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Lesson Plan

Topic area: Skills revision Year of Learner: 8 Red Gum Syllabus Pages: 33
Date: 23/10/2017 Location Booked: G-17 Lesson Number: 12
Time: 1 hour Total Number of students: Printing/preparation:

Outcomes Assessment Students learn Students learn to

4.2 Quiz Skills revision - Global mapping
- Interpret graphs

Cross Curriculum themes & General Explicit subject specific concepts and skills
capabilities Mapping

Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas

Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students self-regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson
The knowledge being addressed is focused on a small number of key concepts and
1.1 ideas within topics.

Most students, most of the time, are seriously engaged in the lesson or assessment
2.2 activity.

Lessons regularly demonstrate links between and within subjects and key learning
3.3 areas.

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred

PREP o Powerpoint
o Worksheets
5 Class settled and roll Teacher: Teacher will let T
-My Expectations students inside and
-Remember this term we want students to bring encourage students to
the right equipment for school get out appropriate
Students lining up. Keep it simple:
1. Hats off, earphones out. Student: Students will
2. Students will need a pen, pencil, rubber come inside and take out
and ruler. their equipment.
Resources: The roll.

10 Activity 3 Distance(10) Teacher: Teacher will s

explain latitude and
Now lets look at distance. Distance can be longitude and roam the
measured many different ways and uses the room checking that
scale. students are filling in the
work and give students
The first way we can measure distance is straight extra assistance.
1. Straight line distances Student: Completing
The shortest distance between two points is activity.
sometimes known as the distance as the crow
flies. This can be measured with a ruler then Resources: worksheet
converted to the correct scale by x the and pen
distance by the scale. (Demonstrate with
google maps image)

The second way we can measure distance is

curved distances:

2. Curved Distances
You may need to measure the distance along
a road or river that does not travel in a straight
line. To do this you can use a strip of paper.
You need to pivot the paper each time the
path changes direction.
(Demonstrate with google maps image)

10 Quiz. Teacher: Teacher will S

Teacher will give students the third round quiz facilitate the quiz. Ask
sheet. Teacher will ask students to come up with students to write the
an appropriate team name and write round 3 at team name and round at
the top. the top. Teacher will read
the questions off the
Students will fill in the questions on the sheet. board and show the
visual if there is one.
Teacher will ask students to hand their sheet to the Teacher will collect
next table and ask students to mark the quiz. answers.
Sheets will be brought to the front and collated.
Student: Completing quiz
in teams

Resources: quiz sheet

and pen
10 Activity 4 Area and grid reference Teacher: Teacher will s
explain latitude and
(Teacher will bring up a simple grid reference longitude and roam the
map on the board and ask students how we room checking that
measure AR) students are filling in the
work and give students
1. What corner do we measure from? extra assistance.
2. How many numbers in AR?
3. How many numbers in GR? Student: Completing
4. Ask students to identify an object using a GR activity.
and AR.
Resources: worksheet
Area reference (AR) a four-figure numerical and pen
location point made up of a two-figure eastings
reading and a two-figure northings reading e.g.
Grid reference (GR) a six-figure numerical location
point made up of a three-figure eastings reading
and a three figure northings reading e.g. 045675.

Ask students to write down answers on their page

and ask students who finish to write the answers
on the board. Teacher will discuss the answers.

10 Quiz. Teacher: Teacher will s

Teacher will give students the fourth-round quiz facilitate the quiz. Ask
sheet. Teacher will ask students to write their team students to write the
name and write round 4 at the top. team name and round at
the top. Teacher will read
Students will fill in the questions on the sheet. the questions off the
board and show the
Teacher will ask students to hand their sheet to the visual if there is one.
next table and ask students to mark the quiz. Teacher will collect
Sheets will be brought to the front and collated. answers.

Student: Completing quiz

in teams

Resources: quiz sheet

and pen

5 Wrap up. Teacher: Teacher will s

-Teacher will announce the 1st and 2nd and second announce the final
teams. winning scores.

Student: Students will glue

sheets into their book.

Resources: quiz sheet

and books. Teacher will
write down the names
and of the two teams
that one and write out
merits to be handed out
next lesson or on
5 Pack up, Goodluck in your exams and thank you for Teacher: Teacher will ask S
letting me into your classroom. students to pack up and
stand behind their chairs
till the bell. Teacher will
mention what we will
look at next lesson.

Student: Students pack

up and stand behind
their chairs

Resources: Whiteboard

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?


Other considerations.

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with
the standard.

Graduate Evidence within this lesson


5.1 Assess student learning

3.4 Select and use resources.

Resources Attached:

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