HE Irror: Schedule Chögyal Namkhai Norbu 2006

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Newspaper of the International Dzogchen Community

THE MIRROR January /February 2006 Issue No. 78

Chgyal Namkhai Norbu


March 10-19
Dzogchen Semlung Namkhache
Retreat of Teaching and Practice of Namkhache at Tashigar Norte Teachings in the Gonpa at Margarita M SALVATORE

Open Web Cast

April 14-23
Ati Lam-ngon Nasjyong Ch g y a l Na m k h ai N o r b u R i n p o ch e
Tibetan Moxabustion Teaching and Application Retreat
Longde Retreat
May 5-14
A Retreat of Longsal Teaching The Root Upadesha on the Vajra Bridge of Longde
The Preliminaries of the Path of Ati about the Purification of the
Six Lokas, Teaching and Practice December 26 January 2006
Open Web Cast
Margarita Island, Venezuela
by Steve Landsberg

May 15 he day after Christmas rain through Guru Yoga again and said, that due to our negative
Leave for Paris showers fell in the early again. emotions it was very easy for stu-
morning, but by afternoon Rinpoche briefly explained dents to develop wrong intention
May 18-22 when the retreat was about to that in the Longde teachings there in regard to the path and that
Paris Retreat begin the sun came out and greet- are positions that are necessary before engaging in any practice
The Purification of the Six Lokas as Pr eliminaries of the Path of Ati ed about two hundred-seventy for doing the practice and having we must transform those feelings
people for the Longde retreat at the experiences of emptiness, by developing our intention to
May 23 Tashigar Norte, Isla Margarita. clarity, and sensation. These benefit all sentient beings.
Leave for Karmaling Rinpoche welcomed every- threes experiences form the basis The principle section of the
one, including the worldwide for discovering the state of not retreat was an explanation of the
May 26-28 Community, as the retreat was remaining in doubt. Longde teachings based upon
Karmaling Retreat offered as a video and audio Rinpoche advised his stu- Rinpoches newly written com-
Nyamtrid Dzogchen Nyingthig web cast. On the first day of the dents not to practice only one mentary on his Longde instruc-
retreat, Rinpoche introduced the series of Dzogchen teachings but tions from the Longsal Cycle of
MERIGAR WEST, ITALY context of the Longde Teachings, to work with all three. While Teachings entitled The Root
indicating that after direct intro- there exist dif ferences in method Upadesha on the Vajra Bridge of
May 29 duction many doubts may still regarding the three series, from Longde ( see Longsal T eachings
Leave for Merigar persist in regard to the nature of the point of view of the state Volume One ). Divided into eight
mind and in order to overcome itself, there is actually no dif fer- sections, the commentary explains
June 9-15 those doubts, the series of teach- ence at all. how knowledge is introduced
Longsal Teachings in the Gonpa of Merigar ings called Dzogchen Longde The empowerment of through the four Da (signs) of
Yeshes Zangthal and Nadzer s Transmission provides many methods. Nondzog Gyalpo was the subject emptiness, clarity, sensation, and
Restricted Web Cast Rinpoche explained that the aim of the second day of the retreat. their inseparability . It also
of Longde was not to remain in Explaining the refuge section, explains how to use the medita-
June 18 doubt and that the third series Rinpoche said that although a tion belt, stick, the way of sitting
25th Anniversary of Merigar Festival known as Menngagde, focuses on vow of refuge and giving of a and the four positions associated
the third statement of Garab dharma name associated with the with the Longde practice. In order
June 30-July 21 Dorje: continuing in that state Hinayana refuge system might be to establish the experiences asso-
Rinpoches Personal Retreat integrating all aspects of body , useful, it is only relative and not ciated with Longde, Rinpoche
speech, and mind. the main point. Primarily , we go spoke in detail about the impor-
MERIGAR EAST, CRIMEA Even if we think we have to refuge while journeying tance of the prana energy, its rela-
understood something of our real towards our goal so that we do tion to time, and how to practice
August 4 condition, Rinpoche stated that not create any problems for the the four Da. Rinpoche also
Merigar East Retreat, Crimea this may only be our limited idea teacher, the path, or the sangha. explained the remaining aspects
Leave for Crimea - perhaps just a judgment - and Once, however, full realization is of his commentary that detail the
stressed the importance of recon- accomplished, there is no further ways to develop and increase the
August 9-15 necting to the transmission need for any refuge. Moreover, he experiences of the practice, the
Teaching and nature of web cast undecided. continued on page 4


August 18
Teaching: ASIA News
Return to Merigar pg 7
Chgyal pg 4
August 22-24 SMS Level I Exam Norbu Practice
Day 1 Calendar
August 25-29 SMS Level II Training
Longsal Longde pg 2
Fire Dog
September 8-16 Retreat, Margarita Year
continued on page 3
Chgyal Namkhai Norbu

ello to the Dzogchen Com- called the state of Guruyoga. It state. If you have this knowledge
munity and welcome to doesnt mean that you are no and full confidence, you should
this retreat. I am very hap- longer in the dark for one or two go to the last statement of Garab
py we have another occasion to do hours. The flash is just for a short Dorje and integrate. You should
a retreat together because doing a time and then it disappears. integrate totally with your body ,
retreat together is something very speech, mind and your daily life.
useful and important. Mother and Son Wisdom This is the main practice of peo-
ple who have discovered their
Semde Series: In the Tantric teachings, when we instant presence. These people no
Mind and Nature of Mind experience this flash, it means we longer remain in doubt and go on
have received the wisdom of the integrating.
We are following the Dzogchen son. Mother wisdom means that Many people follow the last
teaching. You already know the from the moment of the flash, series of the Dzogchen teaching
main p oints o f t he D zogchen you are forever in light and there called Upadesha or Menngagde.
teaching. There are three series is no more dark. We all have Men is negative in Tibetan, nga
and the first series is related to the Rinpoche in Margarita M SALVATORE mother wisdom, but it does not means voice, voice means speak-
first statement of Garab Dorje, manifest; Mother wisdom does ing, men nga means not to speak
which we find in the Dzogchen not manifest because we are in and that you keep the teaching
Semde. Sem means mind and samsara and have infinite nega- secret. Many people receive
nature of mind; to discover the
nature of mind it is necessary to
Chgyal Namkhai Norbu tive karmic potentialities. That is
why we need to do purification
teachings from a teacher and then
they talk about it everywhere.
use the mind. For example, to dis- Introduction to the Longde Teaching Retreat practice and should develop our Particularly people who drink or
cover the potentiality of the mir- capacity for being in the state of get drunk, they go to a bar and sit
ror it is necessary to examine the Tashigar Norte, Margarita Island, Venezuela contemplation. with friends, drink and get drunk.
reflections in the mirror . That is Dec 26 Jan 1, 2005 Your teacher does not tell you that They speak loudly saying, Do
an example of all the concepts of you are enlightened after you you remember what instant pres-
the mind. Semde means mind and Day 1 have received transmission and ence is like? [Laughter] What the
nature of mind altogether . De you have followed the teaching teacher said we should do? All
means series of teaching. In and had some kind of experience. these things are secret, but these
Semde we work with the first Your teacher doesnt say that now people speak openly about them.
statement of Garab Dorje called and long, you can understand that teaching that they find more satis- that is enough and you are They dont have a bad intention,
Direct Introduction. In Dzogchen sem means something in your factory. In a real sense, that per - enlightened. Your teacher tells but they are drunk and that is not
teaching, many teachers intro- condition and long means some- son is still living in the same way. you to do practice and try to do the correct way in the Dzogchen
duce the nature of mind directly thing manifesting in space, which Maybe that person can find Guruyoga and be in that state. We teaching. We speak particularly in
and sometimes people can dis- can also manifest your potentiali- another more expert teacher are in samsara because even after the Dzogchen teaching about our
cover their real nature. Even if ty. It is important to have mani- whom they believe much more, we experience the instant flash attitude. We do not say you can t
someone has discovered some- festations of one s potentiality but that will not be the final we are again in the dark. When drink or never get drunk.
thing through direct introduction, because we do not have that kind teacher. You can change teachers we experience direct introduction Drinking is not forbidden. You
most people remain in doubt and of experience through thoughts. all your life. If you need to we say we have now discovered are free, but you must be aware.
are not sure if they have experi- Manifestations through thoughts change so much, that means you our instant presence. When we You must be aware of what your
enced anything. When people are are only ideas. We have many dif- have not yet discovered your real have discovered instant presence capacity is for drinking. If you
uncertain of their experience, ferent thoughts and ideas, but nature. we try to be in that state again and drink a glass of wine maybe there
they want to ask the teacher , but they do not correspond to our real How can you discover the myste- again for all of our lives. This is is no problem, but if you drink a
the nature of mind is not easy for nature. It is very important that rious object? If someone is really called the practice of Dzogchen. bottle of wine maybe you feel a
the teacher to clarify with words we have the experience of visions an expert of knowledge and says little abnormal. If you drink more
Our real nature is beyond lan- in space and we work with them. they cannot explain it to you, and Meditation & Instant Presence than one bottle of wine, then you
guage and speech. When the Long means space and with that you can try to see it and go are drunk [laughter] and you do
teacher introduces the real nature, Longde practice we have the pos- together to the place where the When we discover the real sense strange things. That does not cor-
the teacher and student work sibility of having that kind of mysterious object is, that teacher of direct introduction we have a respond with your awareness.
together with experience. The experience. When we experience is bringing you into the experi- base for doing meditation. The It is the same way with people
teacher not only explains, but also that kind of manifestation, our ence in order for you to have a Dzogchen way of meditation who smoke. There are so many
together with the student repeats knowledge becomes stable and direct experience. The teacher is means we are in the state of our heavy things to smoke today .
the experience again and again. If we do not remain in doubt. We not only giving you an explana- real nature. In general, meditation Some people find this very useful
there already was doubt and will not remain in doubt if we tion to follow. The teacher brings has a very open meaning. For because when they smoke they
doubt still remains, asking the have a concrete experience. you into a dark room, for exam- example, you see a tree and you feel more interested in the teach-
teacher is not a solution. The ple. The room is dark because no want to keep the vision of the tree ings. You are interested in the
teacher can say a few words, but The Mysterious Object & one can see a mysterious object, in your mind. You keep the pres - Dzogchen teaching because you
the student will still not be satis- Discovering Our Real Nature otherwise it would not be myste- ence of the tree in your mind. have some connection with this
fied. rious. Then the teacher says that That is also called meditation. teaching and this teacher, you are
I very often give the example of a now you can have an experience, That is not contemplation or not interested through the power
Not Remaining in Doubt mysterious object. We don t but that doesnt mean the teacher being in instant presence. When of the drug. That is not true at all.
The Second Statement know what the mysterious object explains the experience and you you concentrate on an object or Some people smoke and see
of Garab Dorje is; otherwise it would not be mys- look. If you look in the dark you idea, you are meditating on it. strange things and believe they
terious. When we want to find out cannot see anything, the teacher Meditation has many meanings and are enlightened at that moment,
There are methods for not what a mysterious object is we introduces you how to open your many aspects. In the Dzogchen even if the enlightenment does
remaining in doubt. That is the ask an expert. The expert eyes. The teacher says one, two teaching you must understand, y ou not remain a very long time. That
second statement of Garab Dorje explains, we listen and find some- three and you look in front and at can meditate, do contemplation, is not enlightenment or a manifes-
and Dzogchen Longde is a series thing concrete. When we listen to that moment you must be aware. be in the state of Guruyoga, but tation of your qualification. That
of practices related to this state- and believe the expert we don t You receive that instruction, you the principle is always to be in the is because you have charged your
ment. Long means space - space have any more questions and we are with your teacher and you state of instant presence. We energy. For example, you are
as the base of all manifestations. think we understand. That is a remain in that moment with the should discover that instant pres- charging and char ging, you have
For example, when we open our decision of the mind. You think teacher in the dark and the teacher ence. That is the aim of why and some kind of experience, but the
eyes and all of our organs of sens- you have understood but you says one, two, three and at that how the teacher introduces you consequence of char ging is that
es to objects, all our senses have have not really discovered for moment you open your eyes and directly. The methods of the one day you will explode. Your
contact with objects and we have yourself, and the mysterious object look. You have a kind of flash. series of Longde teachings can clarity diminishes even if you
some kind of very special experi- remains mysterious. M aybe you That flash is the potentiality of help us after direct introduction if dont explode. That is what Guru
ence and we learn through that go to another expert and discover transmission and that is why we we still have doubt. Padmasambhava said; I am not
experience. We learn with that that expert is better than the one say the teaching must connect inventing that. You become pas -
kind of experience through the before and then you think you with the transmission. Integration & Menngagde Series sive and receive all negativities.
teaching and knowledge. When have discovered and understood. If you follow the Dzogchen Your clarity diminishes and that
we are introduced and go through Then you find another book that teaching and are not connected The most important student of does not correspond with the
experiences one by one and have explains more and more and you with transmission, you will not Garab Dorje made a collection of teaching. The teaching is for
different kinds of experiences, believe that new book. That have realization even if you prac- Garab Dorje s teachings and increasing clarity and for protect-
like feelings or visions; these means that whatever you discov- tice for many years. For that rea- divided them into three series. ing our energy and existence from
experiences related to visions are ered and knew before is not true son we should always practice The first is Dzogchen Semde and all negativities. If you become
related to space. All objects of or there would be no reason for Guruyoga; Guruyoga is connect- the second is Dzogchen Longde. passive, you cannot be protected.
senses that we find in space are you to change your idea. ed with transmission. We must Longde is related to the second It is very easy to understand and it
related to Longde; long meaning Many people function like this repeat the experience of the trans- statement of Garab Dorje; not is very important that everybody
space and in that space we can when they follow a teaching. mission and how we received remaining in doubt. This is the really understands that.
have different kinds of manifesta- Some people say that many years direct introduction from our aim of the practice of Dzogchen People have a kind of ancient
tions related to our experiences. If ago they followed a kind of tradi- teacher; at that moment if you had Longde. trace of being a hippie. It is
you think about the dif ference tion and teacher , but now they some experience then you can If you have no doubt, then you much better to be aware and stop
between these two words, sem follow another tradition and repeat that experience. That is integrate and try to remain in that
continued on the next page

Teaching ChNN continued from previous page
this trace. You should try to help are not keeping it secret. If you do CONTEMPLATION by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
yourself and not destroy yourself not keep it secret it becomes neg-

in this life. Life is precious and ative and you will not be able to f the three sacred principles contemplation is own state, and how that potentiality manifests as
we have many good occasions to have the real experience of dis- right at the center of them, and in fact it is energy in various way.
have total realization in this life. covering your real nature of really the main point of them all. Whenever The reason we sing the Song of theVajra so often
We should not destroy this pre- instant presence. You should do we begin a session of teaching in the Dzogchen Com- in the Dzogchen Community is to enable us to find
cious life. It is very important to this practice in a correct way and munity we always sing the Song of the Vajra. We do ourselves in the state of contemplation. When we are
learn what being aware really repeat it. You can repeat it for one this in order to bring ourselves into the state of con- in that state, we are in union with our Master, united
means. That is something very month or one year if necessary. templation. This is particularly important for those in the experience of the knowledge that he or she
useful for knowledge in our daily who already have knowledge of the state but do not transmits, united in contemplation. In contemplation
lives. The teaching helps us to be Monkey Mind & yet remain in that state all the time. Entering into the we find ourselves beyond the distracted state of our
present and understand all these Primordial Potentiality state of contemplation together through the Song of habitually confused minds, completely relaxed in the
things. the Vajra at the beginning of a session of teachings naked awareness that is our natural condition. In this
If you have discovered your reawakens us to the fact that the process involved in natural condition thoughts or emotions can arise, but
Empowerment & nature of mind but still remain in receiving teachings from a Master is one of working they do not disturb us: we remain in the non-dual
Direct Introduction doubt, you can follow the teach- together in collaboration through transmission, and state integrated with whatever arises, without accept-
ing of Dzogchen Longde. not one in which the student is either merely passive ing or rejecting anything. Practicing in this way we
At this retreat we will work with Dzogchen Longde is very impor- or only engaged at an intellectual level. are able to remain in contemplation working with
the method of Longde. First we tant for Dzogchen practitioners to Following the teachings of Tantra or Dzogchen whatever situation or circumstance we find our-
need a kind of empowerment and make their knowledge certain. always involves the principle of transmission, and selves in.
direct introduction. Empowerment We cannot make knowledge cer- this transmission is not something one can receive In the state of non-dual contemplation there is
and direct introduction are indis- tain with the method of Dzogchen through reading books or through the words of an really nothing to do, nothing to apply . There is no
pensable for following the Semde, but it is possible with oral explanation alone. That kind of approach is need to struggle with anything, everything can be left
Dzogchen teaching and for con- Dzogchen Longde. If you more characteristic of how one might follow the just as it is, with nothing to purify or transform.
necting with the transmission. If remember the names of the two teachings at the level of the Sutra. In Dzogchen, Then we discover for ourselves what is meant by
we do not have the base of dis- series, sem and long, you can transmission is the life of the teaching; one cannot The Great Perfection, or Total Perfection, which are
covering our instant presence, understand what the difference is. attain realization without it. There are three kinds of both ways in which the Tibetan word Dzogchen can
even if we learn many methods Through Dzogchen Longde, transmission: direct, oral and symbolic. Garab Dorje be translated. When we discover the self-perfected
and practices, it is like a field with something can manifest in space was the first human teacher of Dzogchen on this nature of our own state we understand that Dzogchen
no seed. There can be nice earth, but it is not fantasy or imagina- planet in this time cycle. Before concluding his life is a word that, rather than referring to a tradition or
weather, light, water , etc., but if tion. People say, Oh, I see some- in the realization of the Body of Light he summa- school, really refers to our own inherent condition,
there is no seed, nothing grows. thing manifesting in space, but it rized his teaching in what became known as the the self-perfected state that is always there in each
Instant presence is indispensable is not a manifestation in the real Three Statements of Garab Dorje. The first of these of us, but which is only experienced in contempla-
in Dzogchen. Dzogchen practice sense. It is people going after statements is Direct Introduction. In this Direct tion. So contemplation is the most important of the
means being in the state of instant their minds. It is said in the teach- Introduction the teacher introduces the student to the three sacred principles.
presence. If you have not discov- ing that the mind is like a mon- state of contemplation through experiences of body ,
ered your instant presence, the key; the monkey never stops, it is voice and mind. The second statement is Not This is an excerpt from the book Foundations of the
base is missing. You need to always moving and doing some- Remaining in Doubt. The student experiences the Path, T ranscriptions from Oral T eachings by
receive direct introduction for thing. In the same way , our mind state of contemplation through the transmission he or Chgyal Namkhai Norbu published by Shang
that reason. If you receive direct never stops manifesting. In our she has received in the Direct Introduction and no Shung Edizioni, Italy.
introduction but still do not dis- mind we think and imagine and longer remains in any doubt as to what contempla- Email: shangshunged@tiscali.it
cover instant presence, the then that something becomes a tion is. The third statement is Continuing in the State. Web site: www.dzogchen.it
teacher can give advice. You can manifestation. This is not mani - This means that the student seeks to remain in the
also remember how you received festation. It is fantasy . You can state of contemplation all the time, remaining in the
that direct introduction; even if create and apply this kind of fan- natural condition of instant presence without correct-
you did not receive direct intro- tasy, but that is not connected ing it when it is there, and applying practices as nec-
duction from your own teacher , with your real nature or potential- essary according to circumstances to re-enter the
you apply that method and inte- ity at all. When we use methods state when she or he has become distracted from it.
grate that teacher into your state like Dzogchen Longde with the Thus when we practice Guruyoga what we are
of presence in Guruyoga. You try potentiality of transmission and trying to do is to find ourselves, through our practice,
and repeat that method. That method together , we can have in the state which the teacher has transmitted, the
method is secret, so you should some kinds of visions. That state in which the teacher remains all the time. When
try and repeat it in a secret and vision is related to our primordial we are in the state of contemplation there is no sep-
quiet place where no one will dis- potentiality of sound, light and aration between the teacher and ourselves. Through
turb you. You should not repeat rays, which all sentient beings Guruyoga we can enter the state of contemplation,
these things where there is a thor- have in their nature. but the teacher is indispensable in Dzogchen because
oughfare of people and move- without r eceiving d irect t ransmission f rom t he
ment. If you do this practice pub- Transcribed and edited teacher there can be no realization.
licly, then there is a problem for by Naomi Zeitz Parallel to the Direct Introduction I have just
your transmission because you explained there are in fact two other kinds of trans-
mission spoken of in the Dzogchen teachings. When
Santi Maha Sangha Base Level Retreat we listen to general explanations of the teachings or
with ChogyalNamkhai Norbu to particular instructions relating to various methods
Tashigar Norte, Margarita Island, Venezuela such as, for example, instructions for visualizations,
special examples etc., which is called Oral
January 27 - February 5, 2006 Transmission. And then there is what is known as
by Gloria Pera Listening to the Master talking Symbolic Transmission, which refers to the use by
about the Paramitas or Bodhicitta the Master of objects such as a crystal, a mirror, or a

l Vaso Prezioso, La Jarra Pre - in such a direct way , everything peacock feather as symbols to help the student dis-
ciosa, The Precious Vase, becomes more concrete and cover the nature of the inherent potentiality of their
Dragotsenny Sosud..W ere accessible.
in Margarita and this is the book In the afternoon we do the prac- ChNNs schedule continued from page 1
that we all carry with us, each in tices of the Base with Adriano
our own language. We have come Clemente or the Semzin with
from all over the world. There are Grisha Mokhin or the Rushen Merigar West Retreat, Merigar ARGENTINA
some who have already read it with Elio Guarisco. Teaching and nature of web cast undecided.
and reread it to do the exam, and It all goes by very fast. It seems November 8
others who have picked it up for the retreat started just now and SPAIN Leave for Buenos Aires
the first time. We see this precious the Master is already giving us October 23
book that accompanies us in the the last days advice. Leave for Barcelona November 10-12
teaching at the sea, in the village, As nourishment we have tried to Buenos Aires Retreat
at the Gar; it s always with us as take in every word he says, with- October 26-30
we revise, read, form practice out losing as much as a comma, Barcelona Retreat November 13
groups. and now in a lightning flash we Longsal Atii Gongpa Ngotrod Leave for Tashigar Sur
Here on the Island everything is have reached the end. Upadesha of Introduction to the State of Ati
very intense and full of energy. We are a bit sad, as at the end of Restricted Web Cast SANTI MAHA SANGHA
And now the retreat is starting! every retreat. But everything December 4-7 SMS Base Level Exam
Its truly an important opportuni - passes, is impermanent, and we BRAZIL December 8-12 SMS Level I Training
ty, hearing the Master talking are ready to try to integrate in
about the subjects contained in every day life, doing our best. November 1 December 26-January 1, 2007
the Precious Vase; it s as if the Some people are leaving, some Leave for Sao Paulo Longsal Atii Gongpa Ngotrod
concepts expressed in the book staying, some arriving already for Upadesha of Introduction to the State of Ati
took shape through the Master s the next retreat.All happy and sad Brazil Retreat Restricted Web Cast
words and penetrated the depths at the same time. November 3-7
of our being, integrating with the What we are all aware of is how Teaching and nature of web cast undecided.
personal experiences of each one. fortunate we are!


a s i a n e w s

enzin is 15 years old and lives in a rural village inTibet. He has always shown special talent for learn-
ing. It is his dream to become a doctor. However, Tenzins family is without assistance and will soon

n Tibet, the elderly are the of distribution of food and have to interrupt his education. Should he be able to continue, he could become a valuable member of
custodians of a world of tra- medicine in crisis situations, his community and assist in preserving the 1,000+ year old culture and traditions of his country and village
ditions and of wisdom that interventions in the health sec- while integrating the beneficial aspects of modern knowledge that he acquires in his education.
is running the risk of disap- tor and long distance support
pearing. They are the thread in refugee settlements in India, If youd decide to pay for his scholarship, you will of fer him the possibility to continue getting a higher
linking the young to their roots. ASIA provides the elderly with education and a qualified professional training $12.50 US per week is enough to make the dream ofTenzin
the care and assistance neces- come true.
sary for a dignified life.
Witnesses to the tragedy of the There are 80 other students in his school that also need assistance to continue their studies. With regular
occupation of their land, they When an elderly person updates you will be able to follow his progress through school and youll get pictures of him directly from
have lived first hand the con- dies, a whole librar y burns our on-site staf f. If you want, youll be able to meet him during an open house or ganized by the school.
stant and inexorable destruc- down Leopold Senghor , Youll have the opportunity to visit the Tibetan community that is Tenzins village with its rich culture and
tion of their heritage of knowl- Senegalese poet and states - traditions that have been supported and protected for the last 18 years by ASIA Onlus.
edge and of their way of life, man
which had survived for thou- Send an e-mail to: adozioni@asia-onlus.org and well send you all the necessary information to start a
sands of years. They have lost Please help ASIA help the scholarship. Tenzin and 80 other Tibetan students are waiting for your assistance. You could change their
their dear ones during the cul- elders of Tibet and mor e by lives. Thank you.
tural revolution, but have not buying these beautiful calen-
lost their dignity and play a dars. Via San Martino della Battaglia, 31 00185 Roma
fundamental role in their com- Tel: 06.44340034, Fax: 06.44702620
munity: they look after the Payments can be made adozioni@asia-onlus.org
children, who are often through: www.asia-onlus.org
orphans entrusted exclusively
to their care; they take care of Bank current account: (*) ASIA is a 501 (c ) 3 r ecognized by the US government and an NGO r ecognized by the Italian Foreign
the house; and above all they Affairs Ministry. All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law .
ASIA Onlus donations
transmit to the new genera-
Monte dei Paschi di Siena c/c
tions the heart of Tibetan cul-
n. 3893.50 ABI: 01030 ASIA Onlus News: 2005-2007 40 elderly people. After an offer of sponsorship has
been made, an application form with details of the
ture through their stories, their
customs and their great devo-
CAB: 72160 Looking Ahead child, documentation about the or ganization and the

tion. sponsorship program are sent to the donor. A DVD is
From 1 to 20 calendars: 10 SIA ONLUS, Associazione per la Solidariet
being produced about the project that will be sent to
Small prayer flags, auspicious euro each (shipping expenses Internazionale in Asia, is a non-profit organi-
donors. It would be beneficial to increase media
symbols and votive of ferings included) zation founded in 1988 and recognized as an
exposure about the Sponsorship At A Distance
around the house, always NGO (non-governmental organization) by the Italian
Project, so that those looking to sponsor could find
make an elderly persons pres- More than 20 calendars: 8 Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ASIA has started and
ence in the house discernible euro each (shipping expenses completed over 100 dif ferent projects in China,
The Sponsorship at Distance of monks in the
from the outside. included) India, Nepal, Mongolia, and Sri Lanka with the goal
Traditional Buddhist and Bnpo Study and Practice
of promoting the health, educational, economic,
For years ASIA has been sup- Colleges is aimed to preserve the spiritual heritage of
For further information please social, and cultural development of minorities living
porting elderly T ibetans Tibet guaranteeing the transmission of the pure and
contact ASIA to in Asia, with particular regard to the Himalayan area.
through development and ancient teachings.
adozioni@asia-onlus.org or to The projects have been mainly financed by Italian
emergency projects. By means +390644340034 and international institutions such as the Italian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the EU- European
The scholarships are aimed at safeguarding Tibetan
Community, and others. The rest of the funding has
culture and training young people to enable their
come from private donors; through individual long
Longde Retreat continued from page 1 contribution to modern society . Through this pro -
distance scholarships; the sponsorship of children,
gram ASIA supports the best and most needy stu-
monks, young Tibetan artists and the elderly; and
signs of accomplishment, and the time Rinpoche arrived the dents in their higher studies only in those high
through the annual memberships.
final integration. sky was clearing. Rinpoche schools whose curriculum is taught in Tibetan and
Most of the people at the concluded the retreat in typical favor the widening of Tibetan culture.
At the present time donors to ASIA ONLUS con-
retreat purchased meditation form with advice regarding our
tribute to the or ganization through the following 6
sticks for doing the practice. daily lives and behavior . He Association Membership
Fabio demonstrated the posi- spoke out strongly against the In this next 3-year period we would like to make a
Sponsorship At Distance (SAD) of children, monks
tions while students snapped use of drugs, overdrinking with- concerted effort to expand this segment of our fund -
and elderly people: donations for assisting children
photos. On New Years Eve out awareness, and encouraged ing. We hope you will become a member of ASIA in
with elementary education and related expenses: 25
everyone participated in a his students to engage in prac- 2006 and enjoy contributing to ASIAs continued
Euro/month or 300 Euro/year (30 US$/month or 360
Ganapuja led by Adriano, and tices related to the four phases success in aiding the Tibetan people.
as everyone awaited the arrival of walking, sleeping, eating and
Sponsorship At Distance of monks in the Traditional
of the New Year, we enjoyed an sitting. While stressing the Specific Projects
Buddhist and Bnpo Study and Practice Colleges:
entertaining lottery for Merigar importance of Guru Yoga as the These projects have been proposed and financed by
192 Euro/year (250 US$/Year)
East in which seventy-five peo- central unifying focus of all our private international donors. The possibility of
Secondary Education Scholarships (for high school):
ple won something big or small. practice, he of fered many trid - allowing public institutions and private donors to
500 Euro/year (600 US$) (food, housing, school
A beautiful Guam Devi statue lungs to develop our practice collaborate and co-finance a specific project could
was the first prize that ended up according to specific conditions be developed.
Membership: 55 Euro (66 US$) for annual Basic
in the hands of a young girl and circumstances. Those who
from Bolivia. ASIA, Tsegyalgar attended the retreat either in Projected Activities for 2005-2007
Specific project sponsorship: these can be classified
and Tashigar Norte all auc- Margarita or through the web
according to the type of intervention - emer gency,
tioned various items and raised cast could not have found a bet- We plan to give greater emphasis to sponsorships
health, education, cultural, etc.
modest funds for their respec- ter way to start the New Year. (SAD) and scholarships (BdS) in this triennium. At
Unrestricted donations
tive projects. the same time it is planned to introduce two new
Early morning showers fell ways to participate in our activities:
Sponsorship At A Distance
again on the New Years Day , 1) A S2S (School to School) or C2C (Class
At the present time there are 880 donors financing
the last day of the retreat, but by to Class) program.
1,200 children, approximately 40 monks, and about
continued on page 9

s h a n g - s h u n g i n s t i t u e n e w s
The Annual Report of the Shang-Shung Institute, Austria The Project
2005 Complete Works of
Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
The year 2005 was a very work-intensive and fruitful year .
The Ka-ter Translation Project made most of the progress: Here is the annual report regarding the Project Complete Works of
Chgyal Namkhai Norbu. Our goal is to collect an adequate amount
The new book of Rinpoche On Birth, Life and Death will be published in Spring 2006 in English and fol- of money every year so that all of Chgyal Namkhai Norbus Tibetan
lowing in several other languages. Very special thanks to Elio Guarisco for all his ef forts in order to make works could be translated into the Western languages in the best way
a correct and very precise translation. possible.
In the last year and a half of this project (July 2004 December 2005)
The three main translators of the Dzogchen-Community - Elio Guarisco, Jim Valby and Adriano Clemente we collected about 17,000US$ that were generously given by the fol-
- collaborated very intensively on the translation of a very important Dzogchen Tantra, the Mejung. It real- lowing donors:
ly is a pain striking and extremely dif ficult work as from this Tantra there exist eight dif ferent versions of
Tibetan texts that are not the same. It is the very first time that such a dif ficult work of translation into a Anna Pucci
Western language has been done up to now, and it never would be possible without the so generous and com- Barbara Hammann
passionate help of Chgyal Namkhai Norbu. The translation of this Tantra probably will be ready for pub- Bernhard Schweizer
lishing in 2007. Clara Bordeu
David Meyer
In Summer 2005, the third Training for Translators from Tibetan under the guidance of Elio Guarisco was Dzogchen Community France
held in Merigar. Ten translators from the worldwide Dzogchen Community worked for four weeks on the Dzogchen Community Germany
translation of another marvelous Dzogchen Tantra, the Khanyam, and The Primordial State Equal to Sky. Dzogchen Community Siena, Italy
Due to this work, all the participants could progress in their ability to translate spiritual Tibetan texts. In Dzogchen Community Tashigar Sur
Summer 2006, the fourth Training for Translators will again take place in Merigar. Ed Hayes
Fabio Orlandini
The Ka-ter Translation Project is financed by donations only and I want to express my deepest gratitude to Francesco Gracis
all donors who have supported our work for making available these texts of wisdom to all interested people Franoise Van Der Berg
in Western languages. I especially want to thank Chgyal Namkhai Norbu for all his support. In order to Gabor Hardy
guarantee a continuation of our work in the future, it will be necessary that our activities be supported in the George Blaha
same generous way as has been done until now. Thank you so much for all your collaboration. You can also Giordano and Jo Asoli
make online donations via our web safe site: Giorgio Minuzzo
https://ssl13.inode.at/ssi-austria.at/creditcardoffering.htm Gloria Pera
Janis Page
Jiri Rys
Here is a list of all the donors of 2005 Johanne Tonsich
Chgyal Namkhai Norbu Johannes Binder
Austria: Gontscharev Viktor; Gelter Horst; Gnther-Ziegler Gisela; Kevin Galea
Kern Gabriele; Keutz Michaela; Kogler Ursula; Kllbichler Monika; Leick Lee Bray
Gabriele; Leick Oliver; Mller Gerhard; Nopp Alfred; Leitner Edith; Peddi Liakos Evangelopoulos
Stephan; Saletu Karoline; Samlicki Ingrid; Schmidt Axel; Sommerauer Klaus; Lynn Sutherland
Wagner Gerhard; Wihrheim Uli Marina Sukhanova and Mark Drachinski
Australia: Dzogchen Community Namyalgar; King-Salter Julian; Sands Massimo Orsi
Angela Mimmo Mercogliano
Canada: Busby Liliane; Miyagawa Arnold Nick Dudka and Sveta Shenkhorov
Czech Republic: LMC Ltd.; Maly Libor Paola Zingali
France: Blondeaux Giraud Elisabeth; Le Tuan Bao Paolo Brunatto
Germany: Blickling Ralf; Emerenziani Renate; Hasp Ingo; Nelke Achim; Paolo Pappone
Vormizeele Edith Petra Seibert
Hungary: Dzogchen Community Hungary Raimondo Bultrini
Ireland: Golden Jan Riccardo Giambarresi
Italy: Gracis Fransesco & Patricia; Pirovano Stefano & Carolione Riccardo Moraglia
Netherlands: Blanson Henkemans Anneco; Kubiszowska A. Mevrouw Shang Shung Institut Austria
Poland: Skura Artur from Russia: Kopanev Igor Stefano Pirovano
Slovakia: Linczenyi Peter & Gabriela; Watzka Riki Terry Di Pompeo
Spain: Aguilar Oriol Ugo Cardea
R.o.C.: Chen Cheng-Ho (Taiwan), Jason Cheung (Hong Kong) Yolanda Ferrandiz
USA: Bass Carolyn and the Dzogchen-Community of Mexico; Daugherty Judy;
Fox James; Friend Rosemary; Harris Ted; King Lidian; Page Janis; Sutherland
Lynn; Wright William We are listing below the translations done byAdriano Clemente in the
Venezuela: Debarge Beata past year and his future plans for this project.

If you want to read more about the various activities of the Shang-Shung Institute, Austria, you can down-
load the PHONYA, The First International Newsletter of the Shang Shung Institute, in English:
http://www.ssi-austria.at/ssi-engl/ssi-frame-engl.htm TRANSLATIONS OF CHGYAL NAMKHAI NORBUS
WORKS IN 2004-2005
German speaking people can read all the five issues of the Phonya that have been published up to now at:
http://www.ssi-austria.at/ssi-frame-deutsch.htm THE UPADESHA ON THE TREGCH OF PRIMORDIAL
PURITY (ka dag khregs chod kyi man ngag), in LONGSALTEACH-
Very best wishes and a happy and wonderful new year , INGS VOL . 5.
Shang-Shung Institute Austria A (a dkar bla mai rnal byor gyi man ngag), in LONGSAL TEACH-

pho n y a ye shes mkha groi phrin las r gya), in LONGSAL TEACHINGS

VOL. 6.
Shang-Shung Institute Austria LONGSAL TEACHINGS VOL. 6.
The brand new newsletter of the Shang-Shung Institute Austria is called PHONYA (pronounced Ponya).
Chgyal Namkhai Norbu gave this name. Phonya is Tibetan and means messenger or courier. So the
Phonya is the messenger of the Shang- Shung Institute Austria. WORKS IN PROGRESS
In this first issue our various activities of the year 2005 are listed and you can find a precise description
of the Ka-ter Translation Project. The newsletter contains seventeen pages and includes several color pho- THE TREASURY OF ATI SAMADHI, FIRST LEVEL OF
tos. It is in PDF format. You find the link to the PHONYA here: SANTI MAHA SANGHA, new revised and enlar ged edition (a ti
http://www.ssi-austria.at/ssi-engl/ssi-frame-engl.htm bsam gtan dgongs mdzod).
Thank you for your interest in our work and your collaboration, AND COMMENTARY (rdo rje sems dpa nam mkha che rtsa grel).
Very best wishes for 2006 and all the best,


Shang-Shung Institute Austria
Email: office@ssi-austria.at LONGSAL TEACHINGS VOLUME SEVEN (T otal
Web site: www.ssi-austria.at Integration of Behavior, 25 Longchens, Bardo).
continued on next page


Complete Works Project continued from previouspage

Janadhakini, Kalachakra etc.).

Americas First Full Traditional Tibetan Medicine
BIOGRAPHY OF TOGDEN UGYEN TENDZIN. Program Now Accepting New Students
LHALUNG SANGDAG TEACHINGS ON VAJRAPANI. Institute seeks to become first accr edited school of
THE TOTAL SPACE OF VAJRASATTVA WITH THREE COMMENTARIES. Conway, MA The Shang-Shung Institute of America is now accepting applications
VAJRA DANCE, ORIGINAL TEXT INCLUDING THE HISTORY OF ITS DISCOV- for Fall 2006 enrollment in its newly created Traditional Tibetan Medicine Program.
ERY. The certification program, now in its second year, follows a recent revival ofTibetan med-
THE BOOK OF DREAMS. icine in the East and marks one of the most significant advances for its preservation and
THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. practice since His Holiness, the 14 th Dalai Lama in exile, re-established the Men-Tsee-
Khang in Dharamsala, India in 1961.
In the last year and a half the funds raised for this very important project were less than The innovative curriculum is the first-of-its-kind in English and the only full-time, four -
expected and therefore the continuity of this translation work cannot be guaranteed. year traditional Tibetan medicine certification program of fered in the United States.
Therefore the Merigar Gakyil, with the approval of Chgyal Namkhai Norbu, decided to Graduates will be among the first American-trained certified practitioners and will help
boost this project by entrusting it to Oliver Leick who has already proved very effective in put the institute on the path of becoming the first fully accredited school of Tibetan med-
fundraising for several activities as for instance the Ka-T er Translation Project and other icine in the West.
projects of the Shang-Shung Institute Austria. The institute also offers introductory seasonal intensives that can be applied toward certi-
fication. Limited work-study opportunities are available, and new students can apply
Soon Oliver Leick will issue an announcement explaining the new undertakings that were online for both fall enrollment and summer intensives at ShangShung.or g.
conceived for making this fundraising more effective. In the meanwhile the donations can
be handed over manually to the Merigar Of fice or can be sent by bank transfer to the fol - Four-year Certification Program
lowing account:
Under the direction of Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo, a physician with an advanced degree from
# 893, Banca Popolare dellEtruria, Branch of Casteldelpiano, in the name of Comunit Lhasa University in Traditional Tibetan Medicine, the program closely parallels tradi-
Dzogchen FA tional training rooted in the Gyud Zhi (pronounced gyu shee), the fundamental text of
IBAN Code: IT98Q 05390 72190 0000 0000 0893 Tibetan medicine better known as The Four Tantras in English. The ancient Tantras
BIC Code: ARBAIT 33126 classify an amazing 1600 types of diseases and corresponding treatments using more than
3,000 medicinal plants native to the Himalayas. The comprehensive curriculum also cov-
We hope that all the Gars, Gakyils and practitioners of our Dzogchen Community will con- ers Tibetan physician ethics, medical history and language and includes clinical training;
tinue to give to this project their very precious and generous support. medicine preparation and Kunye massage therapy.
Best wishes, Traditional Tibetan Medicine
Merigar Gakyil
January 2006 With a history going back over 2,500 years, traditional Tibetan medicine is one of the old-
est continuously practiced healing systems on Earth. Regarded as science, art and phi-
Training for Translators from Tibetan losophy, it is an ancient form of holistic heath care indigenous to the Tibetan people that
Sponsored by Shang-Shung Institute Austria integrates the core Buddhist principles of altruism, karma and ethics. Initially influenced
by Ayurveda, traditional Tibetan medicine evolved into a synthesis of thousands of years
of accumulated empirical knowledge from China, Persia, India and Greece. It was prac -
Merigar West, Italy ticed continuously in Tibet until the Chinese invasion in the 1950s and is still practiced
Summer 2006 today wherever Tibetans live in exile.

Shang-Shung Institute Austria is once again of fering a TRAINING FOR TRANSLA- Summer 2006 Intensives
TORS FROM TIBETAN. This will be the fourth training in the activity of the Ka-ter
Translation Project. The aim of this long-lasting project, which started in the summer of Course: Introduction to Tibetan Medical Histor y and
2003, is to guarantee that there will be precise translations of the sacred texts available Fundamental Theory
in Western languages in the future. The result of the first Training in 2003, a book enti- Teacher: Yang Ga, assistant professor of Tibetan medicine at Tibetan
tled On Birth, Life and Death will be available very soon in English and after in sev- Medical College in Lhasa, Tibet and Harvard PhD candidate
eral other languages. The Shang-Shung Institute Austria is the organizer and sponsor of Dates: June 5-15 daily from 9:30a to 4:00p
this initiative. Tuition: $500 ($400 with Shang Shung membership)
The Training 2006 will be held again at Merigar from June 21 until July 28, 2006. Elio Lodging: $15 per night ($10 per night with Shang Shung membership)
Guarisco will again be the instructor of this Training. The precise text for this Training is
not yet decided, but will be chosen by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu shortly . Course: History and Origin of the Science of Tibetan Astrology
Everyone with a good knowledge of Tibetan language and grammar can apply to take Teacher: Professor Chimed Rabten, a full-fledged Tibetan scholar and
part in this wonderful opportunity to get a deep and insightful understanding of the physician
ancient Dzogchen Tantras. Before being accepted for the Training, participants are Dates: June 19-29 daily from 9:30a to 4:00p
required to take a two page written test of a Tibetan text to be translated. These will be Tuition: $500 ($400 with Shang Shung membership)
checked by Elio to ascertain if participants have enough qualifications. Interested people Lodging: $15 per night ($10 per night with Shang Shung membership)
should contact the Institute.
It would also be extremely helpful and generous if people could continue to support the Course: Health of Body, Mind & Spirit in Tibetan Medicine
Ka-ter Translation Project and all its activities. You can make donations online via our Teacher: Dr. Kunchok Gyaltsen, Tibetan Medical Doctor and
web safe site: Buddhist Monk
https://ssl13.inode.at/ssi-austria.at/creditcardoffering.htm Dates: July 17-27 daily from 9:30a to 4:00p
Tuition: $500 ($400 with Shang Shung membership)
Thank you very much for all your help and support, Lodging: $15 per night ($10 per night with Shang Shung membership)
Very best wishes,
Oliver Leick Course: Kunye Level One
Shang-Shung Institute Austria Teacher: Dr. Phuntsog Wangmo, a Tibetan-trained physician and
www.ssi-austria.at director of the Shang Shung Institute s Traditional Tibetan
Medicine Program
KA-TER TRANSLATION PROJECT Dates: August 21-26 daily from 9:30a to 4:00p
UPDATE ON TRANSLATION WORK IN MARGARITA ISLAND Tuition: $375 ($300 with Shang Shung membership)
SHANG-SHUNG INSTITUTE, AUSTRIA Lodging: $15 per night ($10 per night with Shang Shung membership)

In December 2005 and January 2006 the three main translators of the Dzogchen For more information, please visit ShangShung.org.
Community - Elio Guarisco, Adriano Clemente and Jim Valby - met in Margarita in order
to work on the translation of a very important Dzogchen Tantra called the Mejung Tantra. Shang-Shung Institute of America
They have worked for several weeks and soon Elio and Adriano will continue their work
again. Their translation work is part of the Ka-ter Translation Project, an initiative of the Founded at Tsegyalgar in 1994 by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu, the primary mission of the
Shang-Shung Institute Austria that started some years ago. Shang Shung Institute in America is to preserve Tibetan cultural knowledge and to foster
Thanks to the loving kindness, the patience and compassion of our Master, and thanks to interest in Tibetan Arts, Culture, History, Philosophy and Religion.
the incredible effort and dedication towards theTeachings of Elio, Adriano and Jim, it will
be possible for us to be able to read and understand these extraordinary texts in Western Among the Institutes achievements in the nine years since its inception are; translating
languages. Thank you for all your work! I also want to thank Gloria Pera for making Chgyal Namkhai Norbu s groundbreaking three-volume history of Tibet, Light of
these photos of the translation work in Mar garita. Kailash (ongoing, under the direction of Dr . Donatella Rossi); developing a comprehen -
sive English-language curriculum and texts for the study of Tibetan Medicine (including
Please see the photos of Rinpoche working with the three translators: the year-round residency of Tibetan physician, Dr . Phuntsog Wangmo); maintaining an
http://www.ssi-austria.at/ssi-engl/ka-ter-dzog-tantras.htm extensive audio library of educational resources in Tibetan Medicine (open to study by
(or the German site: http://www.ssi-austria.at/ka-ter-dzog-uebersetz.htm) individuals from every continent), and supporting the creation of thanka series associated
with the Dzogchen lineages (created by Master painter Glen Eddy).
Please feel free to support the activities of the Shang-Shung Institute Austria, so that we
can continue to finance the Ka-terTranslation Project. You can give your donations online The Shang-Shung Institute in America is a non-profit and tax-exempt 501(c) organization
through our web safe site: located in Conway, Massachusetts. The Institute receives funding from members, private
https://ssl13.inode.at/ssi-austria.at/creditcardoffering.htm (or the German site: donors, corporate matching grants and foundations.

Thank you for your support, Oliver Leick

Special Practice Calendar
Fire Dog Years
GLOBAL TIMETABLE 1st Month, 10th day which is the anniversary of the Today is a Dakini day . It is also
Thu. 9 th March 2006 great Terton Loter Wangpo, try the anniversary of the Fifth Dalai
Anniversary of Garab Dorje to do the Akar Lamai Naljor, Lama, a great terton and practi-
1st Tibetan month 15 th day This is the day on which Guruyoga of the White A tioner of Dzogchen so it is a very
Celebration at 8 a.m. Padmasambhava was with the Master Garab beneficial day to reinforce the
Oddiyana time. ordained by Ananta, or , Dorje either collectively function of our ener gy and create
according to Jigmed or alone, with a a more vital contact with the ener-
Monday March 13th 2006 Lingpa (Jigs med gLing Ganapuja if possible. gy of the universe. If you have the
pa), the day on which he possibility, it is good to do a
17:00 Hawaii left the kingdom of 3rd Month, 4 th day Guruyoga of the White A in the
19:00 San Francisco, Los Oddiyana to go to the Mon. 1st May 2006 morning and in the evening a
Angeles, Vancouver (US Pacific cemetery at Maghadha Ganapuja with an intensive prac-
Time) called Citavana. This is an important day tice of Ekajati, repeating the heart
20:00 Denver (US You can do a Ganapuja in the for the practice of mantra as many times as possi-
Mountain Time) usual way or if you do not Ekajati, so try to do a ble. Otherwise you can do the
21:00 Chicago, Mexico have the possibility you can try Long or Medium Thun in Medium Thun with the practice
City, Belize (US Central Time) to do the long life practice linked the usual way , reciting the of Ekajati, repeating the heart
22:00 New York, Montreal, to the Guruyoga of Guru heart mantra of Ekajati as many mantra as much as possible. The
Detroit, Havana Rinpoche (Universal W isdom 6th times as possible. best time for this practice is
23:00 Caracas Union) either collectively or day around 8 in the evening.
alone. Otherwise you can do a Tue. 4th 3rd Month, 10th day
Tuesday March 14tha 2006 Medium Thun (Tundrin) with an April 2006 Sun. 7th May 2006 3rd Month, 30th day
intense practice of the Guruyoga Sat. 27th May 2006
00:00 Buenos Aires, Sao of Padmasambhava. This is an important day for the This is a special day of Guru
Paolo, Santiago practice of Ekajati, so try to do a Padmasambhava. Those who NEW MOON. Today is the
03:00 GMT, London, 1st Month, 15th day Long or Medium Thun in the have received transmission anniversary of Sangyas Lingpa
Dublin, Lisbon Tue. 14th March 2006 usual way , reciting the heart should do a Guruyoga with (1340-1396) a great terton and
04:00 Rome, Berlin, Oslo, mantra of Ekajati as many times Padmasambhava with the long Dzogchen master . You can do a
Paris, Amsterdam, Stockholm FULL MOON. The anniversary as possible. life mantra and a Ganapuja as we Guruyoga of the White A from
05:00 Helsinki, Athens, of the great Dzogchen Master usually do, otherwise you can do the cycle of teachings Universal
Jerusalem Garab Dorje as well as that of the 2nd Month, 10th day the long life practice Universal Clarity with a Ganapuja. It is also
06:00 Moscow founder of Bn, the great Master Sat. 8th April 2006 Wisdom Union. If it is possible, a good day to do the Purification
08:00 Oddiyana (Karachi- Shenrab Miwoche, falls on the the best time to do the Guruyoga of the Six Lokas.
Pakistan) day of the first full moon of the This is a special day of Guru and long life practice is in the
08:30 Dehli, Bombay Tibetan year. It is also a special Padmasambhava, the day on morning between 7 and 8. You 4th Month, 6 th and 8th days
08:45 Kathmandu day of Buddha Shakyamuni when which King Sahora tried to burn can do the Ganapuja later in the 2nd & 4th June 2006
09:00 Dacca he manifested several miracles him alive and when he trans- afternoon.
10:00 Bangkok, Jakarta and the anniversary of the Master formed the fire into a lake, so try Usually the best way to do the These are important days for the
11:00 Singapore, Hong Marpa. Thus it is an especially to perform a Ganapuja collective- Ganapuja and the Guruyoga is practice of Ekajati so try to do a
Kong important day for both Buddhist ly, but if that is not possible do the collectively, with your Vajra Long or Medium Thun with your
12:00 Tokyo and Bnpo practitioners, in par- Long life practice Universal brothers and sisters, but if this is Vajra brothers and sisters. If that
14:00 Melbourne, Sydney ticular those who practice the Wisdom Union. not possible you can always do is not possible you can do the
Dzogchen teachings. this practice alone when you have Medium Thun alone, reciting the
On this day, therefore, when it is 2nd Month, 12th day time. The important thing is to try heart mantra of Ekajati as many
1st Month, 1st day 8 am in Oddiyana, Chgyal Mon. 10th April 2006 to communicate with all practi- times as possible.
Tue. 28th Feb. 2006 Namkhai Norbu will give the tioners linked to the same trans-
transmission of Guruyoga with This is the anniversary of Jetsun mission so that you can develop 4th month, 7th day
The Tibetan New Year starts the specific practice linked to the Dragpa Gyaltsen (1 147-1216), the potentiality of the transmis- Sat. 3rd June 2006
today. It is good to do a Long life anniversary of Garab Dorje. In one of the first great Masters of sion that you have received and
practice as early as possible in the this way the transmission will be the Sakyapa tradition, so try to do through it your understanding and This is the anniversary of the
morning and a Ganapuja during live because the transmission has the Akar Lamai Naljor , the capacity to integrate your daily birth of Buddha Shakyamuni, an
the day . Prayer flags can be no distance. Rinpoche will trans- Guruyoga of the White A. life in the state of contemplation. important day for all Buddhists,
authenticated during the mit and throughout the world Those who have not received the so try to a Ganapuja with your
Ganapuja. On the morning of the people who do the practice at the 2nd Month, 15th day transmission of the Thun practice Vajra brothers and sisters.
third day of the New Year you can same moment will be in the trans- Thu. 13th April 2006 can learn it from other practition-
do the rite of the Sang and hang mission and will thus receive the ers and then receive the transmis- 4th Month, 10th day
up the prayer flags. transmission. This practice FULL MOON. This is one of the sion when there is the opportuni- Tue. 6th June 2006
should be done at the appointed best days for doing the long life ty. Otherwise on this day those
1st Month, 4th day time together with your Vajra practice of Guru Amitayus, with a who have not received transmis- Today is the day of Guru
Fri. 3 rd March 2006 brothers and sisters or , if that is Ganapuja if possible. Try to do it sion of the Thun practice can do a Padmasambhava. In general you
not possible, alone. (In Italy , this collectively or, if that is not possi- purification practice with breath- can do the practice of the
The fourth day of the first month practice will be done at 4 am.) ble, alone. ing and Yantra Yoga exercises Guruyoga of Padmasambhava on
is a special day for doing the SEE GLOBAL TIMETABLE and movements or practices this day. If you have the possibil-
Long life practice of the Dakini 2nd Month, 20th day linked to controlling the prana. ity and enough time you can do a
Mandarava. It is also a very spe- 1st Month, 25th day Tue. 18 th April 2006 collective Ganapuja with your
cial day for doing the practice of Fri. 24th March 2006 3rd month, 15th day Vajra brothers and sisters other-
Ekajati so today try to do the This is the anniversary of the Sat. 13th May 2006 wise you can do the Long life
Long life practice Cycle of This is the day of the Dakini and great Dzogchen Master Do practice Union of Primo rdial
Lifes Vajra in the morning and in particular the anniversary of Gyaltsen Yeshe Dorje (born FULL MOON. This is one of the Essences.
the Long Thun in the evening. If the lady Master Ayu Khandro, so 1800), a disciple of the first best days for long life practices
you don t have this possibility , it is good to do the Akar Lamai Dodrubchen Rinpoche and a mas- and in particular for the practice 4th Month, 15th day
you can try to do the Long life Naljor or a Ganapuja with trans- ter of Nyagla Padma Dundul. It is of the Union of Primordial Sun. 11th June 2006
practice included in the Medium formation into the Dakini therefore a good day to do Akar Essences. It is best to do it early
or Long Thun, with the rite of Simhamukha. Lamai Naljor, the Guruyoga with in the morning between 7 and FULL MOON. This is the
Ekajati, reciting the heart mantra the White A. 8am if you can but if this isn t anniversary of the Paranirvana of
of Ekajati as much as possible. 1st Month, 30th day possible you can do it in the after- Buddha Shakyamuni as well as
Wed. 29th March 2006 2nd Month, 25th day noon or even in the evening when an important day for the long life
1st Month, 8th day Sun. 23rd April 2006 you are not busy. practice Cycle of Life s Vajra.
Tue. 7th March 2006 DARK MOON. This day is suit- Today is also the anniversary of Therefore if you can, do the prac-
able for purification practice so This is a Dakini day so try to do a the Kalachakra, the day when tice of the Dakini Mandarava in
This is an important day for doing try to do purification with the Ganapuja with your Vajra broth - Buddha Shakyamuni first gave the morning (the best time is
the practice of Ekajati; so try to Namcho Shitroi Naljor, the prac- ers and sisters or if that is not pos- the teaching of Kalachakra so it between 7 and 8 am) and a col-
do the Long Thun either collec- tice of the peaceful and wrathful sible, a Medium Thun, either col- is good to do a Ganapuja or Long lective Ganapuja in the afternoon
tively or personally . If you don t manifestations, either collectively lectively or alone. Thun in the evening either collec- or evening according to your pos-
have that possibility then try to do or alone, as well as a collective tively or alone. sibilities.
the Medium Thun and in either Ganapuja. 2nd Month, 30th day
case recite the heart mantra of Thu. 27 th April 2006 3rd Month, 25th day 4th Month, 24th day
Ekajati as many times as possible. Mon. 22nd May 2006 Tue. 20th June 2006
2nd Month DARK MOON. On this day ,
continued on page 9


international community contacts
ARGENTINA Tel: 056-2-474-4782 Web site: www.dzogchen.nl Mexico City Fonte Salgada 713-Z
Tashigar* Email: lorenahume@yahoo.com (under construction) Tel: (011 52 55) 5511 0550 8800 Tavira
Comunidad Dzogchen Martin Landsman, Groningen Portugal
Tashigar CZECH REPUBLIC Email: mlandsman@planet.nl Carolyn Bass, Yellow Gakyil Tel: 081 323780
Calle pblica S/N Dzogchen o.s. Annalen Gall, Amsterdam < cbass@prodigy.net.mx Email:
Tanti 5155 U Bozich Bojovniku 3 Email: Angela Mijares, Red Gakyil vitorpomar@mail.telepac.pt
Pcia. de Crdoba Prague 2 annalen_gall@hotmail.com angiemaiden@hotmail.com
Tel & Fax: 0054- 3541-498 356 Tel: +420 603 529 784 Monica Patio, Blue Gakyil Lydia Ferrera
Email: tashigarsur@gmail.com Email: HUNGARY monica_patino@hotmail.com Rua da Nazare 2
blue@dzogchen.cz Zsolt Somogyvari Tel: 011 52 55 581 30315 Vila Facaia
AUSTRALIA yellow@dzogchen.cz Szalmarozsa ter 8. 3A Cerrada de Juarez #33-1 2560 Torres Vedras
Namgyalgar* Dzogchen red@dzogchen.cz Budapest, H-1161 Colonia Tinajas Contadero Tel: 351 61 911235
Community in Australia Web site: Email: dzogchenhu@yahoo.com Mexico City 05370
Vicki Forscutt - Secretary http://www.dzogchen.cz RUSSIAN FEDERATION
PO Box 14 Central Tilba, ISRAEL Tsegyalgar West/Baja Gar* Kunsangar*
NSW 2546 DENMARK Alex Polak 142500 Russia, Moscow region,
Tel/Fax: 61 02 4473 7668 Anne-Grethe Nyeng Tel: 00972-52-6020374 Scott Schroeder, Gakyil Pavlovskiy Posad, RUPS,a/ya
Email: namgyalg@acr.net.au Fax: 45 33 11 32 43 Email: polakalex@hotmail.com President 13, BF Dostoyanie
Web site: www.dzogchen.org.au Email: nyeng@mail.dk Email: ecobaja@prodigy.net.mx Secretary
Yael Rotbard Tel: 011 52 624 15 07407 Tel: 7 096 43 21156
Gar ESTONIA Tel: 00972-52-2682291 Tel: 7 095 740 79 98
Gekes of Namgyalgar Estonia: Email: bygy@zahav.net.il Rodrigo Villalobos Email: kunsang@dzogchen.ru
Tel: 61(0)2 4473 7770 Svetlana Kollyakova Email: rodrigosky@hotmail.com
Email: garnet@acr.net.au Email: skol@eer.ee ITALY Tel: 011 52 624 14 77525 Moscow DC Rinchenling
Merigar* Comunita Dzogchen Email: rinchenling@dzogchen.ru
AUSTRIA FINLAND Secretary - Anna De Sole Jardin de los Naranjos
Homepage: www.dzogchen.at Mika Sillanpaa Arcidosso, 58031 GR, Italy Apartado Postal 395 St. Petersburg DC Sangeling
Kuhankeittajankatu 22 Tel: 39 0 564 968 837 23400 San Jose del Cabo, BCS Email: sangyeling@mail.ru
Dzogchen Community of 50190 Mikkeli Fax: 39 0 564 968 110 Mexico
Vienna, Austria Finland Email: merigaroffice@tisca- Baikal DC Namseling
Email: dzogchen.wien@gmx.at Email: Mika.Sillanpaa@uku.fi linet.it NEPAL Contact person Alexander
Vikki Floyd Vyaznetskovtsev:
Peter Sochor FRANCE Adzomling G.P.O. Box 8974 Email: yantra@buryatia.ru
Gtzgasse 2/10, A-1100 Association Dzogchen Moreno Marcato CPC 069
Wien, Austria Dejam Ling, Le Deves Via Culasso 2 Thamel Samara DC.
Tel: 0043 1 602 91 16 F30570 St Andre de 14053 Canelli Kathmandu Contact person Viktor Krecker:
Majencoules AT 0141 Res.Tel# 00977-1-4270106 Email: krecker@samtel.ru
Dzogchen Community Austria, Tel: 33-(0)467824490 Tel: (39) 0141 831002 (after 8.00 p.m.)
Regions Web site: www.association- Email: vikkifloyd@hotmail.com SERBIA/EX YUGOSLAVIA
Oliver F. Leick dzogchen.org Zhenphenling Jelena Zagorcic
Gschmaier 139, A-8265 Dzogchen Community of Rome NEW CALEDONIA Vojvode Stepe 280
Gr.Steinbach GERMANY Via G. Miani 5 Marie Lascombes 11000 Beograd
Tel/Fax: 03386-8571 or 0676- Dzogchen Gemeinscaft 00154 Rome Noumea 381 11 462555
3221365 c/o Helga Betz Tel. 0039 06 57300346 Email: ssawayaa@canl.nc Email: ela.z@EUnet.yu
Email: office@ssi-austria.at , Helga Betz Email: zhenphenling@tiscali.it
oliver1506@aon.at Lindemannstr. 12 NEW ZEALAND Ivana Radicevic Karaman
D-40237 Dsseldorf JAPAN NZ Dzogchen Community Otona Zupancica 36
BELGIUM Tel+fax 49 (0)211 682657 Ms. Tsugiko Kiyohashi P.O.Box 90450 11070 Belgrade
Katia Lytridon Email: office@dzogchen.de 5-11-22-301 Shimomeguro Auckland City Tel: 381 11 604115
16, rue Paul Goedert Web site: www.dzogchen.de Meguroku, Tokyo 153-0064 Email: nzgakyil@yahoo.co.nz Email: dakini@EUnet.yu
L-3330 Crauthem Luxembourg Tel&fax (home): +81 3 3712
Tel: 352 366591 Red gakyil: rot@dzogchen.de 7507 Paora Joseph SINGAPORE
Yellow gakyil: Email: paora1@hotmail.com 1) Management Committee for-
BRAZIL gelb@dzogchen.de LATVIA mat are:
Dzogchen Community of Brazil Blue gakyil: blau@dzogchen.de Padmaling Gabrielle Kearney President - Edmund Tai Kwok
So Paulo Gertrudes 5a, Riga, LV-1010 Email: rana@pl.net Wah
Web site: www.dzogchen.com.br Oddiyana Shang Shung Edition: Email: padmaling@dzogchen.ru Email:
oddiyana@dzogchen.de NORWAY mailto:edmundkwtai@yahoo.co
General Contact: LITHUANIA Gordon Cranmer m.sg
brazil@dzogchen.com.br GREAT BRITAIN Dorjeling 4157 Utstein Kloster Mosteroy Tel: (65)64811308,
Amely Becker Lithuanian Community Tel: 47 4 514705 (65)96373010
Blue Gakyil: Otavio Lilla 15A Langdon Park Road Dorjeling
Email: otavio@dzogchen.com.br London N6 5PS Email: Lithuania@dzogchen.ru Community Web site: Vice President - Michael Foo
Red Gakyil: Regina Marques Tel: 020 8348 6253 http://go.to/dzogchen.no See Jin
Email: regina@dzogchen.com.br Email: amely@globalnet.co.uk Web site: www.dzogcenas.lt Email: mfoo@caribbean.com.sg
Yellow Gakyil: Helosa UK web site: www.redsand- PERU Tel: (65)96155886 ]
Paternostro stonehill.net/dzogchen/ Algis Lukosevicius Susana Belaunde
Email: helo@dzogchen.com.br Architektu 176-44 Calle Teruel 341 Secretary - Wong Hee Kun
GREECE LT-04206 Vilnius Miraflores, Lima Email:
CANADA Hellenic Dzogchen Community Tel: +370-614-18056 Email: subelaunde@yahoo.com frogwong@singnet.com.sg
Peter Dimitrov General contact email address: Tel: (65)93672288 ]
2475 Wall St. info@dzogchen.gr LUXEMBOURG POLAND
Vancouver, BC Web site: www.dzogchen.gr Katia Lytridou Wspolnota Dzogczen Treasurer - Fan Chin
V5K 1A4 5, rue Joseph Probst ul. Bruna 1/68 Email: fanchin@singtel.com
Email: pacrim@axion.net Individual members to contact in Junglinster L-6148 02-594 Warszawa Tel: (65)96711138 ]
Athens: Email: dzogczen@dzogczen.pl
Tom & Bev Clarke Alessandra Baniasco, MALAYSIA Vice Treasurer - Lee Chee Teong
312-6040 Iona (+30) 210 8015419 Tham Wye Min Paldenling Email: teong@starhub.net.sg
Vancouver, B.C. Dimitris & Anna Daskarolis, 8669C Klebang Kechil 75200 Lysa Gora 168 Tel: (65)91397862 ]
V6T 2E8 (+30) 210 3466861 Melaka 38-230 Nowy Zmigrod
Tel: 604-827-0094 Nicholas Liber, Tel: 60 35 6162 Tel: 48 887957944 Committee Member -
Email: tom-bev9@juno.com (+30) 6977 806369 Email: paldenling@wp.pl Ms Sandra Lee Siew Hwan
Panagiotis Stambolis, Kwok Kee Chang Website: http://www.dzogczen.pl Email: san138a@yahoo.com
Eve-Marie Breglia (+30) 6936 866070 11-A Jalan Jujor, 1/5 Tel: (65)97928853 ]
107 Armadale Ave. Phannie Xenou, Taman, Bakti Ampang Cezary Wozniak
Toronto, ONT M65-3X3 (+30) 6977 630540 Selangor, W. Malaysia Ul. Emaus 33 Committee Member -
Tel: 416 767 5252 Tel: 60 3 9847167 30-213 Krakow Sam Chan Teng Jiang
Email: chod@rogers.com Individual members to contact in Tel: 012/4252700, mobile Email:chantengjiang581@
Thessaloniki: MEXICO 609222211 msn.com
CHILE Thanos & Dina Svoronos, (+30) Mexico City Ling Email: cwozniak@bci.pl Tel: (65)81136131 ]
Lorena Hume 2310 828183 Tabasco #67 (between Merida
Marchant Pereira 1775 and Frontera streets) PORTUGAL SOUTH AFRICA
A-22-Providencia. Santiago HOLLAND Colonia Roma Vitor Pomar Jerry Smith
continued on next page

international community contacts cont. from previous page asia onlus news, looking ahead, continued fr om page 4

10 Dan Pienaar Ave. Douglas, AK 99824 Melinda Sacarob 2) An expanded membership campaign that would of fer the
Florida North, Gauteng, Tel: 907-364-2733 87-3139 Mamalahoa Hwy. possibility to join as a direct supporter of the or ganization.
South Africa Capt Cook Hawaii 96704
Tel: 011 672 7250 Pat Martin Tel: 808-328-9473 Sponsorship At A Distance (SAD)
Dzogchen Community of Alaska
Darryl van Blerk PO Box 35805 VENEZUELA The Sponsorship Project offers:
104 Park Road,Walmer Estate Juneau, AK 99803 North Tashigar Gakyil: Direct help to poor , disenfranchised Tibetan children/monks/elderly
Cape Town Tel: 907-780-6643 tashinor@gruposyahoo.com.ar who, in our assessment, are considered prime candidates for medical
7925, South Africa and educational assistance..
Tel: 27-21-4470129 Chicago Tashigar Norte* Creates an emotionally satisfying bond between the donors
Fax: 27-21-4221265 Lynn Sutherland Finca Tashigar and the beneficiaries.
Email: zebrad@intekom.co.za 5717 N. Washtenaw Ave. Prolongacin de la Calle Bolivar Provides the efficient use of donations.
Chicago, IL 60659 Valle de Pedro Gonzlez, Isla de Provides tax benefits to donors.
SPAIN Tel: 773 784 4168 Margarita
Dzogchen Community, Spain Email: lynnsuth@aol.com Tel: 00 58 295 2580 332 At present time we have 880 donors that provide assistance to 1,200
Apt. Postal 46220 Email: secretary@tashigar- recipients.
28028 Madrid Dzogchen Community West norte.org At the end of 2007 we anticipate a total of approximately 3,000 SAD
Coast Web site: www.dzogchen- donors.
Lella Guidotti Dondrup Ling venezuela.org
c/o Tenor Masini 2748 Adeline St. Suite D Scholarships
20 Bajos Berkeley, CA 94703 Carmen Rivas, Gakyil President
Barcelona 08028 Tel: 510 644 2260 PO Box Apartado Postal 123 We plan to increase our ef forts in this area. This will be an important
Tel: 00 34 93 4111563 / Mobile Email: aha@dzogchencommuni- Juan Griego addition to our overall educational assistance strategy as the SAD sole-
639311640 tywest.org Margarita, Venezuela ly finances elementary education.
Email: kungaa@wanadoo.es Web site: www.dzogchencom- Email:
munitywest.org marcarmenrivas@yahoo.com.ar CLASS-2-CLASS and SCHOOL-2-SCHOOL
Alexander & Pernilla Miami, Florida Pablo Lau Rivera This new program foresees the creation of paired western non-T ibetan
Dobronravoff Dzogchen Community in Miami Lhundrubgar Pba. Res. and local Tibetan classes and schools with individual children, other
Ulrikedalsvagen 6i #201 Email: Pedermales Av. classes, or other schools, in order to foster an interesting and fruitful
224 58 Lund, Sweden info@dzogchenmiami.org Paez Montalban II exchange of cultural information between the participants. Projected
Tel: 046 13 70 34 Web site: www.dzogchenmia- 1021 Caracas per student fees to sponsor a school or class are very low .
Mobile: 073 655 1968 mi.org Tel: 58 2 4421434
Email: Fax: 58 2 340643
pernilla_liedgren_dobron- Dominik Niceva Email: ablola@hotmail.com Donations to specific sector projects
ravoff@hotmail.com Tel. (1) 305-726-9035
Email: ndominik@earthlink.net Elias Capriles We plan to give smaller firms, companies, foundations and groups of
SWITZERLAND Apartado Postal 483 people, such as employees of a company , the opportunity to finance a
Swiss German Region Dzogchen Community of New Merida 5101 specific project in a precise sector . Proposed projects are in dif ferent
Peter Eisenegger Mexico Tel & Fax: +58 274 2440026 development sectors such as medical, educational, cultural, hydrologic,
Email: garuda@bluewin.ch Marta Macbeth Email: elicap@cantv.net and emergency assistance and disaster relief.
Tel: 0041(0)419170245 P.O. Box 9211
Santa Fe, New Mexico Merida Dzogchen Community Membership
Swiss French Region 87504 Apartado Postal 483
Fabienne Rey-Duc Tel: 505-986-1573 Merida 5101 This is an important area of development for ASIA. These funds are
Email: farey68@hotmail.com Email: rubystone1215@hot- Fax: +58 274 2440026 particularly important to ASIA ONLUS, especially because these funds
Tel: 0041(0)273232393 mail.com are undesignated and are available to cover the most pressing needs that
arise and/or cover overhead and management costs that are sometimes
Swiss Italian Region Colorado not duly considered by institutional donors.
Julie Breukel Michel Lidian King Membership fees for the next triennium are:
Email: julie@lungta.ch PO Box 1014 Basic Membership, 55-euro
Tel: 0041(0)917309991 Crestone, CO 81131 Supporting Membership, 150-euro
Tel: 719 256 5263 Honorary Membership, 1.000-euro
TAIWAN Email: lidian@fone.net Members will receive the bi-annual ASIA Onlus newsletter.
Peter C.Y. Pan
Email: stupid@ms1.kcg.gov.tw Kundrolling - New York City Handicrafts
or 151 W. 30th St., #403, NYC
stupid.pan@msa.hinet.net. Tel: 212-564 1024 ASIA plans to continue this form of fundraising activity. An online cat-
Email: nycdzogchen@aol.com Special Practices continued from page 7 alogue will be prepared, with all manner of Tibetan handicrafts. Among
THAILAND Maya Stolkiner, Email: items that could be included are items produced by the ASIA sponsored
children attending the Tibetan Childrens Villages.
Geoffrey Blake & Lynne maystol@yahoo.com This month there is no 25 th day
Klapecki Kathy McGrane, Email: so today is Dakini day . It is also
33 Soi Lang Suan - Ploenchit Rd kathymcgrane@hotmail.com For more detailed information on how to become a Sponsor , create a
the anniversary of Ngor Chen (a
Bangkok 10330 Michael Katz, Email: Scholarship, become a Member of ASIA or about any of ASIAs spe-
great master of the Sakyapa tradi-
Tel: 66 (0)2255-5150 zak10016@yahoo.com cific projects, please contact us.
tion and initiator of the Ngor lin-
Tel: 66 (0)2254-9061 Thank you and Happy New Year! Happy Losar! Many Tashi Deleks to
eage), therefore it is a good day to
Email: gblake@mozart.inet.co.th New York City Dzogchen you!
do the Guruyoga of the White A,
Community Akar Lamai Naljor , collectively
Alex Souter c/o Jane Fulton or alone.
Bangkok 220 East 72nd Street
Tel: 09 039 3992 or 02 742 1965 #20B 4th Month, 30th day
New York, NY 10021 Sun. 25th June 2006
Kiev DC, Ukraine janefulton100@hotmail.com NEW MOON. Today is the
Email: kiev@dzogchen.ru anniversary of Nyagla Padma
Hawaii Dundul (1816-1872), one of the
Donetsk DC, Ukraine Dzogchen Community of Masters of Changchub Dorje and
Email: donetsk@dzogchen.ru Hawaii the main Master of Namkhai
c/o Leilani Sim-Godbehere, Norbu Rinpoche. He discovered
Kharkov DC Karmaling, 48-495 Kamehameha Hwy., the Terma T sedrub Gongdu
Ukraine Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 which two of his disciples, Ayu
Email: karmaling@dzogchen.ru Tel: (808) 239-1165 Khandro and Changchub Dorje,
Email: simgod@hawaii.rr.com transmitted to Namkhai Norbu
Tsegyalgar* sunbear@aloha.net Rinpoche. Namkhai Norbu
Ed Hayes -Secretary Rinpoche practiced this method
P.O. Box 277 Susan Indich Via San Martino della Battaglia, 31 00185 Roma
as much as possible and started to
Conway, MA 01341 129 Kaelepulu Dr. Kailua Tel: 06.44340034, Fax: 06.44702620
transmit it to his students after
Tel: 413 369 4153 Hawaii, 96734 adozioni@asia-onlus.org
visiting the sacred cave at
Fax: 413 369 4473 Tel: 808 261 3469 www.asia-onlus.org
Maratika. Therefore try to do the
Email: secretary@tsegyalgar.org Fax: 808 524 4342 long life practice Union of
Gakyil: gakyil@tsegyalgar.org. Email: indichcoll@aol.com Primordial Essences in the (*) ASIA Onlus is an NGO r ecognized by the Foreign Affairs Ministry,
Web site: www.tsegyalgar.org morning. In the afternoon or and all the donations produce tax exemption.
Jerene evening you can do the Guruyoga
Alaska 81-1081 Keopuka Mauka Rd. of the White A, Akar Lamai
Peggy Leslie Kealakekua Hi. 96750 Naljor, collectively or alone, with
Dzogchen Community of Alaska Tel: 808 323-9714 a Ganapuja if possible.
PO Box 240063 Email: jerenela@hawaii.rr.com



me r igar w e s t
March - June 2006 Dzogchen Community in Italy
Arcidosso 58031
Events that are particularly indicated for those having their first contact with the GR Italy
Dzogchen Teaching are indicated by the Tibetan letter A (A). Tel: 39 0564 966 837
For people who are geniunely interested in the Teaching, it is indispensible to meet the Email: merigaroffice@tiscalinet.it
Master. This is possibile by following one of his T eaching Retreats or by participating in
one of the worldwide Direct Transmission days. Web site: www.dzogchen.it
Regarding the webcasts, we would like to specify that the term closed webcast means
that in order to be able to access it, one must be a member , while open webcast indi-
cates that it is a teaching that can be accessed by anyone directly through the Internet. A LETTER FROM MERIGAR
However in order to follow the Teachings at a Gar or a Ling of the Dzogchen Community, MEMBERSHIP 2006
it is indispensible to have a membership card.
Dear members of the Dzogchen Community,

March Fri. 10 - Sun. 19 At the beginning of the New Year, we would like to take the opportunity of reminding
A Chgyal Namkhai Norbu you to renew your membership so that you can take advantage of the many discounts
Audio and video webcast of the teaching and practice r etreat that are offered.
Of the Dzogchen Semlung Namkhache
Tashigar North, Margarita Ordinary membership costs 129 euro per year , gives a 20% discount on retreats and
(Open webcast) courses* and free subscriptions to the monthly Merigar Letter online and the four month-
The webcast starti daily at 21.00 (at 15.00 on the last day) ly Merigar magazine.

March Fri. 10 - Mon.13 Sustaining membership costs 500 euro, gives free entry to all courses* and retreats in
A Course of introduction to the practice of Contemplation Europe, free subscription to the monthly Merigar Letter , Merigar magazine and The
Led by Costantino Albini Mirror, free use of the personal retreat cabins at Merigar as well as a 50% discount on the
The course starts on Friday March 10 at 17.00 Video Journal.
Cost 120 , with discounts for members.
Meritorious membership costs 1500 euro and gives the same benefits as sustaining mem-
March Mon. 13 bership as well as a 100% discount on any new publications from Edizioni Shang Shung
A 17.00 Explanation of the Garab Dorje Guruyoga practice for the current year , plus a free subscription to the Video Journal. It will also include a
with Costantino Albini special gift.

March Tue. 14 Reduced membership at a cost of 50 euro is for community members who can show an
Chgyal Namkhai Norbu income which is lower than 700 euro per month and gives a 50% discount on courses*
A Audio and video webcast and retreats.
4.00 Worldwide transmission of the Garab Dorje Guruyoga
During 2006, the cost of the membership card will be deducted from the cost of the first
March Fri. 24 retreat in which a new member participates. That is membership is a gift included in the
Dance of the Vajra Day worldwide cost of the retreat for new members.
Intensive practice of the Dance of the Vajra Membership Fee Discount Personal Monthly 4 Monthly Publications Webcast Video Gift Mirror
Those who have Dance costumes are invited to wear them. Retreats Retreats ML ML Journal

March Sat. 25 - Sun. 26 Ordinary 129 20% 20% Online Both*** YES
Dance of the Song of the Vajra Course for advanced students
First part (from Emakirikiri up to Kelanam)
Led by Prima Mai Sustaining
500 100% 20% Online Both 10% YES 50% Paper

The course starts on Saturday March 25 at 10.00.

Cost 80 , with discounts for members.
Meritorious 1500 100% 100% Online Both 100% YES FREE SPECIAL Paper
Those who have Dance costumes are invited to wear them. Member GIFT

APRIL Reduced 50 50% 50% Online Online YES


April Sat.8 - Sun.9

Dance of the Song of the Vajra Course for advanced students
Second part (from Sambharata up to Ra Ra Ra) (*) Except courses organized by the Shang Shung Institute, SMS exams and SMS,
Led by Prima Mai YY and VD teachers training. (***) Online and paper version.
The course starts on Saturday April 8 at10.00.
Cost 80 , with discounts for members. All types of membership also give members the right to participate via web cast in
retreats given by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu abroad as well as to purchase the audio-visu-
April Fri. 14 - Mon. 17 (Easter) al material of the Shang-Shung Institute Archives.
A Retreat of Contemplation practice (Semdzin & Rushen) and Yantra Yoga
Led by Fabio Risolo, SMS Base teacher In order to be able to carry on the Dzogchen Community Reor ganization Project, mem-
The retreats starts on Friday April 14 at 10.00. bership should be registered no later than March 31, 2006. Membership is valid from
Cost 160 , with discounts for members. January 1 to December 31, 2006.

For more details on membership concessions, please refer to the table above.
With all best wishes for a very prosperous Fire Dog year!
May Tue. 25 April - Mon.1
Song of the Vajra Dance course of explanation and practice The Merigar Gakyil
For beginners
Third part (from Sambharata, up to Ra Ra Ra) HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER:
Led by Rita Renzi
The course starts on Tuesday April 25 at 10.00. At Merigar: contact the administration office (Pia Bramezza) or the secretary (Anna
Cost 280, with discounts for members. De Sole)
At the Lings: contact the person in char ge or the Yellow Gakyil.


Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
A Audio and video webcast of the Longsal teaching r etreat. Secretary (Anna De Sole):
Preliminaries of the path of Ati on the Purification of the Six Lokas Tel: +39 0564 966837
Tashigar North, Margarita Email: merigaroffice@tiscali.it
(Open webcast)
The retreat starts daily at 22.00. (at 16.00 on the last day) Administration (Pia Bramezza):
Tel: +39 0564 966322
May Fri. 5 Sun. 7 continued on next page Email: piabram@tiscali.it

Program schedule of Meigar West, Italy continued from previous page INFORMATION FOR PEOPLE WHO INTEND TO COME TO MERIGAR FOR RETREATS
A Guided practice of the Purification of the Six Lokas If you are looking for accommodation, airport transfer , local car hire or only logistic assistance, you
The retreat starti on Friday 5th at 16.00 can contact the following information and reservation service:

May Thu. 11 - Sun.14 Accommodation Service

A Six Spaces of Samantabhadra Vajra Dance course for
beginners (Information available in English, German, French and Italian) Information service and reser-
Led by a local instructor under the supervision of Prima vation of accommodation during retreats, local transport, & logistic solutions:
The course starts on Thursday May 11 at 16.00. Christina von Geispitzheim
Cost 120 , with discounts for members. Email: accomodationservice@libero.it
Tel: 0039 0564 957542
May Mon. 15 Mobile phone: 0039 339 1370739
Day of intensive practice of the Six Spaces of
Samantabhadra Vajra Dance We cooperate with local hotels, family pensions, residences, agriturismo, Community members who
Those who have Dance costumes are invited to wear them.
have rooms or houses to rent or sublet. Also we can advise on car rental (at airports or locally), on
the best itinerary and time tables of trains and buses, and we have now a circuit of residents who
offer various useful services like transfer from the airports, local taxi service, translations, baby sit -
May Wed.17 - Sun. 21
ting, etc.
In-depth course of the Three Dances of the Vajra,
together with the Janadhakkini practice
The course is only open to those who have already received
e u r o p e
Alexandra Adamek and
Dimitri Fieri of the Dzogchen WITH CHGYAL NAMKHAI NORBU
Community at Merigar were
married at the local Town Hall
MAY 18 22, 2006
in Castel del Piano on January
The Dzogchen Community of France has just opened its information and pre-registration pages for
4th, 2006. Dimitri s skills as a
Rinpoches five-day retreat in Paris, May 18-22, 2006:
dental technician have put the
smiles back on many
Community faces while
The teaching place, vast and comfortable, is in Paris city itself, easy to reach from airports, railway and
Alexandra has collaborated closely with the Shang- Shung Institute in
bus stations, etc. There are also large parking facilities nearby.
the archeological department. All their friends at Merigar extend their
best wishes to Alexandra and Dimitri on this happy occasion.
We have already posted a list of possible accommodations on our web site and already taken an option
for rooms of two to eight people in an international accommodation center nearby at a modest price.
We consider first offering them to national Gakyils as a bundle.

This retreat is open only to members of the Dzogchen Community and usual discounts will apply. We
wish to limit taking membership on the spot to individuals living in countries without local communi -
ty. So we invite practitioners to take first membership or renew membership ahead of Paris Retreat
with their local community , a natural place for practice and collaboration, which in general will give
them access to web casts translated in their own language.

A three day teaching will take place immediately after in Karma Ling, a friendly Kagyu Center in the
French Alps where Rinpoche already taught two times. The Dzogchen Community does not or ganize
this event and no discounts will apply there for members. We have also put a link on our website for
this second event.

The Dzogchen Community of France wishes our Master and the whole Dzogchen
The Vajra Dance course of the Song of Vajra for advanced with Prima Mai in Munich was fr om Community a Happy New Year!
February 3rd - 7th with 12 participants - one full mandala!

First Level Santi Maha Sangha Practice Retreat

in Dejamling, France
We are happy to announce a 1st level Santi Maha Sangha practice Accommodation Information for the Paris Retreat
retreat with Jim V alby to be held in the south of France at May 2006.
Dejamling, the place of infinite beatitude. The retreat is for those who
have passed the Base Level exam of Santi Maha Sangha The Dzogchen Community of France has booked and paid a limited
number of rooms at a reasonable price in an international accomo-
Please let us know if you would like to participate as soon as possi- dation center, a few bus stations from the place where the retreat is
ble! held:
Nadia Pourreau: cadette@club-internet.fr
Stoffelina Verdonk: stoffelina@wanadoo.fr CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE SEJOUR DE PARIS (CISP)
6, avenue Maurice Ravel - 75012 Paris
Dates: July 7 16, 2006 Site : http://www.cisp.asso.fr
Mtro: Porte de Vincennes
Cost: Bus line to retreat place: PC2
The price is 150 Euros, with the usual reduction for members of the
Dzogchen Community. The price for all 4 nights from 18th to 21st of May in rooms (with
Ordinary members = 120 Euro private bathroom) of 2, 4 or 8 people, is 101 euro per person, conti-
Low income member = 75 Euro nental breakfast included, which is excellent value.
Sustaining members for free
In order to book please email to: <chantal.francois4@wanadoo.fr >
Price for accommodation in the dormitory = 7 Euro/pp. day who will email you back for confirmation and payment instructions.
Camping = 5 Euro We will consider national Gakyils booking full dormitories first,
then individual requests.
There is a possibility to practice the Vajra Dance and Yantra Yoga in
our Vajra Tent that opens on to the wonderful Cevenol countryside. Note there are also individual rooms in the same center, at a slightly
higher rate (around 30 euros per night) for which CISP should be
You all are very welcome to practice with us and also discover contacted directly.
See you at spring in Paris !
On behalf of the French Gakyil


It is with the greatest pleasure that the UK Gakyil announces a course of the Dance of the Three Vajras.
RED: Cindy Faulkner, our recently qualified local dance instructor , will lead it.

Georges Richard giorgiosteo@yahoo.fr Although some of you may have already learned the Dance of the Three Vajras, it is well worth going over
Laurent Soen stoffelina@wanadoo.fr since there have been some recent changes in the dance, most notably with new timing and new music (as
Lorraine Gaultier lorraine.gaultier@wanadoo.fr well as some changes in the arm movements). We will also take time to go over the irregular version and
practice it. And if you already feel confident with one part, why not learn the other?
Dates: Friday April 14th -Monday April 17th 2006
Cathy Braud 106666.3625@compuserve.com Venue: Kunselling Retreat Centre, Powys, Wales UK
Stoffelina Verdonk stoffelina@wanadoo.fr Cost to members: 100 (145 euros) non residential. Concessions are available.
Nadia Poureau cadette@club-internet.fr
The course is only open to those who have received transmission from Chgyal Namkhai Norbu.
To stay at Kunselling costs 18 (27 euros) per night with full board for members; 20 (30 euros) non-mem-
Joelle David DavidJoelle@aol.com bers.
Beatrix Orbaiceta beatrix.orbaiceta@free.fr To book a place on the Mandala, please send a 20 (30 euros) non-refundable deposit made out to Dzogchen
Christine Perriguey ccperriguey@aol.com Community UK) to:
Rowan Wylie
More details to follow, but meanwhile you are most welcome to email any inquiries to <rowanwylie@hot -
Instructor: John Renshaw mail.com>
Supervised by: Laura Evangelisti
With best wishes,
Dates: Friday May 26th - Monday 29th May 2006
Venue: Kunselling Retreat Centre, Powys, Wales Rowan Wylie (Vajra Dance coordinator)
Cost: 100 non residential. Concessions are available.
Accommodation: At Kunselling 18 per day full board.

There will be 2 sessions of practice per day on Friday , Saturday ,

Sunday; 1morning session on Monday. SECOND LEVEL YANTRA YOGA
Milano, Italy
The course is only open to those who have received transmission from March 23rd to 26th, 2006
Chgyal Namkhai Norbu and who are members of the Dzogchen
Community (membership available on the spot at Kunselling). Having
with Giovanna Conti under the supervision of Laura Evangelisti
knowledge of the practice of the 8 movements of Yantra Yoga is nec-
Intensive seminar on the Second Level of Yantra Yoga
(Third and Fourth Yantra Series and Relevant Pranayamas)
To book please contact Peter as soon as possible so that we can get an
The course is opened to all the people who already know the first level of Yantra Yoga (tsigjiong, lungsang,
idea of numbers interested:
tsandul, first and second series of Yantra)
Tel: 07757 257 530 (from the 2nd March)
Email: peter@cambridgeacupuncture.net (anytime)
Thursday March 23rd, 19,30/21,30, at the Spazio Sirin,
Via Vela 15, Milano near Piola/V.le Abruzzi
Santi Maha Sangha 1st Level Retreat MM Verde Piola - Autobus 92
with Igor Berkhin
Paldenling, Poland Friday March 24th, 19,30/21,30
April 8 17, 2006 Saturday March 25th 10,30/12,30 and 16,30/18,30
Sunday March 26th, 10,30/12,30 and 16,30/18,30
This retreat is for those who have passed the Santi Maha Sangha at the Centro Shin Wa, Via Manfredini 3, near Sempione/Arco della Pace
Base Level Exam and are interested. It is necessary that each regis- Autobus 57- 43 -Tram 1-33-29/30
trant has been a continuous member of the Dzogchen Community
since their SMS Base level examination. Fees
The cost of the full seminar is 90 euros, for covering the or ganizing expenses
The final (and the lowest possible price) is 100 EUR for person. This Cost for one session: 15 euros
price covers three meals a day and sleeping, so it is final without pos-
sibilities for discount. For registration please contact:
Donatella Mazzer tel. 338 92 98645 donatella@ef fedipi.it
Accommodations at Paldenling is limited to 20 persons, so send your
reservation as soon as possible. What to bring
Comfortable and suitable clothing, mat and a piece of cloth
On how to reach Paldenling go to: blue@dzogczen.pl
For information:
People could book their participation at: mato@dzogchen.sk Giovanna Conti tel 334 1844897 mailgiovanna@libero.it
Clara Lovisetti tel 335 5448718 redazione@edithabitat.it
This retreat is or ganized in co-operation of Slovak and Polish
Dzogchen Community. The people not living in Milan and who need accommodations are kindly requested to inform us well in
advance. In any case we advice to bring with you a sleeping bag. Please note that it is not allowed to sleep
Changes in the Responsibilities in the above Centers.
of the Shang Shung Editions Austria
The project manager for the Shang Shung Editions Austria over the last
years, Siegfried Schwaiger , can no longer continue with this task.
Siegfried is overloaded with his ordinary job so that he does not have
enough time to work for the Shang Shung Editions. We want to thank
Siegi very much for the great job he did in the last years in a very cor-
rect and precise way . Shang Shung Institute Austria will continue to
offer books of Chgyal Namkhai Norbu and useful practice items. From
now on Oliver Leick, already in char ge of the Shang- Shung Institute
Austria, will also be responsible for the Shang Shung Editions Austria.

Due to this change there might be some delay in posting the last orders.
I apologize for all inconveniences and will try to do my best to arrange
everything as soon as possible.

Thank you for understanding and very best wishes,

Oliver F. Leick
Shang-Shung Institute Austria
Jnanadhakkini Practice Retreat in Haselbach, Austria.


m e r i g a r e a s t
PASSAGES t se g ya gar e as t &w e st
Misha Cherepanov passed away on February 15th, 2006 after a long
illness. He was a member of the Dzogchen Community since 1992. Tsegyalgar, Dzogchen Community in
Misha was a very talented artist and architect. Many people knew America,
him in Russia as one of the main architects of Kunsangar . Please PO Box 277
remember him in your Shitro practice. Conway, MA 01341
Tel: 413-369-4153 | Fax: 413-369-
4473 Tsegyalgar West
Email: secretary@tsegyalgar.org Baja Mexico
Web site: www.tsegyalgar.org Dzogchen Community West
755 Euclid Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94708
Email: cbass@prodigy.net.mx

Tsegyalgar Events
Spring and Summer 2006
Yantra Yoga Retreats in Kiev, Ukraine
March 17, 18, 19
First Level Yantra Yoga Yantra Yoga Weekend with Paula Barry
March 31st - April 4th 1st series of Yantras
led by Elena Chepurko 1st series Pranayama
supervised by Laura Evangelisti (5 sessions)
Two thuns a day. $75 or $15/session
Participation fee is 30 USD.
April 1 - 5
Second level YY (3rd and 4th groups of yantras) Kumbhaka Course with Fabio Andrico
April 6th - 10th $175 or $20/session
led by Victor Krachkovsky
supervised by Laura Evangelisti April 29 & 30
Two thuns a day Dream Yoga Retreat with Michael Katz
Participation fee is 40 USD. $60(4 sessions) or $15/session

To participate, please register by sending an email to May 5 - 14

kiev@dzogchen.ru until 1st of March. A Retreat of Longsal Teaching with Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
The Preliminaries of the Path of Ati about the Purification of the Six Lokas, Teaching
and Practice
Open Web Cast
Details TBA
APRIL 1-5, 2006 $75 or $15/session

Tsegyalgar is pleased to announce an upcoming course of fering in July 19 - 26

kumbhaka taught by Fabio Andrico. The kumbhaka course will be Mandarava Retreat at Khandroling
April 1 st 5 th with daily sessions from 10:00-12:00am and 4:00- with Nina Robinson
6:00pm. Participants must have received transmission from Chgyal $180 (14 sessions) or $15 /session
Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and have previous experience withYantra
Yoga. Aug 5 - 23
Kumbhaka is a method of pranayama breathing which is important Santi Maha Sangha Practice Retreat with Jim Valby at Khandroling
in Yantra Yoga and Dzogchen practices. Fabio Andrico is one of two Yantra Yoga and Vajra Dance
internationally authorized Yantra Yoga instructors by Chgyal (Teachers and Course Information to be announced)
Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, who specializes in teaching courses on (If Rinpoche offers an open web cast during the r etreat, we will drive to the school house
kumbhaka. in the mornings to participate in it, then r eturn to Khandroling for other classes.)

The cost is $175 after that date. The usual membership discounts $800 entire retreat
apply. $250 per session
$15 per class
Limited dorm space is available. For more information about this or
any events at Tsegyalgar, please contact our office. Session I SMS Base Level Aug. 5-8
Session II SMS Base Level Aug. 10-13
Email: secretary@tsegyalgar.org Session III SMS Level 1 Aug. 15-18
Telephone: 413 369 4153 Session IV SMS Level 1 Aug. 20 - 23

Errata secretary@tsegyalgar.org

In issue 76 of The Mirror there was an omission.The author of the PO Box 277
article Dream Yoga in Barcelona on page 11 was Michael Katz. Conway, MA 01341
Our apologies, USA
The Mirror Tel & fax: 413 369 4473


Tsegyalgar will be saying goodbye to our beloved Gekes, Cindy , at the end of May, and will need a new
Gekes. All those who are interested in the position, please write to our secretary Ed, at <
A SUMMER SANTI MAHA SANGHA secretary@tsegyalgar.org>. Applicants need to have attended three retreats with Rinpoche, be a member of
INTENSIVE AT KHANDROLING: the Dzogchen Community and be able to work in the United States. It is useful to read the chapter , The
Task of the Gekoes in Rinpoche s book, The Dzogchen Community, to get an idea of how crucial this
position is in the well being of the Gar .
August 5-23, 2006
Tsegyalgar Gakyil
Yantra Yoga & Vajra Dance Conway, MA 01341 USA
Tel & fax: 413 369 4473
On the Sacred Land of Khandroling,
Buckland, Massachusetts-USA
Practice Retreat with Jim Valby
(Other Instructors To Be Announced)
The Tsegyalgar Gakyil is looking to develop its of fice administration. We are looking for an independent,
2 daily session of SMS teaching, self-motivated practitioner committed to a strong future to work as secretary at Tsegyalgar East.
Vajra Dance and Yantra Yoga
We plan to open a full-time position at the Gar. Pay will be a competitive salary for 35-40 hours per week.
SMS Base: Aug. 5 - 8 Applicants must provide their own lodging and be able to work legally in the United States.
& Aug. 10 - 13
SMS Level 1: Aug. 15 - 18
& Aug. 20 - 23
The position will include the following tasks:
More details of price and instructors to be announced. Public Relations (phones and emails)
Use of Quick Books for basic accounting
On the Khandroling land you can obtain the same level of r ealiza- Sound, video, multi-media set-up
tion in 6 days as you would in 6 months anywher e else.-Chgyal Activity Scheduling for the Gar
Namkhai Norbu Collecting and sorting mail
Working with Gakyil to Coordinate Basic Advertising for retreats and web casts
Acting as a liaison between the Gakyil and the Community
Mandarava Retreat at Tsegyalgar East Compiling and editing the Community Newsletter
with Nina Robinson Maintaining databases
Khandroling, Buckland, Massachusetts
Applicants should be:
Summer 2006
Calm, helpful, and welcoming
Tsegyalgar is delighted to announce that Nina Robinson will return to Eager to serve the Community
the sacred land of Khandroling for the last week of July 2006 to lead Familiar with office organization
a Mandarava retreat. Able to multi-task
Good communicators
Exact dates and costs will be announced soon. Attendant to details
Well keep you posted! Familiar with basic PC operation (e-mail, Microsoft Of fice applications, etc.)
Familiar with the Dzogchen Community and its practices
Tsegyalgar Gakyil Self directed and able to follow through with projects
Tel: 413-369-4153 Able to work well with others
Email: secretary@tsegyalgar.org
To apply please send your resume and cover letter to Patricia Shahen, Yellow Gakyil, at
Dream Yoga Weekend Retreat patriciashahen@starpower.net or fax to 413-369-4473 as soon as possible. In your cover letter please refer
with Dr. Michael Katz, to your date of availability and your pertinent skills.
editor of Dream Yoga Please feel free to contact the Tsegyalgar Office at secretary@tsegyalgar.org or 413-369-4153 with any
April 29 & 30, 2006 questions.
Tsegyalgar, Conway, Massachusetts

More details to follow soon. NEW BOOKS AVAILABLE FROM

To register, please contact: THE TSEGYALGAR BOOKSTORE
The Foundation of the Path
CYCLE OF DAY AND NIGHT This collection of teachings contains the foundation for observing ourselves and understanding our real con -
BACK IN ST OCK AT TSEGYALGAR dition: The Four Awarenesses, The Three Sacred Principles (Refuge, Bodhicitta, Dedication of Merit), The
BOOKSTORE Three Trainings, and the Vajra State. This is a transcription from oral teachings by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu.

Dzogchen Teachings, Merigar, 6-11, July 2001

The book The Cycle of Day and Night: An Essential Tibetan Text #220E
on the Practice of Dzogchen by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu and trans- $15.00
lated and edited by John Reynolds is now back in stock at the This book is a transcript of oral teachings given by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu at Merigar on July 6-1 1, 2001.
Tsegyalgar Bookstore! Material covered includes: The true sense of the Dzogchen Teachings, discussions of Sutra, Tantra, and
Dzogchen, information on Direct Introduction, Guruyoga and secondary practices, and the Practice of Daily
Buy it now from our online bookstore by clicking on this link: Life.

http://www.tsegyalgar.org/cgi- Essential Notes on the Vajra Dance

bin/merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=T&Prod #228E
uct_Code=SH040&Category_Code=book $10.00
This text is meant for practioners of the Vajra Dance who have already received instruction in this practice
or call, mail, fax, or email in to us the following information: and endeavors to clarify some of its technical aspects. The notes presented in this booklet are mainly indicat-
ing very basic particulars and positions of palms and feet in relation with each of the syllables of the Three
Your billing and shipping addresses Vajra Dances. Included are all adjustments and clarifications to the dance given by Rinpoche in recent years.
The item or list of items you would like to order
Your VISA or MC number with expiration date An Ornament of the Thought of Nagarjuna Clarifying the Core of Madhyamaka
By: Gendun Chophel with preface by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
Thanks as always for your support, #224E
Anna Bartenstein Gendun Chophel, eminent scholar of 20th century Tibet, was a master of both the traditional curricula of his
Tsegyalgar Bookstore time the five branches of Buddhist wisdom and the five subjects of Tibetan culture and of numerous mod-
413-369-4473 (Ph/Fax) ern subjects in such fields as Philosophy , Language, and History . The Ludrub Gongyen clearly demon-
strates his profound knowledge of both Sutra and Tantra and his precise understanding of the essence of the
P.O. Box 82 teachings of Buddha and the thought of Nagarjuna. Careful study and analysis of this work will lead to an
Conway, MA 01341 understanding of the essential meaning of the Buddha s teachings.

The Life of Padmasambhava

By: Taranatha continued on next page

As the year of the Wood Bird draws to a close, we would like to remind everyone to renew your Dzogchen
Tsegyalgar Bookstore from previous page Community membership. In 2006, membership is more important than ever for both you and Tsegyalgar.
Your membership is a good way to demonstrate your commitment to Chgyal Namkhai Norbu s teach-
ings and his vision for North America. This year, Tsegyalgar is undertaking many projects that need your
support, such as the Tsegyalgar digital archive, a re-designed Tsegyalgar website, and the design and con-
Since it was Padmasambhava who brought Tantric Buddhism to Tibet,
struction of a Vajra Hall to protect the worlds only Universal Vajra Dance Mandala atop the sacred moun-
he is the most important guru in its lineages. Therefore, any reliable
tain of Khandroling.
testimony regarding his life is extremely valuable for those who study
and practice these teachings in the Western World. Tarantha (1575-?),
Because 2005 memberships have now expired, it is important for people interested in participating in the
the author of the biography contained in this book, is one of the major
upcoming February 17-26 Restricted Web Cast to renew or become members. Introductory memberships
Tibetan historians of his age. His testimony is still considered reliable
begin at only $36. Memberships already purchased on or after December 1st, 2005, are valid for 2006.
by Tibetans, and the source of his writings is in the Kama tradition.
Memberships purchased before December 1st are no longer valid for Restricted Web Casts.
If you would like to place an order for one of these books, or any other,
Your membership provides you with discounts on retreats at Tsegyalgar, with Rinpoche internationally ,
please email, fax, or telephone me the following information:
and use of the dorm and our retreat cabins. Most importantly ,membership allows access to Rinpoche s
restricted web casts of Dzogchen retreats.
Your billing and shipping addresses
Your VISA or MC number with expiration date
We encourage people to become members using our online bookstore at:
The list of items you would like to order
All of our contact information is below.
Or by writing to secretary@tsegyalgar.org or calling 413-369-4153.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Please feel free to contact our of fice with any questions.
Anna Bartenstein
Tsegyalgar Bookstore
All the best,
P.O. Box 82
Ed Hayes
Conway, MA 01341
Email: bookstore@tsegyalgar.org
Tel/fax: 413-369-4473
Dzogchen Community Gakyil: March, April & July 2006

Melinda Sacarob - President, Blue March 10 - 19

Email: sunbear21@yahoo.com Retreat with Chgyal Namkhai Norbu
Dzogchen Semlung Namkhache Retreat of Teaching and Practice of Namkhache at Tashigar Norte
Merle Wood - Treasurer, Yellow Open Web cast
Email: merlewood@hawaii.rr.com
Tel: 808 328 9548 March 23 28
Yantra Yoga Beginner class led by Naomi Zeitz under the supervision of Fabio Andrico
Jerene - Secretary, Red
Email: jerenela@hawaii.rr.com April 7 8
Tel: 808 323 9714 Breathing class with Fabio Andrico.
This course is to practice and deepen the understanding of complete breathing; complete breathing is the base
Susan Indich of Yantra Yoga and Kumbhaka.
Tel: 808-262-1820
April 21 23
Santi Maha Sangha Base Level Retreat with Jim Valby

Dzogchen Community of New Mexico July 27 29

Advanced Course in the Dance of the Song of Mandarava weekend with Nina Robinson
the Vajra Please volunteer to assist with these events and/or volunteer to lead a weekend practice event.
with Adriana dal Borgo
March 28 - April 2 2006 Location:
Synergia Ranch near Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Kundrolling - New York City
(http://synergiaranch.com/price.html) 151 W. 30th St., #403, NYC
Tel: 212-564 1024
This advanced course is aimed toward practitioners who wish to Email: nycdzogchen@aol.com
deepen their knowledge of the practice of the Dance of the Song of
the Vajra and make it more precise. Thus, to attend the course one Email:
should know one part (male or female) well. Michael zak10016@yahoo.com
The Dance of the Song of the Vajra, a precious teaching from our
Master Chgyal Namkhai Norbu, has as its main goal the integration
of contemplation and movement, with the benefit of harmonizing
our three existences of body, speech, and mind. It is practiced on a
Mandala, representing both the inner existence of the individual and VAJRA DANCE NEW YORK CITY
the outer dimension of the universe.

The course schedule will be sent out later , as the time gets closer, but The New York City Dzogchen Community would like to promote the Vajra Dance now that there is a new
we will most likely have evening teaching sessions weekdays and Mandala. Due to the expense of or ganizing for a dance teacher to come, we would like to know how
daytime teaching sessions over the weekend, with practice sessions many people would be willing to commit and pre-pay a course.
set up to suit the schedules of participants.
According to Anastasia McGee, one of the appointed dance teachers, the Song of the Vajra course would
Cost: be presented over 4-5 weekends. The other two dances would be presented over one weekend each.
A sliding scale of $235.00 - $ 250.00 is the suggested donation.
We are projecting that each weekend course would be approximately $150 per participant and that we
For further information or to let us know you plan to attend, CON- would need a minimum of 10 participants to approach breaking even. There may be a possibility of invit-
TACT Marta Macbeth (rubystone1215@hotmail.com) 505-986-1573 ing another teacher to present the Song of the Vajra course over 1 full week. In this case the projected cost
or Denise Coady (denisecoady@gmail.com) 505-867-3562 would be approximately $250 per participant.
To reserve a place in the course, please send a check or money order
for a deposit of Assuming that the timing was right, please indicate your willingness to participate and pre-pay for one of
$ 75.00 or for the whole amount made out to the weekend courses and /or a full week course.

DCNM Please be specific as to which course your could commit and pre-pay and email me directly .
Susie Marlow
20 Outliers Rd.
Jemez Springs, NM Thank you,
87025 Michael Katz, Gakyil Director
Email: zak10016@yahoo.com

Please also indicate whether you plan to focus on the male or the
female part.


I N T E R N A T I O N A L Tashigar North Tashigar South
C O M M U N I T Y N E W S Finca Tashigar Comunidad Dzogchen
Prolongacin de la Calle Bolivar Tashigar
Valle de Pedro Gonzlez. Isla de
Calle pblica S/N
Tel: 00 58 295 415 5800 Pcia. de Crdoba
MARCH 2006 Email: tashinor@mail.dzogchen.ru Argentina
Web site: www.dzogchenvenezuela.org Tel & Fax: 0054- 3541-498 356
We need volunteers at the Gar in Baja California Sur , Mexico, start-
ing in March, who have a strong desire to contribute to the Gar and
Email: tashigarsur@gmail.com
live in the beneficent tropical dry lands of Baja for a period of time.
Our preferences are for those practitioners who have experience in
developing rural property; who have construction experience; who
like gardening, cooking and/or shopping; are comfortable in the out-
doors; and who have a positive attitude of Bodhicitta toward those
around them and the tasks at hand.

We of fer tent accommodations, food, local transportation, filtered

spring water, hot showers, Internet connection, and supervision on
site. Those with practice experience in the Dzogchen Community
can earn retreat time with their volunteer participation, and volun-
teers attend any Dzogchen events held on the land for free. We
expect to offer experience with stabilized earth building techniques.

Spanish/English fluency preferred.

Please contact: carolmfields@aol.com or gar@bajasangha.org for an

application. Ku Nye Course with Dr Phuntsog Wangmo in Margarita January 2006

GUARANTEED LOW RENT sou th a merica

IN BAJA MEXICO Dreaming in Margarita mingling dream with reality assist our practice dur-
ing the night. We also looked for unusual and inter -
by Roland Wright esting things to act as triggers for a lucid dream.
There is still the opportunity to secure 3 weeks per year of guaran- Upon seeing something very unusual or interesting,

teed low rent at the Baja Gar ($200/week) in a nicely furnished casita we were to tell ourselves that if we would dream of
emoved from my life s usual unrelenting
(one room with deck) for the next fifteen years. The cost is $1,500 this unusual thing in the future, we should recognize
pace, and being in a place like Mar garita in
per early subscriber . THIS EARLY-SUBSCRIPTION OPPORTU- the dream experience as a dream, and become lucid.
Rinpoches presence, its possible to appreci-
NITY ENDS ON APRIL 1, 2006. These subscriptions are of ines - After we finished this exercise, we sat together and
ate a bit the dream-like nature of our existence.
timable help in refurbishing and furnishing the casitas for comfort- shared some of our experiences. For myself, the
Therefore I was happy to learn that Michael Katz had
able use at the Gar. Early subscribers have first priority for times and most unusual thing I saw , something Ill not soon
been asked and had agreed to host an abbreviated
occupancy each year. forget, were a few dozen beautiful Yogis and
two-day Dream Yoga course during the precious
Longsal Longde teachings. Yoginis walking around in sunglasses pretending
Correction: if two people (maximum) who are not a couple are shar- they were dreaming!!!
As the course started, Michael, in his easygoing
ing this opportunity , they will get 3 weeks EACH guaranteed each On the second day, we focused more on the prac-
way, explained that in lieu of any personal fees or
year at $200 per week, for an enrollment fee of $2,500. (T otal of 6 tices of natural light connected to Guru Yoga that
remuneration for the two days he would appreciate
weeks per year). Rinpoche has kindly transmitted to us. We also did
our dream submissions. The New York City
Dzogchen Community (www.nydzogchen.com) has a session of Namkha Arte as described in the 2nd
Finally, a NEW CASITA ENDOWMENT PROGRAM has also been edition of the Dream Yoga book. We took a short
created a section devoted to practitioners interesting
initiated, due to demand. Under this opportunity , the subscriber or nap on both days. I had difficulty sleeping, but some
lucid dreams and dreams of clarity all to be posted
Community site may endow an entire casita for $20,000 in a one- of the more relaxed among us were able tune out the
anonymously. He explained that with Rinpoche s
time payment. This gives them unlimited time preference and use of noise and heat, and actually dream.
permission, this site would be a place where we can
the casita for the 15-year period (4-person maximum occupancy), Several participants including one new practi-
be inspired by the fruit of the Practice of the Night
without a weekly rental fee. When they are not in residence, the Gar tioner from Australia, Ben, even had lucid dreams.
and read some of the dreams of our Vajra Kin. He
will rent out the casita as needed. The endowment program is limit- Bens brief lucid experience was of trying to hold a
also encouraged us to submit our own dreams for
ed to 5 casitas at the present time. tent down. John Nirvana Bidleman once told me
others to. With this agreement, our short experience
together began. that a tent is a great dream image - so I personally
Michael started by explaining his understanding found this dream of Bens very interesting.
of the dif ference between Dream Yoga, and the Due to time constraints we didn t have as much
NEW GAKYIL AND GEKES NEEDED Practice of Natural light. The first day, we focused time for sharing as normally occurs in Michael s
on Dream Yoga. courses. It was still however a wonderful experience
IN TASHIGAR SOUTH, ARGENTINA We did a very interesting exercise during which to be together and focus intensely for a time on these
we roamed around the beautiful grounds of Tashigar essential practices.
Tashigar South is looking for a new Gekes and Secretary to Many thanks to Michael for giving freely of his
wearing sunglasses, doing our best to experience it
commit for one year starting in April 2006. We can offer a min- time and experience in this area - And of course, to
as the dream state!! The point of the exercise was to
imum salary, house, services, free retreats and courses. Rinpoche for his unfailing kindness in the transmis-
carry awareness of the dream into daily life and by
sion of these precious teachings.
Email: tashigarsur@gmail.com
Tel: 0054-3541-498356. Namgyalgar Dzogchen Community in Australia
PO Box 14 Central Tilba,
NSW 2546
Tel/Fax: 61 02 4473 7668
Email: namgyalg@acr.net.au
News from Noumea Web site: www.dzogchen.org.au
New Caledonia
2006: A Happy Year in the South Pacific
namgyal gar & pacific r i m
2006 started with the auspicious Ganapuja we had with Tiramisu, in
the orange house of Koutio that is the shelter of the newly registered NAMGYALGAR GAKYIL 2006
association: AS DZOGCHEN NC created by the Nouma Gakyil.
Following the web cast of the Longsal Longde retreat four of us gath- BLUE
ered around the computer under the purr of the air conditioning in the Catherine Simmonds (President)
dark hours of the night (1am to 3am) for a Gakyil meeting. Graeme Horner
Every Wednesday we meet for a practice of the Guruyoga of the Lisa Kempster
White A and shall soon have a new hall to unfold the Vajra Dance
Mandala. YELLOW
Anyone who has received the transmission from Chgyal Namkhai Madeleine Fogarty (Treasurer & Vice-President)
Norbu is welcome for the collective practices, the Vajra Dance and Helen Castle
the open web casts that we shall keep on or ganizing.
We want to inform the international Community that we now have a RED
house (the orange house under the mango trees) to welcome practi- Joanna Tyshing
tioners should they come visit us on our small island. Jean Mackintosh
Andrew Palmer

I N T E R N A T I O N A L ART AND DZOGCHEN intimately interconnected to dharma art, as well as
C O M M U N I T Y N E W S Miksang, in that we dont manipulate anything. We
What is art and what is dharma and how does this dont modify our experience. Whether our experi-
all r elate to Dzogchen? This is the topic that I ence is related to our physical body, our emotions or
INTERNATIONAL VAJRA DANCE DAY would like to explor e here in a few wor ds and pic- our thought patterns, we don t reject, accept or
AYU KHANDROS BIRTHDAY tures. remain indifferent about it. We mix our experience
with contemplation thereby integrating experience
AND DAKINI DAY with resting in our true state, an awakened state
Genuine art - dharma art - is simply the activity
MARCH 24, 2006
of non-aggression.
Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoche
We would like to inform you that our Master has indicated that on the
international Vajra Dance day, Ayu Khandros Birthday and Dakini day

(the 25th day of the first month in the Tibetan calendar corresponding
he dharma art teachings by the late scholar ,
to March 24, 2006), it is better to combine all three Vajra Dances.
artist and meditation master Chgyam Trung-
On this day we can dance on all the Mandalas in the world and spread
pa Rinpoche are based on the view that every
the precious light of this teaching by doing one thun of theVajra Dance.
sentient being has basic goodness. Basic goodness
We can to do it in such a way that all who are present can participate in
means that we have an intrinsic capacity to go
the practice of the Vajra Dance by dancing the dance they know ,
beyond conditioned existence simply by being open.
whether it is the Vajra Dance of the Dance of the Song of the Vajra, the
Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoche talks about coming
Vajra Dance of the Dance of the Six Spaces of Samantabhadra, theVajra
back to square one. Square one is a state in which
Dance of the Dance of the Three Vajras, or the complete Vajra Dance.
there is nothing much going on. There is space for
We can do more thuns on that day or a small retreat of several days
things to occur but nothing has occurred yet. Every-
according to our circumstances.
thing is full of possibilities but there is an openness
May all dimensions have the fortune of spreading the true essence of the
that has no bias or judgment. The path of dharma art
Dzogchen Teaching for the benefit and realization of all sentient beings. beyond the limitations of dualism. Experiences are
neither good nor bad, they can have a flavor of
In homage to our Master, Chgyal Namkhai Norbu. course, just like blue is blue and not yellow, and red
May He enjoy long life! is red and is beautiful but we look, see and experi-
ence with the eyes of a lion who is beyond hope and
Vajra Dance teachers and instructors fear.
For me, the experience of practicing Tregchd, not
modifying any experience related to body speech
VAJRA DANCE CLOTHES UPDATE and mind, and the practice of dharma art and
Miksang are related. One dif ference is that in
Dear Practitioners of the Vajra Dance, Miksang, one chooses a medium to express the
In October 2004, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu introduced to the
Dzogchen Community the Vajra Dance Clothes that were prepared
according to his transmission.
During the last two years about thirty practitioners from all over the
world have started dancing with the Vajra Dance Clothes. Those
who have experienced dancing with them have said it is a very spe-
cial experience of integration, especially if the group is complete on
the Mandala.
Our first production of the Vajra Dance Clothes took place in Nepal, is the practice of non-aggression that comes from
and they were of very good quality but a little expensive. Since then, square one. Synchronizing body and mind we mix
following Rinpoches indications, we have tried our best to look for everyday life with non-aggression and we pay atten-
a new producer that could guarantee quality but of fer a better price. tion to detail in what we do. In this way any activity
Today we are in a position to offer the Vajra Dance Clothes for only of daily life becomes wakeful and genuine. The
170 Euro, and this cost just covers the basic expenses. fruition of dharma art is that by being genuine and
We hope that this will enable most of the practitioners to af ford non-aggressive we benefit the world. As Chgyam
them, so there will soon be more possibility of dancing with com- Trungpa Rinpoche said: The artist has the power to
plete Mandalas all around the world. change the world. You could play a tremendous role
To optimize the production of the clothes, we should have group in developing peace throughout the world. In this
orders so please, if you are interested, contact us as soon as possible case we uplift the world by being genuine and wake-
so that we can reach the minimum required. ful.
Miksang Contemplative Photography is part of the
With our best wishes! dharma art teachings introduced by Chgyam
Trungpa Rinpoche. Miksang - in Tibetan meaning
The Vajra Dance Clothes Production Team good eye - is also based on the view of basic good-
ness; in other words, the ability to be completely
unmodified experience that comes from a space
8TH ISSUE OF THE VIDEO JOURNAL beyond concept. In Miksang, this medium is pho-
tography. In dharma art, in fact, it is any gesture,
Dear Dzogchen Community Members, any movement and any activity of life. It is art in
everyday life. As Chgyam Trungpa said: Being an
The 8th issue of the Dzogchen Community Video Journal, the last one artist is not an occupation; it is your life, your whole
of 2005, has by now reached our subscribers. It is a particularly rich being. In my opinion, an enlightened being who
issue with images and extracts of Rinpoches Teachings all over Europe performs any action, be it as mundane as mundane
and is, in fact, a double issue, with a first and a second part. can be, will be an expression of enlightened activi-
ty, like dharma art. Because everything an enlight -
We are sure you will enjoy watching video clips from Australia, beauti- ened being does is completely integrated with con-
ful Budapest, the sea and the mountains of Crimea, home to the future templation, and resting in the primordial state. Its
Merigar East Gar where the biggest retreat ever was held in 2005 with only function is to benefit others and to awaken us
over 1600 participants, the many events that took place in Merigar (with to the same possibility of being.
very rare footage from the Archives) and finally Spain, where over 800
people gathered in Barcelona to listen to the Master s teaching. Nina Mudita has studied at Nar opa University in
Boulder, Colorado, USA. After completing her
The Video Journal is now entering its third year. We would like to thank Master of Arts in Buddhism she studied Miksang
all our subscribers for their support, and the many people who have open towards the world and towards any experi-
ence. with Michael Wood, who has been developing and
given their collaboration or have in any way contributed to making the teaching Miksang for 30 years, since he met
Video Journal possible and better. Here we use photography as a practice to synchro-
nize eye and mind. Being fully present we are able Chgyam T rungpa Rinpoche. Curr ently Nina is
to perceive things directly . We have flashes of per - Michael Woods assistant coor dinating courses as
The subscription fee for 2006 is still the same as in 2004, 100 Euros for well as introducing Miksang in Europe.
4 issues, including mailing expenses. Sustaining members have the ception free from concept. Seeing things in their
right to a 50% discount. To subscribe send an email to own nature we share and express our perceptions by
taking a picture. Without manipulation we simply
orders@istitutoshangshung.org perceive and express. As Chgyam Trungpa
Rinpoche put it: There is such a thing as uncondi-
The next issue will be ready by the end of March and you will find a tional expression that does not come from self or
special Archives section dedicated to ASIA and their projects in Tibet. other. It manifests out of nowhere like mushrooms
We invite you all to renew your subscriptions or take one out for the first in a meadow, like hailstones, like thundershowers.
time. The outcome is quite the same as in dharma art. By
sharing what we have seen directly we are able to
With deep gratitude to our Master and with many thanks to you all we communicate the vividness of the world experi-
wish everybody a Happy Losar! enced through freshness of mind, which can be
quite pleasing and awakening to the viewer.
The Video Journal Editorial Team In my view , the Tregchd teachings of Dzogchen
taught by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche are


There are a variety of ways to subscribe to The Mirror. In some Gars and Communities The Mirror is includ-
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In Europe please contact Liz Granger at: lizmirror@tiscalinet.it

In Australia and the Pacific Rim contact Jenny ODonnell at : jodonnell@hermes.net.au

Helping the Crimea, Merigar East

Update on the Golden Ring Lottery
& Donations
Five beautiful prizes of the Golden Ring Lotter y announced by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu for creating
Merigar East are now presented at http://merigar -east.dzogchen.ru/lottery-en.html
The bank account for both the Golden Ring Lottery and Donations for Merigar-East is the same:

Associazione Culturale Comunit Dzogchen

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Monte dei Paschi di Siena,
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The Mailing List of the ON LINE donations and golden ring lotter y numbers can be purchased through Tsegyalgar bookstore
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International Dzogchen Go to:
Community bin/merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=T&Category_Code=x
Administrator: For choosing available numbers, please contact Anna Eid @ <anna.sigrid.eid@gmx.de>.
Loek Jehee
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Editorial Staff: Ajahn Chah on Working with Attachment

Naomi Zeitz,
In the Spring issue of Buddhadharma, Ajahn Chah explains how to
Conway, MAUSA practice with a mind of giving up and letting go. Also in the issue:
Liz Granger Traleg Rinpoche comments on the life and teachings of Chgyam
Merigar Trungpa. Charles Prebish looks at the growing community of
Arcidosso, Italy
scholar-practitioners. And one monks intimate reflections on
Literary Editor: the challenging practice of begging for alms.
John Shane

Adriano Clemente

Anna Eid
Barbara Paparazzo
Des Barry
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Fire Dog by Bepe Goia pg 7 understanding of the dharma, and connects you
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by Tony Laurent and the Sense of Place and this Italy. It wasnt until a year later in 1991
led me to study comparative reli- I spent six months working on that I felt prepared and traveled to

have often thought a good gions and the works of Rene the project in Rome and learning Tuscany to ask the Master if I
friend of mine must be con- Guenon and Ananda Italian and following an unsatis- could receive his Teachings. I
nected to our Master s trans- Coomaraswamy. After this factory love af fair, I decided to arrived at the yellow house of
mission because on two separate rather serious study based on return to Australia to start a prop- Merigar and was struck by the
occasions she was part of the how Indian philosophy and Sufi cos- er working career based in kindness of Michelle, of Gior gio,
I met our precious Master , Ch- mologies I submitted my thesis Sydney. Very soon after arriving of Clara. There were no sched -
gyal Namkhai Norbu. From an to the university with the rather in Sydney, that same good friend uled teachings and the Master
early age I was inquisitive about hopeless conclusion that my of mine rang and invited me to a was in retreat. The next day I
things spiritual or beyond our sense of place was cast in a mod- dinner to meet an Italian woman returned to the yellow house and
world perhaps due to a recurring ern world and bereft of the pos- visiting Sydney. During the din- was encouraged to attend a
childhood dream. I would wake- sibility to meet an authentic ner I asked her why she was in Ganapuja at the Gonpa. There
up, sometimes in a cold sweat, Master necessary to lead one on Australia and her response was didnt seem to be many people
from being cast on a lar ge barren a path to enlightenment. Not she had come to attend a retreat there and I walked down to the
rock to which I was spread-eagled great stuf f for one graduating with her Tibetan Master from Gonpa alone to attend something
clutching, hurtling through a vast after seven years of study and Italy. I was speechless, could that I had no idea about. As I arrived
limitless space. The rock was being unleashed into the work- possibly be the same Tibetan at the Gonpa I turned around and
attached to a long heavy metallic ing life of a city and the bustle of Master I heard about in the same walking down the hill some dis-
chain that disappeared through a modern architectural metropo- road suddenly flooded almost to situation three years before? I lent tance behind me were just two
the cold expanse of vacuous space lis. the window level of the doors of Giovanna my car to travel to people. As they approached talk-
in a long arch and slowly swing- I did however graduate and found the car. This left a deep impres - Melbourne to attend the retreat ing together , I recognized that
ing around and around from some employment with an excellent sion on me that seemed somehow and she returned with a book for these two were Giuliana and
distant lost origin. This recurring architect who was very influ- connected to this mysterious me, Primordial Experience by Giovanna who I had met sepa-
dream would wake me in a feeling enced by the work of the utopian Tibetan Master in Italy and meet- Manjusrimitra. This book rately at my friend s house in
of desperation and maybe American architect Frank Lloyd ing Giuliana. remained next to my bed all that Sydney so many years before.
instilled in me the thought that life Wright and to whom I owe some I left for overseas in 1987 and year; I was struck with the quali- That afternoon Rinpoche had fin-
was a journey from some situation really good training. After five worked in Greece for that year ty and scholarship of this Tibetan ished his retreat and was teaching
not very pleasant. The idea of years working in Sydney I still before arriving in Venice and text and commentaries and was the Vajra Dance at the
some kind of quest became had this sense of loss about place meeting up again with Giuliana. I satisfied without doubt that here Cappanone, I plucked up my
ingrained in me, part of my life. in the modern world until I dis- felt r eserved a bout a sking t oo was something authentic. courage to ask if I could receive
I was raised in a Catholic family covered the work of the Italian many questions about the Tibetan Meanwhile an architect friend in Teachings. His response was of
and a religious education from architect Carlo Scarpa. I resolved Master, I noticed she was obvi - Rome was asking me to me to course, I am teaching many
which I rebelled while still at to go to Venice to study this archi- ously very dedicated to this start an architectural practice in retreats, prepare yourself
school and felt strangely comfort- tects work. Just before leaving Teacher living in Tuscany. I Rome so I thought to return, now Many wonderfuI things happened
able avoiding the church services Sydney, this good friend of mine thought if it was the right path for convinced I should meet t his that weekend, and late Sunday
of school and home. While still invited me to a dinner to meet an me it would work out, besides I Master. The day I arrived in evening I returned to Rome by car
young I was fascinated by books Italian art teacher from Venice. I didnt speak Italian. I left Venice Rome, without any prior arrange- with Andrea dellAngello and
on foreign cultures and places and thought this was a good opportu- and traveled to Rome and then to ment, I went to the house of my Yuden Namkhai, we talked about
later read avidly anything on east- nity to learn something about the London and worked there in1988 friend in Rome and there was ASIA and the situation in Tibet.
ern or western religions or works of Scarpa in Venice and to at a great job before being caught Giovanna having lunch and about We started immediately to pre-
philosophies. try out my few words of Italian. I out by customs without a current to attend a teaching of the Tibetan pare the projects of ASIA in Tibet
On leaving school I studied archi- arrived to my friend s place for work permit. I had to leave Master that afternoon. I went with and I remained living in Rome
tecture at university and was for- dinner with a big book of London and went to live in Paris. her, she introduced me to the until 1998 working on these pro-
tunate to have some very good Scarpas work and when I opened I was desperate after some Master and I remember looking jects and started the extraordinary
teachers who introduced me to the book to show Giuliana, the months because I had no work, into the Master s eyes and seeing life of following Rinpoche s
the theory and principles of tradi- immediate reaction was a gasp and one night, it was full moon something extraordinarily power- advice prepare yourself.
tional architecture. Instead of thats the place I met my Tibetan and acting on a sudden impulse, I ful. I hadnt understood anything
graduating from university and Master. Rinpoche had taught at telephoned an architect I had met very much of the Italian Teaching Note: T ony Laur ent lives in
getting a good start in a city the Querini Stampalia museum, the year before in Rome and the and I didn t feel prepared. But I Sydney and carries out develop-
office, I traveled to India and one of Scarpa s noted restoration immediate response was we have stayed in Rome, started regular ment work for Namgyalgar and
Southeast Asia to study the forms works in Venice. The words a job for you, come to Rome hatha yoga, became vegetarian, continues to collaborate with
and architecture of traditional cul- Tibetan Master stuck in my tomorrow. This already seemed tried to learn meditation and of ASIA.
tures. I completed my university mind and later that night driving improbable and again I wondered course it was all a bit like tasteless
thesis entitled Spatial Extension home it rained so hard that the about the Tibetan Master living in soup.

Calendar Agenda for the Fire Dog Year (2006-2007)

Euro 10.00
Pocket agenda containing concise indications of the practices recommended by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu for special days, positive a nd negative days
for the Nagas Practice, astrological data of the Tibetan Calendar and the individual aspects for those born between 1915 and 2006. Indispensable for
finding out favorable and unfavorable days for daily activities and to remember special practice days.

Key for Consulting the Tibetan Calendar

Edited by M.R. Leti
Euro 13.00
Much information on Tibetan astrology and on its application to daily life. A practical and complete manual, indispensable for the consultation of the
annual astrological calendar.
The Key for Consulting the Tibetan Calendar came out of a course held by Chgyal Namkhai Norbu in Rome at the beginning of the 1980 s as part
of a seminar on Tibetan Medicine and Astrology. It represents a precious and indeed unique contribution towards an understanding of the value of the
ancient knowledge of Tibetan astrology.
It aims to act as an introduction to the Tibetan astrological universe, so different from ours in its complex and fascinating richness. At the same time,
it can serve as a useful instrument to guide those who understand how closely our lives are linked to the warp and weft of the movements of the universe, in the general interdepen -
dence of all phenomena.
None of us, when in a hurry , would dream of going the wrong way up a one-way street in a car , or shooting a red light while at the same time choosing the longest route to our des-
tination: it would be a senseless and contradictory behavior or worse suicidal. And yet even if this would obviously be absurd in relation to space, sometimes that is indeed what we
do in relation to time when we carry out certain actions. Amid our distractions and carelessness we ignore all the signals and we hurtle with apparent assurance towards virtually cer -
tain failure.
A calendar such as this one uses the knowledge and the synthesis of a thousand years of culture, even if we have for gotten it all. It is a tool which enables us to rediscover , at least in
part, how we fit in with that universal ener gy and with that cosmos of which we are the living image and a part, a more intense and more intimate part than we are usually prepared
to believe. If all days are not the same, then it is important and useful to recognize the flavor, color and cadence with which each day manifests. But such information would fail in its
intent if it served only to make us apprehensive, anxious, or still worse, passive. As with traffic lights, this is not the aim.
What you have in your hands is a Key , a precious key for the interpretation and reading of temporal and cosmic cycles, but the only person who can open and close t he door of your
actions is yourself.

Shang Shung Edizioni books can be or dered on-line visiting the Merigar web site <http://www .dzogchen.it/> www.dzogchen.it
Click on links on the Home Page, then on Shang Shung Edizioni.
NB: The Shang Shung Edizioni catalogue is subdivided into two main sections:
BOOKS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC and BOOKS RESTRICTED T O PRACTITIONERS. At the beginning of the catalogue you will find the option to click on for entering the
restricted section.

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