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Analysis of Student Problem Solving Work Sample



The Handshake Problem...1

My Investigation......1

Analysis of Students Work Sample.4

Suggestions for Future Directions...8

Reference List..........11


Appendix 1: My Work Samples13

Appendix 2: Annotated Students Work Sample17

Appendix 3: Annotated Student Interview Transcription..20

Appendix 4: Annotated Observations of Student..24

Appendix 5: Einsteins Riddle...25

Appendix 6: Prison Cell Investigation..26



The purpose of this report is to analyse Year 6 student, Anastasijas work

sample to show her mathematical thinking as she investigates the

mathematical handshake problem. Scholarly sources, observations made

during her investigation and an interview with this student regarding

mathematics in school will also be used in the analysis. From this analysis,

suggestions for future directions for Anastasija will be presented.

The Handshake Problem

You entered a room in which there were six other people standing. If

everyone was to shake hands with every other person in the room once and

only once, how many handshakes would take place? If 3 more people enter

the same room and shake hands with everyone that is already inside, how

many handshakes in total would take place now?

My Investigation

Visual Representation (Appendix 1, 1.1)

I began by drawing 10 dots to represent each of the 10 people and numbered

them. I began with the first dot/person and drew lines to each other

dot/person. The dots were red and lines were blue to avoid confusion. I

numbered each line, which for me represented the number of handshakes.

There were 9 handshakes/lines made by the first dot.

Then I drew the 10 dots again and numbered them. I drew a cross under the

first dot because it had already shaken hands with the others. I moved to the


second dot and drew lines from it to each other dot. I numbered the lines,

which equalled to 8 handshakes.

After drew 10 dots and numbered them again. I drew crosses under dot 1 and

dot 2 because they had shaken every hand. I moved to the third dot and drew

lines from it to the other dots. I numbered the lines, which equalled to 7

handshakes. This is when I noticed a friends of 10 pattern where the number

of handshakes equalled the number needed to add to 10. For example,

person 1 = 9 handshakes because 1+ 9 equal 10, person 2 = 8 handshakes

because 2 + 8 = 10).

I continued the same strategy until dot 10, as it has shaken everyones hand

already. Then I added the handshakes: 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 45

handshakes. To find the number of handshakes with 7 people in the room I

divided 45 by 2 = 21. I also ignored each dots handshake after number 7 = 21


Concrete Representation (Appendix 1, 1.2)

I did not have plastic counters so I made my own paper counters. I used the

alphabet letters up to G to represent 7 people. I began with person A. I had

added a counter for each person/letter it need to shake hands with, making

sure to exclude a. I then moved to person B and added a labelled counter for

each person it needs to shake hands with. I continued this up to person G. I

multiplied the number of lowercase red counters in the first column (7) and the

number of lowercase red counters in the top row (6) = 21

counters/handshakes between 7 people in a room.


To find the number of handshakes with 10 people in a room I added three

green letters, H, I and J. The different colours helped me to avoid confusion. I

then added h, i and j counters to each row of red counters for them to shake

hands with. Then I moved to letter H and added a counter for each

person/letter it needs to shake hands with other than itself. I continued the

same strategy for letter I and J.

Then I multiplied the 9 columns by 10 rows = 90. This counted each

handshake twice so I needed to half 90 by dividing it by 2 = 45 counters/


Abstract Representation (Appendix 1, 1.3)

The problem states that there are 10 people in a room so if they all need to

shake hands then each person must shake hands with 9 people (10 people x

9 handshakes = 90 handshakes). Similar to the concrete representation, each

handshake is counted twice so I needed to half the number of handshakes

(90 divided by 2 = 45 handshakes). In other words this means that n (number

of) people will each shake hands with (n-1) people. Then divide this by 2

because I counted the handshakes twice. Therefore, n(n-1)/2. This formula

can be used to find any number of handshakes

Example 1: Example 2:

n(n-1)/2 n(n-1)/2

= 7(7-1)/2 = 10(10-1)/2

= (7-1)= 6 = (10-1)= 9

= 7 x 6 = 42 = 10 x 9 = 90

= 42 divided by 2 = 21 handshakes = 90 divided by 2 = 45 handshakes


Analysis of Students Work Sample

Communicating MA3-1WM

Describes and represents mathematical situations in a variety of ways using

mathematical terminology and some conventions

Anastasija has displayed her ability to use a range of representations to

express mathematical ideas and solve the handshake problem. Evident in her

work samples, these representations include diagrams, written number

sentences, visual drawings and by writing the problem (SI 17). Although she

mentions in the interview that she finds manipulates such as counters helpful,

she did not use them to solve the handshake problem (SI 05). Anastasija had

begun drawing three diagrams that she had not completed because she found

that they were not helpful in solving the problem (SO 02, SO 03).

Anastasija understood the mathematical terms linked to the handshake

problem (SI 16). She was able to orally describe how an answer was obtained

through the use of some mathematical terminology (SI 16, SI 23, SI 27).

There were times that she could have used proper terminology for instance

instead of saying, took away, she could have said subtracted. She was able

to recognise and describe the number pattern orally and in written form (WS2,

SI 24). Anastasija also used maths symbols such as + and =, when

formulating mathematical ideas (BOSTES, 2012) (WS2).

Problem solving MA3-2WM

Selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies, including the use

of digital technologies, in undertaking investigations


Anastasija used multiple problem solving strategies during her investigation.

She shows evidence of using the strategies included in Polyas problem

solving step of devising a plan (2014). These strategies include looking for

patterns and solving simpler problems (Polya, 2014) (WS1, WS2, SI 24).

Through his research, Schoenfeld (2014) found heuristics to be one of four

categories of problem solving. Such strategies are linked with Polyas

principals and include working backwards, reformulating problems and

drawing to help solve a problem, all of which Anastasija has demonstrated

throughout her investigation (SI 22, SI 16, SI 25, SO 04, WS1, WS2).

Although the question first asks for the number of handshakes between 7

people, Anastasija found out how many handshakes with 10 people in the

room and then subtracted what was not needed (SI 27). Anastasija has also

used strategies such as rereading and writing the problem and writing number

sentences to solve it (WS1, SI 15, SO 01).

Reasoning MA3-3WM

Gives a valid reason for supporting one possible solution over another

Anastasija was able to recognise and explain the relationship between the

number of handshakes and the number of people and through this she was

able to see a pattern (SI 23). She also justifies the strategy she used to solve

the handshake problem (SI 23). Although I had used Newmans prompts

(1977) to encourage Anastasija to explain her thinking and reasoning

regarding how to solve the problem, she has shown to provide these reasons

after she had solved the problem rather than during the process (SI 14 - SI

20, SI 23 - SI 27). This makes it difficult to understand exactly where she

makes the problems, as I can only make my own judgements based on her


explanations and working out. The student has provides reasons for choosing

one solution over another (SI 23, SI 24, SI 26).

Anastasija had at first misunderstood the question and thought that only she

needed to shake hands with the other people rather than each person shaking

hands with each other person (WS1, SI 19). This was not because she did not

understand the maths concepts and terminology, but because she had not

properly processed what the problem was asking before starting to solve it.

After providing her with some clarification, she was able to solve the problem

(SI 21). Anastasija demonstrated her understanding by explaining her

mathematical thinking through written, oral and visual representations (SI 23,

SI 24, WS1, WS2).

Anastasija is able to manipulate the handshake problem by deconstructing it

and then rewriting it in a way that helps her understand (WS1). Her work

samples demonstrate her perseverance in undertaking mathematical

challenges, for if one strategy did not help her then she moved to another and

also continued to solve the problem after making mistakes (Booker, Bond,

Sparrow & Swan, 2010) (WS1, WS2, SI 26, SI 27). The student carried out

answers efficiently and it was clear that she was able to readily recall

knowledge when choosing appropriate methods to find solutions (BOSTES,




Anastasijas overall values and attitudes towards mathematics were positive.

When asked if she likes maths, she stated that it depends on how well she

understands the topic (SI 03). It is largely due to her lack of confidence in

some areas such as division (SI 05, SI 06). Teacher orientated maths lessons

with time limits are not enjoyed by Anastasija (SI 10, SI 11). It is clear that

Anastasija demonstrated interest, enjoyment and confidence in the pursuit of

mathematical knowledge, particularly when she is able to use visual or

concrete representations to solve problems (BOSTES, 2012) (SI 04).

Anastasija showed enthusiasm and interest in solving the handshake problem

and commented that she enjoys problems like these because they are similar

to riddles (SI 12, SI 16). Through this it is evident that she enjoys a challenge

and shows perseverance in undertaking maths challenges such as this one

(WS1, WS2).

Patterns and Algebra MA3-8N

Analyses and creates geometric and number patterns, constructs and

completes number sentences, and locates points on the Cartesian plane

Anastasija was able to orally interpret the explanation or problem that was

given to her on a piece of paper by pretending to explain it to someone

younger than her (SI 16). She demonstrated her ability to analyse number

patterns in the solution by paying close attention to the relationship between

the number of handshakes and the number of people (SI 24). After identifying

and describing this number pattern and sentence, she determined a rule to

describe this pattern (SI 23). She did not make use of this rule or pattern by


extending it beyond 10 people in a room nor did she explain why it is useful to

understand the rule or pattern and apply it in a different context (BOSTES,


Suggestions for Future Directions

Recommendation 1

One area of improvement provided by the analysis is Anastasijas confidence

in participating in maths areas that she finds difficult (SI 03, SI 05, SI 06). This

influences her values and attitudes towards maths and if continued, may

effect her motivation, causing her to eventually dislike maths (Cho & Heron,

2015). Therefore, rather than avoiding these content areas, Anastasija needs

to continue to improve her knowledge and skills in order to increase her


Real life investigations such as a mathematics trail in a local park would be

beneficial in improving this area of concern, as the student is able to see how

content areas she lacks confidence in link to every day life (Blackhouse,

2008). She will be able to engage in learning experiences that she has

learned in the classroom, which will heighten her engagement and motivation,

as she is able to explore new ways that maths links with her world

(Richardson, 2004). Maths trails are student-cantered and encourage

students to value and apply what they have learned in the classroom (Martin

& Dowson, 2009) (SI 10, SI 11). Also, the maths trail would involve

cooperative learning where students in homogeneous groups work together to

solve maths problems by contributing diverse knowledge and skills


(Applefield, Huber & Moallem, 2000; Bobis, Mulligan and Lowrie, 2013). This

will increase Anastasijas confidence, as she will have her group members


Recommendation 2

Another improvement that needs to be made is Anastasijas processing skills.

She has misunderstood the handshake problem at first, not because she did

not understand the terminology, but because she had not properly processed

what the problem is asking her to do before beginning to solve it (SI 19, WS1).

This makes it difficult for her to recognise where she made a mistake and how

she found the solution. Anastasija will follow Polyas Model for Problem

Solving to solve Einsteins riddle in order for her to understand the different

stages of addressing a problem (Magee, 2017; Polya, 2014). An emphasis will

be placed on understanding the problem, as that was the step that held

Anastasija back from answering the question correctly, regardless of the

range of problem solving strategies implemented (SI 19, SI 22, SI 16, SI 25,

SO 04, WS1, WS2). This particular maths problem will challenge Anastasija,

as it asks for her to identify and arrange information in order for her to solve

the problem.

Recommendation 3

The analysis highlighted that improvements need to be made regarding

Anastasijas ability to explain the usefulness of a rule or a pattern and extend

it beyond what is asked in the problem (WS1, WS 2). Being able to do this

would demonstrate Anastasijas ability to meet the Patterns and Algebra


outcome MA3-8NA (BOSTES, 2012). She states that she enjoys

investigations such as the handshake problem, because they are tricky and

the answer is not straightforward (SI 16). Thus, another investigation will be

undertaken in order to develop her skills regarding patterns, the prison cell

investigation (Daniquinn, 2011). Students will be grouped heterogeneously

and challenge other groups. Rather than a time limit, which would make

Anastasija feel pressured and lead her to make mistakes, a point system is

used in this investigation (SI 10, SI 11). The questions asked about the

problem allow the student to recognise, explain and extend the pattern or rule.


Magee, A. (2017). Einsteins riddle. Retrieved from

Applefield, J. M., Huber, R., & Moallem, M. (2000). Constructivism in theory

and practice: Toward a better understanding. The High School

Journal, 84(2).

Blackhouse, R. (2008). The Capacity-C Torch Problem. In P.

Audebaud, Mathematics of Program Construction: 9th International

Conference, MPC 2008 Marseille, France, July 15-18, 2008

Proceedings Springer Science & Business Media.

Board of Studies, NSW. (2012). NSW syllabuses for the Australian curriculum:

Mathematics K-10. Sydney: Board of Studies

Bobis, J., Mulligan, J., & Lowrie, T. (2013). Mathematics for children:

Booker, Bond, Sparrow and Swan (2010) Teaching Primary Mathematics (4th

Ed) Pearson: Frenchs Forest.

Cho, M. H., & Heron, M. L. (2015). Self-regulated learning: the role of

motivation, emotion, and use of learning strategies in students learning

experiences in a self-paced online mathematics course. Distance

education, 36(1).

Daniquinn (2011). Cells: Number and logic maths investigation. Retrieved



Martin, A.J., & Dowson, M. (2009). Interpersonal relationships, motivation,

engagement, and achievement: Yields for theory, current issues, and

educational practice. Review of Educational Research, 79.


Newman, M. A. (1977). An analysis of sixth-grade pupils errors on written

mathematical tasks. Victorian Institute for Educational Research

Bulletin, 39.

Polya, G. (2014). How to solve it: A new aspect of mathematical method.

Princeton university press.

Schoenfeld, A. H. (2014). Mathematical problem solving. Elsevier.


Appendix 1: My Work Samples

1.1 Visual


1.2 Concrete


1.3 Abstract


Appendix 2: Annotated Students Work Sample

Circles cut out

from paper were
used as
counters and
can be seen on



what the
Manipulates problem is
expressions to asking by
find a solution writing it
Fluency down

Uses a variety
to express

Drawing to
solve the
Work samples shows that student demonstrates perseverance in
undertaking mathematical challenges. Fluency. Values and Attitudes


(WS2) Used diagrams

to represent
methods and

Solves the
simpler problem
1 +2+3 = 6 Uses a variety
6+4+5+6 = 21 Efficiently
carries out
MA3-2WM representations
to express
Fluency mathematical

methods Solves
problem with
Fluency 10 people
and then 7
people in a


Appendix 3: Annotated Student Interview Transcription

(Note: Student speech in blue font)
SI 01: Hi, Anastasija. How are you today?
varied levels of Good thank you, how are you?
enjoyment in the
pursuit of
SI 02: I am good, thank you for asking. So what do you enjoy about
knowledge school?
Values and I enjoy it when I do subjects that I like to learn. I also enjoy being with
Attitudes my friends on breaks.

SI 03: Do you like maths? Demonstrate

Um to be honest it depends on what we are doing in maths s interest
because sometimes things are too hard for me and Im not enjoyment in
really understanding it but other times Im like yeah! I know the pursuit
how to do that! of
l knowledge
SI 04: Do you remember any maths activities that you have Values and
fun doing? Attitudes
The teacher had a fun activity for us to do. We had a paper
and it was divided in ones, tens, hundreds and thousands and then it
was really fun because I knew what to do by seeing it.

SI 05: So do you find maths problems easier to solve when s that she
you use things that you can see in front of you like how the lacks
paper was folded to show the different place values? confidence
Uses a variety in some
of Sometimes I find it easier to use counters when Im doing maths
representations division and things like that so I can actually see the groups content
to express areas
of things but mostly I like to draw to get it.
mathematical Values and
ideas Attitudes
MA3-1WM SI 06: What are the types of things you find hard in maths?
When we do division because Im a little all of the place when I do

SI 07: Is there anything else that you find tricky other than division?
And when I do three-digit multiplication

SI 08: So you mentioned that you enjoy maths sometimes. What types
of things do you enjoy?
When the teachers werent like, "oh you need to do it like that and

SI 09: So that means that you would rather be given the freedom to
solve the problem yourself and in the way that you like?


Yeah I like the freedom and also if we have a page to do in our maths
plus book I dont like to do it all in order. Id like to do some parts and
then go back to the other parts rather than being told "do that part and
then that part and then go onto a different page". I like to finish what I
started rather than doing bits of each page.

SI 10: So you like completing things at your own pace?

[Nods head]. I am also not a big fan when there is a time limit.

SI 11: Why is that?

Because it makes me focus more on finishing it fast rather than
interest in the understanding it and doing it properly. Thats when I make mistakes
pursuit of by rushing.
Values and SI 12: I completely understand. Today we are going to be solving a
Attitudes maths problem and you will not feel under pressure. You can take as
much time as you need to answer. How do you feel about that?
Umm... Im feeling pretty excited because I get to try something new
and theres no time limit.

SI 13: I am glad that you are excited. Can you please read the question
to me?
Understands You entered a room in which there were six other people standing. If
what the
problem is
everyone was to shake hands with every other person in the room
asking by once and only once, how many handshakes would take place? If 3
rereading it more people enter the same room and shake hands with everyone that
MA3-1WM is already inside, how many handshakes in total would take place now?

SI 14: Do you understand what the question is asking you to do?

Some parts of it. It is long.
Interprets Demonstrates
explanation/prob enjoyment, interest and
lem given to her SI 15: Do you want to reread it in your head and confidence in the pursuit
on a piece of explain it to me when you have understood it? and application of
paper Yep. mathematical knowledge
MA3-1WM Values and Attitudes
Understanding SI 16: Can you explain the activity as if you were
explaining it to someone younger than you?
Oh thats easier! It is a trick question. I love these types of questions
more than whats 6 x 8. It is basically dividing the question into 2
because first you have to find out how many handshakes you have with
6 other people and then you have to add three other people so then
youve got 10 and you gotta find out how many handshakes between
those 10 people.
Reformulate the problem by breaking it up into sections MA3-2WM


SI 17: How are you going to find the Uses a variety of representations to
answer? express mathematical ideas
I am writing it in words MA3-1WM

SI 18: Why are you doing it this way? prompts helped
what the
It helps me understand the question better but I have to use me to identify
question was different ways to get it why Anastasija
asking has made
Understanding SI 19: Tell me what to do to get the answer mistakes
There are 10 people including me so I shook hands with 1977).
everyone, 9 people. SI 14 - SI 20

SI 20: Write down the answer Recognises

Is the answer 9? and explains
SI 21: You didnt understand the question properly. Every single between the
person in the room has to shake hands with each other. number of
Ohh, I get it. Determine a rule to Describes and the
describe the pattern mathematical number of
MA3-8NA thinking people
SI 22: Is it 45?
Describes Understanding
how an
answer was SI 23: How did you work that out?
At first I thought you were meant to shake every second persons hand
but it was a lot more. I made a lot of mistakes but I found out that A and
B are in a room together and they shake hands once because they
Justified cant shake their own hands. Then another letter comes in which is C
strategy but since A and B already shook hands they cant again so they Provides a
used to
solve shake hands with C once each which equals two handshakes. reason for
one possible
problem You keep going with every letter up to J until you get to shake all solution over
MA3-3WM 9 peoples hands. Each time you go up a person the number of another
handshakes goes down. MA3-3WM

Recognises SI 24: Can you explain what you mean when you say that when you
moved to each person the number of handshakes went down?
the number Like when I was up to the first person there were 9 handshakes and
pattern each time I moved to another person it went down. So when I went to
the second person 8 hands were shaken and even when it was the
MA3-2WM eighth person, they shook 2 hands. You get me?
Solves problem with
MA3-8NA 10 people and then
Yep, I get what you mean. 7 people in a room.
Working backwards.
Describes SI 25: Is it 28 handshakes with 7 people?
Understanding Solves one part of the problem at a time to simplify the task MA3-2WM


Provides a SI 26: How did you get 28 handshakes?

reason for Oh wait... I made a mistake and added myself in the handshake so I
one possible
solution over had extra numbers where I didnt need them. So its 21, not 28.
MA3-3WM SI 27: How did you get 21?
I took away 7 because I accidentally added myself that many times.
And I knew it was 21 by ignoring the eighth, ninth and tenth people and
only added the number of handshakes with 7 people.

Describes Uses maths Understanding
how an terminology
answer was


Appendix 4: Annotated Observations of Student

Rereads SO 01: Reads question by whispering. Repeats this twice. Uses a variety of
the representations
question to express
MA3- SO 02: Begins but does not finish drawing a diagram with mathematical
2WM ideas
ten dots and lines leading across each dot to another.

SO 03: Begins but does not finish drawing a diagram with

letters representing the people. Draws triangle shapes to represent the

SO 04: Draws a diagram with letters representing the people. Draws

likes to link people to each other. Continues until J for 10 people.

SO 05: Realises that she did not draw a line for D to shake hands with
B. Only drew lines to A and C. She then draws arrows from each
bottom letter to the top letters.
problem with
10 people
and then 7
people in a


Appendix 5: Einsteins Riddle

(Magee, 2017)

There are five houses in five different colours in a row.

In each house lives a person with a different nationality.
The five owners drink a certain type of beverage, have a certain type of
videogame console and keep a certain pet.
No owners have the same pet, own the same type of console, or drink the
same beverage.

Other facts:
1. The Briton lives in the red house.
2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
3. The Dane drinks tea.
4. The green house is on the immediate left of the white house.
5. The green house's owner drinks coffee.
6. The owner who has a Nintendo 3DS rears birds.
7. The owner of the yellow house has an Xbox One.
8. The owner living in the centre house drinks milk.
9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. The owner who has a PS4 lives next to the one who keeps cats.
11. The owner who keeps the horse lives next to the one who has an Xbox
12. The owner who has a Sony Vita drinks orange juice.
13. The German has a Wii U.
14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15. The owner who has a PS4 lives next to the one who drinks water.
The question is: who owns the fish?


Appendix 6: Prison Cells Investigation

(Daniquinn, 2011)


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