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Academic Reading and Writing for Business

Women are better entrepreneurs than men

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Student Number:


1.0. Introduction Page 3

2.0. Literature Review Page 4
3.0. Discussion Page 6
5.0. Conclusion Page 12
References Page 12

1.0. Introduction

Women are very much important in business and the idea is very controversial to know if
women are better entrepreneurs or not and also to see if women have ability to run a business
successfully or not. Women entrepreneurs are increasing day by day and they have the ability
to organize and well manage the tasks which makes women entrepreneurs to have their
significant position in business. Women always make a plan before staring any business as
they frame a plan and device strategies which will help them to work and women have the
better communication skills and they also offer a proper guidance because they value the
business ethics along with excellent leadership skills.

Women and business are related with one another and they have made many discussions
which show that business is very important and the customers can emphasize as well as seek
better strategies which will help them to empathize the issues and women are better
communicators which makes them to be better entrepreneurs than male as they have critical
understanding and also strong skills which make them better leaders. This essay is discussion
based on understanding the importance and the way women tend to be better entrepreneurs by
analysing the skills in Oman.

2.0. Literature Review

Women are having the best opportunity which will make them to be connected to the world
by cooperation and also successful relationships are maintained and managed by
collaborating the skills and traditional successful management. Women have the best and
better abilities as they tend to influence one another that build collaboration which is
important to have straight force and strong competition. There needs to be balance between
the effective managers that will help to retain the rights and orders of the pursuit of fairness
and make sure women are having all opportunities which will help them to be successful.
Women tend to have better business ethics that assists in entrepreneurs in business. (OPEN
Forum, 2013)

There is benefit for women as they have more patient level present among employees who
are women and they make quick decisions as the women tend to be effectiveness as women
have better decision making skills and also there will be patience used which will make
women to have the desired skills that will enable users to have better passion skills. The
ability which makes women to be superior as entrepreneurs is that they are emotional yet
passionate which builds loyalty and they will be very much careful in executing different
operations. (At the center of the frame: leading ladies of the twenties and thirties, 2000)

There are many service sectors and marketing programs that have gained fame because
women entrepreneurs gave their dedication and also as far as the social media aspect is
related people tend to buy goods from the areas which have women suppliers to be the
strongest and leading ladies which are effective for women. There have been changes
observed which show that women will be better and well equipped and also most of the time
women are managed excellently. (Flohr, 2010)

Women entrepreneurs are leading in every aspect and women tend to dominate the business
due to their capability of being successful and also changing the business. There are very
much new and positive vibes felt by women entrepreneurs that have shown women to create
lot of positive motivation which are needed for financial security and to have autonomy in
business. Women always offer positive response and also many studies show that male and
female have different strategic skills which show that independence to offer high degree of
certainty which will help in successful business operations. (Men, 2016)

Women entrepreneurs tend to dominate the male business entrepreneurs as they operate well
in business and they have more stable goals which will make independence in achieving the
goals. Women are optimistic and manage everything well in order which makes them to have
better skills of understanding and they are more challenging. There are differences in the
male and female entrepreneurs type of business. The female need to be led in such a way
that they will have the personal services and the retail trade needs to be followed in
manufacturing as well as using the high technology which will be assisting the women to
make them competent enough to face challenges. (Roessingh and Mol, 2008)

3.0. Analysis

Demographic Information

Age Gender Occupation

25-35 35-65 Male Female Students Teachers

11 4 13 2 9 6

The table shows the demographic details of the participants used in research and the
following table will show the results of respondents that will be explained in the mentioned
below section:

Table 1:

Questions Answers

Yes No

1. Does globalization impacts women entrepreneurs? 11 4

The table (1) show that 11 respondents agree that globalization has impacted the performance
of women entrepreneurs while 4 respondents disagrees that globalization has impacted
women entrepreneurs.

The result show that major proportion supports that globalization has affected the
performance of women entrepreneurs.

Table 2:

Questions Answers

Yes No

2. Do you support that women and men have same 14 1

mental thinking skills as entrepreneurs?

The results in table (2) show that 14 respondents agree that women and men have same
mental thinking skills as entrepreneurs while 1 respondent did not agree with the statement
that women and men have same mental thinking skills as entrepreneurs.

The results show that majority supports that women and men have same mental thinking
skills as entrepreneurs.

Table 3:

Questions Answers

3. What happens about the female Always right Doubts Embarrassment

entrepreneurs intuitions in

5 6 4

The results in table (3) show that 5 respondents agree that the female entrepreneurs intuitions
in business is always right, 4 respondents supported doubt to be the female entrepreneurs
intuitions in business and 4 respondents favoured embarrassment the female entrepreneurs
intuitions in business.

Table 4:

Questions Answers

Risky ventures Savings Time loss

4. What do women entrepreneurs

7 3 5
avoid vulnerably?

The responses in table (4) show that 7 respondents consider that risky ventures women
entrepreneurs avoid vulnerably, 3 respondents agree that savings tends to be something those
women entrepreneurs avoid vulnerably and 3 respondents supported time loss to be the issue
that women entrepreneurs avoid vulnerably.

Table 5

Questions Answers

Yes No

5. Can women attraction help in expanding the 11 4

business as entrepreneurs?

The responses in table (5) show that 11 respondents supported that women attraction help in
expanding the business as entrepreneurs while 4 respondents did not agree that women
attraction help in expanding the business as entrepreneurs.

This shows that majority supports the fact that women attraction help in expanding the
business as entrepreneurs.

Table 6:

Questions Answers

More responsive Survival Efficiency

6. What makes the creativity

4 1 10
capacity of women to be better than
male in Oman?

The results in table (6) show that 4 respondents agree that there is more responsive attitude by
women that makes the creativity capacity of women to be better than male in Oman, 1
respondents supported survival and 10 respondents considered efficiency which makes the
creativity capacity of women to be better than male in Oman.

Table 7:

Questions Answers

Upgrading skills Involving Discrimination

7. How are the women
entrepreneurs underestimating the 10 2 3
skills in business in Oman?

The responses in table (7) show that 10 respondents agree that upgrading skills are needed by
women entrepreneurs underestimating the skills in business in Oman, 2 respondents consider

the technological involvement in tasks to make women entrepreneurs underestimating the
skills in business in Oman while 3 respondents support discrimination to women
entrepreneurs underestimating the skills in business in Oman.

Table 8:

Questions Answers

Positive Maturity Balance

8. What makes overall decision making

effectiveness of women to be better 10 2 3
than men in Oman?

The responses in table (8) show that 10 respondents agree that positive decision making
makes overall effectiveness of women to be better than men in Oman, 2 respondents
supported maturity and 3 respondents agree that balance makes overall effectiveness of
women to be better than men in Oman.

Table 9:

Questions Answers

Takes initiative Drives for Establish goals

9. What factor makes differences in
competencies among male and 6 3 6
female entrepreneurs in Oman?

The results in table (9) show that 6 respondents agree that taking initiative is the factor makes
differences in competencies among male and female entrepreneurs in Oman, 3 respondents
support that the drive for results is factor makes differences in competencies among male and
female entrepreneurs in Oman while 6 respondents consider the establishment of goals to be
the factor makes differences in competencies among male and female entrepreneurs in Oman.

Table 10:

Questions Answers

10. How can the performance of women

entrepreneurs improved in Oman for
collaboration in team work?

The responses in table (10) show that women entrepreneurs can have improvement in
performance especially in Oman if they are provided with more positive opportunities and
also to make sure that the performance of women entrepreneurs will get better if there is
improvement in performance.

3.0. Conclusion

There are changes in business as far as entrepreneurship concepts are concerned and most of
the time there have been changes proved that women tend to lead ladies in better aspect.
There tend to be changes observed which makes women to have better skills which will make
the system to be better. Women can be better than men if they have the opportunity and peace
of mind provided by the peers that will encourage them and also they will have better
opportunity in future.

The results in survey show that majority of respondents agree that there tends to be positive
opportunities provided to women which will help in developing the system and also making
women to be better entrepreneurs than male.


At the center of the frame: leading ladies of the twenties and thirties. (2000). Choice
Reviews Online, 37(08), pp.37-4390-37-4390.

Flohr, A. (2010). The role of business in global governance. Basingstoke [England]:

Palgrave Macmillan.

Men, W. (2016). Why Women Are More Effective Leaders Than Men. [online] Business
Insider. Available at:
2014-1 [Accessed 20 May 2016].

OPEN Forum. (2013). 5 Ways Women Are Better Bosses Than Men. [online] Available at:
are-better-bosses-than-men/ [Accessed 20 May 2016].

Roessingh, C. and Mol, L. (2008). Working ladies: Mennonite women in the enterprises
of Spanish Lookout, Belize. IJESB, 5(3/4), p.241.


Respected Sir/Madam

This questionnaire is designed for the purpose of survey which has the topic to know if
women are better entrepreneurs than male and this survey will help to know more about


Name: _______________________

Age: _________________________

Gender: ______________________

1. Does globalization impacts women entrepreneurs?

a) Yes

b) No

2. Do you support that women and men have same mental thinking skills as entrepreneurs?

a) Yes

b) No

3. What happens about the female entrepreneurs intuitions in business?

a) Always right

b) Doubts

c) Embarrassment

4. What do women entrepreneurs avoid vulnerably?

a) Risky ventures

b) Savings

c) Time loss

5. Can women attraction help in expanding the business as entrepreneurs?

a) Yes

b) No

6. What makes the creativity capacity of women to be better than male in Oman?

a) More responsive

b) Survival

c) Efficiency

7. How are the women entrepreneurs underestimating the skills in business in Oman?

a) Upgrading skills

b) Involving technology

c) Discrimination

8. What makes overall effectiveness of women to be better than men in Oman?

a) Positive decision making

b) Maturity

c) Balance

9. What factor makes differences in competencies among male and female entrepreneurs in

a) Takes initiative

b) Drives for results

c) Establish goals

10. How can the performance of women entrepreneurs improved in Oman for collaboration in
team work?



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