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o Introduction
o Objectives
o Methodology
o Results
o Conclusion
One of the most popular equipment's at a gym is the treadmill. It is
obviously challenging to read text while running on a treadmill.

Due to the users constant head movement, the subsequent eye

compensation makes the user become tired easily.

To help overcome this challenge, this research proposed a potential solution

called Reading Mate.
The main cause of the difficulty is the vigorous vertical movement from

Thus, this study attempts to solve the problem by making the location of
the contents on a screen follow the joggers head movements, so that they
appear to be static in spite of vigorous movements.

This paper introduces the new system with an ability to constantly adjust
the location of contents on a display.

The aim of this study is to develop a technique to help joggers read while
running on a treadmill.

Experimental Measurement
System design and data Results
Set up analysis

Reading 10 participants
mate involved Anova
System design

a. LEDs attached to a runners googles emit infrared light

How reading mate b. A wiimote ,an infrared camera, captures head
movements of the runner
works? c. Reading mate relocates the contents according to head
d. Display content position adjusted.
Experimental setup

10 students participated,
-all had normal vision ,
-able to read text on a computer screen,
-sufficient health to run on a treadmill without having problems.

The ages of the participants were between 18 and 29, average 23.8

The average distance between the monitor and the participants eyes was 61 cm

The wiimote was placed above the screen faced toward the human subjects.
Measured parameters

During the experiment conducted this things focused on:

Display type ( normal display and readingmate display)

Font size and interline spacing
Subjective measures in post experiment surveys: level of
shaking , dizziness, blurring (blur),distraction ,and fatique.
To do this visual analog scale (VAS) for this subjective

Figure3: Size of font and interline spacing in the

Figure 2: display type experiment
There were no significant differences in participants physical movements
(the average distance between the IR glass and the camera).

The mean elapsed time for experimental setting was 105.9 ms (SD=34.1).

When a user reads text while running on a treadmill, the reading

performance increases as the font size increases.

This paper employed Anova test for display type for the 5 VAS
measurements: the measured values affected by display type. (next table)
Table 1. ANOVA results for the main effects of Display for subjective measures.


Measures F-value P-value

Shake 3.81 0.056
Dizziness 4.53 *0.038
Blur 1.68 0.201
Distraction 5.19 *0.027
fatique 4.40 *0.041

*p-value is less than 0.05

Readingmate showed significant effects on diminishing adversary
experiences on dizzinesss,distraction and fatique. So, The effect of the
readingmate was partially confirmed.

Participants pointed out that small font sizes and narrow spacing between
lines made reading very difficult.

This research failed to find any significant effects of the two factors
(display and light) on reading speeds. RT/line.
Reading mate can be applied in shaky environments, such as in aviation
,construction and transportation.
1. Kwon, B.c. and J.S. Yi, ReadingMate: an infrared-camera-based content stabilization
technique to help joggers read while running on a treadmill, in CHI '09 Extended
Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2009, ACM: Boston, MA, USA.
p. 3449-3454.
2. Kwon, B.c. and J.S. Yi, ReadingMate: The Impact of a Content Stabilization
Technique on Reading-While-Running Performance, in Proceedings of the Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2010. p. 647-651
3. B.c., j.s. yi, and y. zhu, readingmate: the effect of the content stabilizing technique,
font size, and interline spacing on the letter-counting task performance of treadmill
Thank you!

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