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1. ........................, may I have your attention, please?

a. Anyone b.Everybody c.Students d. a and c are
2. Attention please! Are we ................ready to learn English?
a. are b. am c. is d. all
3. Molly : Do you understand of what she said?
George : Yes, she ......that we should speak English in our English class.
a. say b. Saying c. says d. said
4. Teacher : What do you think if we use English in our English class?
Students : ......................................
a. I agree with him b. I have no idea c. That is a good idea d. I dont
think so
5. Teacher : Dayu, please look at me! Would you stop doing that please? Are you
............ to
a. all b. ready c. happy d. feel
6. Teacher : Edo, ................English easy or difficult ?
a. am b. is c. are d. may
7. Teacher : You can wash your hand at the back yard of the school
Studens : Mom what is wash in Bahasa?
Teacher : Oh, it is ............... in Indonesian
a. bersih b. mencuci c. membersihkan d. mengepel
8. Mr. Adnan says: It is not easy to read a story to your friends loudly and correctly.
But, Im
happy that many of you can do it well. Adi for example he still makes some
mistakes, but he
can write quickly, read the story loudly, he also can remember many words.
According to Mr. Adnan, Adi can do lots of things except
a. read story b able to remember many words
c. Write very fast d. can speak English fluently
9. Irsad : Can you understand of what our teacher ask you to do?
What is the meaning of ask in the statement above?
a. meminta b. Menanyakan c. mengharapkan d. a dan b
10. Gita : Will You attend the OSIS meeting tomorrow?
Rahmat : I probably a bit late but I promise to come to the ocasion.
In the statement above Rahmat ........come to the OSIS meeting.
a. will not come b. cannot come c. will come d. wont come
11. Usman : can you play the guitar
Joni : Sorry, ................. . I need to learn how to play it.
a. Yes, I can b. Yes, I think so c. May be d. I cant
12. Arman : can you come to my party?
John : ......... Its fun.
a. sorry b. Its up to you c. No I can d. certainly
13. Teacher : Can you clean the whiteboard please?
Student : ...........(13 )
a. sorry b. Yes, thank c. Yes, Maam d. No thanks
14. Maura : Will you join us to the library?
Maya : Ok, but wait a minute.
How do you say wait a minute in bahasa ?
a. Tunggu sebentar b. ya nanti c. Boleh sebentar d. tunggu
15. Student : knock.. knock ...knock .. Excuse me, Sir.
Teacher : Oh, somebody is knocking the door. Would you come in, please!
Student : ...................(14)
a. please b. Thank you c. Sorry d. You
are welcome
16. Ahmad : Would you Please accompany me to see the principal
George : Sorry, Im a bit shy to see him.
What is the meaning of to see the principal in the sentence above
a. untuk meminta kepala sekolah b. Untuk bertemu ketua kelas
c. Untuk melihat kepala sekolah d. Untuk berjumpa dengan kepala
17. What is the synonym of Principal
a. teachers a. A teacher c. The chairman of the class d. the
18. Lina : May I use your pen?
Dayu : Sure. ..............................Dont use the red one. Theres no ink in it.
a. take the green one b. buy me a pen c. is this your pen d. that
is mine
19. Merry : Do you see myjacket?
John : Is it .................?
Merry : No, Its Edos jacket. Our ackets are similar but the sizes are different.
a. mine b. yours c. theirs d. ours
20 William : Iforgot to bring a pair of scissors. May I use yours.
Umar : Yes, certainly, You can use mine
William : Great, thank you. You are .............
a. very good b. very well c. very kind very rich
21. William : Umar Would you like to bring me the ribbon?
Umar : Certainly. ..............
a. this is friend b. that it the ribon c. here I am d. here you are
22. Udin : Is this seat taken? Can I sit here?
Edo : No, the chairs leg is loose. Dont sit on it. Please take the seat
near the window.
the statement please take the seat near the window. Is a kind of.................?
a. Prohibition b. respond c. invitation d.
23. Siti : Lets wrap the gift for Lina. Can we do it on your table?
Beni : Please do, but dont make a mess.
The expression but dont make a mess. Is a kind of
a. Prohibition b. respond c. invitation d. Instruction
24. Udin : Its very cold. Can I wear your jacket?
Edo : Sure. I have two jackets. Dont forget to wash before you return it to
me, ok?
In the dialogue above Edo remind Udin to wash the jacket before he returns
What is meant by remind in the sentence above?
a. melarang b.merintah c. menanggapi d. mengingatkan
25. Lina : you dont have to buy anything for my birthday?
Condro : Its not a big deal, I can buy it.
What is a big deal in bahasa?
a. Itu bukan hal yang menarik b. Itu bukan masalah besar
c. Itu bukan masalah anda d. tak ada yang benar
26. Cucu : Dont tell Lina that we will give her a special gift
James : ok, no worries.
What is the meaning of special gift in the sentence above?
A. hadiah c. kado d. kejutan d. hadiah
27. Udin : Hallo, good morning. This is Udin, I just received an invitation card
for your birthday.
Milla : you are coming arent you? Be there and dont be late
Udin : Yes, I am. Thanks for ................ me.
a. invite b. Invites c. Inviting d. Invited
28. what is Invitation card in bahasa?
a.surat undangan b.surat Permintaan c. kartu selamat d. kartu
29. What is the menaing of be there?
a. harus hadir disana b. harus mengikuti rapat c. jangan
terlambat d. Harus tepat waktu
30. Udin : How about you Richard ? Would you like to come to Millas
Richard : Im afraid I cant because Ill have a badminton competition on that
day. Anyway, lets buy a birthday gift for her. I hope she doesnt mind for my not
Udin : all right, ...........................(30)
a. Of course b. certainly c. Lets go then d. dont worry
31. In the conversation number (30) above who celebrates birthday ?
a. Udin b. Richard c. Milla d. Millas friend
32. What is the meaning of anyway in the text above?
a. walaupun b. ya begitulah c. ya bagaimana d.
Namun demikian
. To : Beni You are invited!
Please come to my 14thbirthday party. Which will be held on
Saturday, November 8th 2013. 3-5 P.m
At : Mentari Residence Jl. Serma Muchtar no. 97
RS.V.P, please contact 0769879 (john)
Love, Lina
33. Based on the invitation card above Who is invited to the party?
a. Lina b. Beni c. Jl. Serma Muchtar d. John
34. Who celebrate the birthday?
a. Lina b. Beni c. Jl. Serma Muchtar d. John
35. When will the party begin?
a. Its 3p.m. to 5 p.m b. Its 07698 79
c.Its Jl Serma Muchtar d. Its November the 8th
36. Acording to the invitation card above How old is Lina ?
a. Its 3-5 p.m b. Its 14th years
c.Its Jl Serma Muchtar d. Its November the 8th
37. Acording to the invitation card above Where will the party be held?
a. Its 3-5 p.m b. Its 07698 79
c.Its Jl Serma Muchtar d. Its November the 8th

Happy mothers day

My dear sweet mother
I hope your special day is blessed with sunshine and smiles laughter,
Love and happiness
I love you,
your daughter, Irma and Wulan .

38. What is the meaning of happy mothers day

a. Selamat hari guru b. selamat hari ibu

c. selamat hari bapak d. selamat hari ulang tahun
39. What kind of card that is normally written for expressing this special
a. greeting card b. invitation card c. congratulation card d. SIM
I would like to tell a story of my uncle. My uncle is a zoo keeper. He feeds the
animals everyday. He prepares foods and drinks for the animals every morning. He
clean the animals cage every day. His friends help him to wash the animals. There
are also doctors who take care of sick animals and the technicians regularly repair
the animals cages. My uncle looks very hapy as a zoo keeper. He loves his job.

40. What is the Indonesian for zoo keeper?

a. Kepla kebun binatang b. penjaga kebun binatang
c. dokter kebun binatang d. teknisi di kebun binatang
41. The term of feed the animal in the sentence above is resemble with one of the
statement below?
a. give food every day to the animal b. give drinks regularly to th animals
c. Look after the sick animals d. repair the cages of the
42. A person who repair the cage of a zoo is called
a. a doctor b. a zoo keeper c. a technician d. a plumber
43. Based on the story above, is it enjoyable to be a zoo keeper?
a. Yes, it is b. No, it isnt c. I am no sure d.
Probably yes.
What do the animals eat?
The elephant eats a lot of grass in the morning and the afternoon.The bear eats a lot
of fresh fish day and night.The deer eats grass.The tigers eats a lot of meat in the
and the afternoon.The monkey often eats banana and peanuts.The cat eats rice with
44. Does elephant eat a lot of meat?
a. not it doesnt b. Yes it dos c. yes, it is d. No, it snt
45. A herbivore such as deer is a kind of animal that only eats plants. Is it true?
a. not it doesnt b. Yes it dos c. yes, it is d. No, it snt
everyday activities
It is always busy in the morning at my classroom. Beni is sweeping the floor. Udin is
puttingthe book into the shelf. Lina is erasing the whiteboard. Dayu is throwing the
rubbish into the trash can. Siti is moppingthe floor.
46 How do you say sedang mengepel lantai in Engllish?
a. It is sweepingthe floor b. It is erasing the whiteboard
c. It is throwing the rubbish d. It is moppingthe floor
47. What is Dayu doing in text above.
A,. He is.........................
a. He is sweepingthe floor b. He is erasing the whiteboard
c. He is throwing the rubbish d. H e is moppingthe floor
Answer the following questions correctly and carefully by choosing (A,B,C Or
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 and 2.
Reno : Hello. May I speak to Andy, please?
Andy : Hello. Andy speaking. Who am I speaking to?
Reno : Andy, its me Reno.
Andy : Oh, Reno. What can I do for you?
Reno : Will you go to the Boy Scout activity this afternoon?
Andy : Yes. And you?
Reno : Me too. By the way, can we go together?
Andy : Absolutely, we can. Ill wait for you here.
Reno : O.K., Andy, thanks. Bye.
Andy : Bye, Reno.

1. The phone call is about ________.

A. Andys intention to come to Renos house
B. Renos intention to come to Andys house
C. Renos intention to go to the Boy Scout activity
D. Reno and Andys plan to join a Boy Scout activity

2. Ill wait for you here.

The word here refers to ________.
A. Andys house
B. Renos house
C. Andys school
D. Renos school

Read the dialog and answer questions 3 and 4.

Jane : Hello. Jane speaking.
Terry : Hello, Jane. This is Terry. May I speak to Bram, please?
Jane : Im sorry, Bram is out at the moment. Would you leave a message for him?
Terry : Yes. Could you please tell Bram that I wont be able to come for the Boy
Scout activity this afternoon? Ive got a problem with my eyes.
Jane : Oh, Im sorry to hear that. I hope youll get better soon.
Terry : Thank you, Jane.
Jane : By the way, have you seen a doctor?
Terry : Yes, I have. He asked me to take a rest for a while.
Jane : Thats good then.
Terry : Thanks. Well, Jane, please tell Bram about it as soon as he comes home.
Jane : I will. Dont worry about it.
Terry : Thank you for your help, Jane.
Jane : Dont mention it. Sorry, Terry, theres someone at the door. Bye.
Terry : Bye, Jane.

3. What should Jane do after ending the phone call?

A. To see a doctor.
B. To tell Bram about Terrys message.
C. To accompany Terry to see a doctor.
D. To meet someone at the door.
4. What does Jane say when she wants to extend the talk?
A. She says, Dont mention it.
B. She says, Oh, Im sorry to hear that.
C. She says, Sorry, Terry, theres someone at the door. Bye.
D. She says, By the way, have you seen a doctor?

5. Brahma : What do you think about my new motorcycle?

Duta : . its wonderful.
A. I believe
B. I think
C. I know
D. I say

6. Fani : .do you go cycling?

Vika : Twice a month
A. How far
B. How often
C. How long
D. How many

Read the text and answer questions 7 to 11.

We had a three-day camp in Tawangmangu resort last week. The location was
on the slope of Mount Lawu. There was a river with clear water not far from our
camp site. We brought cooking and eating utensils. We also had food supply.
There were noodles, eggs, fish, some canned food, mineral water and biscuits.

On the first day, we set up the tents and cooked food for our lunch. After
taking a rest for a while, we walked around to see the surrounding area. The
scenery was very beautiful. The weather was cold all day long so we had to
wear thick jackets. We inhaled fresh air which we hardly got in town. We all
were very happy.
In the evening, we had dinner together. We had hot lemon tea and boiled
noodles. After that, we made a camp fire. We played guitar and sang songs
together. We did enjoy our good time that night.

At the second day, we went tracking until 11 a.m. After having lunch and
taking a rest, we had competitions, such as tug-of-war, futsal and a guessing
game. My team was a runner up in the tug-of-war and the champ in the
guessing game. Unfortunately, my team lost in the futsal. Then, in the evening,
we performed some dramas.

On the third day, we packed our stuff and went home. We planned to have
another camp activity at the end of this semester.

7. When did the campers have a camp fire?

A. On the first day
B. On the second day
C. On the third day
D. On the last day
8. The following statements are TRUE about the text, except ________.
A. The camp activity was held for two days
B. There was a clean river near the camp site
C. The campers had to bring their own stuffs and food
D. The writer had to wear thick jackets because it was cold

9. The following food supply that the campers brought, except ________.
A. Egg
B. Fish
C. Candy
D. Biscuits

10. My team was a runner up in the tug-of-war and . . . . (Paragraph 5)

What does the underlined word mean?
A. The first winner
B. The second winner
C. The third winner
D. The loser

11. What kind of the text above?

A. Report
B. Recount
C. Narrative
D. Procedure

Read the text and answer questions 12 to 16.

I have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits beside me. Her name is
Rohmi. Rohmi is a quite girl and very simple on the look. However, I really
adore her. She is not only kind but also tough.

Rohmi comes from a very simple family. Her father is a pedicab driver and her
mother has passed away. She has a younger brother. His name is Rahmat. In
order to help their father, Rohmi and her brother work part-time to earn some
money. Rohmi sells food during our class break, while her brother sells
newpapers and magazines after school.

One thing that I always admire about her is that she can manage her time well,
and she always looks cheerful.

12. What does the second paragraph tell you about?

A. Rohmi and her family
B. Rohmi and her father
C. Rohmi and her brother
D. Rohmi and her friends

13. Rohmi and her brother work part-time to earn some money.
What do the underlined words mean?
A. Work for the whole of working week
B. Work for only part of each day or week
C. Work for the purpose of getting money as much as possible
D. Work for family

14. Where did the writer sit ?

A. In front of Rohmi
B. Behind Rohmi
C. Next to Rohmi
D. Far from Rohmi

15. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To retell past event
B. To amuse the readers
C. To describe something specifically
D. To tell how to make something

16. Generic Structure of the text above is ..

A. Identification - Description
B. Description - Identification
C. Orientation - Identification
D. Classification - Description

Read the text and answer questions 17 to 18.

To: Liz

Sorry honey, I cant keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. Ive to
meet Mrs. Cathy at 07.00 pm. Please, dont be angry.


17. How is Liz's mother feel about her promise?

A. Impressed
B. Confused
C. Relieved
D. Guilty

18. Mom writes the text in order to

A. Apologize for not keeping the promise
B. Remind Liz that she has a promise with her
C. Tell Liz that she has to go to the meeting
D. Say that she cannot meet her in the Mall


What does the text mean?
A. The truck is big
B. The truck brings electronic devices
C. Other vehicles should run faster than the truck
D. Other vehicles should be far enough from the truck
20. Choose the correct grammar for question below!

My mother .. a cupcake and brownies right now.

A. Is make
B. Is making
C. Make
D. Made

Read the text and answer questions 21 to 25.

Once upon a time, there was a prince. He lived in a castle in France. One day a
woman came to his castle. She was old and ugly. The prince didnt like her and
sent her away.

After the prince sent the woman away, she turned into a beautiful fairy. She
cursed the prince and his castle. The prince became a beast. He was very ugly
now. All his servants became furniture. The prince could be a human again if a
woman fell in love with him.

Meanwhile, on the other side of a mountain, there lived a girl. Her name was
Belle. She lived with her father, Maurice. One day Maurice traveled past the
castle. It was raining very hard. He came into the castle. When the Beast saw
him, he captured him. Belle was so worried because her father didnt come
back. She began to look for him. She arrived in the castle and she found her
father could go home. First Belle didnt like the Beast because he was mean.
Then slowly he changed. He was not mean anymore. Belle began to like him
and finally she fell in love with him.

Right after she declared her love to the Beast the spell was broken. The Beast
and his servants became human again. The Beast and Belle got married. They
lived happily ever after.

21. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe the Beast and Belle.
B. To retell the experience of Belle.
C. To guide readers how to perform like Belle.
D. To entertain readers and friends.

22. How many main characters are mentioned in the story?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

23. Where was the setting of the story?

A. In the forest
B. At home
C. In palace
D. In the mountain
24. Why did the prince become the Beast? Because ___ .
A. He sent an ugly woman away
B. A beautiful fairy cursed him
C. A woman fell in love with him
D. He captured Maurice

25. First, Belle didnt love him because he was mean.

The underlined word means ___ .
A. Generous
B. Unbelievable
C. Humorous
D. Unkind

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. D
20. B
21. D
22. A
23. C
24. B
25. D

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