Spectrum 2nd ESO

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Past simple

1 Write the past simple forms of the verbs. Are the 4 Choose the correct option.
verbs regular (R) or irregular (I)?
Maria was angry because her calculator
scream screamed R 8 take _______ __ weren't / wasn't / didn't in her school bag.
1 begin _______ __ 9 ask _______ __ 1 Jacob and I wasn't / weren't / didn't at home on
2 give _______ __ 10 remember _______ __ Saturday night.
3 shout _______ __ 11 find _______ __ 2 Where there were / were / was the circus
4 stand _______ __ 12 arrive _______ __ performers?
5 answer _______ __ 13 finish _______ __ 3 There wasn't / Wasn't / There weren't any food
6 leave _______ __ 14 cry _______ __ at the birthday party.
7 laugh _______ __ 15 hear _______ __ 4 Weren't / There weren't / There wasn't any
flowers in the garden.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
a verb from exercise 1. 5 Was there / There was / Did there a singer at
the event on Friday night?
1 What time did your first lesson ________ this
6 Wasn't / Were / Weren't there any cars outside
my house?
2 I ________ 10 in my coat yesterday. That was
a nice surprise!
3 He ________ all the questions in the test, but
used to
he's not sure he got them all correct.
5 Match the sentence halves (15) to AE.
4 The concert didn't ________ place because the
singer was ill. 1 I used to have short hair, __
2 Sam didn't use to play football, __
5 Dad ________ us some money to go and buy a
pizza. 3 My parents used to drive to work, __
4 The children didn't use to like fruit, __
6 My older brother ________ home when he was
eighteen, and moved to another town. 5 Did this bottle use to __

A but they don't now.

(there) was / were
B have shampoo in it?
3 Match the questions (16) to the answers (AF). C but I don't now.
D but now they do.
1 Where were they? __
E but he does now.
2 Was he late? __
3 Was there any music? __ 6 Complete the sentences with the words.
4 Were they there? __
didn't to go use use to used to
5 When was the party? __
6 Were there many people? __ I like camping now, but I didn't use to.
1 They ________ use to know each other, but now
A Yes, they were. they're best friends.
B No, there wasn't. 2 Did they ________ to live in that building?
C Yes, there were. 3 I ________ like this band, but I think they're
D At school. boring now.
E No, he wasn't. 4 We used ________
F On Saturday.


Events Scout camps

1 Choose the correct option. 4 Match the definitions with the words.
1 How often does this festival take part / place? campfire campsite expedition
2 The stages / fans of the band were very excited. field scouts skills
3 The joke wasn't very funny, and nobody
1 Abilities, things you are good at. __________
laughed / screamed.
2 A place to stay outside in a tent. __________
4 They held / clapped a big party after the show.
3 An exciting journey to find something or
5 There were over 10,000 people in the
somewhere new. __________
performer / crowd at the show.
4 Young people who join an organisation and
spend time doing outdoor activities. __________
Adjectives: feelings 5 An outside area without buildings or trees on it.
2 Underline the positive adjectives.
6 You have one of these to cook and keep warm,
1 calm 7 nervous when you are living outside. __________
2 bored 8 positive
3 angry 9 relaxed
Talking about school
4 energetic 10 scared
5 excited 11 surprised 5 Write the words in the correct order to make
6 lonely 12 tired sentences.
teacher / your / who's / ?
3 Complete the sentences with an adjective from
exercise 2. Who's your teacher?
1 she / what's / like / ?
1 She worked at the restaurant until 2 a.m. this
morning, so today she's very ___________.
2 least / subject / my / is / favourite / maths
2 Did you feel ___________ before you took your
exam? No, I was quite calm.
3 history / at / you / are / good / ?
3 Most people feel ___________ when they're
lying on a beach all day in the sun, but I just feel
4 English to / prefer / science / I
4 I didn't feel very ___________ yesterday, so I
5 from 11.00 / P.E./ have / to 12.30 / we
didn't do any exercise.
5 I didn't have anyone to talk to at my new school,
and I felt very ___________.
6 I was ___________ to see Mike at the party.
I thought he was away on holiday.

Read the text. Where are the three schools?

The Studio School

In the past, John Black was bored at school. Now he goes to the Studio School in New York John feels
positive. At the school, teenagers take part in projects individually and in groups. These projects
stimulate their imagination. The teachers say that their students feel energetic and excited about

A School for Girls

Kakenya Ntaiya comes from Enoosaen, a small village in Kenya. Many girls there dont go to school.
When Kakenya was a girl, she wanted an education. She went to school, worked hard and then went
to university in the USA. But she didnt forget her village. She wanted the girls there to have the same
opportunities that she did. Kakenya returned to Kenya and built a school for girls there.

Tinkering School
The Tinkering School in San Francisco is a summer school. The students can stay for six days. When
they arrive, they spend their time solving problems and working on projects. There is also a farm and
students can feed the animals. A few examples of projects are building a roller coaster and a tree

Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 How did John Black use to feel at school?
2 How do students at the Studio School develop their creativity?
3 What did Kakenya want when she was young?
4 Why did Kakenya set up a school for girls?
5 When can students go to the Tinkering School?
6 What do they spend their time doing?

Write about an event in the past. Use the questions and prompts to help you. Write about
100 words.
Paragraph 1: Where was the event? When was it? Who did you go with?
Last weekend I went to with
Paragraph 2: What did you do? How did you feel?
I was because
Paragraph 3: How did it end? Did you enjoy it? Why? / Why not?
The ended I because



















Past continuous Past continuous and past simple with
when and while
1 Look at the pictures. What were the people
doing yesterday? Complete the sentences. 3 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past
1 2 continuous or past simple form.
While my parents were visiting (visit) some old
friends, my brother and I went to our cousin's
1 They ____________ (not cook) dinner when I
2 What were you doing when you ____________
3 4 (hurt) your hand?
3 I ____________ (fall) while I was playing ice
4 He ____________ (walk) on the beach when he
found an old bottle.
5 As Susan ____________ (text) me, I was trying
to call her!
1 He was listening to music.
4 Write when or while.
2 She ________________ in the park.
3 We ________________ our homework. While they were working at the airport, they
4 I ________________ in my bedroom. found some money in an envelope.
1 What were you doing ______ I phoned you?
2 Write the words in the correct order. 2 Phil was making a salad ______ the boys were
tennis / Jack / watching / last night / wasn't cooking the burgers.
Jack wasn't watching tennis last night. 3 Mum went to get the car ______ Dad was paying
1 was / computer games / playing / yesterday for our meal.
morning, I 4 We weren't sitting at our desks ______ the
_____________________________________ teacher came into the classroom.
2 last Saturday / were / doing / you and Tim /
5 Complete the story with the correct past
from 7.00 p.m. / what / to 9.00 p.m. / ?
continuous or past simple form of the verbs.
3 looking for / at 8.00 a.m. / was / her keys / Julia not be break clean cut
_____________________________________ see take think try walk
4 we / listening to / sorry, / you / weren't
On Tuesday morning, my friend Gina and I were
walking on the beach when we
5 going / where / they / last night / were / ?
(1) _____________ something in the sand. While
we (2) ____________ it out of the sand, we saw
that it was an old glass bottle. We
(3) ____________ it, and then we looked inside,
because we (4) ____________ that maybe there
was something interesting in the bottle, like a
message. While Gina (5) ____________ to open
the bottle, it (6) ____________, and she
(7) ____________ her hand on the glass. Luckily,
it (8) ____________ a bad cut, because the only
thing that was in the old 'mysterious' bottle was
lots of sand!


Materials Sea journeys

1 Complete the words in the sentences. 4 Complete the sentences with the words.
I found some old photos in that big cardboa r d iceberg lifeboats luggage
box in the garage. passengers survivors wreck
1 Oh, no! You broke Mum's favourite _ _ _amic
They found the wreck of the Titanic ship in 1985.
1 A ship came to help the __________ of the
2 That's a nice c_ _ton T-shirt you're wearing, Jon.
3 Don't throw those _ _ _stic bottles in the bin; we
2 Oh, no! The ship is going to hit that huge
can use them again.
4 I love these go_ _ earrings, but the _ _ _ver ones
3 There weren't enough __________ on the
are very nice, too.
Titanic to save everyone when the ship sank.
5 Its too cold for a cap, I need a hat thats made of
4 Write your name on your __________, so it
wo_ _.
doesn't get lost.
5 How many __________ were on the Titanic
Containers when it left England?

2 Find seven more words for containers in the

word puzzle. Describing objects

B O X T I U E J L X 5 Complete the dialogue with the words.

I M V S U K P D Y O describe how it left lost made this

I H E D K J A R N R A: Good morning. I'm here because I lost my wallet

B: Where did you lose it?
B G V K R R K K Z F A: I (1) __________ it on the bus.
B: Oh! Can you (2) __________ it?
A: Well, it's (3) __________ of leather and it's
T P L B H E T D U M black.
T W O N F L J H P G B: (4) __________ big is it?
A: It's small. It's around 8cm long.
L M P U G L A S S V B: Is (5) __________ it?
E T E B O W L S N B A: Yes, that's (6) __________! Thank you!

3 Complete the sentences with six of the words

from exercise 2.
What's in that big cardboard box?
1 I can't open this _________ of marmalade
can you help me?
2 You look hot. Would you like a _________ of
cold water?
3 Put your letter in this _________ and I'll post it
for you.
4 Grandma, can I make you a nice _________
of tea?
5 I bought a big _________ of pasta at the
6 There's some fruit in the ceramic _________
on the table.


Read the text. What is special about this museum?


The Museum of Lost and Found

Paris is famous for its museums: The Louvre, Muse dOrsay, Centre Georges Pompidou. But not
many people know about the Museum of Lost and Found. I visited it last year while I was staying in
Paris. It is an amazing place. Napoleon started it over 200 years ago. Originally, it was an office where
the police kept lost objects. The most common lost items are keys, umbrellas and gloves. People lose
them on public transport.

The objects change with the seasons. In winter you can see coats and hats. In the summer, roller
skates and sunglasses are common. One year, the police found a small bag full of diamonds. An
American woman lost them while she was on the Mtro. She flew back to Paris to get her diamonds.

The museum usually keeps the objects for three months because lots of new objects arrive every day
and there is no space to store them. The police keep the extraordinary or very valuable items, for
example, five human skulls, a leg made out of wood, and a box of 200 blue butterflies.

Read the text again. Complete the sentences with between one and three words in each gap.
1 The writer visited the museum _____ and thought it was ______ .
2 Napoleon started the museum over ______ . The police _____ lost objects there.
3 Most people lose their _____ , ______ and umbrellas.
4 People are usually travelling on ______ when they lose their belongings.
5 The _______ woman lost a bag of ________ .
6 Most objects are only kept in the museum for ________ because there isnt enough ______ .


Think of a present you received in the past. Write a thank-you letter and include the
information below. Write about 100 words.

Paragraph 1: Greet your friend. Say what you are thanking him / her for and why you liked it.
Thank you for the Its perfect because
Paragraph 2: Give some personal details or news. Say what you were doing when you got the present.
My birthday was great because
I got from
When I got your present I was
Paragraph 3: Write a closing sentence.
I am looking forward to





will / won't First conditional

1 Look at the picture. What does the fortune teller 3 Rewrite the underlined words. Use the words in
say? Use will / won't and the verbs in the box. brackets.
I'll help clean up the park unless I'm busy. (if)
Ill help clean up the park if I'm not busy.
1 We'll be late if we don't hurry. (unless)
2 Therell be no trees left unless we use less
wood. (if)
3 If they dont come to the zoo, they won't see the
animals! (unless)
4 Unless it rains soon, the crops will die. (if)

4 Complete the first conditional sentences.

If you eat too much chocolate, your weight will
1 If we miss this bus, ______ ______ get home
have (x2) help live (x2) meet stay travel
2 ______ Sam works a lot harder, he'll fail his
1 Youll help sick animals. exams.
2 You ________ a beautiful woman. 3 Pollution ______ ______ worse unless we
3 You ________ two children, you ________ change the way we live.
three. 4 If we ______ using fossil fuels, it will be better for
4 You ________ in a small house, you ________ the environment.
in a large house. 5 I'll save some money ______ I get a job this
5 You ________ at home. You ________ to summer.
interesting places.

2 Rewrite the affirmative sentences as negative

sentences and questions.
People will have smaller brains in the future.
People won't have smaller brains in the future.
? Will people have smaller brains in the future?
1 Humans will look different in the year 3000.
? ____________________________________
2 Students will have robot teachers.
? ____________________________________
3 Life will be better for people in poor countries.
? ____________________________________


Parts of the body Illnesses

1 Complete the words for parts of the body. 3 Match the sentence halves (15) to AE.
1 Ive got a sore __
2 I hurt __
3 My back __
4 Ive got __
5 Ive got a __

A my ankle.
B stomach ache.
C throat.
D temperature.
E hurts.

Talking about aches and pains

1 br a i n 5 k_ _ _
4 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences
2 n_ _ _ 6 f_ _ _ _ _ with the correct form of hurt, and the words for
3 t_ _ _ _ 7 s_ _ _ body parts.
4 t_ _ 8 c_ _ _ _ 1 2

The environment

2 Underline the correct words for the definitions.

not have any more of something
= run out / decrease
1 not bad for the environment 3 4
= eco-friendly / polluted
2 become more or bigger
= decrease / increase
3 water or air that is dirty
= fossil fuels / pollution
4 the result of the planet getting hotter
= global gas / warming
1 The men hurt their backs.
5 materials, such as coal and gas, that we use to
The men's backs hurt.
produce energy
2 Grace _________ her a_________.
= greenhouse gas / fossil fuels
Grace's a_________ _________.
3 Brandon _________ his s_________.
Brandon's s_________ _________.
4 Sarah _________ her w_________.
Sarah's w_________ _________.

5 Choose the correct option to complete the dialogues.

A: What's the matter with / for you?
B: Good morning, Dr Brace. I think I've got
(1) the / a flu. I feel really hot and I've got a
sore (2) throat / cough.
A: I see. Okay, let's take your (3) temperature / headache.
A: Hi, Johnny. How (4) do / are you feel today?
B: Hello, Dr Jenkins. I feel terrible. I hurt
(5) me the ankle / my ankle.
A: Hmm, does (6) hurt it / it hurt when I do this?
B: Ouch! Yes, (7) it hurts / hurts me a lot!


Read the text. How many countries are in the Amazon Rainforest?

The Amazing Amazon

The Amazon Rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world. It covers parts of Brazil, Peru, Colombia,
Suriname, Ecuador, Bolivia and French Guinea. Over half of the planets rainforest is in the Amazon.
The plants in the rainforest take in the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. In this
way they clean the atmosphere.

Scientists are very interested in the Amazon because different plants can cure different illnesses. The
Amazon people who know about these plants are called medicine men. When they get old, they pass
on their knowledge to their apprentices. These are younger men who will eventually become
medicine men.

One researcher, Drauzio Varella, from Brazil, is looking for a cure for cancer in the Amazon. The work
is difficult because there are lots of different plants in the rainforest. He and his team test each one to
find out if it has medicinal properties. This takes a long time. Another problem is that the rainforest is
getting smaller. This means fewer trees and plants, but also animals lose their habitats. If people
continue to destroy the rainforest, we will lose our chance to discover valuable new medicines.

Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1 The Amazon is the ______ rainforest in the world and contributes to over ______ of the
worlds rainforests.
2 The rainforest cleans the atmosphere by taking in ________ and releasing _______ .
3 ________ study the plants in the rainforest because they can _____ different illnesses.
4 _____ are young men who are learning to become ________ men.
5 Drauzio Varella is searching for a cure for ______ , but one of his biggest challenges is
the large number of ______ that he needs to test.
6 Cutting down trees in the Amazon rainforest means fewer plants and _______ . It also
threatens our chance to discover new _________ .


Choose one of the environmental problems in the box. Describe the problem and write
your recommendations. Use the questions and prompts to help you. Write about 100
words. Use linking words (also, too, as well).
fossil fuels global warming pollution

Paragraph 1: What is the problem? What causes it? What will happen if we dont stop it
from happening?
Global warming is a huge problem for the planet. It is caused by If we dont do
something about
Paragraph 2: Describe one way to help to reduce the problem and how it will help.
If we , we can We need to
Paragraph 3: Describe another way to help reduce the problem and how it will help.
If we think more carefully about , we can
This will help



be going to for future plans and intentions be going to and will for predictions

1 Choose the correct option. 3 Write predictions and questions. Use will for
Jessica isnt go to / isn't going to sell her predictions based on beliefs and going to for
predictions based on external evidence.
1 They aren't going / aren't going to watch TV. Evidence
2 Tony is / are going to leave home. Oh no! that cat / fall off / the wall
3 They are / Are they going to sell their new app? Oh no! That cats going to fall off the wall.
4 The dog isn't going to chase / go to chasing 1 His leg is hurt. he / finish / the marathon
the cat. ______________________________________
5 What you are / are you going to do this 2 The sky looks very dark. it / rain / soon ?
afternoon? ______________________________________
6 A: Are they going to move house?
B: Yes, they are / 're going to. Belief
3 I'm not sure she / donate / the money / to charity
2 Write the words in the correct order.

to / hockey tonight / going / watch / Tyler isn't ______________________________________
Tyler isn't going to watch hockey tonight. 4 we think you / enjoy / the race / on Sunday
1 is / Olivia / to / visit her grandparents / going ______________________________________
_____________________________________ 5 they / be annoyed / with us ?
2 to / going / drive to / Mum and Dad / the cinema / ______________________________________
_____________________________________ 4 Read the sentences. Decide if each sentence
3 Jack / next year / is / to get married / going / ? makes a prediction based on a belief (PB), on
_____________________________________ external evidence (PE), or if it refers to future
plans (FP)? Write PB, PE or FP.
4 are going / go skiing at / the weekend / to /
Max and I I didn't clean my room and there are clothes all
_____________________________________ over the floor. Mum isn't going to be very
5 a success / that new computer game / to / be / happy. PE
is going 1 Is Alexis certain that she will pass her exam? __
_____________________________________ 2 Grace is going to travel to America next year.
Its all booked. __
3 They're sure they will win the prize money. __
4 The tree branch isn't strong enough. I can see it
breaking! He is going to fall! __
5 Are you going to enter the charity event? __
6 Its going to snow. Its very cold and there are
lots of clouds. __
7 Mike won't enjoy this film, I don't think


Money Weddings

1 Match the sentence halves (17) to AH. 3 Match the words (16) to the definitions (AF).
1 You get pocket money E 1 valuable E
2 Coins are made __ 2 wedding __
3 You earn money __ 3 get married __
4 You win money __ 4 groom __
5 Bank notes are made __ 5 bride __
6 Spending is the opposite __ 6 ring __
7 People sometimes donate __
A the action of becoming husband and wife
A of metal. B a man on his wedding day
B money to charity. C a piece of jewellery that you wear on your finger,
C of paper. to show that you are married
D of saving money. D the event when two people become husband
E from your parents. and wife
F in a competition. E worth a lot of money
G at work. F a woman on her wedding day

Verbs and prepositions of movement Paying for something in a shop

2 What's going to happen? Complete the 4 Choose the correct option to complete the
sentences with the verbs. dialogues.
climb crawl dive slide swim
A: That prices / is 50, please.
1 2 3 B: OK. Can I pay by (1) card / change?
A: I'm sorry, we only (2) take / want cash.
A: I'd like to (3) give / return this CD.
B: Have you got a (4) cash machine / receipt?
A: Yes, can I (5) take / have a refund, please?

4 5

1 The cat is going to climb up the tree.

2 Sophia is going to ______ through the wave.
3 Kayla is going to ______ into the pool.
4 The baby is going to ______ under the bed.
5 Jos and Tim are going to ______ down the hill.


Read the text. Who donated money to a charity?


Business Profiles: Teenage Millionaires

Cameron Johnson
When he was nine, Cameron Johnson started a business making invitation cards. When he was
eleven, he earned several thousand dollars from the business. He used the money to start an online
business where internet users get paid to look at adverts. Before he left high school at 18, the business
was worth $1,000,000!

Fraser Doherty
Fraser Doherty, started making *jam when he was 14. He experimented with his grandmothers
recipes to produce his own jam. Initially, he donated the money he earned to Greenpeace. A
supermarket asked Fraser to sell his jam their stores. This made it available to lots of people. He was
soon making 1.4 million in sales. He wrote a jam cookbook and a business guide, SuperBusiness.

* jam = la mermelada

David and Catherine Cook

Brother and sister team David and Catherine Cook became millionaires when they turned a yearbook
into a website. A yearbook contains pictures and information about students for a particular year. As
they were looking at a school yearbook they got an idea why not put it online? Their website,
myyearbook.com, made it easy to connect with friends. Their business is now worth about $100,000
million. Now their website focuses on making new friends it is called meetme.com.

Read the text again. Complete the sentences.

1 Cameron was _____ when he first started a business, and _____ when he became a
2 Internet users can get _____ to ______ at adverts on Camerons website.
3 Fraser was inspired by his _________ recipes, which he _______ with.
4 Fraser became a millionaire because a _______ sold his jam and his jam became _____
to more people in the UK.
5 Catherine and David Cook got the idea for their website when they were _______ at
friends in a _______ .
6 Catherine and Davids current website is called _______ and focuses on helping people to
make new _______


Write a formal letter of invitation for one of the situations (A or B). Use the questions to
help you. Use due to, because and because of to give reasons for something. Write
about 100 words.
A You are a finalist in a writing competition. Invite your English teacher to the awards
B Some of your schools music students are organising a charity concert at the town hall.
Invite your head teacher.

Paragraph 1: Start with a formal greeting. Say what the invitation is for, where the event is
and why it is being held.
Dear ____ ,
Im writing to invite you to at
The reason for the event is
Paragraphs 2 and 3: Give more details about the event. What time will it start and finish?
What is going to happen? What useful information (e.g. about parking restrictions) can you
tell the person you are inviting?
Due to there will / wont be
The students are going to
Paragraph 4: What do you think the event will be like? Express a positive opinion that will
convince the person to come. Request a reply and sign off appropriately.
I think you will enjoy the event because
I look forward to Please respond to me on
Best wishes,


can, can't, could, couldn't 2

1 Choose the correct option.

She could / can read when she was three
years old.
1 Last weekend, he can't / couldn't invite friends
2 Daniel wakes up earl_. Jess wakes up
to his house because he had an exam on
e_ _ _ _ _r t_ _ _ Daniel. Sam wakes up t_ _
e_ _ _ _ _ _t of all. Daniel d_ _ _ _ _ wake up
2 Grandma could / couldn't drive a car when she
_ _ e_ _ _ _ _ _ the other two.
got married. She learned a few years later.
3 Sorry, you can't / couldn't come to the concert 4 Correct the underlined mistakes in the
with us. I've only got two tickets. sentences.
4 Olivia can / can't speak Spanish and English, so Peter cares about his weight, so he eats healthy.
she has no problem when she's on holiday in healthily
London. 1 Hans is from Germany. He speaks German
5 When she was a teenager, she could / can go fluently than all the other students.
to the city centre on her own. __________________
6 Mike isn't in the school concert, because he 2 Joseph always studies hardly for his exams.
couldn't / can't play a musical instrument. __________________
7 My mum says that we could / can eat what we 3 Dad arrives home late than Mum.
want, if it's healthy! __________________
8 I could / couldn't ride a bike when I was five. 4 Tina sings well than we do.
I learned when I was four years old. __________________
5 Tom doesn't work as hard than his brother.
2 Answer the questions.
Which of the sentences in exercise 1 are about ... ?
1 present ability __, __
allow somebody to / be allowed to
2 past ability __, __
3 present permission __, __
5 Complete the sentences with the words in
4 past permission __, __ brackets.
Mum (allow / me) allows me to go to the park
Comparative and superlative adverbs regularly.
1 I (allow) ______________ go to the park
3 Look at the pictures. Then complete the
sentences with the correct comparative or
superlative adverbs. 2 Mr Smith (not allow / his students)
______________ leave the classroom early.
1 3 They (not allow) ______________ leave the
classroom early.
4 Davids mum (not allow / him) ______________
play computer games after 9 p.m.
5 He (not allow) ______________ play computer
games after 9 p.m.
1 Gemma plays the violin badl y. Nick plays the
violin w_ _ _ _ t_ _ _ Gemma. Jenny plays the
violin t_ _ w_ _ _ _ of all. Jenny does_ _ play
the violin a_ w_ _ _ a_ Gemma or Nick.


Life stages Verb phrases

1 Find five more words connected with life stages 4 Match the sentence halves (19) to AI.
in the word puzzle. 1 How much money do you A well at school.
O T O K L B L F B Y 2 I want to take up B a lie-in on
A O H D R G R H W R Sundays.
3 Can you cook C sleepovers at all.
E D S G I Y M O D T 4 I don't have to share D a new sport.
A D U L T H U B O X 5 I always have E your friends
6 She does very F a room at home.
R E S I B Y U B S K 7 We can't have G spend on
8 Don't text H your friends
W J C H I L D J Q Y over?
T A C G N V I M A I 9 Are you going to invite I a healthy meal?

Talent shows
2 Write the life stages from exercise 1 in the 5 Match the definitions with the words.
correct age order.
audition comedian easily
Child Adult finalist fluently properly
baby 4 _________ without problems easily
1 _________ 5 _________ 1 a short performance to show you are good
2 _________ enough to be in a play, variety show, etc.
3 _________
2 a funny performer ___________
3 in the correct way ___________
3 Complete the verbs phrases with the correct
verbs in the box. 4 communicating quickly and successfully
buy get go grow have learn leave retire
5 a person who takes part in the last stage of a
grow up game, competition, etc. ___________
1 __________ home
2 __________ a house Expressing opinions
3 __________ from your job
4 __________ to drive 6 Choose the correct option to complete the
5 __________ children dialogue.
6 __________ to university A: So, what / how did you think of the film?
7 __________ a job B: To be (1) true / honest, I didn't really enjoy the
A: Oh! (2) Don't / Aren't you like Jennifer
B: (3) Properly / Personally, I think she always
looks angry.
A: Yes, (4) I agree / I'm agree. That's absolutely (4)
a good point / right.
B: So (5) what / how did you feel about it?
A: Hmm, well I didn't (6) think / say much of the
story, but the action was exciting


Read the text. Which heading best describes the texts?

a Money cant buy happiness
b Exercise is the key to happiness.
c What makes us happy?

There has been a lot of research into happiness. Researchers found that many people believe that
money, a dream job or a big house will make them happy.

Scientists found that people feel happier when they have an experience rather than when they buy
something. For example, buying something that you want will make you happy for about two weeks.
However, the feelings created from having an enjoyable experience, like spending time with friends or
family, are longer lasting than when we buy something.

Did you know that exercise can make you happy? Researchers did experiments with people suffering
from depression. The people were asked to do just 30 minutes of exercise a day, like walking, running,
swimming or cycling. The results showed a significant improvement in their mood after doing

Hobbies are also important for well-being. Hobbies can make you healthier because they reduce
stress by making you forget about problems and focusing your mind on something else. Hobbies are
also a great way to make new friends. Sharing a common interest can make you feel connected to
others. Learning a new skill through a hobby also increases your self-esteem and this also makes you
feel more positive.

Read the text again. Complete the gaps with one or two words
1 According to the article, most people believe that if they _________ material things, it will
make them ________ .
2 The feeling of happiness after we buy something usually disappears after __________ .
3 Spending time with _______ or _______ can provide a longer lasting feeling of
4 Doing just ______ of exercise a day can improve your ____ .
5 Sharing a _______ can make you feel more connected to _____ .
6 _______ a new skill makes you feel _____ about yourself.


Choose a topic. Write a review for a website comparing three examples of this topic. Use the
prompts to help you. Try to include adverbs of degree in your answer. Write about 100 words.

actors albums films singers songs

Paragraph 1: What or who are you comparing? Write two positive and two negative things
about the three examples.
I am going to compare three
Paragraph 2: Compare the three examples. Which person / thing do you like the most?
Why? Which person / thing do you like the least? Why?
Personally, I like the most because
In my opinion,
Paragraph 3: Write a conclusion and give each person / thing a star rating from 15.
In summary, is the best of the three and Im going to give it / him / her stars.



Present perfect Present perfect with ever and never

1 Rewrite the affirmative sentences as negative 4 Look at the prompts. Write questions with ever
sentences and questions. and answers with never. Use the correct form of
Anna has worked in a restaurant. the present perfect.
Anna hasn't worked in a restaurant. you / book a hotel room
? Has Anna worked in a restaurant? Have you ever booked a hotel room?
1 The horse has jumped over the wall. No, I've never booked a hotel room.
____________________________________ 1 Alexis / lose her suitcase?
? ____________________________________ ______________________________________
2 David and Jim have worked in the film industry. ______________________________________
____________________________________ 2 your parents / hire a car?
? ____________________________________ ______________________________________
3 Dad has gone to Europe. ______________________________________
____________________________________ 3 Andrew / miss a flight?
? ____________________________________ ______________________________________
4 The girls have applied for jobs in that shop. ______________________________________
____________________________________ 4 you and I / make new friends on a plane?
? ____________________________________ ______________________________________
5 I have started my English project. ______________________________________
5 Choose the correct option.
? ____________________________________
That was the best cake I've ever / never eaten.
2 Complete the short answers for questions 15 1 Have your sisters stayed ever / ever stayed in a
in exercise 1. hostel?
No, she hasn't. 3 No, ____________. 2 Ben hasnt / has never been abroad.
1 Yes, ____________. 4 Yes, ____________. 3 This is the first time she's never / ever been
2 No, ____________. 5 Yes, ____________. abroad.
4 Ever has your teacher / Has your teacher ever
3 Complete the blog with the present perfect form given you a bad mark?
of the verbs in brackets. 5 My friend and I have ever / never bought
souvenirs at that shop

Mrs Jones has given us a class survey

about our experiences. She has asked (ask)
us about our lifestyles, and we (1) _______
(answer) the questions. Mrs Jones
(2) _______ (record) the information.
I (3) _______ (write) some of the questions
and answers here:
Q: (4) _______ (you / have) a Saturday job
A: No, I (5) _______ (not have) a job, but I
(6) _______ (earn) pocket money by
keeping my room tidy.
Q: (7) _______ (you / buy) things online?
A: No, we (8) _______ (not buy) anything,
but we
(9) _______ (sell) our homemade jewellery
on eBay. We (10) _______ (make) a bit of
Liz and Sue


Jobs A dangerous job

1 Complete the words for jobs. 3 Choose the correct option.

Most animals leave tracks / tribes on the
1 If you eat or drink poison / cure, you might die.
2 Have doctors found a cure / hunter for that
disease yet?
3 There are tribes / hunters of people in the
1 astronomer 4 p____________ Amazon who never leave the forest.
4 Hunters / Poisons usually catch animals for

Talking about work experience

4 Complete the words in the dialogue.

2 v____________ 5 y_______ i_______
A: Why do you want to apply for this job?
B: I'm very (1) g_________ at creative things and I
think I (2) c_________ write well, too.
A: Have you (3) e_________ worked as a writer for
a newspaper before?
B: Yes, I (4) h_________.
A: Have you got any (5) e_________ of writing
3 s_______ a_______ 6 f_______ f_______
about sport?
B: No, I havent, but I (6) l_________ playing
Holidays sport and would like to write about it, too

2 Match the halves of the holiday actions (17)

to AG.
1 buy A sunburnt __
2 forget B postcards __
3 miss C souvenirs
4 explore D your luggage __
5 get E your flight __
6 send F new places __
7 lose G your passport __

Tick () the things which are fun to do on

holiday, and put a cross () next to the things
that it's better not to do.


Read the email. Number the events in the order they happened to Brandon.
A He published a Facebook page and blog. ___
B He lost his job in finance. ___
C He became famous for his work. ___

Hi Mel,

Hows it going? I saw something online today that I think you will love! Have you
ever heard of Brandon Stanton? Hes got an amazing blog called Humans of New
York. Are you still looking for someone interesting to write about for your English
project? Well, Ive done some research about him for you! Heres what I found out:

For Brandon Stanton photography was just a hobby. That changed in 2010 when
he lost his job in finance. It was then that he decided to go professional. He went
on a tour of America and took photos of city scenes and people. He visited New
York in 2010 and found the city streets perfect for his art and decided to stay. He
asked permission to take photos of people and chatted to them, finding out about
their lives. He posted them on a Facebook page and a blog. Under each photo is a
sentence or a quotation, or sometimes a story, that tells something about the lives
and experiences of his subjects. Some are funny, some are sad and some are just

Stantons published a book based on the blog, which reached number 1 in the The
New York Times Best Sellers list in 2013.
I think Brandons blog really brings people together! When youve looked at the
blog, tell me what you think.

Speak soon,
Caitlin xxx

Read the email again and complete the gaps with one or two words.
1 Caitlin wants to tell Mel about __________ and recommend she writes about him for her
________ .
2 At first, photography was a _____ for Brandon, but then he became a _______ .
3 During his tour, Brandon __________ of many different places and __________ .
4 In 2010, Brandon decided to stay in _______ because the streets were perfect for his
_____ .
5 Brandon has also written a very successful __________ . It was __________ on a best
seller list in 2013.
6 Mel likes the Humans of New York ______ because it brings _______ .


Write an e-postcard to a friend about a holiday you are on. Use the prompts to help you.
Write about 100 words.

Paragraph 1: Greet your friend. Say where you are, how long you have been there, where
you are staying and what the holiday has been like so far.
Hi Im / Were in
Ive / Weve been here for
Im / Were staying in a Its
Paragraph 2: Describe the things you have done. Give details of what you have done on a
particular day.
Ive / Weve done lots of things Ive / Weve visited / seen On I / we went to
Paragraph 3: Describe something you havent
done and explain why. Then sign off appropriately.
I / We havent yet because
See you soon / next week! / Bye for now!



Modals: should / shouldn't, must / mustn't 4 Rewrite the affirmative sentences as negative
sentences and questions.
1 Choose the correct option. You have got to eat all your vegetables.
You shouldnt stay up so late at night. You haven't got to eat all your vegetables.
A should B must C shouldn't ? Have you got to eat all your vegetables?
1 Hurry! You ________ miss your bus to school! 1 The students have to come to classes.
A mustn't B must C should _____________________________________
2 The rules say that you ________ ask your ? _____________________________________
parents before you go white-water rafting. 2 Uncle Ryan has got to help them with this.
A shouldn't B must C mustn't _____________________________________
3 I think you ________ wear your old jumper and ? _____________________________________
jeans when you paint the house. 3 Amanda has to be at school at eight o'clock.
A should B mustn't C shouldn't _____________________________________
4 The sign says you ________ drive slowly in front ? _____________________________________
of the school. 4 Grace and I have got to tidy our bedroom.
A mustn't B must C shouldn't _____________________________________
5 I think you ________ study a lot more or you ? _____________________________________
won't pass the English exam!
5 Complete the email with the words.
A should B mustn't C shouldn't
do doesn't got has hasn't have haven't to
2 Complete the sentences with should(n't) or
You shouldn't watch so much TV.
1 He failed his exams, so he ________ repeat this Hi Anna
course. How are you? Whats happening? Has
2 We ________ talk in the exam. It's against the your band done any more concerts?
I've just started a band with my friends,
Jay and Mo. It's great, but it's hard
3 You ________ tell a teacher if you're having work! We've got to do lots of things.
problems. We have (1) _______ work a lot. Every
weekend, our band (2) _______ got to
practise! Luckily, we (3) _______ got to
have (got) to + infinitive
go far to meet, because we all live in
the same street. As part of the band, I
3 Rewrite the underlined words with have got to. (4) _______ got to write the words for
Dylan studied all day yesterday, so he doesn't the songs and Jay has to write the
have to study today. music. Mo
(5) _______ got to write the words and
hasn't got to he
1 Do students have to ask their parents before (6) _______ have to write the music,
they go on the school trip? but he has to sing!
______________________ What about you? What (7) _______
you have to do in your band?
2 My brother and I don't have to wash Dad's car.
Write soon
______________________ Polly
3 Olivia doesn't have to make lunch today.
4 You don't have to take me to the shops, Mum.


Wild nature Habitat

1 Complete the text with the verbs. 4 Choose the correct option.
attacked bit chased defended hit The tigers habitat / nature is being destroyed.
pulled run away stood 1 This plant gets water through its roots / ground.
2 These trees don't have any branches / leaves
I work as a postman. It can be quite a dangerous on them all winter.
job. Last week, while I was walking out of 3 The ground / habitat was very wet after the
someones garden a dog ran after me and chased rain.
me down the road. But the road didnt go 4 If you get hit by a falling branch / leaf, it will hurt
anywhere and I had to stop. I turned around and very much.
(1) ________ still and the dog (2) ________ me.
I (3) ________ myself with my bag and then Talking about a new sport
(4) ________ the dog on the head with it before
I could (5) ________. 5 Match the questions (15) to the answers (AD).

Yesterday, I was posting a letter into a letter box. 1 Have you tried ice-hockey before? B
I didnt see that there was a cat waiting by the 2 What do you have to do? __
letter box. It jumped up and (6) ________ my 3 Do you want to have a go? __
hand. I (7) ________ my hand away quickly, but 4 Do I have to wear special clothes? __
it still really hurt! 5 Are there any instructions about the
equipment? __

Adjectives A Yes. You mustn't hold your stick too high.

B No, this is my first time.
2 Find eight more adjectives in the word puzzle.
C Yes, you must wear ice skates, and a helmet.
R T C K M R Y Z I G F D You have to shoot this puck into the goal.
E Yes, please!

3 Complete the table with words from exercise 2.

Positive Negative
polite (4)
(1) (5)
(2) (6)
(3) (7)


Read the text. Match the headings AC to the paragraphs 13.

A The coldest places on Earth
B The ultimate boat trip
C An impressive journey

Great Adventurers

(1) _________
Jessica Watsons inspiration was a story she heard on the news when she was 11.
The story was about Jesse Martin, an 18-year-old who became the youngest
person to sail around the world. When Jessica was 13, she told her parents she
wanted to do the same thing. Some people said that she was too young, the trip
was too dangerous and she shouldnt attempt it. They seemed to be right when
she was in a dangerous storm in the Atlantic. Despite the difficulties, she
succeeded and achieved her goal on 15th May 2010, aged only 16.

(2) ________
Ed Stafford holds the Guinness World Record for being the first person to walk the
length of the Amazon River, a journey that took him over two years. He walked an
incredible 4,000 miles from Peru to Brazil. Along the way he was constantly
attacked by various insects and a giant snake almost ate him. He used his
expedition to help raise public awareness of the environmental issues affecting the
Amazon, such as deforestation.

(3) __________
Eric Larsen has spent over 15 years exploring the North and South Poles. Over the
years he has seen how the poles have been negatively affected by global warming.
This inspired him to do the Save the Poles project. This was a 365-day expedition
to the North Pole, the South Pole and the top of Mount Everest. He became the
first person in history to reach all three poles within a year.

Read the text again and complete the sentences.

1 This text is from a w_______ about e_____ in different parts of the world.
2 Some people thought that Jessica s______ sail around the world.
3 Jessica was y_____ than Jesse Martin when she a______ her dream to sail around the
4 Eds journey lasted t_____ years.
5 Eds adventure highlighted the problem of d__________ in the Amazon.
6 Ed was a_____ by a huge s_____ .
7 Eric observed how the poles were affected by g__________ w _________ .
8 Erics achievement is amazing because he is the f_____ person to travel to the three
poles in one year.


A person on an online travel forum asks for advice about visiting your town. Write advice. Use
the prompts to help you. Write about 100 words.

Paragraph 1: What is your town called? Where is it? What are the people like there?
My town is called It is in You will love The people are very friendly and helpful.
Paragraph 2: Give advice about visiting your town and how to be polite with the residents.
Where are the best places to visit? Whens the best time to go? What activities do you
recommend? Use
should / shouldnt, must / mustnt, (dont) have to to make recommendations.
You should visit and They are really
The best time to visit is The weather is at that time.
Its important to know that Firstly, Spanish people usually Secondly, its to
Paragraph 3: Give advice about what to bring.
Finally, its a good idea to bring



Indefinite pronouns Quantifiers: some, any, a lot of, much,

many, (not) enough
1 Choose the correct option.
Please, sit down. Is there anything I can get 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
you? boxes.
A somewhere B anything C something a lot any enough much some
1 Let's go to the shops. I want to buy ________ I haven't met any people who have been on TV.
for Sue. 1 How _________ spare time have you got?
A anything B something C anyone 2 Two hours? That's _________ time to get dinner
2 In the winter, we always go ________ hot on ready.
holiday. 3 Our teacher gave us _________ of help with our
A somewhere B something C anywhere projects, because we were finding it really
3 I failed my exam, but don't tell ________! difficult.
A anyone B someone C somebody 4 This article is about _________ young people
4 Is there ________ you'd especially like to who started their own TV company.
travel to?
A somewhere B anywhere C something
any lot of many not enough
5 There isn't ________ interesting in this
newspaper. 5 Oh, no! That's _________ flour to make the
A anything B something C anywhere cake. There's only 100g, and we need 250g!
6 Look! There's ________ in our back garden! 6 There isnt _________ bread in the cupboard.
A anyone B somebody C somewhere Who ate it all?
7 Do you think I'll know ________ at Anna's party? 7 Do you have _________ books at home, or just
A someone B somebody C anyone one or two?
8 There are a _________ TV channels to choose
2 Complete the words in the text with some from these days. Do you find it difficult to know what to
or any. watch?

Hi Tia
How are you? Have you done anything
fun recently or have you been
(1) ____where interesting? I have!
I did (2) ____thing fantastic I went to
a One Direction concert! I had nearly
100 saved up, and I wanted to spend
it on (3) ____thing really special, and
then (4) ____one told me about the
concert, and I was so happy!
The concert was awesome!! I've never
seen (5) ____thing like it. After the
show, I saw (6) ____body from the
band's security team, and he gave me
Harry Styless hat! Can you believe it?
There isn't (7) ____body with a hat like
this! I'll show it to you when I see you
on Tuesday.
Talk soon
Kaitlyn xxx


Everyday things TV programmes

1 Complete the words. 4 Complete the TV guide with the words.

smart pho n e cookery programme crime series
1 central he_ _i_ _ news programme quiz show sitcom
2 hair dr_ _ _
3 phone ch_ _g_ _ Monday, 28th December What's On?
4 shower g_ _
15:00 Time for a laugh ... with the very funny
5 de_ _ _r_ _ _
sitcom, My Sister Is Getting Married!
6 washing ma_ _i_ _
7 micro_a_e 16:00 Can't decide what to have for dinner
tonight? Make sure you watch In the
2 Complete the sentences with words from Kitchen, a (1) _________________ for
exercise 1. everyone from beginners to five-star chefs.
Where is my phone charger? My phone won't
17:00 Find out what's happening in the UK and
work without it.
around the world with the
1 Is there anywhere I can plug in my
(2) _________________ Live at Five.
_________________ after I've washed my hair?
2 Your feet smell terrible! Can you put some 18:00 How intelligent are you? Test yourself with
_________________ on them, please? everyone's favourite
3 Now that we have got _________________, the (3) _________________, Dr Brain!
house is always lovely and warm.
19:00 Last night, Dr Hurford's wife was killed with
4 If that soup isn't hot enough, put it in the
poison. Who did it? Watch this award-
_________________ for a minute or two.
winning (4) _________________, Murder in
5 David, don't leave your dirty clothes on the floor;
New York, to find out!
put them in the _________________.
6 I don't use soap these days. I prefer to wash with
a bottle of _________________. Neighbourhoods
7 Can everyone turn off their _________________
5 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences.
please, so that we don't get any calls during the
Write them next to the correct sentences.
1 There is a large relatives of Italians, who live all
3 Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct over New York city. _____________
the false sentences. 2 I grew up in a very urban area, on a farm in a
A duvet keeps us warm when we are outside. F small village. _____________
A duvet keeps us warm when we are inside. 3 I've got neighbourhood all over town cousins,
1 We usually put deodorant under our eyes. __ aunts and two of my grandparents, too.
_____________________________________ _____________
2 Fridges are usually in the bathroom. __ 4 We're lucky to live in a small, friendly rural. It's
_____________________________________ only three or four streets in size. _____________
3 You can look at yourself in a mirror. __ 5 Community living, in the centre of the city, is
_____________________________________ more exciting. _____________
4 A washing machine is for cleaning plates and
glasses. __
5 We use shampoo to wash our hair. __
6 You need a TV to use the internet. __

Making compromises and polite requests

6 Put the lines of the dialogue in the correct order.

A When the video's finished you can have the laptop. I won't be long. I promise. __
B Please could I use your laptop for a
minute? 1
C Not now. I'm watching a video on
YouTube. __
D You always say that! This is important.
I need to upload these photos to a website. __
E OK. It's a deal. I'll do it now. __
F Could you pause the video for a second?
Then the photos can upload while you
finish watching it. __


Read the text. Where was Jos found? Choose the correct answer (ac).
a Mexico
b El Salvador
c Ebon

This summer were continuing our survival season with a series of documentaries. At 9 p.m. on Tuesday
14th July you can see another amazing story.

Lost at sea?

This is the story of a man who spent 13 months in the Pacific Ocean. Jos Salvador Alvarenga,
originally from El Salvador but living in Mexico, was on a fishing trip in December 2012. He was
fishing for sharks with a 15-year-old boy. Their boat broke down after a storm and they were left
drifting in the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately the boy died after four months because he didnt eat
the birds, fish and turtles that Jos caught and killed with a knife.

Jos said that he didnt see land for a long time, only the blue ocean. He often felt disorientated
and could only tell whether it was night or day. He protected himself from the sun by covering
his body with a cloth. Finally, his boat drifted to the small island of Ebon in the Pacific. The
islanders were shocked when they saw him. His hair was very long and his skin was badly
sunburned. His legs were very swollen as well. They gave him food and water and took him to a
hospital to recover.

When the worlds media found out about Jos, he became very famous. But some people find
his story a little too incredible. When he arrived at Ebon, he wasnt very thin. And when they
asked him questions about his story, he got a lot of his facts confused. The case still remains a
mystery. Was Jos really alone for 13 months? If not, then where was he and what was he

Read the text again and answer the questions. (12 marks)
1 What type of TV programme is Joss story on? What is the topic?

2 What channel can you see it on? When?

3 What was Jos doing when his boat broke down?

4 Who was he with?

5 What did Jos look like when he arrived in Ebon?

6 What did some people think about Joss story?


A class did a survey about TV programmes. They asked 20 students the following three
questions about TV. The results of the survey are under each question. Examine the results.
Then write a report about the survey. Use the expressions of quantity in the box and the
prompts to help you. Write about 100 words.

a few a lot of all

more / less than half most some

1 What is your favourite type of TV show?

sports programme

soap opera Number of


reality TV

0 5 10 15

2 Could you live without your TV for six months?

3 Does watching TV have positive benefits?


Paragraph 1: Say what the survey was about and how many students were interviewed.
The class did a survey on / The topic was
They interviewed
Paragraph 2: Give the results of the first question.
More than half Some students said
One or two / A few students said that
Paragraph 3: Give the results of the second question.
Most students said / think that
Only a few can / said
Paragraph 4: Give the results of the third question and a conclusion.
About half of the students think The others said that
In my opinion, the results of the survey show



Reflexive pronouns Question tags

1 Complete the reflexive pronouns (AH). Then 4 Match the parts of the sentences (18) with the
match the pronouns (18) with the reflexive question tags (AH).
pronouns. 1 You haven't seen my designs, D
1 I H A _____self 2 The cat cleans itself, __
2 you (singular) __ B our_____ 3 We've been to Europe, __
3 he __ C he_____elf 4 You can come for the sleepover, __
4 she __ D you_____lves 5 Students aren't always clever, __
5 it __ E him_____ 6 You don't know how to paint, __
6 you (plural) __ F th_____selves 7 It's a nice day today, __
7 we __ G it_____ 8 They're your photos, __
8 they __ H myself
A are they?
2 Complete the text with the words.
B haven't we?
himself itself myself ourselves themselves C can't you?
D have you?
A fire hydrant is a red metal street object that
E doesn't it?
firefighters can use to get water. In a small town in
F isn't it?
Canada, the local community thought the hydrants
G do you?
looked boring. So people started painting their
H aren't they?
local hydrants themselves, to make their town look
more colourful. A local artist managed the project, 5 Complete the sentences with the words.
and found (1) _________ several helpers at the are aren't can't do doesn't
local school. 'I painted that one (2) _________, to have haven't wasn't
look like a dog!' said thirteen-year-old Maggie.
'And we designed this fish painting That was an expensive meal, wasn't it?
(3) _________,' said two other teens, Aaron and 1 The SporKnife and iKettles are cool gadgets,
Connor, pointing to their hydrant. When the _______ they?
'hydrant project' was completed, the whole 2 You and I have seen some of Picasso's
community was very proud of (4) _________, paintings, _______ we?
because it had done something to make the town 3 You can use this plastic yellow 'banana' to store
look more interesting and fun! real bananas in, _______ you?
4 The people we meet aren't always polite,
3 Complete the sentences with the correct _______ they?
reflexive pronouns. 5 You haven't done your history homework,
Logan introduced himself to his new teacher. _______ you?
1 I hurt __________ at the weekend when I was 6 The umbrella closes itself, _______ it?
skiing. 7 You don't have a pen, _______ you?
2 Jamie and I built the new dog house
3 Mum and Dad enjoyed __________ on their
4 Did you and your friend buy the tickets


Street furniture Light and colour

1 Match 15 to AE to form words. 4 Replace the underlined words with a word in the
1 bike D A light box that has a similar meaning.
2 bus __ B box giant light up transform
3 street __ C crossing vivid unexpected unwanted
4 pedestrian __ D rack This massive bridge is the largest in Spain. giant
5 phone __ E stop 1 People completely change the streets during
carnival. ___________
2 Complete the sentences with the words.
2 The walls of the theatre are painted in brilliant
bench bin fence postbox steps colours. ___________
Let's sit down on that bench for a minute I'm 3 One negative result of the festival is that crime in
tired! the city increases when there are more visitors.
1 I hurt my foot when I fell down the ________ that ___________
go up to the door of the town hall. 4 They illuminate the most beautiful buildings at
2 They're building a new ________ around the night. ___________
school. 5 It was very surprising when our favourite
3 Can you drop this letter in the ________ for me, celebrity visited the event. ___________
4 Don't throw your old newspaper in the street. Put Organising a party
it in that ________ over there.
5 Choose the correct option.
Kitchen objects It's / There's a lot to do for Friday's party.
1 Who buys / 's going to buy the cake?
3 Complete the words. 2 We haven't / have forgotten anything, have we?
3 Are you in charge of / to the music?
4 That's a big help / hand. Thanks very much.
5 Don't worry. It's all in / under control.
6 Can anyone / someone bring more chairs?
7 I help / 'll help with the food, if you like.
1 spoon 5 f__________ 8 Can we do something / anything to help?

2 j__________ 6 to__________

3 pl__________ 7 ke__________

4 m__________ 8 kn__________


Read the text. Answer the questions.

1 What can you see in 140 Broadway?
2 What is special about it?
3 Who created it?

Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1 What does the writer recommend visitors to New York should come and see?
2 What does the writer advise people to do before they visit New York?
3 Who created the Wall Street Bull?
4 Where can you see it?
5 What is special about the Walks of Life exhibition?
6 What is the giant teddy bear made of?

Art in New York City

Come and enjoy yourselves with our guide to art in the city that never sleeps!

There are hundreds of sculptures and paintings for you to see, and they are all completely free!
Some of the art is permanent and some is temporary, so look online before you visit to see
whats on.

Heres our selection of the permanent exhibitions you shouldnt miss!

Wall Street Bull: Italian sculptor Arturo de Modica created this giant beast. He made it in
response to the financial crisis in the USA in 1987; the animal was a symbol of hope. Its in
Bowling Green Park in Manhattans Financial District.

Duke Ellington Memorial: This tall sculpture stands on three columns and towers above the
Central Park trees around it. Robert Graham created the bronze statue of the famous jazz
musician and his piano. Its in 110th Street, Fifth Avenue.

Red Cube: Combining art with architecture, this massive red box is situated in 140 Broadway.
Japanese American artist Isamu Noguchi created it.

And heres a quick guide to the temporary exhibitions you can find in the parks:

In Madison Square Park you can see the amazing Walks of Life by Tony Cragg. It consists of
three huge bronze sculptures that look like they are moving.

Trebeca Park visitors can see a giant teddy bear. It looks like it is made of black rubbish bags
but its actually made of metal.

Go to page 7 for our guide to the citys indoor art galleries and the best places eat.


Write an article about the village, town or city where you are from. Use linking words (e.g. and,
too, but, because) and the prompts to help you. Make sure you use present, past and future
tenses. Write about 100 words.

Paragraph 1: Introduce your town. Whats it called? Where is it? How many people
live there? What are some interesting places to visit in your town? Why are they
My town is called Its in
It has a population of
There are a lot of to visit in my town.
There is You can There is also They are interesting because
Paragraph 2: What do you love about your town? Why? What did you like or dislike
about your town when you were younger? Do you feel the same way now?
I love because ...
When I was younger, I but now
Paragraph 3: What will visitors experience in your town? Why should they visit it?
Conclude by saying what hopes you have for the future of your town. Are you going to
stay there? Why? / Why not?
I think visitors to my town will
Its a to visit because
I hope that my town will / wont
In the future, Im (not) going to because

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