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pRixotyi7 343 ony mM CHEMISTRY OP (FroatiReappear) Note: Time allowed for Section -~ B and Sactiut- Cis 2 Hours and 45 minutes, Section - B Marks: 32 ‘Answer any EIGHT parls. Each part carri¢a FOUR marks, How many moles of Hydrogen ave tare 4: 8.¢ x 10” hyoragen atoms? ‘Alloys are mixtures but not compounds, Give reasons, ‘What te ruber of proions, electrons and neuirong in gach of he given. () Ne (a) 3U ‘What is Rutherford macel of atom? Elaborate briefly. Discuss the periodicity of alomic sizes of the alements in the periodic table. Differentiate between polar and non polar covalent bonds. Some aloms form ionic bond wile other form covalent bond, Give reasons. State and explain Boyle's Law. Whal is Hydrated fons? What is fhe oxidation state of N in No, No; and HNO). What are the uses of Magnecium (Mg)? Section-C Marks: 24 ape wn eee er Note : Attempt any THREE questions. All quostions carry equal marks. {a} Stato whether energy of an electron in 21s wail or energy level is tha same or difereat. {b) Discuss the periodic variation of elect niagtiviy n.@ period and in a group in the period table. (a) Write any three physical properties of ratals, {b) What are the types of solids? Give examples (a) What is solubilty? Explain the factors which affegt solubility, {b) White any three rules for assigning oxidation numbers? (a) Write in detail tha changes tacking place when molten sodlum chloride is electrolyzed. (b) Describe the properties of sodium: wfetiule rae aya oll iit aay hr Mpfagincy A fuel) Ex aver agPLisy 0 eeoneenue ne nf Nv N To Gate Gf cunl a (0 idpeanblineg edn (2) lenge) 0) tgcatlhagband lie 0 Se dNithoallal rabaliiiay 0 ylowallicse ahowt (DEALER ANG Ny ¥ aye tar bntifeyebeombal! ol qj wphlle basil shorn (i) lyr 0) hsehaleriad wenbelsiabe (el 4) hate (2 at ihwiLaine (a) thy aAnsicihedt fboagon (Ai) Vey Batic (Om edbebdinttven (a) vile

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