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Anglo Indian chef creates 'world's healthiest meal': a

An Anglo Indian chef, Gurpareet Bains, has claimed to have created the
worlds healthiest meal - a curry.

Gurpareet Bains claims to have cooked up the 'world's healthiest meal' a cancer-fighting
curry Photo: SWNS

By Andrew Hough
10:08AM GMT 29 Oct 2009
The chicken and blueberry curry with goji berry pilau rice is full of
naturalhealthy superfoods that can help fight cancer, says its 32 year-old creator.
The spicy chicken meal, he says, can help fight off carcinogenic cells while other traditional
ingredients such as ginger, chilli, turmeric and garlic, are know for their antibacterial and
antiviral properties.
Each serving contains the nutritional equivalent of 49 helpings of spinach, 23 bunches of
grapes or nine portions of broccoli.
Experts say it is up to 20 times more nutritious than any specially-formulated 'healthy' meal.
Mr Bains, a British nutritional therapist and Indian "superfood" pioneer, said eating the curry
just once-a-week could ''deal a devastating blow'' to the onset of cancers and other diseases
like Alzheimer's.
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''It has long been known that some foods including spices and fruits have exceptional health
benefits, he said.
''So combining these two genres of food stuffs seemed logical in any quest to find the world's
healthiest meal.
''Thus the curry I have created is brimming with health-beneficial ingredients that could, if
eaten regularly, deal a devastating blow to many diseases.''
Mr Bains, a former head chef who lives in Bedford, took almost two years perfecting the
He researched the best natural 'superfoods' and calculated the exact quantities of each
ingredient needed for ''optimum health results''.
His finished meal is full of with antioxidants, antifungals, antivirals, analgesics, and
Each plateful contains 25,000 'ORAC' units - the scientific measurement of antioxidants in
Foods higher on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale have been proven
to counter the onset of cancer, Alzheimer's, coronary heart disease and diabetes.
Most healthy meals like salads have less than 5,000 ORAC units, while traditional curries
have fewer still.
Almost a quarter of antioxidant-rich foods are spices - a single teaspoon of cinnamon is the
equivalent of two portions of grapes or a glass of fresh pomegranate juice.
At least 5,000 people are diagnosed with cancer in the UK each year. Of these, 1,800 lose
their lives.
* The recipe for Chicken Curry with Blueberries and Goji Berry Pilau is (serves four):
To cook the curry:
1. Blend 20g of chopped coriander, 200g of fresh or frozen blueberries, two tablespoons of
freshly grated ginger, and 3/4 of a teaspoon of salt with 500g of low-fat Greek yoghurt, and
set aside.
2. Place four cloves of chopped garlic into a saucepan with three tablespoons of olive oil and
heat on a low-medium flame until the garlic starts to turn brown - this should take no longer
than one or two minutes.
3. Add one teaspoon of turmeric, mix well and heat through for 20 seconds. Mix in two
tablespoons of ground cinnamon and one teaspoon of chilli powder and cook for 20 seconds.
4. Add 500g of chicken breast, cut into bite-sized pieces, and seal, stirring frequently - this
should take no more than five minutes.
5. Now slowly pour the yoghurt mixture, mixing into the chicken, and bring to a simmer on a
low heat.
6. Simmer for 10 minutes uncovered, stirring from time to time. Mix through one teaspoon of
garam masala. Garnish with extra coriander.
To cook the pilau:
1. Place two teaspoons of cumin seeds and two tablespoons of olive oil into a saucepan and
heat on a low-medium flame until the seeds begin to pop - this should take no more than
three minutes.
2. Add one small sliced onion and cook until soft. Then add one teaspoon of turmeric
powder, stir and heat for 20 seconds. Add one grated carrot. Cook for two minutes.
3. In the meantime, boil 1 3/4 cups of water.
4. Place the onion mixture, one cup of basmati rice, 1/2 tsp teaspoon salt and the boiling
water into a large microwaveable bowl and mix with a fork.
5. Cook uncovered in the microwave for 4 minutes (700W), 3 1/2 minutes (800W) or 3
minutes (900W).
6. Mix and cook for 4 minutes (700W), 3 1/2 minutes (800W) or 3 minutes (900W)
7. Cover and continue to cook for 4 minutes (700W), 3 1/2 minutes (800W) or 3 minutes
8. Add 50g of goji berries and a handful of peas and let stand covered for 10 minutes.
9. Fluff the pilau with a fork, and serve

How to Make the Healthiest Sandwich Ever

How to Combine Only 6 Common Ingredients for Ultimate Flavor and Health
by MIKE ROUSSELL Last Updated: Apr 20, 2016

Take a moment to think about your perfect food. The criteria should be fairly
short: Delicious, healthy and convenient. After all, you shouldnt need a culinary
degree to create a masterpiece that satisfies even the most fickle eater.

Enter the sandwich. It almost fits the bill, except for the health aspect. Most
sandwiches are packed with artery-clogging fats, refined sugars that disrupt your
blood sugar, and enough calories to sink any healthy eating plan.

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But thats all about to change. With a little creativity, the humble sandwich can be
transformed into the perfect meal. Use these guidelines to help you rediscover
the sandwich, and your waistline and your taste buds will thank you.

One of my favorite cuts for steak sandwiches is top sirloin. Its a flavor sensation
so good, your taste buds will wish they had taste buds.
Dave Zino, executive chef for the National Cattlemens Beef Association
How to Make The Worlds Healthiest Sandwich

First, gather your ingredients: four ounces of top sirloin steak, one tablespoon mashed
avocado, two slices of toasted sprouted grain bread, three slices of ripe tomato and six to
eight leaves of washed baby spinach.

Warm the top sirloin to room temperature; this allows for more even cooking. Season both
sides with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons black pepper.

Place the steak on a double-sided electric grill for 5 to 7 minutes. When done, let it steak sit
for 5 to 7 minutes before cutting this will allow the juices to come back into the steak,
yielding moister meat.

While the steak is resting, toast the bread and spread the mashed avocado on each slice.
Slice the steak against the grain and pile them on one piece of toast. Top with tomato, red
onion, baby spinach and the second slice of bread. Enjoy!

The Bread
Bread can make or break your sandwich it can also help make or break your
health. Most of the breads lining the shelves of your grocery store are made with
refined sugar that can increase your risk of obesity and heart disease.

For this uber sandwich, use sprouted whole-grain bread. Sprouted grain breads
are minimally processed and contain low acting carbohydrates that will provide
you with a consistent flow of energy for several hours, eliminating the late
afternoon energy crash.

If you can't find sprouted grain breads at your local supermarket, says Chris
Mohr, a registered dietitian and a frequent guest on TV to discuss nutrition, "aim
for a product with at least three grams of fiber or more per slice." He explains that
companies are adding fiber from non whole-grain sources, making that number
higher than it should be naturally.

"So in addition to the three grams of fiber, look for breads where the first
ingredient on the nutrition label is 100-percent whole-wheat flour with very few
other ingredients listed," he adds.

The Meat
Lean beef does a body good. Photo Credit istetiana/AdobeStock

The meat of choice for this healthiest ever sandwich may surprise you. It isnt
turkey or chicken breast. No, this ultimate sandwich uses beef.

You may have heard that beef is bad for your health, but a 2010 news release
from the Harvard School of Public Health indicates that this isnt the case if you
make the right beef choices.

Harvard researchers reviewed 20 studies that included more than 1.2 million
people, to examine the relationship between red meat and deaths related to
heart health. They found that people who ate one serving of processed meat a
day had a 19 percent higher risk of developing diabetes and a 42 percent higher
risk of heart disease. But eating unprocessed meat was not associated with an
increased risk of diabetes or heart disease.

The research suggests that differences in salt and preservatives, rather than fats,
might explain the higher risk of heart disease and diabetes seen with processed
meats, but not with unprocessed red meats.

So when preparing this exceptional sandwich, skip the processed meat and go
for grilled top sirloin steak, one of the 29 cuts of beef most often referred to as
lean. Lean beef has a nutritional package with which turkey and chicken have
trouble competing.

Top sirloin is an excellent source of zinc, vitamin B-12, iron and selenium. Beef
also contains high levels of glutamate and glutamic acid, which directly simulate
your umami taste receptors, the taste buds that are responsible for intense
savory flavors.

The Toppings
Photo Credit Sarka/AdobeStock

Add two slices of deep red, ripe tomatoes to your sandwich. Tomatoes are a
source of vitamin C and lycopene, and the riper the tomato, the more umami
or savoriness it contains.

The combination of top sirloin and tomatoes is a favorite of the executive chef for
the National Cattlemens Beef Association, Dave Zino. One of my favorite cuts
for steak sandwiches is top sirloin. Its not only good for you, but with all the
umami you get with the synergistic combination of beef and tomatoes, its a flavor
sensation so good, your taste buds will wish they had taste buds, he says.
The next topping on your sandwich is sliced red onion. The potent flavor and
deep purple color of red onions comes from their quercetin. Quercetin is part of a
family of antioxidants called flavonoids, which scientists believe may hinder
production of fat cells and fight lung inflammation which causes asthma.

Finally, many sandwiches are topped with lettuce, but the deep green richness of
baby spinach provides more vitamin K, vitamin A and calcium than your average
leaf of lettuce and is, thus, a must for a a "healthiest ever" sandwich.

The toppings provide flavor as well as health benefits, so there's no need to add
other toppings that could include extra fat and calories.

The Spread
Avocado + tomato = sandwich heaven. Photo Credit MSPhotographic/AdobeStock

The final touch is the spread no one likes a dry sandwich. You can probably
guess that slathering on mayo, mustard or ketchup wont make the culinary cut
for a "best ever" sandwich.

Instead, spread mashed avocado on each slice of bread. Avocado, commonly

referred to as "poor mans butter" just decades ago, is an unlikely source of fiber
in this sandwich, but one-half a Hass avocado contains approximately six grams
of fiber.
You may have avoided avocados in the past because of the high fat content, but
the fat in avocados is predominantly monounsaturated fat, which can lower your
cholesterol levels and may help improve insulin sensitivity.

Avocados also are a nutritional complement to the tomatoes. A study published

in March 2005 in the Journal of Nutrition indicates that eating avocados with
tomato products increases the absorption of the health-promoting carotenoids
from the tomatoes.

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