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Key Learning Area to be Integrated Science and Technology

with English
Unit Title for Stage 3 Animal Adaptations
Use of Mentor Text in the Other Key The main theme of the mentor text is animal fur shedding during
Learning Area warmer seasons. This links with the Living Things content outcome
of Science and Technology. Language and literary aspects need to
be integrated with this KLA in order for students be gain a wider
understanding and be able to focus deeply on specific animals.
State One Targeted Outcome Code Describes how structural features and other adaptations of living
of the Other Key Learning Area things help them to survive in their environment
Lesson to Showcase Affordances of Lesson 1: Padlet
the Selected Digital Tool or

Brief Description of Lessons

Lesson 1: Building & Negotiating the Field
Prior Students have learnt about the difference between structural and
Knowledge/Skills/Experience behavioural adaptations of living things. They are experienced with Padlet.
for English and/or the other
key learning area
English Outcome & Content EN3-8D - clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and
Descriptor informal situations, connecting ideas to students' own experiences and
present and justify a point of view
Brief Description of Activities Introduction
Teacher asks students to use their iPads to write up a KWL chart on
Padlet regarding what they have learnt about structural and
behavioural adaptations from their previous lessons and what they
want to know. (Teacher assesses and discusses any student responses
for K &W that had already been taught).
Students play reverse celebrity heads by randomly picking the name
of an animal from a bag, which the rest of the class must try and guess
by asking questions regarding structural and behavioural adaptations.

Teacher leads class discussion about the adaptations of domesticated
animals/pets and asks for students to share their own experiences or
knowledge. The class discussion will cover key points such as:

Teacher brainstorms students ideas and responses on the interactive

white board (IWB).

Students attend an excursion to the RSPCA in Yagoona to focus on the
structural and behavioural adaptations of domesticated animals/pets.
During the excursion students use their iPads to make written or oral
notes or brainstorms and take pictures of different animals. (Make
sure students learn about fur shedding during warm seasons, how
rabbits nails never stop growing and need to be trimmed because
unlike in the wild, they do not use their nails to dig burrows and
crepuscular, nocturnal and diurnal pets.
After the excursion, the teacher will lead a discussion about the
different pets students had seen, their structural and behaviour
adaptations and how they help them survive. On butchers paper, each
group of students will have a different pet to draw and label
(behavioural and structural adaptations).

Students present their work to the whole class. Teacher is able to
assess student learning and provide verbal feedback.
Students complete the L from the KWL chart. Padlet allows for
multimodal communication and representation, which is good for
students who are better at expressing themselves orally or visually.
The teacher can assess each students level of thinking through
formative assessment and provide Instant feedback to students.
Students are involved in peer critique of each others work and also
outline what they have learned from each groups work.
Teacher informs students: Now that we know enough about animal
adaptations and how some animals shed their fur during warmer
weather, next lesson we will look at how a company is trying to sell us
a product to help humans clean up the fur that our pets shed.

Lesson 2: Text Deconstruction - Contexts and Structural Features of a Multimodal Advertising Poster
Prior Students have seen a range of posters and are familiar with identifying target
Knowledge/Skills/Experience audience. Students are familiar with Padlet.
for English and/or the other
key learning area
English Outcome & Content EN3-3A - understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and topic as well as the
Descriptor degree of formality
Brief Description of Activities Introduction
Teacher asks students to individually write on butchers paper, one thing about
a poster that makes them want to buy a product.
Teacher displays mentor text on IWB and facilitates a class discussion based
around the below questions. Students will be given to Think-Pair-Share for
questions 3 and 4. After each question, the teacher will show the suitable
answers for each question (in red) and ask students to compare the responses
they had with the given red ones.

The teacher displays the mentor text in Microsoft Word and leads the class in
recognising and labelling the structural features of the mentor text that make
it an advertising poster. The teacher selects students to annotate the mentor
text. Below is a screenshot of expected student responses.

Teacher displays butchers paper from the introduction and leads a class
discussion, where students identify any structural features written on the
paper that are evident in the mentor text.

Lesson 3: Text Deconstruction Two Key Language Features: Direct Address & Exaggeration
Prior Students have a prior knowledge of the first 6 letters of mnemonic
Knowledge/Skills/Experience PERSUASIVE, pronouns and understand the meaning of exaggeration in
for English and/or the other everyday life.
key learning area
English Outcome & Content EN3-5B - identify and explain characteristic text structures and language
Descriptor features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the
purpose of the text
Brief Description of Activities Introduction
The teacher displays the mnemonic for persuasive devices to show
students the last two devices that they will be learning about:

Teacher assess prior knowledge by asking students what they think these
two techniques/devices mean with examples.
The teacher displays the following information on the IWB to introduce
direct address:

Teacher asks students to identify examples of direct address in the
mentor text. Teacher circles pronouns identified by students:

The teacher asks students to refer to the Direct Address slide to think
about how the use of direct address influences the audience to buy the
The teacher leads a discussion about how the audience would be
influenced differently if direct address had not been used.
The teacher moves onto exaggeration by displaying this PowerPoint slide:

Teacher asks students to identify examples of direct address in the
mentor text. Teacher circles pronouns identified by students:

The teacher leads a discussion about the effect that exaggeration makes
exaggeration creates (makes an everyday boring item more interesting).
The teacher leads discussion about how direct address and
exaggeration/hyperbole have influenced their desire for this product.

Lesson 4: Text Deconstruction Design and Layout: Reading Paths & Framing
Prior Prior knowledge of salience, vectors, colour and layout.
for English and/or the other
key learning area

English Outcome & Content EN3-5B - discuss the conventions of a range of complex texts, eg act and stage
Descriptor directions in plays, literary devices in poems and stories, layout conventions in
print and digital texts

Brief Description of Activities Introduction

The Teacher provides students with printed copies of the mentor text and
asks students to draw numbered lines to illustrate the movement of their
The teacher informs students that this is called a reading path.

The teacher asks students to show their reading paths to the whole class
and compare differences and similarities between the different reading
paths (Do not discuss why they have chosen this reading path).
The teacher draws the most common reading path on the mentor text,
which is displayed on the IWB:

Teacher leads a discussion based on the below questions and displays

answers (green) after discussing each question (once students have
identified that the framing most significantly effects the reading path (even
if they describe framing as 'squares', 'frames', 'shape of pictures',
joining/separating the words or pictures or 'rectangles' if they are
referring to the framing then this is acceptable) then teacher will inform
them that this is called 'framing'):

The teacher asks students the following questions and displays answers
(yellow) after discussion:

Lesson 5: Text Deconstruction Multimodal Meanings
Prior Students have prior knowledge of persuasive devices such as power of three,
Knowledge/Skills/Experience emotive language, rhetorical question, repetition, anecdote, direct address and
for English and/or the other hyperbole. They understand that persuasive texts try to persuade or influence the
key learning area reader to hold a certain view.
English Outcome & Content EN3-5B - recognise the techniques used by writers to position a reader and
Descriptor influence their point of view
Brief Description of Activities Introduction
The teacher asks students for thumbs up if they would buy the Furbb if they
had a pet or thumbs down if they would not buy the product and reasons for or

The teacher will guide the students in deconstructing multimodal meanings of
the mentor text through a discussion of the relationships between the words
and images using these questions:

The teacher leads the students in deconstructing multimodal meanings (this

table will be based on the responses of students, which the teacher will
type up into a table format) (Callow, 2013):

Teacher asks students reflective questions:

Lesson 6: Joint Construction of a Multimodal Advertising Poster

Prior Before lesson 6 students had researched the structural adaptation of rabbits,
Knowledge/Skills/Experience especially how and why their nails continue to grow throughout their lives.
for English and/or the other
key learning area

English Outcome & Content EN3-2A - plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts,
Descriptor choosing and experimenting with text structures, language features, images and
digital resources appropriate to purpose and audience
Brief Description of Activities Introduction
The teacher reminds students about persuasive techniques evident in the
mentor text and informs them that they will be using such techniques and
apply what they have learnt to design their own poster together. This
poster will persuade rabbit owners, the target audience, to buy nail
trimmers for their rabbits and it will most likely he seen in shopping
centres, at the vet and at schools.
During the joint construction, the teacher will ask the following questions,
which students will each have a printed copy of:

The teacher will facilitate this discussion and ask for answers. As it is a joint
construction, the teacher will be typing up the words students have chosen.

Students assess the effectiveness of their poster based on the following


Callow, J. (2013). The shape of text to come: How image and text work. Primary

English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA). (2017)., LLC. Retrieved from

Leaving a house with pets [Image] (2016). Retrieved October 1, 2017, from

Your Dictionary. (2017). LoveToKnow, Corp. Retrieved from

3m cat [Image]. (July 24, 2012). Retrieved September 28, 2017, from

Appendix 1: (Mentor text)

Source adapted from Leaving a house with pets (2016) & 3m cat (2012).

Appendix 2: (Technology Affordances)
Students are able to share their
work to different social medias. This
can be used to show parents and
guardians what they have been
The teacher is able to
Teacher is able to provide learning about in class.
identify each student and
direct feedback to each which part of the KWL
student by adding a they have written about,
textbox next to theirs. as Padlet has the title
feature. This enables the
teacher to assess student If students have anything
knowledge and what they else to add they can edit
want to know. their textbox by clicking in

Padlet allows for

communication and
representation. Students
can express themselves
orally, visually or through
Teacher is able to see written text. This enables
what each student is the teacher to accurately
typing while they are assess the extent of
typing rather students knowledge,
skills and thinking.

Students are than

the have
their ideas and
learn new things from
their peers


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