,",i'#HL"lH#:l:t'J:,,"J:iJ;,,[:tiif,:{*::|;J"',i.i,g ,o,n"nt deveroped during

42. Classify piles based on ground

rttes are also used to r
compaction pires. rhese dispracement
granular soils there is a
- I1""'-" !' J(r('rL"rrrrrirr Y()lullle ol soil during installation. or
t"n,l", In
orlen results. Driven piles l""r.i?l--]9'compat:ti'''r; hrtt i^ clays t,,"""i"g
l;"H:H'ii,x1il'[::11 ];:T;1[iffi Jj:T"lf "ith,r;;ri'1,:';f"ll
m m:f ,;,r' :]*;:',Thffi::::iH:

Cij I j0-q
- l:oundalion Enginee.ilS

t (:.,-

l,l l
43. List rhc udva ntages of costjli-situ cuocrcie pilcs
t tles ot any size and length rnay
)il precast drive-n
lre consnrrctecl at the sirc.
pil.s, rl,"r" i, no;ffiil'f
iffi;:' danrage or problern or
(iii) Suitable in location where vibr.ations
oiauy type or noise are to be avoided.
Suitable also in soils with p""r';;;i;;;;;;1ffi '
cosr-in-siru pires tike ura."r"o,,,"J'pi";;;;;;;;';;**,
bearing capaciry.
44. Give.typical length and capacities
of various pilo types,
Various pile types, their lengths
and capacitics are iabulated below.

Pile fype
Max. pitc lcngth (nr) Iifaximum Dcsign
Timber toad (kN) |
30 300
Driven precast concrete 30
Driven prestressed concrete 900
60 900
Cast-in-situ concrete
40 900
Cast-in-situ under-reanued
45 90c0
Steel Pile
Unlimited 10000.
60 2400
45,List the advantages ofdri

,tl, Pli;ffi ;,;:x,ffi:.,t:?fi l"ox,lliL,,"""

(rr) 0,,* are
t" rir.--*q,Iir"n,"iii'ni"
p,og."r, of the work wiil
lt"tT be
(iiD piles driven
in ton,,oott the adjacent soil and therebv
ueuring capa"ityg#tll:!f,!" increase the
(rv) Thesupervision of the work
ai the site is less cumbersome
as the work is neat
("1 The spaoe for storage ofmaterials
(vi) In places wher ground water isisless.
al pressure, driven'piles can be used

46. I-ist rlrc disadvantages gf

drivcn precast concrcic pilcs

lffil"',,|nJ}ii ff"6**'"i"ra"'i"iii*r'r,stand
proper advance
,funningi. required for casring
hancrins stress during

(iii) Heavy equipmerit js req-uirea the piles.

(rv) i.L,
be p'"di",.d.''fl; ;;ethod
ffi;T: }!:fli "outd
(v) ri;;;;;il;j;'i
more Jengths, rhis ieacls ro
invorves cauing off extra
addirional cost.
rvhere the drainage conditions
i"il il;;;';# f;"Jltrors ot. adjacent structures are to
ji.ti"U"a, these
.(vii) Not
should not O" r.#,o,,, piles
suitable in,location whcro
noisc is pruvefitcd,
47. List the disadvantages
of cast-in_situ concretc
(i) Dilcs-
These piles auring instaltaiio^.r.qr,.rJ,]?rr"n,r
ofall the materials used rn , l:pe;"vision
and quality control

l;1, fl:,';:11?'J.Tt"^"u,u",*,. i,u;';;;.;" rvirr not be neat and crean.

nctlon derived by driven pit"s
feasible here. ln cot esion. j!ri."*if . i, no,

CIi I305 - trbundrtion Bnginccr.irrg

r+,rii+:,r:'-,.:- i,;r ';: ii '-:..,ri'::;r'**uir*'**i'xai-;;tsii1vlaa+r}qri6x$;#i'{A'

)f (iv) constluction may be riiilic,it in iocation rvherc there is ground

water flow or
artesian prcssurc,
(v) Norr-homogeneity r:l.pile marerial rnay be possible
due to segregation.
48. What are the uses of piles ?
Transfer roads througrr son soil o'v/ater to a suitabre bearing
stratum by means
ofend beaiing of the piles (oalled cnd _ bearug pues.1
(iD t*rr", ,o1o:,1:-o retari,.,ery weak iir
Uy ,.un, of friction atong the
1l.qjn ,"i:
lengtll of the piles (callccl l.riction oiles.t
' (iii)
compact granular soir trrus ;ncr"asing trreir density and in
trun bearing capacity
(callcd cornptrction pilcs)
Tie down the structures to uplift due to hydrostatic pressure or
ove urning rnonrcrrt (callerl.subj.ect
upiift uii,;s).
Resist large horizonral r:r inclinerl ibrces (calied baner piles)
Provide ancrrorage against horizonrai prii ti.o," sheet-pfung
werlls or other
pulling forces (called anchor pii:s).
Protect water fi'ont stiLrctures irueinsr inrpact from ships
or other floating objects
(called fcndcr piles and dolphins)

49. What are the_design proce.<lures of a pile foundation ?

(D Calcr.llate loacls - one for bearing capacity
tn, other for settlement.
(i0 "natl," soit stratinJion, -ana
sketch the soil profrre or proflies ,tlo*,iint
profile superimpose the outiine_ of the propo-sed f*nduti;; on trris
(iii) Establish the pennanent water level ani fiuctration levels.
(iv) DeoidetherypeofpiteandrlletfroO.,fiiiiafr"tt";.'''''.-
(vJ Dotcrmlne the lengflr of edch pile.
(vD Establish pile spac-ing.
Determini pire capaclry.
Check streri in lo*"..t to.
(ix) Analyse for pile settle[.]enr
(x) Design the pile cap.

50. W lt lhctors arc to bc r:ousirlcrcrl il lhc sclcciiou of nilc

(i) Size, weisht

fff :::"11,; Il it
Location of water tobte .,,,i iri ri,"",i. "t.
l,:, ?;
JIIjj*""l,, *
Types ofstructur.s in ttre ,lci,riLy
Environmentat conditions pr;;;il
oi,ir" ,it" or"onr,.u"rion.
(ril ;;;;;;posed
site location.
Depth to which trrc pire rraiio

fiiii, ffXlklfl,i",'T,:ll,f*m*il l[; et:l|''* which the p,e has ro

(r,(., Llre span of.proposed pile lcruntlation.
51. What factors decicle the
rh" b"u;;;;;;.j;ji: j:?[iliHJ,l.,:'::':#,::,?uctu.ur
tne supporting strensth of st.ength of rhe pi,e and
the.oiiona tn, ,,iruif", oi:ri.,],*o
first criteria is satisfied when thc *nools the design load. The
pif" rora lr'*.iri.t"i,Jo o, to avoid
driving' (ii) to avoid over stressing i,.1 damage from over
ofthe,rir. ,na"r,ririin toad and (iii) to
faiture of the pire. These ru",o,=ilr*'L,rr.,; avoid buckrinp
material and pire dimension u'a uo"o.cinjii
il.1l";il;?1 properry depending on the piie
irt-. ,rrr"t ,rur. srress ln a particurar
type ofpile
CIj l30i - Fourdrtiur [ngineer;ng

t t1 t

is fixed 6y the code.

lJur tjro
supporting stl.engthen by rire second criter.ion
.i.i.e.. the
of ;he llj;,i:-i:,],rii,,,rl"nrrcJlcd
sort .nli:js :i:c
standard f.ili: ;:r:,te.ial o,. ,1," iill,i
52. How a load on a pile
is car.r.icC ?
:ed l:)'s]'ir: lli:rion, a,rrJ oanry]y rhc resisrance ofrered":FU:J'"';3['c:rr by
rffi:rli,i;il?:,i: r f *;li[lfii{.i..l:j,'li:['1,,,", g*rrr"L:[*x
Qr.= Resistanco duc to sriin lriction Q, = Q, l (]r,
vp l(cslstallue due lo point iiictlorr

A. = El"Gctivc surface .:rea ol,rt,. ,.,,^ S,-: fl,*rrlf

q, = Bearing p.essure u1:i'l*".'ilif'1 soil along the ernbedded
ofsc shaft length
Ap - ,,ea ns are"
r-- average unit skin friction or r _,

,'j",,:i,ffi fi,fijllHl,",ffi ffi :,ghbearingrheu,,ima,e

Values of K arrd reconrmended

based on angre ""t" by brous and used. Meyerrcops varue ofoan
be used which is

ffiT,$;E:}ffi ft;fr iffi *T* ::r,,.ss "#r".rii,irr; rri

Ii;J:ilffi#ffi l,fi :,ji,rJ#i"itil":11i,.:,,,:.,':,;xffi

is rhe principre on rvlrictr
,t?;,I*;;:i j",i**
ii;rY.ffj l,ilc-Ilriving fonnirta

r*$*",*l,,lt***,****4*ujill,*-,,u ,i

Cl, I30j - I ooNdiliol i.:itginocring

e Whcre E = driving en$tliy. j.;.r-.ii,::,iif . ., : ,..:. ,,:,.;.:;r.:ri
taken as the;rile peneuaticr;:s ( tirt lest fevz drivirrg hlow:
). i.lccor,,',,,, 1,,.,.';; ':.i,,11,r,,.,.i
.or.,on,. c,r..,

C,= 2:54 x l0 ..2 ( ) lirr.rfu.olr hiiiirriieri.

(: ,0.2t,4 r lt) 2(
l i r r r; t ,. : r i r r r IrIIiiI;rrr:r.rl

56. Wlrtt are the limitaiiors ol.lrile tlri,rllg ,.,r ;;r..rl;c i,

Dynamic forrnutae ay.e ori,t.,,i,, ,,,;;.;i;;, uf irirpa,:r of two tiee bodies.
is not a lree bodv and is rcsirrin:rr Bur oiie
drrc :c, Lr,: ,,r. :,.,;,:i,., soir r..,hich
thc incteasu in deprh ol' pilc kcc rs on increasins with
lro,crrxrio;; i': ,,i,,r,1',i,,,,"t'r.i uflccrrcirty about the rerati&snip
betwe.n the static load fesistance and
dyr.mic I"u,l'.".'rrun"r. Ari dle formurae
are based on
the premise t'at the soir resistaucc
to some extent true in coarse-g.ainc,l
i"o artcr driving operation. This is
;;;;';'i,."rr,,. ,"iil;;;
formulae may be used "' ",L,uri,, ;ron_cohesive soils. Dynanric
i; .o;:.;;i".i;"
results in cohesive soirs "onr,-a",iii,-
ur. not likety to yield usetul
,ll',i", yierd any information abour pile

The most comnrontv us"a r,unrr",'
tripped, falling freely on the cap
;. ii,.:';;;I;,i,,;rr.
Tliis hanrmer is ,ifted up and
block n,,J"rrr,rr,, ,,,*,,i,*a on ,tr" pile head.
hammers are quite satisfactory ior.ligi;,
*;.k: ',r"oi,i"i This tvpe of "il,
blows and length ofleads reqJired duiing rorrrges are the srow iate of
.;;ii. ,,i;:--"*'"^ in.adequate fall to drive the pile.
For rapid driving ani tr;ct er crfi";,,cr
emptoyed. In the single acting hirrnnrers,
,;r,gii'"r"il,5,. acting sheam h.ammers are
required height and rhe rarn aiops
.h;;; is u;ed to Iift the ram up to the ;;:;;;_;re
In the case of double *trg.r,u*r"r,
una"r groJii;;;,;#iil"od
which pushes the pire inside.
pressure is used. steam harirrners
iu", e'#ir,'i,ri;ig'"ird drlving process steam or air
devices like t'
are more eijiciunt thanirop
piessure, g"n".utoi on;-i o.;;.""'""' "'""
hsurmer,s but needs additional

lrg dffi' trfl [:.'-ffi

_-,- i':;:l;.]: l,Tl'll,x) l:i:';:'U
__ "vi!,pv,4.r,r!;
I tlr:j rs econOmicali'.compared
i(.!i{ s \r-r (}. llrrr r igh,, havc

58. Hou,-n vibmtory drivcr is uscrl irr t;ilc rlriyirrp tr

Vibratory drivers arc. use^tl-.r.".',rr4 ;,,
oscillator having two counter-rotating iiil rlrir,in6. lt consists ofa variable soeed
isilt,. rlhe ec"entric weights produce two
unbalanced vertical imoulses.d,,,ir;"t,;.t -;;;;r,,i;"r,"'iii"ll
downward impurse incrlases the r. ith the weight of rhe pile the
cicrvnrv:lid IL,.,r, i;, 1,.,n .,1.'.-rr eq
is almost equal to the natural ,iequerrcv uency of vibration of the pire
amplitude which helps rapid pcnetr.ation .;ii;r,I,J,i,, ;il;';;,.
"ho,n,r"r, .. occurs causing high
trf p;ii. V li,roii,:, jrave several advantases
tvpe orha,inre* u;,.., t..i.,r.',;,
i;;':i;;;;;;;;'l;;,il.ilf,irh #J.,lt:;
59.Uuder rvhat condition a poinl_bc:rrirrg
pi j; i-r r.rrJ ,.,
Point - bearing Oiles nray h.',,
,,Jtr,r** i,i,5;i,";:i;iliff,lji,i,,:lixill ;:ijl is ,virr,in a reasonabre depth
:::;:'i,",ilfl-,":"Xii;'ir"-,.,.i,'1;,ll:0.rn,u,,,.'::i''. r.],u,,r,'..,:oi,l"'i'ffi[:i':l il:'r:Ti::
devetop ttre required capaciry
,, ..r;.';;;.;;i,-:r,,',,,'"'ir]',,'..I,11"ffi so as ro

Cl'j I :,i0:i - i:,,r:r:.jxiiojr Lnirir-ocrir)L{




60.Untler rvhat filcrI conttitions fricti'iii' piles urr'iii",i "!
Friction piles are used when hard stra[urn or beti rocli is deep rvhich would require very
long point-bearing piles. Tlre length of frictiorr pilc valics rvith the characteristics oi the soii,
the magnitude of loads, and the size ofthe piirs, irrictiorr piles aie suitable in ariy deep deposit
and in layered soils.
In the case of cohesion less soils the skiir iiiction is computed based on the coefficient
offriction between the pile surface and the soil. In cohcsive soils the skin friction is computed
based on the adhesion factor between the clay oltire pilc sur.face. The nraximum value is iaken
as that equal to the cohesion,

61,Horv piles are useful irr a sandy strBturii ?

(i) lf.the soil prollle show that tho upp.r'straruln is a soft or compressible materiir

overlying a lower dense sand stiatum, then piles are used io carry the load
through the upper layer to the dense sand stratum.
(i, Ifthe soil profile shov/s that th? lnaterial is roose sand, p es are used to compact
the sand deposit in o'der to incrcasc its riensity ar:rJ trenie its bearing capacity.
(iii) If sandy river,beds are objected to scour, piles are used to ourry thi toad oi ttre
super structure to dense sand layers below the rnaximum depth ofscour.

62. Explain the bearing capacity of piles irr dcep cohcsive depositsj
Il a.deeq-cl1y
-. A. t,ctron
deposit pire deverops friction a[ arong iis surface and acts as a friction
pile in a cray deposit is supported by adhesion between the soil and the
of the pile. Soft clays came in direct conarct rvith the surface of the p
be equal to the cohesion ofthe clay. In stiffcrays, usuaUy a gap
e *a ir,, ,"y
is criated between"arrirl""
the soir ani
the pile surface. Thus the adhesion will be less ihern that ofti'e cohesion
oftho olay.
63, Ifow an under reamed pile is construclod ?
.'hand An under reamed pile isconstructed by making a hole ir': the ground by making use of
- operated auger. An under remernber dcvicc ii then lowere<Lin the cieaned hole at the,
required depth' The under rsamer device has sha'p oiades and when pressed tates
the shape of
a bulb.ultimately and is provided with a i:uckei to collect the cut soil.
If is pressed aow,i ana
rotated. under pressure, the blades open up aird due ro rotar] action, the
soiiis cut and falls in
the bucket' when the bucket is ful the Jnder reamer is pulled
out and cleaned. The under
rgamel i-s lowered again and the process is rcpcated, After ihe urtirnate enrarged
end is rormea,
the reinforcement oage is lowered and concr&s i: done.

64.What is an under reassured pile ? .

. Under reamed piles are ofbored cost-i*-siru and bored compaction concrete p es with
::lT.g:1 lT_:-]t :ni1c"d baseil
aoequare bearrng or anchorage.
is rermecl a ,bulbs or una"r_oiu*. rhe bul6s'p;;;J;;
An under_rcaineJ pile ruey have one, t*o o. *orc bulbr,
accordingly they are referred to as singre, doubre or
m uiri-unter-reamed pires.
piles should satisfy all the design ,"qrlr.,i.,.rtr.r,'
n.onr.*tional pite. Under_reamei pll*;;
used,for a.variety of field applicatiorr, ru oirraiu acte,;,,ate'caiacity for downw*d:il;;
and lateral loads and moments as in traninrissicr, ,otr". iuiiniu,ion, to take the foundation io
deper stratum in order. to prevent the effecr
nt",.rrurri'.t .ffi as in expansive soirs, to reach
trrm strata and to take the foundation belorv :i;urrr.

65. lVhat is a pile group ?

Driven piles, when used as a foundction, ar.e
alli,lys uscd in a group. This is to ensure
that the structurar load of a coium. or , rvirri liss.
wit'in the zone of influence of the
CE I30i - Iirrltdatiotl Ijogiricr:riog
foundation. A rninimurn of thr
tusuol tlrlcc Pilcs. lluikliIu .::.1'l:: 't 'r:{j(i llthotrgir rirc lord rnay nor dcmand the
,u;o..or,,,1:o,,j r;',#,;#"l"l|l,,r"]i; i;,i;.;li:j,,;ll],,il$:i*.,*;:llfil
that rhey are symmetrical with
1s5pss1 ro trie road ;."..
.r *ting of resurtant struct;al
centroid orthe pit".rp. rr,i,
,;; ;;';ii*" roarJs coming on the pire are

66, What is a.pile group capacity

The pire group capac-itv is-not
the surn rcrai ofthe individual pile
rnE group. Soil disturbance caused capacities of the piles
ln by pil" i;;,;lt;;i;;1;;,
between adjacent piles, inav
*dllT ."*_,
capacities' other possibiri& is that lp;;i.,;
tie ."ir r"i*"",,
with adhesion and th" g.orp rnay iriiiii*r
pir"s may get deunfied or
LTf:.-"d tend to behave as :
lllclrlyr strow rrishei s,;il ;+rrry: .sp*r,,e #rir"'r?i;,,T"::1ff:fi:;,;ij; ltrf:,i#
;;;,"#J[,:::yJ:T:y, l, t]:l ;lli :*i,:[l,ff i;o ], ;#:fi[#lf,i #::;:i#

Where q, : number of piles in a group.

*nfijflTi}j"3it"fl,'""1-"^::::g":ed i, rreciding
'' ple spacing ?
wiu ov"irai. iviir,,uffi,iff:Hfi:"j;;::ir"j'XJr'ilJi'.lriverop-ed in the soir as resistance
:u-Tr6 "r"c":.rr"ry.' rioii"? to_u,oia ;h. ;;;,k,; il;,#i,l;,1i.".j;iL.:il"ol,f"fl:XJrXfl
l}if ;fr:l',1ilff ,T"f i' i: ""'1""0' *" ii' pii " i#i'J'i

ar"*"ii.,p."i"e;i,il:,ffil*-ljf;iT:;lff lil.t:i1l1J.1tfi
ti:i,:j,,',1#::u..f #jill$:"i{*iilii1,r*,,,**t#iiL:#,},.*l":,8};;,,:
when negative -vi.Pqv!'url Jnraller spacing may also be
skin friction exisis. advantageous

67, What is a pile load

test ?
The pile load test is the onl.,, rtir-^+ *^.r_ r . ,

rtrf,$,*,tififfi lt*ffi *#+aft -t-:i*r,l#**

;'J,i:H,::l,j:HlH;:r,10:1."J, ,*,ti*r pll *'.;;u,""; L,,"',,
road test is
l'*:irti;:rhg""#,lr,,11ffi ll,l,ffi
68, Distinguish. between
.A test pile is one
a test pilc and a ryr.rlkius
used in the I":rJ icst
superstructure. r"ri rii"r'.,:Jlllt, only
j*t,it,:*;ffi ar

:,*:,Jr.5j:ffi x#11{id:1T' j:#31ur ;#I: jr[J:{

CE i305 - Foui:cjalic.-r hgirecrirg

i !.. t'
A t,,/uriiipr J1:i. ;!.-,tj,. ,,
rr..,.in :i\rtcr srrrrciur.c. j-1,,j !1,i, I,,,,;'1,};,' ;.iii,,;.1 ir,r;r,L,ll)(:r'piles ro
.;,: ,.., ,,
,l ;..,,;]. .f:f ,,d: dicj+rl car.ry load
e.sijnilicli jrr'e !ca(; ,-r; r;:.i. ri:r:
icr:i a: l ,",.,''..], : .::',':r: one anrj halltimes rhe
,.: .,.j, 1,.,,,iri..,,1;r;;,rYatucol"l2rnrnforar

"')l.l';"J'l:J':li:'il'i'1"""11.'l:::r:r:jr:'.ij ,ir, ', :,i, ,iic ii,;rrr-s,:rirc:ncnrcurvc,nfri .,,iu.ll'r'v''li'\rwrure ioiri': ': rii'i":i i''i :''; il:.' l"::i: .,',;,. n Ll.i",-ing -filrn
a pile Ioad -
(i) The^straighr portions of
thr; ;.r: "..'.:;t ciLt'tderj
A iactor ol- sa.ferv ," ,r,, .,.....)
.ir( ire
rind the irltimate load is found.
dclcrnrincd. s:lio load against shear failure is
(iD Two+hirds of the linar loerd at th$ iotrii dispracerrent attains
"vrric' a value of r 2
(iiD Fiff1,_percent ofthe finai
prle dra:r)etcr in casc
ioad a1 t'" rotal displacernent equals I0% ofthe
]);]:"ii piles
of, (llrlrrr)j'T
o1'undcr-rcamcd """""" or'7.5% of bulls biur.t.rlr..r.
70. What is [egative skin I
Negative skin frictjon rt'hat ilet<l coDdition it
. il'il'i.,o^': .?--u'tl:" ,ffd::t5*i"'i;;J:'ii";i;*;*iffi;1i,j

3iffi J;;fll,
;,1'"ffi il'"',"
(D A cohesive fi
":kilfi'u"t' u '"#f 'fi:';"T'l':H v\4rsuuu'*es ple is a ins0arred
,-- , :": li;::;'::ll '"*l'and
process downwafit f^,-- with
w!rl1 tlme
time and during
(ii) e,on-.or,",rulx111a*#:td1filliffif;:'
:^ durino tt '

such a meaium. Iaver and a pire is insraued

(,ii) ffi'l;##il::l' " ;;;,;ii;;''#iil"T;.1:'
ro the overburden pressure

j j::,Tlti;:i,iil",.:,1,:::_fl*::,.,1,?j"":;:$_"ffi
"**;il;r,; #"enective
,r. r"-1,,,,,:rj"l]lr, ioarled pircs
a rc r u :r i-r strl : .

, !aill(t toads and seismic^-;,. ,...i,-,

in rehining wail and
l",Jl?"",ljx"if..f.i,l,i",i;:::,*:;;j,;l;, ii::j;llll..*,,*,,t: r,..'.,,,=
rer.l ioacls and momenh
ano rhe soir reacrion n".,'.tr r;,,,ili r',,:';:r on nile
ro ,,,." '1.111b':it '':"^'.:t,,'lor iesist arty Ioad in bendinq
resrst load and moment ro*'ol
i, "in'*'it""i'"'l
o' ""dlii-xbld' Pilcs are th" us'"tJ ti
resrst lateral loads
,nli l31'l:*in'
but or,,,".i:l':^i? p;r"t, c,:iir-l ""''io''
t o"t"u't' vertical piles can not
uonveurronar approacrr *s'r,li*l'[f;
inro use. i. ;".J,1.:::1
-..,_alasric, nelv r,,,,,,.;.r"i,,u*j"lrjpjil:,ij:fil?j.rfj",i:fl:;*:*:

,, *nflr*I"": understand by b:rffcr .r

;;"rfl[l,1,',i,!:ffi"iil lill, iil;;;;] ?::ll 1:r pcr pi,c, i, may be more

C ij j :ii).i - Ioi;lii::rj-rl ril.r:ri;;"",,r,
_=-- -='
rr- i.;"'

73. What are the.requirement of I pilc r:;, ,,

rttes are combined h" n
grt] at tic ro;,'r,,:rel, is relerrcd tu as the pile cap. pile
most invariably nrade oi rciniorced .",,"r.,. r;uos are
subjected to the corumn loads prus
i],,u"."rp"i, a"rign.a as individual fioting
tm risir'rr i" o],. ""!, ,ra the soir above
concentrated load alr pires in the "
sanie gr.,-"p ,,r' ,,..r,j,,,,.ji"
rhe cap. Under
plle cap contributes sienificruitry- equar 4xial loads. Embeddeo
{br ri e p;;'.1 , 'r1,," "r..
piie group
5 to 15% when the pir-e cap rests 1."fir. stiffness is increased by
in conraci ,.,ir;r i:re soir-anir.also the.settrement is reduced
to l5%. Following are the reoommendatic;:s by
,,,r,.f" Uy i.i.'ioa* for a pile cap,

(i) The depth of pile. gap shoul<t be sul.ficient
enough to provide
anchorage ofthe column ancj pir" ."1,lfoi""*Jnt, necessary
3-r I:l "1,equitably.
tn a group
shourd be ,igi,i l,,ougi,'io a-i;ibrrte ,re irnposed road on the pires
(iii) The ove*ani ofrhe pile cap shallnor.rnally
be 100 to
!iy) rhe pite shoild p,;j;;id;;;;r',r,"'JX.l'".,r," 150 rnm.
(rl The cap is cosr ovei o tereti,,g
(vi) "iifli.rir.* "f 75i,r,iv'Lr
rn rhe casc o'rargc r:ap, *r,.i'Jiritr.,,,i.l'riiii-rriii,
mm and
ii:pose<r b"t*een
piles under the same cap, clue consiaeration
should be given.
fo, th"
74. How will you estimate the setflelncnt of :i
trile sroun ?
A widely used orocedlre ,r.,ri if,"" pill'g.up acts as a single large deep
foundation.such as a piie or.a raft. cassurnes
For end-bearing pite-'iroup the load is assumed
applied at the pire tips as a unifonn toua to be
or..,r," ur"'of ,f,;;;rp. The stress distribution berow
the tips can be evaruated using the ,pp.o*irioi"
:o o;2,;, distribution . For friotion piles
in olay, tho load is assumed," u"
rength of the piles. rhe 30 0rar "pifi"J ". "
,;;f;; ;il;, a depth of about two-thirds
- - ----- the
aisiiruuaoi i.;;;;;i; iy"iiri* r"*.r. "..i

75. Whatare the cqllses.ofpile group

settlcrneat ?
lret'ement ofa pire group is due to the
compression of pire from the loading prus
settlement occurring in the soirsupporting ihe
,i," pil.."Th""toiul
pite. The total settlement mrv ue-attriuuieJ;[;;,;;;*;auses ,.ttr.-"rt rnay be attributed the
: (i) the axial deformation
of the pile, (ii) the deformatiJn rr,"'r"ii"ti"r.,"",ir" "lr"Il,i*face, (iii) the
the stratum below the tiDs of "r compression of
the.pile. rf,_ ,"iif,i1,r.r,r"iue, to
1i; ana (ii) are very small and
expressed as the total
evaruate. Hence
-vxvv v,,r
onry the
settjernent ofa pile lroup.
76. What do you understanrt
bJ a statc of pltstic
. A mass ofsoir is said to.b in a stare,ir"i"rti"equilibrium ?
rne corresponding strain a.e within ll,,irii.-irm when the stress invorved and
erastic i;,";,r. n-,irr., of soir is said to be in a state of
plastic equilibrium. if faitrrre ir rlrou, tn o".,rl';;,,,,i,i;,';;; at
a, points
this mass. within
:Hl'1ffi':,:i"AXJ:;'ff:i},::r'"rv ".,"*:u"" i"'i"il;;Ji:."",. -Normarrv, the yierding on
tt" *tot".,,urr.'}",;#;l:::1"':lll"u.^t (bricl< fill) produces.flailureo;1;l;Jilili;i
a part of thii Inass undergoes failure
is ierered
;:;jffi l


CE l3C5 .. Lb{ir{taiion lr8inecrirg


":*+i ,#;+--.

7'i. lirplair the effect

n rvali
wt.u o wuri-;.".i;i;ffi",'""J[,:iljl,' t'
'.l.'' 1It:'tirrr ]: "s:;:,)f.
ill']lllil,"."::"1i1displacernen,.s. ril1,,;;;j,,.;,, ,l;l:',,,1,;,1,^,1-'l"r!.oi,"rlundthereareto

If the wallrolates or rr,6.r.,r... ,,

,".,rting'r;;l':;,"T.i,:filll;_ ,,i:.i,l;{.:::].;:i ,l"rrr rire.backnrr,
!vl:!ii il'i(:
il:,. the soir mass
t'ull shear
l;10.r.:irvL'presslrre. i.-,rrnirit",,,l ', i ir. r,lr", i.1",':: .;::.,",,..
i -.
in Iaterai p...uu-r"
l.erlsuio lbr rt ;.
. Onthe otherhand if the
rvall jr:ol,c:i , . jij.
,ar'ue ,* i i , , i ji. ,: ;rr

;;":i,,;;.;i,:;i ;,,,,,';,::'il;'H,I"'j*lll::.i:.
:ic ;t>; rhis condition is called *:r,* the
'78, DcfiIrc
Farth Pressure :lt rcst.
ln tts nalufal stBte. atn
ro nl eiernenl ol.suil i:l :l ii,jt1ji r,"1
s;l.min - the elertrgit

tf **i:*:;',i+.r,11.1,:ffi:;i1i;nffi i,nr3T"#,,ilpf, ry
rrrrr"tJliitl"rl::"illjr'' infinite exrcnr i'rt;r irorr.zonhi directio^
and ar rest condition,

i:; ir;:1-, 1;,1-:.islioarrcriscalrcdtheco-efticienr

79. Give.typical values
of Ct of ''",'irl' i lr t r';r t j: , i
I heoretically the c"-";,"^1*'.t-'i rc:i r
ucrenf of earrit tl:.rr.,I; '
c i,i, ;s gi,,,en try
. .{ proper choice of poissotr,s ratio lir,. lili rr:):l 1,.1s
;:i'i;.*[:"J1,::'"ffi.'# it
is^no rvuv r,""-..,,,1,i,i"nr:,ntade'
Choice or rorthe soir
berorv. -"'- ",,i r:.,,. ;iriJn,l.o,i.iJ'111h
'*'tres orr" our,;,,.,i
ii'il.rllill,,ll f
Soil Typc Loose Sand Dense
. Sand
" srn,.i ci.)riiliiri)i,r,:i
r3i1;r ^..... , .. iI layers

Ko Soft clay }Iard clay

0.4 ;;"'
0.6 0.5

CIi l.lC:! - :;ruri.j,rilDrr

If the same wa, moves towards the.soii,
to iir o.crcr to maintaih stabirity the
resistance this process
of ollerirg ;,.;r.;;;,':,,,riitt aru"top due soil wi, ofrer
ed movehent of the wa, ( o. *".li"ill, to the inward
pressure. This passive pressure,, ; is calted the passive earrh
is more "_p"]t_.i.r',
ttrin tf,",,"tiu. fr.lrur".
is ,- 81. Establish relationshins between
ie :r.d iatcral car,r pressures at failure.
Mohr's circte reorlsenting trr. rtut.
or: rill.rrJJ,. i,,,.'JJiroi,r* is shown
l-."p::."nj. the srress condition-ar th. tir;
f-ri;; ;;;;
in Fig. point I
lrom the plane on *r,i"ri in" ,u;o, tiu.e plane inclined at an angle
pri::cipal srr.ess acrs.
The radius of Mohr,s circle is
trorn the
origin. From Fig.l ard tl']e center is located at a distance



82. List the assumptions Rankinc,s

(i) rhe soit mass ir."mi_innrit",
Earth pressurc theory.
io;;;lr:fi;;d cohesion less
rhe ground surface is. a. plane, ;;;;;;;;iiltar or incrinea.
The back of the wa, ii
between the walr and the".ru.oi
-ii,r,,"r there are no shearing stresses
backfi, r"ir. i, *ords, the stress rerationship for
to the wall is the .urn" u, io. ury other
"Oj""ent element for away irom
(iv) The walr yields about the base and thus
satisfies the deformation condition for
plastic equilibriurn.

83, \Ybat is the significance

ofthe as,sumptions of smooth wall in Rankine,s
In the Rankine's theo- tne warr is theory,
That is there are noshearinp
stresses acting between th
may be developed on the wa,
srrac" o,,ai;;;ffiflfi ilii"il
practice considerabre frictioi
material. Rantcin";;;l;;;;"ll assumption
results in an over-
fi1XT:::.:fi:1,i",'#1ff:':::lo an extenr d"p",i;i;;';"'ii,;.,,s,irud, orthe wal rriciion.
tne safe_sia-e. ii;;.il;;"fr"ssure and under_estimatioo of pas.-sive
in rnaking this assumption
G;;;, ;;i#;;
design based on this is no, i, tig"lii..ri"ra ,r,.
tn prcssurc
""iX;'i.'i:;:[9Jfij:[1li't'c orr dav or moist cohesion ress backnrr
*"rr i. potii;ffir',["}u,.;Xfl:"fij,ti'" orplasLic eqtrilibrium i'.""-urir-niJ*t", g,"

= lateral earth pressure

= Vertical pressure on the elemerrt F*

CD 1305 - I:oundation ll ginccring

i/ -)

":, ,,

The tttal active earih pl.essuic

tnanguiar pressure disriil..rition.
ira { Fig. 2j ,icr l,r,ii le;,gth r:i rlre r,,,all rs compured
from the

actilg at i{/3 above the base

of the q,srll.
For dry backfill .use
and for. n.roisi b;rr:iil,ill

85. ltrow rvill you comDutc

thc acriv. ^.^.-.,_... oI'a
. rheJ,i;-;;;;;;:'ll'"',:i]tn'ou*"ru
u-e coinput'-'d i:sing
sub-ntct'gcrl cohcsiorr rcss backfis
? /
subrnerged *ith Ilarikinei Th""t:-'H;; Ii"i.lm1 i,
';";;;"'ii,; i';in
J:[;?""' ":'#]: |:|'ifl; i1itpff[',,Ti"::.iij;:f,, m
Thus the pressure at the
base ofthe wall.

Then total pressure.

acting at x above the


vou computc tlrc p:rssive prcssurc

of a cohesion tcss backfllt
"'f;il;x*":"t with uniform
. Using Rankine,s the

[":i,li1tl*l;.{i#f },;/r;:lillri:,*,,.*,",'i,:iil::ilH.
lffi l";',T'..'"1:f q.
pressure al rest is ko q . The increase in latera]-earth -v

Hence the lateral passive pressure

at any deptir of is given

At the base ofthe wall, the pressure

indentnity is given x (Fig. 3)

acting at a height ofabove

the base ofthe wail ( irig. ,i)

:l;,*ffii=!:.,"1",Ir0'i" the pirssiy+ Fr*r;:iril'.j nr'

:r baclifilt lyirh rwo rrifferent
lJere ltankine,s earlh
is the angte rsr:ri. Jil{r anct l'i
rr*.rr* ,".irij::t-t1l.:.:il'ber':spc('iiv; the height ofbackfill' then
carm pressure"rcoefli"i.nt. ,;r;1;.'l;ire Kn' & Kpz are the passive
wnere is rhe unitweightu.r,l',",."^t.irt.ttre rr;,".1.i,,, i-tl.'
t't" soil iaver i' r''iii""'" witn
";,i1':']:g,igl,t,"r'rirr, l- J#rj'ojifisu'lnarse
The p'essure ar the base,,
Ia)rer. Thar i,pp;i#;; or" to rveight. ol firsr layer
piris rhe la[eml pressure
i"" due to second
Then total pressure po
is given as

CE 1105 - liruriCr,tion Eui,.irreei-irig

=r, -."':

acting at x above the base ofthe rval! (Fig. 5 )

88. What are conjugate planes al:d corjjirg*tc :iticj;i.rcr: :l

In finding out the active earth pressurc iir' a sl;1:iug-; baokfill by Rankine's theory an
additional assumption that the verticai an<] l;rtar;rl arc conjr.rgate is made. It can be
established that if the strcss on a gi.zen pla,c aL ir givun poirrt is pai.allel to another plane, the
stresl on the Iatter plane at the san're rrcilt n'ritt t,;:--prr.llLi to thellrst plane. such
ilun.i u,"
callsd the ooniugatc plancs and thc sr.resscs arrrirrg r>ri riilr.B ric calicrj conjugate stresscs,

'ln.l'rig. 6
,_[, anrl aro conjugatc sllcsscs anil ihc p,ilurrs on lvlricir these stt esses are acting are
called conjugate planes. The iatio = k, is,":aiicci the conjugate ratio.

89, triowwill you compute the acfive pressr:re of a cniir:sive backfill ?

As per Rankine's theory for a srnooih, r,ci.ticai vllll with horizontal cohesive backfill
for an active condition is

Frorn the pl'incipal stress relat.ionship, substirulir),r ji-,!- lve have

Thus there is a tension at and decieases to zero at a depth

90. Explaln crlticat depth ir a cohesive.fill : ,

As per Rankine,s earth preisure tlreory under aotive condition, up to a depth of

, the soil will be at a sate of tension, where . Thisiensile ,Gr;";"d;;;te"
com.prcssive stress equal to a dopth of . Tliis meani that,a vertical bank ofcohisive soil
smaller than Hc should be able to siand without any fut.rul ,rppoJ H"-i,
called the critical depth. This condition is not stricrly irr"-in p.,,"t"",
against the wall increascs lronr a valuc of
whereas on a vertical unsupported fabe
ofa banl.. thc norurll stless is zero at every point. As a
result, the greatest depth up to, which a vertical
li"na" rnrupported is a little less than
H". "u, "u,r

For a saturated clay, the angle of internal

{iictioii is zeiu and he.ce = l.Then H" :
Thus the sreatesr depth of which-a cut
sides can be slightly less than the critical
; t;;;;;;;;; ,,ii,i,irt rot".ur support of its vertical
tieprh, I.1".

91, How-willyou cgmlru.te the passivc pressrre

ol n cohr:;ive back{ill ?
.rn the rur rne case oI passive pressure
principal stress relationship,
antj . , Substituting these values
we get

Hence the total pressure p, is given as

The pressure distribution is shown in Fig.


Clj 1305 .. lbxrx,ill:0ir l.:, .:::\:rr-ide

ii l:,
"::'"'r:fi :Ht,i",, j[i{:1iii","1,,*;;l,J"Tl,ffi r{

q) The soit is isotropic and f,o,,riogol.;l;".."

','. il:,li,,ilfl o,,n",n"oo,
The soil is dry and cohesion c
liil r.i..'--'-
11,,.) I he ruprurc surlace is a plane surl"acc.
The failure wedge is u ,;ci.j
!iO Uo,lu.
1yl I he lressure surface is
iplnn" r*f".".
There is wall fri"tio, o,iti"llor,r" c
!"il Faiture is two-dimensionat.
sI."A*. _-_ a
^^ lyjjl o
assu*ption orp!anc ruprure d
ilf;XllT*'to" surrace in couromb,s
lf wall friction is considered
or^ resistanc"
irr an-i,,^^,:^- ._._,
...r,, ,;.'oflil;:^,.::r:::::"_l l]i]!,pr*" surface of failure unsafe values

;:ff :J,1?'J:il1,o*.'"ifjllj"*l:,i1"-;",ii"li:""'"",x'#ffi :rl#'*#';,il};*

n:i*ir:n*;,ru:,,mT*J:l{,ti*:*:#:i[:..,J.,H]u:::**,.#fl ilt
,0. *ni.,::J"^:_understand
by arching in
pd,r or a suDport retaining soits ?
posirion, the soit near soil yields whita
rnass y,"rds while rh- .--. of
^ remains in
i.l"ti"" nro"#"";;,ffi. vreldrng
,iifair" part of the suppo.rinoves
,t the res
is opposed
riom its original position, The
surrace ( or ,;;;;;, jo,'::;;:^:?rr. by the shear
kansferof pressu;i.;;.jffird*xr*:J*.,mJtf:f
'*''ufff ?:,:il,::"$Trii:;ii:.ff :
waus that yield about
rhe lower and rather 9
than the upper end.
95. What are retaining
structurcs ? L
Jlructures which are use.i r^ h^t,r r.-^r_ ,
hold back a soil mass rr

"' *''
exampres of retaining
,,ru"rj::1l: arr
wars, '"rining
at differenr erevations ,in
:1T,*::ir']'**ffi1,1?TJ:,il:':fili!ff f;iiXlX::.I:: tt

ilffi il: :l'Jl;::il:?"i",iil"1#lt :,r,mili

Dunressed types
( Fig.g ).
96. What are gravity-type
rctaining 'ryalls ? ,


mn-* Massive gravity walls

fl ::i, il""','J:; [i*[:,,."Tul;ifi l#.]iiftt;:in:ilt'*:ii T:i:t?j l;:,,r;f;

97. IIow will you proportio E
a gravity-type rehini
g rvili ?

CE I305 .- louodation
i) , i'rr iii.:'':;:
'1ljJ,]. :: !.,':
A prclinrinary dirlcnsiou h s to [;c .sr;unr*rr jirr lhc dcsign
rcl'crrcd to as proportior)ing wrrich crrabjcs rt,"
oIa rotaining walr. .r.his is
.t".ig,,.* io ,r"cid-c trru basic
wall for analysis. If trre uieriminariry serectcd
checks, then the'sections are modifiLd, un,r
'-nigurenot satisfactory,*
".r1rr"r",,,, "rin.
after stabirity
various components of gravity-type walli i.or pr"iin,inury
sho vs the dimensions of
The top width of the stenr oi truy rctaining w.rll should
. not be less than 0.3m for
construction activities. The bottom oithe base
c,r tr[ *z,ii Jourd be berow the *""ir,.iJ Jr
and in n. case less than 0'6m. The counter
of cantilever warrs. The co,nter fbrts sha[ b" of
rt;;dr" have sim ar dimensions of that
distances of 0.3 to 0.7H where H is rhc heighi-rii;,.
are,spaced at cenrer-to,center
,.irf ,lire *^lf .
98. What are.the stallility require.ments of t gravity t1,pe rctahring wall. ?
The following stability conditions should be siriified:
(r) The maximum base-pressure .rt the roe of thE walr
should be we, below the safe
bearing capacity ofthe soil.
(ii) As the materials used for the walr cannot take tension,
and the same shoura not be
allowed to develop in the base dr arrywhere in the. mater.iat.
In particular, the base
pressue should remain compressive over the
(iii) The walt should be rur" ueiinri .iioi;;
entire base width.
.i,r," wa1 and the soil
(iv) There shourd be arrequate safety over turning of
the wall by rotation about
. (v) Ap-art from safety oftlre wall against the above fbu:.facr.ors, the rvall should also be
salb against overall stability.

99. What are the requirements ofa backfill material ?

Baokfill'materiars for retaining structures should luve a property
to transfer a minimrfr
Iateral pressuro on the wall. A'g;oJ;;;ffi'li-ilu,Jriuiui,orro satisry two importBnr
requirements, viz., high.long+erm streiglh and free
general granular materiari make the best typc
..In of backfifl sinci they maintain indefinite
active stat' of srress and have free drainage.
Cr"vL"iff f r.
tend to creep. Further it is susceptibre;, r',""!rriuu-
r*utting ano shrinkage based rrn the
climatic ohanges' suoh soiis shoul<l be uuoio.J
ur u-u"r.ili'materials. The excellent back fill
materials are poorly graded to w-e[[.graded sands
" sr";"]r.--o, trr"
clays and peat's form very poor bac[nlt nlateriats.
r,rrJffi"i" r tr,
100. What are.the joints provided in retaini[g
walls ?
A retaining wa[ is provided with construction,l0ntractio*
or expansion joints. construction
Joints are provided between two successive poi," oi
joints' Each surface or the eoncrotc and are verticar ancr horizontar
.r.ur,i,t u,r,r "o,i"i.t" u"ror. placing
,ougii.".i the next pour of
Alt.f.*ivety a key. is provided
l"llfll b",;;;;;;i,.d;;.""
L.nractron Joints arc verticar qrooves orjoints,
B rnm wi,e arrd r2 to l6mnr deep, provided
thg fac ofthe wail. These ioiits ailow,h; in
harming the concrete.
*,i;;i;;;;ri,rt'."i,ni, permissibre
rimirs wirhout
Expansion joints are provided to withstand
the effects of expansion due to temperature
changes' These are verticar ioints extencling
with flexible joint fillers.
rro, ,t . ir,,i. ro tt e top ofthe wa, and are filled

CE I:ioi - Foundnlioo L)rgilN..rring

) i.

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