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Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Asking and Giving Permission

I. Read carefully and answer the questions

The following conversation is for questions 5 10.

Rama : Good afternoon, Miss Susi.
Ms. Susi : Good afternoon, Rama. Do you need anything? (1)
Rama : Im looking for a book. Will you please do a favor for me? (2)
Ms. Susi : Sure. (3) What is it?
Rama : I need a book about science. Would you mind showing me it? (4)
Ms. Susi : No, of course not. Please, look for it on the shelf over there. (5)
Rama : I have looked for it there but I didnt find it. Would you care to look at other
shelves with me? (6)
Ms. Susi : Alright. (7) Lets see. I have two books about science right here. Their titles are
The Selfish Gene and A Brief History of Time. Which one do you like? (8)
Rama : May you lend me the second one, please? (9)
Ms. Susi : No problem. (10) Please, dont return it after the due date. (11)
Rama : Certainly. (12) Ill return it immediately after Ive read it. Thank you.
Ms. Susi : Youre welcome, Rama.

6. Which expressions are requests?

a. 1 & 2
b. 2 & 4
c. 6 & 8
d. 8 & 9

7. Which one is an expression of invitation?

a. 2
b. 8
c. 6
d. 4

8. Which is an expression of asking for permission?

a. 6
b. 4
c. 8
d. 9

9. Giving permission is the expression used in which number?

a. 10
b. 12
c. 7
d. 11

10. What can you infer from the conversation?

a. Rama wants to lend a book about science to Miss Susi in the library.
b. Rama only wants to talk to Miss Susi in the library.
c. Rama wants to borrow a book from the library to help him do his science assignment.
d. Miss Susi wants to play in the library with Rama by looking at the shelves with him.


1. Where does the conversation take place?

Diunduh dari :


2. What is Ara looking for?

3. How many books does Mrs. Tina have?

4. Which book does Ara borrow?

5. I have searched it.. What does the underlined word mean?

6. Would you mind showing me it? What does the underlined word refer to?

II. Read carefully and answer the questions

Sulis : Excuse me, sir.

Mr. Joko : Yes, Sulis. Can I help you?
Sulis : Im a little bit confused with question number three, sir. Would you be kind
enough to explain me more about it ?
Teacher : Lets ask the others first
Sulis : O.K.
Teacher : Listen, class. Sulis has a problem with question number three. Can any of you
help Rahma ? What about you, Reza?
Reza : Im really sorry Maam. I cant. Finally, I dont understand it either.
Teacher : Do you ? Well,it seems to be everybodys problem. All right then, Ill explain
it once again. But first, Yulia, will you clean the blackboard ?
Yulia : Yes, Maam.
Teacher : Thank you.

Question :
1. Where do you think the dialog take place ?
2. What is Rahmas problem ?
3. Can Gilang help Rahma solve her problem ? How do you know ?
4. What is Yandar asked for ?
5. Rahma said Would you be kind enough to explain me more about it ?
What does the word you refer to ?

Reza : Hi, Sulis. Brian told me that you have a new book. What book is it?
Sulis : It is a fantasy novel. I'll finish it tonight.
Reza : Can I borrow it after youve finished it?
Sulis : Sure. Ill lend it to you tomorrow morning.
Reza : Do you mind if I return it on Friday, please?
Sulis : Not at all. You can return it anytime. I also have another new book. Its a sci-fi novel.
Reza : Well then, may I borrow that book too?
Sulis : Im afraid you cant. I havent finished reading that book. Perhaps, you can borrow it
some other time.
Reza : Oh, I see. Thank you anyway.
Sulis : Youre welcome. See you tomorrow.

Diunduh dari :


1. Where do you think the dialogue takes place?
Answer: .

2. How many new books does Sulis have? What are they?
Answer: .

3. Does Reza want to borrow Sulis books? Which one?

Answer: .

4. Who told Reza about Sulis new books?

Answer: .

5. Has Sulis finished reading both books?

Answer: .

6. When does Reza want to return the book to Sulis?

Answer: .

7. Sulis said, I'll finish it tonight.

What does the word it refer to?
Answer: .

8. Please identify the expressions of asking for permission found in the dialogue!
Answer: .
Answer: .
Answer: .

9. Please identify the expressions of giving permission found in the dialogue!

Answer: .
Answer: .

10. Please identify the expressions of refusing to give permission found in the dialogue!
Answer: .

III. You want someone to do something for you. Say it politely. Number 1 is an

1. Turn up the fan.

Answer : Could you turn up the fan, please?
2. Turn on the computer
Answer : .
3. Turn off the television
Answer : .

Diunduh dari :


4. Switch off the cell phone

Answer : .
5. Switch on the computer
Answer : .
6. Speak loudly
Answer : .

Diunduh dari :

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