Literart Techniques

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Group Members: Emily Miranda, Jackson Li, Darnell Meyers,

Esmeralda Millian, Melissa Bennett

Due Date: March 21, 2017

Subject: English

Topic: Literary Techniques

Table of Content
Cover page--------------------Page.1

Table of Content--------------------Page.2



Creole Proverbs--------------------Page.7



Clichs(Emily Miranda)
An expression or idea which has become overused to the point of
losing its original meaning or effect.


1. Actions speak louder than words.

To do something means more than saying it.

2. As brave as a lion.

Used to describe a very brave person.

3. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Problems also have something good in them

4. Fall head over heels

To become overly obsessed or deeply in love with someone or

5. Opposites attract:
This means that people who like different things and have different
views are likely to fall in love or to become friends

6. Airing dirty laundry

Talking about private matters or secrets in public.

7. Take the bull by the horns

To tackle a problem head-on, in a direct and confident manner.

8. All that glitters is not gold

Something that appears good or expensive may not be.

9. All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy

If you work and dont have any fun, you will not be a happy person.

10. An idle mind is the devils playground

When you dont have anything to think about, you will probably do
something bad.

Proverbs(Jackson Li)
A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and
repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or

1) Absence makes the heart grow fonder

You feel more affection for those you love when parted from them.

2) Blood is thicker than water

Family relationships and bonds are stronger than anything else.

3) Half a loaf is better than no bread

Be grateful for what you have even if it is not what you expected.

4) Beggars cant be choosers

This means that someone in need should accept what is offered

and be grateful for it which also links to Proverb #3.

5) Go big or go home -

What this is saying is to give it your all and do your absolute best
with full effort or you can just stop, quit and dont even try.

6) Once bitten, twice shy

This simple means that we learn from our past and our experience
to which makes us more careful, wiser and keener.

7) The early bird catches the worm

The first one to do anything will get the best opportunities.

8) Honesty is the best policy

This means that honesty is the best thing to do as it is easier will

deter you from trouble.

9) Art is long, life is short

This means that art is plentiful and everlasting whilst in our

lifetime; we can never appreciate or learn all the forms of art in this

10) You scratch my back, Ill scratch yours

This simple means that if you help me, I will help you.

Creole Proverbs(Darnell Meyers)
1. Yu noh haffi toch fia fi know ih hot.

This means that you dont need to experience something to know

its effects.

2. Champagne dreams wid lime juice money

Wanting things that one clearly cannot afford

3. Play with puppy, puppy lick yu mouth.

Which means that if you tolerate the behavior of certain persons,

they will take advantage of you.

4. When fish come faan bottom ah riva and ih crocodile di wait

pan yu, yu listen.

This is implying that you must pay heed to warnings given by


5. Just becaz monkey she dat no mean yu fi do it.

Which means that you dont need to follow the orders of others.

6. When monkey jump afa tree an bruk ih foot, ih no gwe back.

This means that you learn from your mistakes.

7. If I jump affa building, yu wa jump to?

Which basically says to be independent and not follow anyone.

8. Go mek dog bite you.

Which means you need to avoid foreseeable problems.

9. Blood tika dan wata but wata tase betta.

Sometimes interacting with friends or strangers is less stressful

than interacting with problematic or difficult relatives.

10. If yu cya ketch harry, ketch ih shirt.

If you cant get revenge on someone get it on someone close to


Idioms(Esmeralda Millian)
An idiom is a word or phrase which means something
different from its literal meaning.
1. Changing your tune.

To change your mind and attitude.

2. It takes two to tango.

more than one person is at fault or involved

3. A hot potato

Speak of an issue which many people are talking about and

which is usually disputed.

4. Beat around the bush.

Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.

5. Bite off more than you can chew.

To take on a task that is way too big.

6. Cant judge a book by its cover.

Cannot judge something primarily on appearance.

7. Let the cat out of the bag.

To share information that was previously concealed

8. Steal someones thunder.

To take the credit for something someone else did.

9. Kill two birds with one stone.

To accomplish two different things at the same time.

10. Curiosity killed the cat.

Being Inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation.

Slangs(Melissa Bennett)
A type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as
very informal, are more common in speech than writing, and are typically
restricted to a particular context or group of people.

1. Weh the gwan?

Asking a person what theyre doing or what theyre going to do.

2. Weh todeh the seh?

Asking a person what theyre going to do today.

3. How you the move suh?

When a person is acting a weird way.

4. Weh yuh deh pan?

Asking a person what theyre going to do today.

5. Link mi laata famz

Telling a person to meet him/her later.

6. I gwen da yaad dawg

Telling a person youre going home.

7. Yuh straight?
Asking a person if he/she is okay.

8. Thing ah lit g
Saying that the event will be a lot of fun or great entertainment.

9. Weh the gwan widd she dawg?

When a guy wants to get to know a girl but asks her friend instead.

10.I wa circle yuh laata dawg.

Telling a person that youll go to their house later.


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